As of September 25, gold has broken through two long-term formations and sits at the neckline of an inverse head & shoulders formation.
Given that gold closed the week at the neckline of such a long-term Head & Shoulders formation, after having shown such resilience over the past few weeks, it is time we prepare ourselves for a significant move, further into unknown territory. The chart above indicates that gold is acting like a coiled spring, ready for the slightest trigger, to send it into launch mode; bringing the price into the $1200-1300 USD range.
When I look at this chart, I am reminded of the 2002-2003 period, when gold was hovering around the $375 range in a large wedge formation. At the time everyone was thinking, “this must be it for gold, it’s already had such a run from $250, the bull run surely must be over by now.”
I remember seeing the wedges, similar to the current chart, though less volatile than the current price fluctuations. I remember seeing a good-sized wedge in the MACD which had broken to the upside. In fact, it was at this time that Jim Sinclair, the CEO of Tanzanian Royalty Exploration and the author of Jim Sinclair’s Mine Set had a contest for gold community members to draw the relevant trend lines on an Investors Business Daily gold chart that he provided. The prize for this contest was a one ounce gold coin.
Well, I took Jim up on his offer and drew formations similar to those on the attached chart. Including a MACD breakout precisely like the one on the current chart. I made the chart simple yet elegant and intuitive and fortunately for me; out of all of the hundreds of charts sent in to his fax, he chose mine as the winner. What a great feeling that was and what an appreciation I gained for the power that each of us has to understand what is going on in the economic world with elegant simplicity not endless complexity.
It was even more rewarding to see gold advance to $450 by late 2004 and then $700 by 2006. What you have to realize, when you are studying these charts, is the fact that the underlying forces which propel gold skyward have not changed. The governments and central banks of the world continue to employ their disastrously flawed Keynesian economic models which create welfare, warfare and ultimately massive inflation.
Politicians love having all of the “free” money, hot off the printing press, to buy votes, line the pockets of their associates and bail out their friends. That is why these leftist notions of a nanny state taking care of us from cradle to grave, often embraced by Republicans and Democrats alike, is not going to solve the problems it was intended to solve.
This is because everything has a cost, yes even the nanny state, corporate welfare and the like. As the price of the yellow metal rises the buying power of the savings of billions of individuals decreases; so they are in effect robbed in broad daylight by the Keynesian inflationary policies. Is it any wonder that the standard of living continues to decline all over the western world.
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” –Einstein
One of these days, it may dawn upon people, en mass; that in general the government doesn’t solve problems, it only creates problems. So the only way to truly solve problems is by strictly limiting the role of government to that of a referee and letting the free market bring about the solutions we need.
Had the free market been allowed to act upon zombie banks years ago, when the problems first arose; these banks would have never become “too big to fail.” Had the free markets been allowed to act, unhindered, in the health care field, we would have more choices and less people unable to get the help they need.
Unfortunately, with the public school educated populace; the first place they turn whenever their is a problem is the government. So we have the Hegelian dialectic, “(problem) oh goodness, what a dreadful problem! — (reaction) what are they going to do about it? — (solution) the policies that were originally sought, but did not find the political support are now widely supported and then implemented without much opposition.”
It really saddens me to see my countrymen repeating this cycle over and over again, unaware and uncaring of the fact that it makes their lives much more difficult and constrained. I often wonder when it will become apparent to them that all of this nonsense isn’t working. Will it be when gold is at 3,000? 5,000? 10,000?
I can’t say for sure when decisive action will be taken; but if history is any indicator, inevitably there will come a point at which the pull of the massively centralized state on people’s lives distorts the culture of these people to such an extent that they decide they’ve had enough of it. This would be the point where they realize that it costs so much more to live in a massive welfare state than the benefits that are derived from it and the productive individuals either demand real change, or they pull up anchor and head for some place which will suit their needs.
At the dawn of America’s independence, her newly formed government was populated with reluctant leaders; statesmen in the truest sense of the word. Whereas in today’s world, such statesmanship is practically an anathema; for those who do exhibit statesmen-like principle are often ridiculed, for their strict opposition to the unprincipled, morally bankrupt, tactics of today’s political movements.
