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Lyndon LaRouche: FIREWALL – In Defense of Nation State

My friends, we are past the point of no-return, from which we could salvage the current monetary system. The present system is experiencing systemic world-wide hyper-inflation, which will only be stopped when a new monetary system is introduced.

Lyndon LaRouche believes that there is no more future for this monetary system. He says that we are at a cross-roads, where we can choose between two paths.

On the one hand, we could choose to use warfare and welfare to prolong the life-span of the current system. Such an approach would drag our world into another dark-age.

On the other hand, we could choose a new system, in which we have a stable monetary system, which rewards productivity and stability; a system which increases food production instead of fighting over the few scraps that are available.

Like Weimar Germany, the productive capacity of our real economy has been destroyed. However, we have done this to ourselves, through our adherence to the belief in globalization.

The Energy Crisis: Its All a Big Hoax!

As the price of gasoline at the pump passes four dollars, the myth of peak oil seems more real than ever. An empirical look at the reality of the situation, however, shows that the opposite is actually true. We are in a period of record oil availability, yet the price of crude increases endlessly.

For those of you who haven’t figured it out already, what we are witnessing here is a Malthusian effort to reduce the human population of earth and steal wealth from the lower castes. Higher oil prices are an easy way of starving people and killing off “undesirables.”

Lindsey Williams is one of the researchers who really enhanced my understanding. His book, “The Energy Non-Crisis” is an excellent expose of our situation. Here are some excerpts:

Peak Oil Hoax – The Energy Non-Crisis

By Lindsey Williams

The following are small excerpts from chapters in Mr. Willims book ‘The Energy Non-Crisis’

CHAPTER 1 – The Great Oil Deception … There is no true energy crisis. There never has been an energy crisis . . . except as it has been produced by the Federal government for the purpose of controlling the American people. …

CHAPTER 3 – Shut Down That Pipeline … My friend answered, “Well, Brother Lindsey, that’s one of the major cross-country pipelines carrying crude oil from the West to the East.” “Ah,” I answered, “That’s rather interesting. I’ve heard there’s a possibility of an energy crisis. I’m sure glad those pumps are running full speed ahead.” … That was in 1972. You will remember that 1973 was the first time we were told there was really an energy crisis. The East Coast was used as a test for that energy crisis, and there were long lines of people waiting, burning fuel while they waited in line for gas they couldn’t get. … Well, the man finally recognized that I was getting a little bit indignant and he said, “well, mister, if you really want to know the truth, the truth is the Federal government has ordered us to close this pipeline down.” The old Westerner went on and told how he stood up to the boss man, “Why man, I can hardly believe that. After all, we’ve got an energy crisis.” The boss man answered him, “Sir, we’re closing it down because we’ve been ordered to.” … Read the rest of this entry »

Bill Maher on the Catholic Church

Bill Maher had some thought provoking things to say about the Catholic church as well as the situation at the polygamist “compound” (apartment?) in Texas.

I think the jist of Maher’s statement is: even if these people in Texas are molesting children, which is quite doubtful in my opinion; they haven’t done nearly the damage that the Catholic Church has done to its victims.

There’s actually plenty of documentation to prove what the Catholic Church has done.

There is really no proof yet, of what the media is trying to insinuate, to be happening on with the Polygamist Mormon group.

I’ve noticed today that a number of organizations are trying to chastise Bill Maher for his comments about the Catholic Church. Many of these messages were very strongly worded, saying that “it was all lies” and other typical catch phrases.

I am here to tell you, however, that everything Bill Maher said has been documented extensively and thoroughly, time and again.

The Catholic Church is at the HEART of the corruption, worldwide. Indeed tens of thousands of children have been molested by pedophile priests. Also, countless individuals have died in wars perpetrated by the Vatican, and the international banking cartels started by the Pope in the 1500’s.

Who is Pol Pot?

During the Vietnam Conflict, the notorious war criminal Richard Nixon, ordered secret bombing raids on the civilians of Cambodia. Nixon subscribed to the Mad Man Theory of War, which called for relentless bombings, to bring fear into the hearts of their enemies.

