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Video Podcast #4: Fasting/Detox: Journal #2 – 3/20/2012

Since the beginning of the month of March, I’ve been working on an in-depth cleanse. This cleanse started with a detox diet for the first two weeks, consisting of loads of organic vegetables as soups and stir fries as well as nuts, fruit and dried fruit. This was followed by a week of juice fasting, consisting of fresh raw fruit and vegetable juice diluted 50% with water; this is the stage I am at now. A water-only fast will be beginning this weekend and should last for at least one week, perhaps longer if things work out well.

So far this week, I’ve primarily been drinking juices with some combination of the following (citrus is always taken separately as the guidelines of trophology suggest):

  • carrot
  • bok choy
  • celery
  • cabbage
  • italian parsley
  • ginger
  • garlic
  • kale
  • oranges
  • grapefruit

So-far, I’m feeling good, I have loads of energy and I don’t feel much in the way of withdrawal symptoms from coffee, dairy, bread, etc. In the past I had a hard time getting through the day without a few coffees, it was quite an addiction. Now I am able to get through the day without feeling the need for coffee. I’ll still have some caffiene in the form of a green tea, perhaps, but the overall dosage is much lower than before.

I’ve been able to go about my life with more sustainable energy than before and aside from missing out on the enjoyment of food, I am feeling better than ever. I think this opportunity I’m giving my body to really rest and repair, is really helping a great deal. So I’ll keep a good attitude, which has a huge influence on the results of this kind of endeavor, I’ll be mindful of the effects of whatever I am engaged in and I’ll push forth doing my best to maintain and improve my life as I go.

I went to a Yoga class followed by a Tai Chi class on Tuesday, which turned out to be an above average class in terms of difficulty. Despite having less energy to burn, I did well and I pushed myself in ways that I had not previously pushed myself. I was able to hold difficult poses like scale pose for 30 seconds on each side, which is a record for me and I was able to do poses like half bound lotus forward bend with less difficulty. Overall, I was stronger, more flexible, more disciplined and motivated than I had been in previous experiences.

One of the great things about these kinds of experiences, is they help you to apply the discipline that it takes to engage in fasting/detox, to other parts of your life. It really gets you thinking and introspecting, so you have the potential to really weed out toxic habits and motivational issues that you might have otherwise been complacent with, had you not done a fast/detox.

I did an hour long video podcast, which goes off on alot of tangents; but touches many areas that I felt inspired to discuss. I hope those of you who have the time will check it out and share your thoughts if you are so inclined.

What it Means to Really Be a Friend to Someone

“Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

It has always baffled me, how certain people are periodically nudging me to “hang out with them” or “see them more often”; but when I actually do make it out, they don’t really want to talk about anything other than what they are into. In fact, I have some friends, who I’ve known over the years, who ridicule me when I talk about my interests and only support talking about their own interests. This is not a very balanced equation, nor is it very pleasing to take part in.

Indeed, this is not what real friendship is about. A friend is not there just to be seen and not heard or to only speak when spoken to. A real friend should accept and appreciate your uniqueness, even if they don’t agree with all you say. They should feel free to discuss and debate matters of importance instead of trying to change the subject and bury the matter altogether.

Unfortunately, I do not know many of these real friends; but the ones I do know are always there to enjoy a nice in-depth conversation. I could go for months without seeing one of my real friends and still feel the warmth and acceptance as if we had been together only yesterday.

This notion of popularity, so often sought, has never been important to me; primarily because of the shallow nature of such friendships. I’d rather have fewer friends and maybe even considered an outcast by some, than to suppress who I really am to gain acceptance by the many. I don’t care if I rock the boat from time to time; it’s healthy to stir up some shit and unhealthy to simply suppress things and let them fester.

Never suppress who you are to please others. If they can’t handle you being exactly who you are, then who needs ’em.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

A World of Escapists

A recurring thought, in my stream of consciousness as of late, centers on the all encompassing desire, virtually every human being has; to engage in various forms of escapism. I’ve noticed this at various times in my life and kind of swept it under the rug; but this idea is becoming apparent once again.

Realizing this has got me somewhat depressed and I just have to get this written down; in writing this, I hope to figure out more about this phenomena and my relationship to it. I’d really like to know what we are trying to get away from, what we are hoping to find and if there are any lessons we can learn from these observations.