“I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever, in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else, where I was capable of thinking for myself. If I could not go to heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all.”
– Thomas Jefferson
In contemporary American society, there is a considerable hubris and hypocrisy, exhibited by the ruling party and supporters of this party; whether it be Republican or Democrat. Both parties claim to be adherents of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, yet both parties unapologetically denigrate these foundational principles at virtually every opportunity.
It is as if the principles of equal protection under the law, upon which our republic was founded, have been discarded in favor of a democracy in which favored groups are rewarded using protection rackets and money powers to govern.
American society is ever becoming like many ancient societies, where the national government becomes the centerpiece of everyone’s lives. They use bread and circuses to keep the people occupied, such that they do not object to the gradual takeover and subjugation of an individual’s right to self-determination.
Some-day in the near future, it may be virtually impossible to make a decent living in America, without working directly for the government or as a contractor of the government. This merging of the corporations with the government is the very definition of Industrial Fascism.
“This I hope will be the age of experiments in government, and that their basis will be founded in principles of honesty, not of mere force.” — Thomas Jefferson
If you consider the extent to which we are taxed and scrutinized, as well as the legal definition of Citizen of the United States, then we are already employees of United States; because in legalese the term Citizen is held to mean Employee. This is how the government gets away with the so-called Income Tax, despite the fact that direct un-apportioned taxes are expressly forbidden in the Constitution. In fact many Americans are already working 3+ months out of the year to pay for the taxes they are compelled to pay by the government. Read the rest of this entry »
Nassim Haramein has a promising theory, which unifies the fundamental forces of physics and shows the universe as being a fractal of a 64 tetrahedron grid. This means that the universe is not only infinitely large, but it is also infinitely small; because the 65 tetrahedron grid is a recursive geometric structure which you can go into or out of infinitely.
There is a great deal of background behind Dr. Haramein’s theory. For further research, listen to the Coast to Coast interview below, or check out his foundation’s site The Resonance Project. Read the rest of this entry »
In this western empiricism “box” that we often put ourselves in, we are resigned to acknowledging only the images that enter our minds through the visual cortex. There are, however, other ways of seeing and experiencing which neither involve the eyes, nor objects that the eyes have seen.
This reliance on the so-called “five senses,” as the only valid form of experience, tends to blind us. Because of it, we often fail to experience the deeper aspects of our being. Indeed there is a kind of circular reasoning behind empiricism; there is this implicitly accepted idea that I cannot know anything beyond what the “five senses” experience of the material realm.
Is there really any basis for the belief that there is nothing beyond the “five senses”?
There are a number of experiences one can have, be it shamanic or meditative, which provide a glimpse of realms of being which are altogether alien to the material world.
Intuition: Delusion or Perception?
Toward a Scientific Explanation of the Akashic Experience
Irvin Laszlo | New Dawn Magazine
The intuitions reported by mystics, poets, artists, ordinary people, even scientists, often go beyond the range of sensory perception. In the reductionist culture inspired by classical science, they are dismissed as mere delusion – classical empiricism claims that there is nothing in the mind that was not first in the eye. However, the classical tenet is not universally upheld. It is exceptional in the annals of history, and even in the context of contemporary cultures. Read the rest of this entry »
David Icke | I Am Me, I Am Free: The Robots Guide to Freedom
Ask anyone and they will tell you that they want to be free. What does it mean to be truly free? Is it something that is bestowed upon us by some outside force such as the government?
Actually, true freedom issues from within our very being; we create the freedom or the lack thereof in every moment that we exist. With each passing breath we have a choice; we can be “an infinite consciousness capable of being and creating whatever it chooses” or we can be “an illusion imprisoned by its own perceived and programmed limitations.”
When you look out into the world, is it not obvious that there is a very real problem with people unnecessarily limiting themselves with their own perceived and programmed limitations? Might each of us, no matter how much we’ve worked on ourselves, benefit from some reflection on these concepts?
Chapter 1: The Bewildered Herd
by David Icke
So who the hell are you, then? What lies behind those eyes? When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you? The two are so, so, different. One is an infinite consciousness capable of being and creating whatever it chooses, the other is an illusion imprisoned by its own perceived and programmed limitations.
