There are a great many well-meaning people, who intend to be helpful; they want to have a positive impact on someone else’s life so much that the effort becomes more about them helping than the ones they are trying to help. When this occurs, those who are receiving the “help” must question the real intent and meaning of these actions.
In observing a “helper,” you tend to notice one of three things: they truly want to help, they are helping to satisfy a self-gratifying desire to help or they feel obligated to help in some way.
When someone wants to help for self-gratifying reasons, they generally care more about what they get out of the act, as opposed to the “help” actually being helpful and welcome by the other individual. The end result of this sort of behavior, is that the “helper” is merely trying to control the situation, without regard to the wishes of the other individual.
If someone wants to experience something in their own way, then how helpful is it to force “help” upon them; when, in doing so, it causes more problems than it solves? Then what we have here is not “help” at all, but a form of selfishness labeled as “help.”
Since the person on the giving end of this energy believes that they are only being helpful; they become unaware of the fact that they are actually doing more harm than good to those who they claim to be caring about.
If one really cares about another, then why not honor their wishes fully, without projecting guilt towards the other for not wanting the help? Might one think that they “know better than the other,” how to live that other person’s life; and have “been there” and “done that”; but actually closed their mind to the possibility of other ways of approaching situations?
If someone has something important happening in their life, which they want to do their own way; then why should they want outsiders coming in pushing for their own agenda?
This essentially forces the other to deviate from their preferred course of action, otherwise be viewed as “the bad guy” and made to feel guilt for not taking the modified course of action. How helpful is it to distract someone from accomplishing that which is important to them in the way they have chosen?
Often, the most helpful thing one can do, if one truly wants to help, is to allow the loved one to take the path they have chosen, without assistance, if that’s what they prefer. It is often best to assume that one is not in need of assistance, unless they have asked for it directly.
The most loving thing one can do for another is to have unconditional acceptance for the other’s choices, without projecting ones own wishes and ideals upon them.
To put it simply, just “let it be” and one will help more than one could have planned or imagined possible.
Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities — the political, the religious, the educational authorities — who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, informing — forming in our minds — their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question authority and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable open-mindedness, chaotic, confused vulnerability to inform yourself.
— Dr. Leary
Our most important responsibility, as human beings, is to be a designer of our own realities; because, when we design truly unique realities, then we are adding something beautiful and unique to enrich the whole of existence, which in-turn encourages others to do the same in their own unique way.
In today’s world, however, this responsibility has largely been abdicated. Everywhere we turn, someone is trying to sell us a designer reality. Whether it be a media personality, a television show or a form of organized religion; these realities are not at all unique, and they aren’t even designed by the individuals who are trying to sell them.
The mind-set of today’s world best resembles that of a Parrot, which blindly repeats that which it hears most frequently. Of course the Parrot does not understand the true meaning of what it is saying or the implications, but it repeats it nonetheless. This being the case, the Parrot does not have any real control over its expression, so it therefor has little power to change anything.
If we can transform this Parrot mindset into that of the highly intelligent Human Beings, which we all possess the potential to be, then the world will change into a much more novel place very quickly; but first we are going to have to learn to communicate on a deeper level. We need to move beyond mere language and communicate in a more direct way, because so much is lost in translation otherwise.
That doesn’t mean that we have to stop using language, instead we need to change our relationship with language, so we truly understand what we are saying as well as what is being said. We need to learn to practice philosophy in small groups, so we have a rich understanding of our ideas. We also need to study etymology so we understand where the words we use come from, so that we, like the Parrot, are not using words we do not understand.
Its all about learning to operate your brain independently, so you are not co-opted by forces outside of your control, because the highest level of creativity and ingenuity comes from individuals who have chosen to blaze their own trail and reach their own conclusions.
This is an experiment in mind formation, in-formation, forming, controlling, operating your mind and your brain, using digital techniques to overload, scramble, confuse, unfocus your mind.
The natural state of the brain is chaos. We’re dealing with a complexity of in-formation. The first thing to do is to overwhelm your focused mind, your linear mind, by overloading signals, digital patterns, clusters of photons and electrons which produce a pleasant state of confused chaos. This is the state of the brain when it is ready to be informed, that is, to be reprogrammed.
The human brain contains one hundred billion neurons, each neuron is as powerful as a large computer, and each neuron has around ten thousand connections with other neurons. Within our foreheads there is a chaos, inside our brains there is a galaxy of information, which is incomprehensible to our linear minds.
This contrasts and compares perfectly with the chaos without. We’re living in a universe, which has one hundred billion galaxies, each galaxy with star systems, planets, a complexity, again, which to our minds right now is chaotic, incomprehensible.
Chaos is beautiful. Now many times we are afraid because we want order. We can’t deal with the confusion and disorder. We want form. We want rules. Yes, throughout human history there have been people?religious leaders, political leaders?who will give you order. They will give you rules and commandments.