Maybe it’s a good thing that we are trying to escape, maybe not, maybe I’m totally off base and we, as humans, can’t do anything but escape. I’m not saying that I know anything for sure; I just want to explore something that is, in my mind at least, begging to be explored.

The sad thing about these kinds of thoughts, is the fact that it is very difficult to discuss these thoughts with anyone else. Most people don’t really give a damn what I have to say about anything like this; they either change the subject, ignore me or try to act like having a seemingly “negative” observation about something means that I’m not focusing on what I need to.

That may well be; but it doesn’t change the fact that I am extremely curious about this. I want to know why so little is said about it and why so many engage in this vacuous practice that basically consumes most of people’s lives.

Absurdities in Everyday Life

Why is it that people would rather spend the better part of their free time, frittering away, and/or watching a fictional, or highly controlled, reality via a television screen; when there is a huge glut of unaddressed dilemmas which threaten our long-term survival as individuals and quite possibly as a species.

Why is it, that in many social situations, individuals choose to smoke and drink, often (but not always) in order to escape their daily lives; even if it means that they may not remember the experience, or worse, may even harm their bodies in the process.

Why is it that, when we become activists, who want to see “change” in the world, we often focus our efforts on issues, which we stand little to no chance of having any effect on; while there are other issues which we can have a major impact on, right under our noses, that we simply ignore as if they don’t exist.

Prime examples of this, are the attention given to relatively small scale man made ecological disasters. These disasters get most of the press and activist attention, while most of the damage wrought by man takes place routinely and meticulously planned, in broad daylight, with the massive system of government subsidized, corporatized, monoculture agriculture.

All of this large scale farming is happening, while hundreds of millions of individuals are living atop perfectly productive land on their 1/4 – 1/3 acre lots; usually growing nothing but worthless grass on it.

Since we aren’t using the land that we are on, and we still must eat, we visit the restaurants and supermarkets and spend most of our monies on highly processed, additive laced, genetically modified, franken-food.

What Are We Running Away From

It is starting to become clear to me, that we tend to shy away from self examination and especially the examination of our own personal contribution to our personal survival. Society has given us so many tools to escape this responsibility, namely money; that in just a few decades, we have largely lost the skills which helped build great nations of free self sufficient individuals.

Not only has society given us tools to escape our responsibilities; but it has also given us plenty of red herrings; so that we are less likely to discover a method of curing the underlying cause. We become polarized into phony political, religious and economic paradigms; which only serve to divide us and pit us against each other.

Instead of cooperating amongst ourselves, forming real communities, creating genuine, robust, bottom up, solution-oriented, changes; we expect someone else to take on what is ultimately our own responsibility. We have a solemn responsibility, as individuals, to take decisive action in our daily lives.

What Can We Do?

The most important thing we can do, is to first identify what we really need, to survive and flourish as integrated individuals; while doing so, we need to also determine what we don’t need.

Once this is sorted out as best we can, we need to determine what we can do to get what we need, what impediments if any are stopping us from meeting those needs. Then we need to organize a plan, for how we are going to meet our needs on a continuous basis.

We have to regularly re-evaluate our lives, so that we are eliminating unneeded processes and focusing more energy on those which are necessary; else we will live lives which are not as meaningful as they could be.

Let’s Get Started

As most of us realize, deep down inside; we are facing some serious problems, on so many levels. Many of the problems are already effecting us, while there are many which will only affect us years down the road.

We can’t keep delaying the solutions until tomorrow. If something is not going to be done today; it is probably not going to happen tomorrow either. The desire to escape is addictive and infective. The more we engage in escapism, the more we are likely to do so in the future.

Conversely, the more we engage in decisive individual actions, the more we are likely to do so in the future; especially as we begin to see the effects of our efforts. Each day is like a sliding scale; we either make some progress towards our goals, or we move away from those goals.

We know for certain that if we choose to ignore our responsibilities, they will not simply go away. We can’t just pretend that they aren’t there and they go away; because they are real concrete problems; they will remain with us until we each address them as individuals.

Once enough of us address these problems as individuals, we will undoubtedly see more synergy in our communities. Once successfully kindled, this synergy will have a momentum all its own; which will help to continue the process.

All of this is up to us. If we aren’t willing to do it, then who will.