These mad raids de-stabilized the government and the social order of Cambodia, and ushered in the Communist reign of Pol Pot and the Camere Rouge.

Under the reign of Pol Pot, millions of people were forcibly removed from the cities, and forced into a communist agrarian society. The middle class, and anyone else who may challenge the rule of the new government, was systematically slaughtered or enslaved. Read the rest of this entry »

The Energy Non-Crisis

There is as much crude oil on the North Slope of Alaska as there is in Saudi Arabia. The governor of Alaska stated on the Bill Maher TV show, “Real Time,” on March 18 2005, “There is potentially enough crude oil on the North Slope of Alaska to supply the entire united States of America for 200 years.”~Lindsey Williams

Peak oil is a a lie; it is an idea perpetrated by powerful institutions, for the purpose of deceiving the public. If only the U.S. government would allow crude to flow out of the Northern Slope, gasoline at the gas pump could be less than 1.50 a gallon, in less than one year.

The Energy Non-Crisis by Lindsey Williams

There is no true energy crisis. There never has been an energy crisis . . . except as it has been produced by the Federal government for the purpose of controlling the American people. That’s a rather dramatic statement. to make, isn’t it? But you see, at one time I too thought there was an energy crisis. After all, that was what I had been told by the news media and by the Federal government. I thought we were running out of crude oil and natural gas. Then I heard, I saw, and I experienced what I am about to write. I soon came to realize that there is no energy crisis. There is no need for America to go cold or for gas to be rationed. We shall verify these statements as we provide the facts for you. You might be surprised to find that we will also show why the price of gas will remain high, and in fact will go higher than it is now.

You’ve read about the controversy. You’ve heard the statements, the claims, the counterclaims. You’ve read about the problems of environmental protection, such as the need to protect birds whose species are becoming extinct. What you haven’t heard is that $2 million dollars was spent to go around the nest of one species. On your property, you’d have moved the nest—not so on the Alaska Pipeline. Not true? Questionable? We’ll give you the facts. Read the rest of this entry »

Children of the Corn

Back in June of 2005, Credo Mutawa and David Icke had a fascinating discussion on the history of Africa; a subject which is rarely understood by many in the non-African world. If you look into this history, and past the dis-info peddled by academia and the globalist press, you may find that many great things have happened in Africa over the past few millenniums.

Listen: David Icke and Credo Mutawa: News for the Soul (June 25, 2005)

According to Credo Mutawa, many of the so-called “inventions” of the modern age such as vaccinations, processed food, and a corn-based diet, are actually spiritually blinding our people.

When you sit back and think about it, it really boggles the mind. Why did the members of our society decide, in such a minuscule interval of time, to begin obtaining our dietary calories from white bread and corn?

If anything, this shows just how susceptible we are to mass marketing. The mass consumption of corn, in all its many forms, by our people, only benefits the medical industry and big agribusiness, is quite harmful to the environment, it contributes to the ever-growing obesity epidemic, and it is chiefly responsible for the increase in type II diabetes.

If you look back in the history books, a few millenia from now, I think you hear of a society which ate too much corn and slaughtered too many animals. This way of life was able to expand to great heights, but lacking substance and sustainability, it quickly degenerated.

The people were constantly plagued with disease, so they utilized vaccines laced with mercury, formaldehyde, and aluminum, which themselves caused serious diseases. They sought the advice of “doctors” who further injured them with chemicals. They became fat, so they began eating chemical substitutes for the sweet tastes they were so addicted to.

They did everything… but solve the underlying problems. That is, perhaps, how we will be remembered.

Sound of Muzak

Hear the sound of music
Drifting in the aisles
Elevator prozac
Stretching on for miles
Read the rest of this entry »

Treason in the New Hampshire Primary

When I see shit-bags like McCain and Romney winning elections, three things come to mind:

  1. American’s have learned to love the, already exposed, traitors who are eating them for lunch.
  2. The vote is rigged.
  3. All of the above.