But chaos is basically good. Relax. Surf the waves of chaos and learn how to redesign your own realities. Sit back. Flow. Open your eyes. Turn off your minds. Unfocus, and let the waves of chaos roll over your brain. Float. Drift, Zoom. Design. Create new order, your order, your style from chaos.
Yes. Yes. Chaos. Yes, yes, chaos . . .
Read the rest of this entry »
Every day is exactly the same…. There is no love here and there is no pain…. Every day is exactly the same…
I remember when my life was like this. No love… No pain… But now that is all over.
When we live for today… experience today’s pain and/or pleasure… then every day will be its own miracle.
But oh so many of us remain trapped in this sort of reality.
I believe I can see the future
Cause I repeat the same routine
I think I used to have a purpose
But then again
That might have been a dream
I think I used to have a voice
Now I never make a sound
I just do what I’ve been told
I really don’t want them to come around
Oh, no
Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same
I can feel their eyes are watching
In case I lose myself again
Sometimes I think I’m happy here
Sometimes, yet I still pretend
I can’t remember how this got started
But I can tell you exactly how it will end
I’m writing on a little piece of paper
I’m hoping someday you might find
Well I’ll hide it behind something
They won’t look behind
I’m still inside here
A little bit comes bleeding through
I wish this could have been any other way
But I just don’t know, I don’t know what else I can do
I believe I can see the future
Cause I repeat the same routine
I think I used to have a purpose
But then again
That might have been a dream
I think I used to have a voice
Now I never make a sound
I just do what I’ve been told
I really don’t want them to come around
Oh, no
Every day is exactly the same
Every day is exactly the same
There is no love here and there is no pain
Every day is exactly the same
I can feel their eyes are watching
In case I lose myself again
Sometimes I think I’m happy here
Sometimes, yet I still pretend
I can’t remember how this got started
But I can tell you exactly how it will end
I’m writing on a little piece of paper
I’m hoping someday you might find
Well I’ll hide it behind something
They won’t look behind
I’m still inside here
A little bit comes bleeding through
I wish this could have been any other way
But I just don’t know, I don’t know what else I can do
One of the things has become apparent to me, over the past year or so, is how we often take ourselves and our world views too seriously. This tends to be especially true when the notion of “spirituality” is involved. It is certainly important to do what we feel is best, but it needs to be done with the humility of knowing that there are other ways that are equally as valid and a willingness to understand why everyone approaches life in their own way.
As important as spirituality is, it is equally as important to realize that acceptance of diversity is also an important part of spiritual growth. After all, if we were all the same, there wouldn’t be much of an opportunity to grow and learn. When we try to shut out the things that we refuse to accept, we are in effect, limiting our expressive capacity.
So-often spiritual seekers get the idea that they know something that nobody else knows, which in turn makes almost everyone else an outsider. This means that the “outsiders” will not be truly accepted until they acquiesce to the beliefs of the supposed seeker. Therein lies the seeds of divisiveness that have plagued this planet for thousands of years.
Experiences in my life have lead me towards a more light-hearted approach than I had previously embraced. I have begun to accept that people are the way they are because they need to learn what it is like to exist in that particular configuration.
So we simply express ourselves based upon where we are in our journey and life then gives us what we need, so we can learn the lessons that someone in that phase of existence needs to learn. If this is really is the case, then there really is no reason to make everyone like our selves; because to do so would likely delay their progression.
Each of us fits perfectly into the tapestry of life. We grow or decay as we see fit. The universe has a set of wonderful mechanisms to balance and sort things out. Nobody needs to be made to do anything, since everything is at its finest spontaneously. That is the beauty of the whole thing; treat masterpieces are coming together without effort.
I was laying down today, letting the thoughts stream through my mind. There were two internal forces vying for control of my intention. One of the forces sought to judge and label what I saw, while the other force sought merely to experience it and accept it as part of the infinite whole.
When I made a conscious decision to embrace the accepting force, ecstatic waves of comfort and beauty flowed through my being, lulling me into deeper and deeper levels of lucid experience. I would much rather have more of this sort of experience, as I have grown weary of experiencing the stagnant and limited energy that is otherwise present.
<i>”Nothing lasts, but nothing is lost… Nothing is wrong…. Everything is on track” ~Terrence McKenna</i>
At desperate times
It is only through loss
That we become released
Free to roam again
To redefine our selves
Detached and awake
Anol shalom
Anol sheh lay konnud de ne um {shaddai
Nom de leesh
Ham de nam um das
La um de
We de ze zu bu
We de sooo a ru
Un va-a pesh a lay
Un vi-i bee
Un da la pech ni sa
Un di-i lay na day
Un ma la pech a nay
mee di nu ku
(Fast tempo, 4 times)
La la da pa da le na da na
Ve va da pa da le na la dumda
Anol shalom
Anol sheh ley kon-nud de ne um.