It’s all Bollocks

David Icke | Infinite Love is the Only Truth: Everything Else is Illusion

The play was a great success, but the audience was a disaster
-Oscar Wilde

The most effective way to disconnect from the manipulations of the Matrix is to laugh in its face. Once we take it seriously we become attached to the game through mind, emotion and fear. The Matrix only exists because we believe its illusions are real, but we don’t have to.

The mind-game has such a grip on reality that people get angry, obsessive or outraged about the most irrelevant bollocks and this myopia cements their arses to the web. In fact, it’s all bollocks. There is nothing, except Infinite Love, that isn’t bollocks. But oh, my – how we get caught. For example, I made the point in I am me, I am free, about the word fuck. Oh my God, did he really say that? ‘Ethel, he’s just said that rude word, it’s outrageous.’ I love it how newspapers, moral guardians that they are, always write the word as f***. What the fuck is that all about? When vou see f*** what goes through your mind? Fuck, exactlyfuck, but not to say it. What bollocks!

Nothing encapsulates how deeply the Matrix has control of the human psyche than our attitudes to the word fuck. It may not be the most beautiful of sounds, but if you hit your thumb with a hammer I challenge you to find a better one to sum up your feelings. Like all words it can be said with venom, matter-of-factly, or in humour and it is the energy and intent behind a word that has the effect, not the word itself. Fuck is just a sound that can produce a disruptive or harmonious resonance depending on the intent. So what’s the big deal about this word when the same is true of all the others? Once again it’s programming. We are told from childhood that the word is taboo and this imprint dictates the lifetime reaction in most people when they hear the dreaded four letters. To say sexual intercourse is fine, though not encouraged because even that’s embarrassing to many, but its one syllable stablemate is definitely persona non grata. Yet imagine if fuck meant something else, say sandwich.

Two pieces of bread with something in the middle is believed to be named after the fourth Earl of Sandwich because, it is said, in about 1762 he asked for meat to be served between slices of bread to avoid interrupting a gambling game. He had originally intended to take the title of Earl of Portsmouth and, if he had, we would now be eating portsmouths. It is also quite possible that if the earl had left his gambling game to have sex with a maid the word sandwich might now be slang for sexual intercourse. It would certainly give new meaning to ‘Im going for a sandwich’. How different it would be if the roles were reversed & by some quirk of events a sandwich was called a fuck. It would be fine to ask for a cheese & tomato fuck, heavy on the mayo but moral outrage would ensue if you asked for a sandwiching fuck. I can say buck & that’s OK. I can say duck & that’s OK. But when I say fuck, there are knickers twisting in every direction. It’s so pathetic & if we can get uptight about a single word, what chance have we got of extricating ourselves from the trillions of far more powerful ways the illusion attaches itself to our sense of reality? It’s the same with nudity. They say a perfect god created the human body and then condemn you for showing it. For goodness sake, they are just illusory willies and illusory breasts. If the taboo programming was not there in the first place no one would give a toss about nudity.

People talk about wanting to be free and yet they can’t get past first base by not being outraged by a bare bum or a single word. Deep breath … Fuuuuuuuuuck. There, see, did anyone die? No one’s been hit by a lighting strike or a cruise missile?
It’s just a fucking word and we are Infinite Consciousness – All Possibility. Jeeeez. I saw a notice outside the studios at a Los Angeles radio station listing all the words a government agency decreed could not be used on air. It said the fine for doing so was $500,000. One of these words was … shit. You can say excrement and pay nothing, but use the word shit for the same substance and you are threatened with a fine of half a million dollars. Give me a shove will you? I’m ready to wake up now. We are so focused on the twigs, like fuck and shit, that we can’t see the trees, let alone the forest. I am not saying everyone should go round swearing if that’s not their choice, but if someone else does, so what?

Sex is another of the moral stickies that keeps people attached to the illusion. I saw an American right-wing Christian say that he was worried about gay marriage and wanted Bush elected to stop it. He was worried about gay marriage? Well, I think I see a way out of this: don’t marry a gay, then. There, simple, what shall we do now? I am tempted to start an Internet advice column and call it noneofyourbloodybusiness.com. What right has anyone to decide if a gay marries a gay? It’s their business and what the hell are we doing moralising about relationships never mind legislating for them? Whether you are gay or what they call ‘straight’ it is only a software program transmitted from and through the DNA/RNA. Infinite Consciousness is All Possibility, the balance of everything, and it doesn’t have our version of ‘sex’ in its non-Matrix form. The super-hologram is where ‘physical’ sex takes place and gay or straight it doesn’t matter. They are both expressions of duality, as is all that male-female stuff. It only happens in the realms of illusion and division. From the perspective we are discussing here, the sexual act, whether between ‘straights’ or ‘gays’, involves inserting a holographic illusion into a holographic illusion and our central processing unit telling us if we are enjoying it or not.
Read the rest of this entry »

Has this ever been your life?

