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Creating a Paradigm Shift: Revitalizing the Way You View Yourself and the World

“A world that is Free is not United, A World that is United is not Free”. It will take some work and resources on your behalf and work to educate yourself and understand what is happening. The Controllers that run the world want to take away your national boundaries and make a world culture inside your borders. This means no homeland for any culture or nationality.

–Anthony J. Hilder

Today I want to discuss a set of transformative experiences I had around the year 2003, as well as a few of the individuals who helped me to see a new path. This transformation has as much relevance today as it did during that time, nearly 10 years ago, it echoed and amplified similar transformations I’d had in the previous decade, when I was gaining independence from religion. The years which followed this transformation have served me well as further refinement.

It was during this 2003 time-frame that I really started branching out and looking for answers; I was looking for these answers on various fronts.

  • The nature of the body’s health and vitality and how to attain true health and wellness.
  • The nature of the paranormal, particularly psychic phenomena.
  • The nature of government and power in society.

It was at this time that I started reading more about Edgar Cayce, on the advice of a good friend. The part I found particularly interesting were the health readings and the dietary recommendation. I decided, what could it hurt, why not try some of the dietary recommendations? So I tried it out and was I ever blown away by the effect it had on me overall. It was like wiping clean the dirty lens that was my consciousness, a lens that I did not realize was filthy.

This was only the beginning of a journey towards health and wellness, which was greater than I had ever realized possible. It was only after this that I tried acupuncture, juicing, fasting, etc. I was emboldened to try truly radical approaches to change myself and I was most certainly not disappointed with the results.

I also started more vigorously studying the paranormal and realizing that there might just be a bit more to reality than I had been lead to believe. The work of Cayce provided many avenues down which to travel and I also explored other areas as I became aware of them. This left me with, not only a completely revitalized view of my self; but also a completely revitalized view of existence.

Another path I ventured down, was the path of questioning authority in a deeper way than I had previously known. I started to entertain ideas about conspiracies. I opened my mind to the possibility, in the hope that I might find a greater truth and have answered some of the questions that are never answered by the conventional dialog.

One of the first conspiracy-related lectures I ever watched online, was introduced by Anthony J. Hilder and given by Jordan Maxwell. It was somewhat of a pivotal moment in my life, where I decided to walk, even further, down that different path I was on, into the thick of it. This is when I decided to turn away from the herd mentality and walk to the beat of a different drum. I had heard this drumbeat at times in years previous; but this time I felt the urge to be swept up in the new rhythm.

The first in-depth lecture was called Inner World of the Occult and it featured lecturer/researcher Jordan Maxwell. This event opened up my mind to alternative possibilities and alternative ways of seeing the world, which I had previously not considered in depth. It shed light on so many new possibilities in meticulous detail, that it was an adventure to take it all in.

Now, whether or not I understand or agree with the finer points of what Jordan and Anthony say, at this point, is irrelevant. I think it is pretty clear that they were on the right track, if you’ll just look at the events of the past 11 years outside of the storybook narrative of the government and the media. The details are not the point of what I’m saying here anyways.

The important thing, is that my understanding has gone beyond anything said by any group or individual, it has detached from experiencing reality vicariously through others, or through institutions. Having radically different information at my disposal, caused me to question what I’ve been told all my life, in a very substantial way. I learned to question absolutely everything I had been told and take nothing at face value.

Like Anthony said, “a world that is free is not united, a world that is united is not free”, this is true for our own individual freedom, our own individual world. Truth and freedom must be realized at an individual level, or not at all; because there is no way to attain these things in a top-down fashion; as that would merely be an illusion.

Nobody but yourself can make you free. No government, no institution, no religion, no guru; you are the one who realizes the greater freedom within yourself and expands the possibilities; you have to genuinely want it in order to realize it.

This can be done by learning how to explore ideas, explore the world around us and boldly challenging our boundaries and our fears, in ways that might make us uncomfortable at times, in ways that may make us feel vulnerable to change.

So often, we are taught to fear being different, to fear what others will think, venturing out and remaking our self anew. We certainly don’t know for certain, what will be on the other side of the event horizon, when we engage in these kinds of transformative processes.

The world I found when I polished the lens of my own consciousness, wasn’t the world I was told was there, absolutely not. It was a completely different world that you’ve got to experience to its fullest to understand. Latching onto ideals and trying to stay within the realm of socially acceptable experience of reality, is not going to bring you to the truth; it will only distance you from the truth and lock you in a pattern that will be progressively more difficult to break from.

To be truly free, you’ve got to be willing to venture where others are unwilling to go. You’ve got to be fearless, where others are timid. You’ve got to be bold and action oriented, where others are lethargic and aimless. You’ve got to have the courage to stand up, step away from the mechanisms of your control and take matters into your own hands.

Sure, you’ll be wrong at times. You’ll make yourself look like a fool or an ass. You’ll hit dead ends and roadblocks; but by and large, you will be far closer to the truth than those who choose never to venture out of their box. If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not trying. If you’re not willing to admit you’ve made mistakes, you will never better yourself.

All I can hope to do is share my experiences, of how I continuously strive to realize greater freedom and independence, in the hope that it will inspire you to realize a greater awareness in yourself. I’m not trying to tell you what to think; but I am merely trying to get you to look at what is in front of you from a fresh perspective, so that you may rediscover it.

Natural Remedies for Pilonidal Cysts

A Pilonidal Cyst is a blanket term for any type of skin infection near the coccyx. These are normally quite painful, occur somewhat more often in men than in women, and normally happen in early adulthood. Although usually found near the coccyx, this painful condition can be found in several places, including the navel or the armpit.