M-ai shondol-lee
Flavu… {Live on…
Lof flesh lay
Nof ne
Nom de lis
Ham de num um dass
La um de
Shom de nomm
Ma-lun des
Alas sharum du koos
Shaley koot-tum.
If the people will simply transmute this stagnated, fear-based energy, into productive nurturing energy; they will profit greatly and the situation will reverse itself on all levels.
The people fear not having adequate food due to inflation, excessive taxation, poor use of capital and interest payments. With each passing day the people are becoming increasingly enslaved to the costs associated with the dependency on civilization and the money system.
It is therefore incumbent upon us to reduce our dependency on this civilization for survival. It is time to exercise our freedom to plant a garden, grow our own foods on this bountiful land that we inhabit.
We have to move away from this hijacked “money” system, and into a “human” system. The “money” system has no integrity anymore.
The architects of today’s system have created 1.1 QUADRILLION dollars worth of derivative instruments to float the massive debt and keep Frankenstein alive. At any moment, the money system could come unhinged and bring the prices of everything sky-high, as happened in Weimar Germany after the reparations of WWI.
It is far more profitable to live independently, when it is feasible, because the government cannot tax your tomato bush, fruit tree, etc. The system can, however, tax 40-50% of the cost of getting food through the money system. By the time a loaf of bread reaches you, it has been taxed, all told, hundreds of times directly and indirectly.
The trip to the ballot box is rigged, we have to uproot it at the source. Reduce, and seek to eliminate your dependency on civilization, become more independent with each passing day if you can.
The willingness to stop this dependency, when it becomes so much of a burden as is now the case, is an essential element of freedom.
My experiences over the years,
Confirm to me time and again,
That this place is a disease,
That feeds off of the strong,
And empowers the weak.
I keep trying, and try I must,
But something always seems to come along,
To take away what little I am able to produce,
After taxes and thieves have had their way with me.
I know it hasn’t always been this way,
And it can’t be this way forever,
But I wonder when it will end,
So I can do even one thing,
That isn’t tainted before its complete.
Tainted by the rot of the wretched and soulless,
Weakened and devoured by the fruitless among us,
Made to lay waste in its youth,
Defloured at the pinnacle of its existence.
There are those who will tell me to ignore my concerns,
Paint a smile in my face and enjoy the smell,
But I would be untrue to my self and to you,
If I didn’t say what a dirty rotten hell this place can be.
Its only a perspective, its only my experience,
If I could live it differently, then I surely would,
But this place is what it is,
And I am what I am,
And I’ll be god damned if I’ll just sit back and smile.
In a dream last night, during the early hours of April 30 of the year 2008, I was given an extra-ordinary sequence of visions. The information that came to me in these dreams was unlike anything I have encountered before in the dream world, or in the waking world.
At the beginning of this unusual sequence, I walked into a seemingly ordinary store, then passed by a table where someone was tending to some pastries. I thought to myself how foolish it is to eat pastries, and had a little laugh inside at seeing it there.
After having these thoughts, I passed through a door, which brought me into a hospital. This is peculiar, because I have often thought of hospitals as foolish and even dangerous places, where people are often taken advantage of and treated with techniques based on lies and academic deception. Read the rest of this entry »
This is an interesting conversation I had about the notion of a “depression,” with a friend of mine. Many of the thoughts that came to mind were inspired by a lecture by Michael Tsarion – 2012: The Future of Mankind.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
4:04 so when do you think the depression will happen
4:05 granted its already starting to happenChris Case
4:05 welp… i think that the human race has been in the midst of a depression for over 10,000 years Read the rest of this entry »
To all of my long-time readers, I would like to apologize for my recent extended absence from the blog-o-sphere. I know there are a few of you out there, who enjoy reading my regular commentaries. I want you to know that I will continue to post my thoughts, regardless of what direction my life takes. This is far from the end of my blogging days; on the contrary, it is the beginning of a new period of my life, where I hope to raise the bar for my level of creativity and originality.
Sometimes I just need some time away from all of this to attend to the things that are happening in my life. I have many things that I would like to attend to, in order feel the proper balance and to take my creativity into areas which it has yet to delve. I also have some new forces in my life that are helping a great deal to realize these creative aspirations; I think it is of the utmost importance that I give everything its due and allow things to unfold without being too insistent.
Intuition tells me that things are changing rapidly and drastically; despite all of this, however, the underlying thrust, to liberate all forms of creativity and express my genuine self-hood, is likely never to change. I know this because, throughout my life, despite all of the forces trying to make me like everyone else, this is the one aspect of me that has not waned. In fact, the more I am compelled to conform, the stronger the desire becomes to be unique.