Every day is exactly the same…. There is no love here and there is no pain…. Every day is exactly the same…

I remember when my life was like this. No love… No pain… But now that is all over.

When we live for today… experience today’s pain and/or pleasure… then every day will be its own miracle.

But oh so many of us remain trapped in this sort of reality.

I believe I can see the future
Cause I repeat the same routine
I think I used to have a purpose
But then again
That might have been a dream
I think I used to have a voice
Now I never make a sound
I just do what I’ve been told
I really don’t want them to come around

Oh, no

Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same

I can feel their eyes are watching
In case I lose myself again
Sometimes I think I’m happy here
Sometimes, yet I still pretend
I can’t remember how this got started
But I can tell you exactly how it will end

I’m writing on a little piece of paper
I’m hoping someday you might find
Well I’ll hide it behind something
They won’t look behind
I’m still inside here
A little bit comes bleeding through
I wish this could have been any other way
But I just don’t know, I don’t know what else I can do

I believe I can see the future
Cause I repeat the same routine
I think I used to have a purpose
But then again
That might have been a dream
I think I used to have a voice
Now I never make a sound
I just do what I’ve been told
I really don’t want them to come around

Oh, no

Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same

I can feel their eyes are watching
In case I lose myself again
Sometimes I think I’m happy here
Sometimes, yet I still pretend
I can’t remember how this got started
But I can tell you exactly how it will end

I’m writing on a little piece of paper
I’m hoping someday you might find
Well I’ll hide it behind something
They won’t look behind
I’m still inside here
A little bit comes bleeding through
I wish this could have been any other way
But I just don’t know, I don’t know what else I can do

Ayurveda: The Art of Being

When you go into a allopathic hospital or doctor’s office, do you get the impression that it is missing something.  The most apparent aspect of this form of “medicine” is the fact that most of the “treatments” involve a great deal of money and highly profitable drugs.  Indeed, it looks as if the importance of money has outstripped healing in the medical paradigm of today.

For those of us who want to heal in a different way a more mature form of medicine exists; but it is more than just medicine, it is also an awareness of life.  Ayurveda has been with us for thousands of years and it carries with it the knowledge of healing and well-being that is long lost by the proponents of allopathy.

When a more in-depth solution is sought, to heal the root causes of our ailments, the Ayeurvedic principles often have the answers.  Ayurveda sees the body as a microcosm of the whole and the physician is the conveyor belt between the two, dampening any deficiencies of excesses, to bring things into balance.

[googlevideo 4697724121661222905]

Accepting: Not Taking Ourselves Too Seriously

One of the things has become apparent to me, over the past year or so, is how we often take ourselves and our world views too seriously.  This tends to be especially true when the notion of “spirituality” is involved.   It is certainly important to do what we feel is best, but it needs to be done with the humility of knowing that there are other ways that are equally as valid and a willingness to understand why everyone approaches life in their own way.

As important as spirituality is, it is equally as important to realize that acceptance of diversity is also an important part of spiritual growth.  After all, if we were all the same, there wouldn’t be much of an opportunity to grow and learn.  When we try to shut out the things that we refuse to accept, we are in effect, limiting our expressive capacity.

So-often spiritual seekers get the idea that they know something that nobody else knows, which in turn makes almost everyone else an outsider.  This means that the “outsiders” will not be truly accepted until they acquiesce to the beliefs of the supposed seeker.  Therein lies the seeds of divisiveness that have plagued this planet for thousands of years.

Experiences in my life have lead me towards a more light-hearted approach than I had previously embraced.  I have begun to accept that people are the way they are because they need to learn what it is like to exist in that particular configuration.

So we simply express ourselves based upon where we are in our journey and life then gives us what we need, so we can learn the lessons that someone in that phase of existence needs to learn.  If this is really is the case, then there really is no reason to make everyone like our selves; because to do so would likely delay their progression.