It really is sad to see it all happening again. It is as if we just don’t care about the fact that we are being used and made to go in circles wasting our limited time on this planet. Laugh at it all you want, ridicule it, but the plain and simple fact remains.

If we don’t do something meaningful, not just a symbolic gesture, we are going to lose all that our fore bearers have fought for. Isn’t that worth something to you?

The R3volution is Dead – Long Live the Revolution!!!

mp3 audio version

“This thing is bigger than both of us, baby.
We knew it all along.”
— “Bigger Than Both of Us,” Beier and Kane (2000)

My name is Edgar J. Steele. This is a Nickel Rant.

Here – let me be the first to say it: The Ron Paul R3volution is dead.

No, that isn’t the end of it. In fact, it is just the beginning. The real beginning. Let me also be the first to say, “Long Live the Revolution!” I have written before as to why it must be so.

I haven’t given up on Ron Paul, but I admit to having been convinced by him that he cannot become America’s President. It took a long time. I don’t know how often I’ve heard him tell reporters or interviewers that his followers “have cured (his) skepticism.” I wince each time, because I know he doesn’t mean it. Too bad.

Yesterday, Dr. Paul issued a statement that he would not challenge the obvious (my word, not his) vote fraud that took place in New Hampshire (and Iowa, for that matter). “I am convinced that vote fraud played no role in this result,” said Dr. Paul. I’d like to think that simply was his diplomacy talking. Problem is, this is no time for diplomacy.

A manipulation of 2 or 3 percentage points, which is all that statistical analysis shows is likely to have occurred, would make little difference to the outcome, putting Dr. Paul ahead of the execrable Rudy Giuliani but still trailing Huckabee, Romney and McCain (there is one web site with analysis suggesting Dr. Paul would finish third). However, demanding that the record be set right would have made all the difference in the world to those of us who knew it was coming. Knew it because we’ve seen it happen before – in Ohio last time, in Florida the time before that and in too many places to be counted, all places where the Diebold electronic voting machines hold sway. Read the rest of this entry »

Ron Paul Places 3rd in Texas Straw Poll: Supporters Locked Out of Poll

Ron Paul got 16.17% of the votes in the Texas Straw Poll despite the fact that Ron Paul delegates were locked out and unable to vote. Some of the delegates were told to leave because they were not “properly dressed,” but when they returned they were told that it’s “too late.”

The reason the “poll” had such a low turnout compared to previous years, might have had something to do with the unadvertised 10pm “cut-off time” which left many of Dr. Paul’s supporters locked out from the voting.

Gotta wonder why they were so interested in limiting the number of people who can register. Looks to me like the GOP made sure the supporters of their favored candidates got in early and then cut off the voting after they got the votes they wanted. They are getting quite desperate to keep up the appearance that anyone really wants to vote for phony conservatives such as Duncan Hunter.

16.17% Ron Paul (217 votes)
41.1% Duncan Hunter (534 votes)
20.5% Fred Thompson (266 votes)
6.4% Mike Huckabee (83 votes)
6% Rudy Giuliani (78 votes)
4.7% Mitt Romney (61 votes)
.46% Sam Brownback (6 votes)
.62% John McCain (8 votes)
.46% Tom Tancredo (6 votes)
2.2% Ray McKinney (28 votes)
.23% Hugh Cort (3 votes)
.77% John Cox (10 votes) Read the rest of this entry »

BATF/IRS — Criminal Fraud

William Cooper | CAJI News Service

The powers of the Federal government of the united States of America are clearly enumerated in the Constitution. It is strictly forbidden to have a direct tax that is un-apportioned.

If the Federal government legitimately possessed the power to lay a direct un-apportioned tax, then there would be no need for a Constitution because the government could tax whomever they pleased, at whatever rate they demand and have powers that extend beyond its Constitutional limitations.

“The Congress shall have Power to Lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excise, to Pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States”

– The Constitution for the United States of America,
Article 1, Section 8, paragraph 1.

” No Capitation or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken.”

– The Constitution for the United States of America,
Article 1, Section 9, paragraph 4. Read the rest of this entry »