Who is Pol Pot?

During the Vietnam Conflict, the notorious war criminal Richard Nixon, ordered secret bombing raids on the civilians of Cambodia. Nixon subscribed to the Mad Man Theory of War, which called for relentless bombings, to bring fear into the hearts of their enemies.

These mad raids de-stabilized the government and the social order of Cambodia, and ushered in the Communist reign of Pol Pot and the Camere Rouge.

Under the reign of Pol Pot, millions of people were forcibly removed from the cities, and forced into a communist agrarian society. The middle class, and anyone else who may challenge the rule of the new government, was systematically slaughtered or enslaved. read full article »

The Impact of Biotechnology on the Food Supply

During the last couple of decades, biotechnological innovations were sped through the governments of the world. Anyone in these governments who stood in the way was dismissed from their position.

Monsanto is the company which is chiefly responsible for the changes to our agricultural system. Monsanto has been found to have dumped toxic PCB’s in Anniston, Alabama, USA. a move which cost the company 700 Million dollars in lawsuits. read full article »

How Inner Feelings Cause Changes in the World Around Us

This is a wonderful interview with Gregg Braden, in which he discusses the matrix of energy that surrounds and envelops us. It is the bridge between the inner and outer worlds, which connects the feeling we have inside of us to the experiences we share.

Science tends to ignore the importance of our inner experience, although many of its great thinkers such as Max Planck and Stephen Hawking spoke of this as a Matrix or the Mind of God. read full article »

Esoteric Agenda: How it all fits together.

Over the last couple of years, the increase in the number of videos available freely on the internet, has lead to the release of a tremendous amount of documentaries. Many of these documentaries cover obscure subjects, on topics which are relevant to the lives of nearly every person on the planet.

Esoteric Agenda draws on the available information, piecing together a puzzle that has taken many researchers, such as Jordan Maxwell, Gregg Braden and Michael Tsarion decades to unravel.

Every day we are touched by the far reaching tentacles of Maritime Admiralty Law, or the Law of International Banking. This is the form of law which supersedes the Law of the Land and even the borders of powerful nations. read full article »

Undeniable Proof of Extra-Terrestrial Life

Most people think an instance has never occurred, where the existence of extra-terrestrial life can be verified, in full view of the public. I am here to tell you, however, that proof exists; this proof clearly shows that extra-terrestrials are present in Earth orbit.

Where does the proof come from? The footage from NASA, gathered during STS-75.

The tether mission video shows the tether breaking and moving away from the Space Shuttle. Later you can see large craft, which are clearly flying BEHIND the tether, indicating that it is not simply “dust and debris.”

Watch and you shall see… read full article »

Gregg Braden – Beyond Zero Point

Earth is undergoing a process, unparalleled in human history. We are living an experience that ancient people have prophecies for thousands of years.

The genetic code, which defines our cells, is not fixed at birth. The code is actually changed by the way in which we live our lives.

Humans have access to two types of technology: external technology, which is comprised of the physical tools we use in our lives, and internal technology, which is comprised of the internal understanding we have about existence. read full article »

Interesting Discussion about the notion of “A Depression?”

This is an interesting conversation I had about the notion of a “depression,” with a friend of mine. Many of the thoughts that came to mind were inspired by a lecture by Michael Tsarion – 2012: The Future of Mankind.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

4:04 so when do you think the depression will happen
4:05 granted its already starting to happen

Chris Case
4:05 welp… i think that the human race has been in the midst of a depression for over 10,000 years
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Destroying Viruses with Resonant Frequencies


It is likely that scientists may, some time in the near future, be able to destroy viri by bombarding it with frequencies that resonate with the particular virus.

Every object resonates at a particular frequency. When the amplitude of the frequency is increased sufficiently, an object will be destroyed.

Recent experiments have shown that viruses can be killed by the pulsations of lasers at the right frequency. The present-day understanding of this technology, however, involves trial-and-error.

Imagine what virus eradication techniques will be possible when scientists move out of the current drug paradigm, and into the understanding of resonance.

source: Live Science February 5, 2008

Lou Dobbs Discusses the North American Union Highway

Most of the remaining presidential candidates: Hitlery Rotten Clinton, Obama Bin Laden and John McNugget, refuse to take a position on the proposed North American Union Highway. Ron Paul is the only candidate who was willing to discuss the matter.

During a survey conducted by CNN, 97% of the respondents said that they support requiring the remaining presidential candidates taking a position on the highway. read full article »