Each of us fits perfectly into the tapestry of life.  We grow or decay as we see fit.  The universe has a set of wonderful mechanisms to balance and sort things out.  Nobody needs to be made to do anything, since everything is at its finest spontaneously.  That is the beauty of the whole thing; treat masterpieces are coming together without effort.

I was laying down today, letting the thoughts stream through my mind.  There were two internal forces vying for control of my intention.  One of the forces sought to judge and label what I saw, while the other force sought merely to experience it and accept it as part of the infinite whole.

When I made a conscious decision to embrace the accepting force, ecstatic waves of comfort and beauty flowed through my being, lulling me into deeper and deeper levels of lucid experience.  I would much rather have more of this sort of experience, as I have grown weary of experiencing the stagnant and limited energy that is otherwise present.

<i>”Nothing lasts, but nothing is lost… Nothing is wrong…. Everything is on track” ~Terrence McKenna</i>

We Manifest Our Reality

The universe has a purpose, though its not what you may have been sold. It simply gives us what we ask for, while the rest has been left, for each of us to decide. If we should choose to fear, then that is what we will be given, until we achieve the destruction that we so woefully fear. But if we should choose to love, then that is what we will be given, until we achieve the creation that we so ardently love.

Whatever we decide to make our focus, will manifest itself in the myriad things around us, so long as we choose to maintain such a focus. We are much more than simple passengers, along for a boring ride into a certain fate. No, we are powerful too, co-creators, gods in our own right; as powerful as any being who ever lived.

The only thing that can be our un-doing, is that which is of our own choosing. Not some wrathful God who judges its creation from afar, like an angry father with his charged rod of iron, with a mighty white beard, he throws an spiteful bolt, at whatever he fears, to prevent it from becoming something on its own that he cannot control, like robotic mindless servants.

Just look at any “organized” form of religion and you will plainly see, that they are selling the same damn thing. Could it be any more awfully obscene? To see these learned men peddling infantile fears, preaching annihilation towards all who refuse to submit themselves blindly.

It doesn’t matter what they call it, what rituals they pursue, or how many followers they have saved, from the evil scourge self-hood. Evil to these men is deviation, from the organizations on which the followers depend.

Surely, they say, this trend towards individuation, will someday be our annihilation. So we must rid our selves of the spark to create; and fear anything that we haven’t been shown by the bearers of the stamp of approval.

Simply reduce it to its components, and it will be evident that their tactics are quite simple, when you look beyond the facade of virtue and righteousness. Virtually every manner of group-think is based upon the fear of annihilation and self-punishing guilt. Without these two techniques, these awful organizations will have no base of followers, no-one would seek their shelter.

They lure you in, with a false sense of security, then they transform you into precisely that which you fear. Because without this paradigm, they have created, you will be certain to experience the annihilation that you so fear.

So it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Since their control paradigm is weak and riddled with holes, it will one day collapse, leaving you exposed. Since you chose to believe, that without fear as your only master, that you shall truly perish, vanishing into the void, then that is what you shall have whenever the fateful day arrives. This focus on annihilation will manifest itself as you so desire.

A Vision of the “En Em” People

In a dream last night, during the early hours of April 30 of the year 2008, I was given an extra-ordinary sequence of visions. The information that came to me in these dreams was unlike anything I have encountered before in the dream world, or in the waking world.

At the beginning of this unusual sequence, I walked into a seemingly ordinary store, then passed by a table where someone was tending to some pastries. I thought to myself how foolish it is to eat pastries, and had a little laugh inside at seeing it there.

After having these thoughts, I passed through a door, which brought me into a hospital. This is peculiar, because I have often thought of hospitals as foolish and even dangerous places, where people are often taken advantage of and treated with techniques based on lies and academic deception. Read the rest of this entry »

How Inner Feelings Cause Changes in the World Around Us

This is a wonderful interview with Gregg Braden, in which he discusses the matrix of energy that surrounds and envelops us. It is the bridge between the inner and outer worlds, which connects the feeling we have inside of us to the experiences we share.

Science tends to ignore the importance of our inner experience, although many of its great thinkers such as Max Planck and Stephen Hawking spoke of this as a Matrix or the Mind of God. Read the rest of this entry »