Which of these “yous” is controlling your life? Infinity or limitation? Self love or self disdain? Freedom of thought or a prison of the mind?
Sadly for the overwhelming majority of people on this planet all but the privileged few – it is the conditioned mind which prevails. They live their lives within their programmed limitations of thought, view, and action. It is a world of I can’ts and I daren’ts and I mustn’ts; of I shoulds and I musts and I ought tos; a world of conforming to what someone else says they must be or should be. While the real them sees only solutions and opportunities to learn and evolve, the programmed them sees only problems and reasons not to do. They live life behind bars in a cell of their own making. The world itself reflects the sum total of these billions of individual prisons. The Earth has become a global Alcatraz, a spinning ball of control and imposition dictated by the few at the expense of the many. Freedom? Free-what? How do you spell that again? The human race has not been free for a very, very long time, well before recorded history. But the trick is to persuade us that we are free – then we won’t do anything about the walls that surround us and the warders at the door. Walls? What walls? You’re free! Warders? What warders? You’re free! Read the rest of this entry »
And The Endless Crowds Of People
They Walk Upon This Stone
Where Will Their Memory Go
Where Did Their Minds Come From
And I Was Only A Child
When I First Looked In Your Eyes
And Saw Your Body Rise Over The OceanWe Saw The Golden Boy Bleed Love
Onto The Sand Like Rain
While We Were Injecting Colours
Into Our Open Veins
And Deep Beneath The Water
The Dead Black Silence CrawledFar Away Across The Ocean
The Golden Boy’s Beneath The Sea
The Golden Boy Swallowed By The SeaAnd Love Is Sometimes Violent
And Violence Has No Constraint
And I Can See Inside You
Yes I Can Feel What You Think
And With This Knife Of Silver
I Will Release Your Soul
And Throw It Out Into The OceanNine Million Miles In A Straight Line
In A Place Just Like This
In A Ship On The Water
Where No Dimensions Exist
My Hands Are Holding Your Picture
And The Image It Shifts
I Tear It Up And Scatter It Over The Ocean
The Golden Boy That Was Swallowed By The Sea~swans
What is usually thought of as love
Is actually its opposite
The destruction of diversity
The antithesis of compassion
It is this idea that I must make you exactly like me
I must assimilate your mind, into my way of thinking
So that we may all be mere copies of one another
Without a single difference between us
Its all meaningless rote and ritual
Devoid of any fruitful existence
Stands between us, like a raging inferno
Burning anyone who gets too close to our boundaries
Are we really so different, at the core of our being?
Is not most of what we seek, one and the same?
But there is this mechanism in our conditioning
Often stifling our ability to extinguish the blaze
“We reproduce catastrophe because we ourselves are traumatized – both as a species and individually, beginning at birth. Because we are wounded, we have put up psychic defenses against reality and have become so cut off from direct participation in the multidimensional wilderness in which we are embedded that all we can do is to navigate our way cautiously through a humanly designed day-to-day substitute world of symbol— a world of dollars, minutes, numbers, images and words that are constantly being manipulated to wring the most possible profit from every conceivable circumstance. The body and spirit both rebel.”
~David Watson, The Pathology of Civilization
You might think its the bodily trauma of pregnancy and birth, or the constant stream of dirty diapers, or the sleep deprivation. There are many negative things that people often associate with the journey into parenthood; but I submit to you that there is something else altogether, seldom mentioned, which goes far beyond all of these things.
The worst thing about becoming a new parent, is how people who wish to control you, treat you. Yes, you heard it right. When you don’t have a kid on the way, you are of little matter to them; but once they hear that one is on the way; all of the sudden, they want to know everything about your life; they want to become good buddies, give you their “sage advice,” and guilt you for anything that you don’t include them in.
Read the rest of this entry »
The need for diversity is often overlooked in our culture. We’ve become quite accustomed to standardization of all things. Most people want to be comfortable, knowing that they will get precisely what they expect, no matter where they are. If they go to a Barnes & Noble and get a coffee at the Starbucks, they know that it will taste the same as the coffee at any other Starbucks and so forth.