Development of the condition in a place other than the coccyx is exceedingly rare, however. It usually happens in young people, up to their thirties in age. Conditions in which it commonly occurs include obesity, body hair around the area in question, and a sedentary lifestyle. While a traumatic event is not believed to cause a pilonidal cyst, such an event has been known to inflame existing cysts. Read the rest of this entry »

Project Camelot: David Wilcock on the Ascension

Several years ago, I read David Wilcock’s book The Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce? The information that he discusses in his book and the free ebooks on his website, open up a whole new way of thinking; one which integrates decades of independent and unorthodox research.

In this Project Camelot interview, David Wilcock discusses the changes that we are likely to see, leading up to the pivotal year 2012, as well as the events which shaped his spiritual path.

Originally, Wilcock’s information lead me to the channeled Law of One information.

The information described in these channeled readings illustrates, on a very deep level, how the cosmos is organized into the different energy levels, or densities, which we incarnate into based upon our level of awareness.

Planets can be terraformed, when the beings inhabiting them are ready to transform into other densities. Earth may soon be moved out of the 3rd density and into the 4th density, depending on how the people of this planet react to the coming changes. Many researchers believe that 2012 will bring the pivotal changes.

The Road to Ascension : David Wilcock

Watch the Project Camelot Interview: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4

Our interview with David Wilcock is part of the redirection of Camelot’s energies toward the future of our planet in the years leading up to 2012. As the self-professed reincarnation of Edgar Cayce, he is a good person to start with. In some ways, we have approached David less in the traditional interview mode and more with the stance that all we at Camelot had to do was to place the camera at the opportune time and place and the rest would take care of itself. And so it happened. David is extremely well-read, eloquent and dynamic and in our conversation was able to hit the ground running. He tells us about his own spiritual journey, how he came to terms with his very probable prior life as Edgar Cayce, his meetings with members of the Black Ops community and encounters with the world of the Illuminati, his understanding of the Law of One and the ‘Ra material’, and his in-depth scientific investigations. Read the rest of this entry »

Past-Life Origins of Mental Abnormalities

From Many Mansions: The Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation

by Gina Cerminara

The name of Freud and the term “unconscious mind” are well known today. Many persons, however, are unaware of the fact that Freud’s discovery of the unconscious mind was due to his investigation in hypnosis. It was because hypnotized subjects could recall incidents from their childhood that were completely forgotten in their conscious state that Freud was forced to postulate an unconscious mind to account for the preservation of the otherwise irretrievable material. Freud later abandoned hypnosis as a clinical technique because it proved unsatisfactory in many cases, and proceeded to develop other methods of exploring the unconscious depths. But hypnosis must nonetheless be regarded as the parent of psychoanalysis.
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Edgar Cayce on the Great Pyramid and Sphinx

The psychic reading, given in 1932, on the Sphinx and Great Pyramid at Gizeh, is one of the most fascinating readings about the origins of the ancient world. There are many perplexing mysteries concerning the construction and purpose of the monuments of ancient Egypt and South America.

Atlantean origin of these peoples seems to explain the sudden appearance of great monuments and high culture in both Egypt and South America. It seems highly unlikely that the people there, who had been living in mud brick huts, could advance to a higher level of mathematical, architectural and esoteric understanding than our own culture with no antecedent steps of development. Read the rest of this entry »

What is Atlantis and How Does it Relate to Us?

Often the question comes to mind, “how did this high level of cultural and technological advancement come about?” Scientists and historians will have you believe that hundreds of massive pyramids worldwide appeared: at around the same time, with simmilar characteristics, a common measuring unit (the cubit) and with no anticeedent advances.

Given all of the unexplained artifacts which have already been unearthed and continue to be unearthed; artifacts such as precision carved vases and sculptures, which could not have even been carved with today’s technology, Egyptian inscriptions portraying the use of advanced technology and precision mathematics built-in to most of the world’s great stone monuments and temples, it is no small wonder that people who are willing to venture out of orthodoxy are becoming increasingly convinced that a revisionist view of history is the only way to make sense of all of this.
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Entering the library of the Akasha

Human creation such as families, laws, institutions, money, textiles, rooms, carpets, cars, etc have little significance in the greater scheme of things. This is so because the connections that we share are shared by all; they have nothing to do with civilization or any of the other imaginings of mankind. In the realm of the Akasha, each of us possesses a light body and recognizes that others are always spiritually connected.

Our universal connections are seldom understood, even though they are accessible by everyone; this is because the human mind tends to indoctrinated with one of the many popular cultures of humankind. The indoctrination process often causes the mind to become engrossed in the generally accepted reality and filter all else out of their awareness.

It is possible, however, to deactivate this firewall, of sorts, that we have created in our minds; a firewall which possessed the soul purpose of filtering out the myriad of things that are continuously streaming into our minds. It is essential that we open the gates to more of what exists so that we can have access to the greatest library of them all, the Akashic library.
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Edgar Cayce on the powers of the Lapis Lazuli Stone

The Lapis Lazuli stone has quite a prestigious history. The priest-kings of China presented this stone as an offering to the Lord of the Universe in ceremonies at the Temple of Heaven. The Targums indicate that lapis lazuli was used for the tablets of the Ten Commandments. The ancient kings of Ur and Sumer included the stone in their tombs. Even Tutankhamen’s mummy wrap contained some of this stone. Read the rest of this entry »

The warring spirits of Atlantean times…

According to the life readings given by Edgar Cayce, most of human history took place during the Atlantean civilization; for millions of years humans lived in Atlantis. This civilization was ripped apart by many of the same forces that divide our present civilization.

Cayce terms these forces the “Sons of Belial” and the “Sons of the Creative Force.” The Sons of Belial are obsessed with materialism and have little concept of spiritual awareness. The Sons of the Creative Force are a very spiritual people who were said to have advanced spiritually to levels only dreamt of in our time. Read the rest of this entry »