Surely it seemed like a good idea to do this, at first; but this trend towards standardization steadily eliminates possibilities, due to its viral nature. Just look at all of the Wal-Marts, McDonalds, etc… What innovations have these stores done, that has benefited mankind? Sweat shops? Rain forest beef? Hydrogenated oils?
At this point in the progression of events, our culture is so deeply absorbed by this hyper-standardization paradigm, that many of us don’t know of alternative ways of conducting our affairs, nor are we likely to ever be exposed to such alternatives during the normal course of our lives. It has gotten to be so extreme, that many of our people are not even willing to the thought of acting in a novel way, that has not been laid down by the authorities.
Standardization, when done to the extent that it is in our society, tends to take the personal touch out of things. Consequently, most of the food is bland and tasteless, and everything is catered towards the least common denominator in a one-size-fits-all fashion; but its really, one-size-fits-some, since we all have our own unique physical and spiritual needs, though we often ignore this.
Cultural and spiritual diversity opens and expands our lives into a myriad of possibilities, so that we may grow into more aware beings.
You could see me reaching
So why couldn’t you have
Met me halfway
You could see me bleeding
But you could not put
Pressure on the woundYou only think about yourself
You only think about yourself
You’d better bend before I go
On the first train to MexicoYou could see me breathing
But you still kept
Your hand over my mouth
You could feel me seething
But you just turned
Your nose up in the airYou only think about yourself
You only think about yourself
You’d better bend before I go
On the first train to MexicoYou only think about yourself
You only think about yourself
You’d better bend before I go
On the first train to Mexico— Incubus – Mexico
Recent experiences with the Western (Allopathic) medical system have made me keenly aware of how Allopathy built primarily as a business model, and has very little of its workings geared towards genuine healing; or a connection between the doctor and patient.
I’ve long known this to be the case, ever since my first experience with “alternative” medicine, in fact. I can say, from my own experiences, that having a connection with the healer is a large part of becoming truly healthy and rejuvenated. All of the healers with whom I have had such a connection were involved in “alternative” healing practices.
My wife recently gave birth to a daughter, and events transpired in a way that we actually needed the hospital at some point. From the very beginning of the experience, the doctors pretended that the prenatal care we received from our mid-wife was non-existent. They even wrote on their forms that we had “no prenatal care.” Lumping us into the category of girls who have their babies in the bathroom stall at their high school.
I don’t really care to get into the whole “story” of everything, but it will suffice to say that I’ve seen quite a lot of disturbing practices in this field of medicine we call neo-natology.
Just today, I was thinking about why it is that I find myself so infuriated at the Allopathic medical system, and it seems to boil down to a few main points:
The only reason Allopathy is so strong in this part of the world, is because people do not want to do their own research; but would rather simply allow the doctors to do whatever they please, pay the co-pay, pick up the drugs and be done with it. They may alleviate their symptoms in this way, but the underlying problem is not resolved.
Problems in your body are caused by a lack or an excess, not by the lack of a drug. Drugs fool the body into thinking that the problem is solved; they do not actually solve the problem.
I am thoroughly disgusted with these doctors, the way they use people: having them come in for “office visits” and telling them things they already knew then sending them on their way. “That will be $50 dollars please.”
Then you have the hospitals, who literally get away with highway robbery. My insurance company was billed over $14,000 for the doctors help in delivery and the two nights my wife spent at the hospital.
All of the doctors we saw were cold, passive and didn’t strike me as healers at all. They seemed to me more like cleaver students who know how to play all of the games, without getting too many of their own ideas about medicine. Even obvious things like giving pro-biotics to a baby who has trouble with food digestion are completely unknown to the hospital.
We actually had doctors refuse to give our daughter pro-biotics, saying that they were “too controversial.” Imagine that, the bacteria that naturally resides in your intestines is considered “controversial.”
I still have difficulty waking up every morning into a society, where the healers are instead parasites. If we are to ever grow into a better society, we are going to need real healers, not these charlatans who go around masquerading as medical practitioners.
We are just going to have to recognize them for what they are and route their controlling influence out of our lives however we can.