This body is a living temple
Made of light and love
Encompassing all beings
Giving each of us the chance
To transmute our energies as we see fit
Creation and destruction ebb and flow
This is a continuous process
We are all a part of this creation
Not just some mystical being in heaven
We are the God they speak of
Here is the heaven they speak of
Here is the hell they speak of
What if I say, “Here is god.”
Would you be able to understand?
Or are you be too busy thinking, “There is god”
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When will you awaken
My dear friend
To the heaven all around us
Splayed open here before us
In this eternal moment
This holy experience
Endlessly you will try
To uncover the manifold mysteries of existence
But you fail to realize
That there is more than this
More than can be known
With the linear mind
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changes come
keep your dignity
take the high road
take it like a man
this too shall pass
like a kidney stone
its just a broken heart, son
this pain will pass away~maynard james keenan
Sometimes life will drag you through the mud in every conceivable way, it seems. We lose attachments that were very important, discover that something is not what we had long thought it was, or worse yet find that the one we love does not feel the any love towards us; that we are just a means to a selfish end and nothing more on their horizon.
Loss has the power to shake you to the very core, leaving you with a feeling of worthless emptiness that is very difficult to release. Indeed the universe feels like a very dim, cold, hopeless place; with no sign that it contains any lasting form of happiness. You find yourself asking, where is my light, where is my hope, where is my peace; but since nobody seems to want to share theirs with you, you just have to generate it in yourself. Read the rest of this entry »
I was fortunate enough to come across an interesting individual who is capable of seeing the auras of other people. She found mine, in particular, to be a bit unusual for a variety of reasons.
The basic colors of the aura were: blue on the right side (which indicates introversion and a tenancy towards living in a sort of fantasy world of your own construction), yellow on the left side (which indicates a capacity for analytical thinking). Outside of the blue and yellow aura layer is a layer of aqua, which indicates magic worker.
When she was studying the outer aqua layer, she began to see past lives as a magician, alchemist, etc. One in particular was in Germany in 800 AD. She also said that I have a tenancy to be celibate, “as a means of staying in my own head.”
One of the first things she noted as out of the ordinary, was the white band of energy on the surface of the skin. The white band itself is not unusual in and of itself, but the thickness of it usually is 1/2 inch, whereas in my case this band was 5 inches thick. She believes that this is because there is a large amount of energy flowing through this mind/body/spirit complex.
Another unusual aspect that she noted was the solid line dividing the left and right halves of the aura. She said that she is accustomed to seeing a mixing of the two colors, and rarely has seen a solid line dividing them. Also included in the list of irregularities was a white V coming up from the crown of the head as well as a white “protective” shell surrounding the entire aura.
Interestingly, she also noted that I have had many lives on other planets, as higher vibrationally resonant beings, such as “blobs of energy” and whatnot. The purpose of this, she said, was to go to other realms to learn something and then return to earth to apply the lessons learned. So this would mean that the Earth is a sort of sandbox where beings can incarnate in order to test their selves in difficult circumstances, as the Earth inhabits a region of very low vibrational frequency.
I decided to break a long spell of misplaced intention tonight. As the season changes to winter, so too will the winter occur in the mind that you see expressed on these pages.
Winter is the time for the old ways to come to an end, so that we may remake our selves anew during subsequent cycles. It is quite often necessary for a winter to happen in our minds; this is natural, this is healthy, without it we become lost and a decaying spiral of stagnation ensues. With the changes, we may become more mindful of the world around us.
As we become more mindful of the world around us, we become aware of the actions that we are to take. When we set out on the path of mindfulness, the world takes on a completely different appearance; we begin to see that the enlightenment is actually right here, in this very moment.
Tonight, a wonderful series of interpersonal connections lead me, quite surrepititiously, to see the importance of physical self-improvement. I had a conversation about Tai Chi with my friend, we then watched the video of a Chinese Acupuncturist, who is capable of cultivating his Chi so well that he can project it, from his hands, into the bodies of other people. The video of this man is a testament to the vast powers that our bodies posses; powers which go far beyond the concepts of reality promoted by our societies today. Read the rest of this entry »
I dug up an old video, with music by a band called Shpongle. I’m so glad to have found this again. I remember listening to it several years ago, when I was first exploring the unconventional aspects of reality. Just watch and you will see why it is so powerful and trans-formative.
Music can do amazing things when the performers are this talented.
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Someone asked what I think the song “I don’t remember” by Peter Gabriel means, so I took some time to really think the song over, to see what it may mean. Read the rest of this entry »
Tori Amos is an artist who has, for many years, resonated very deeply with me on many levels. Ever since I found that there’s much more to her music than most of the other musicians, I’ve managed to learn a great deal from her work. Indeed, I discovered that many of our definitive experiences are strikingly simmilar and we share many of the same feelings towards certain aspects of life.
Today’s article isn’t about me or Tori, however; it is about the things that we are passionate about discovering in ourselves and those around us. It is about the exploration of the deepest darkest parts of the psyche that seldom see the light of day. It is about feeding our spirit the pure, raw, milk and honey that it has been craving, but never knew to ask for.
Excerpted from Piece by Piece by Tori Amos
During [Boys for] Pele I really started to explore the Dark Prince archetype. It’s one that a lot of men have been able to explore, from Jim Morrison on down to Trent Reznor, and I felt it was calling me. With my religious upbringing I felt I really needed to discover that. It was different from the Magdalene essence. I’d been studying her for a long time, and she was a muse. But I needed to access the Dark Prince in myself, instead of pulling in men who had access to it. But that was yet to come.
I was courting demon lovers at the time, but I didn’t know who the real Demon Lover was. I knew I needed to initiate myself. So I went to Hawaii by myself and began that quest. I worked with a woman, a shaman, who was reputed to know how to take you on a spiritual journey by uncovering things you were avoiding in your view of yourself. While I was in Hawaii, locals were talking about the goddess Pele in a way that I had heard of, but so distantly; it wasn’t something that was in my framework like the greek goddesses or the Norse or the Celts. Eventually I began to see, not a malevolence, but–through Pele, Kali, and Sekhmet, a few of the dark goddesses–I was really beginning to discover anger. I didn’t know how to contain it yet.
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No man is an island, entire of itself
every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main
if a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were,
as well as if a manor of thy friends or of thine own were
any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind
and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls
it tolls for thee. ~ John Donne
The great sage, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (founder of the Hari Krishna movement), once said “there is no love but self-love.” He certainly doesn’t mean “self-love” as the popular, ego-centered existence, would have you create. It is an entirely different notion of the “self,” one that regards all sentient beings as part of one’s self-hood.
Like many of the great thinkers throughout history, Srila Prabhupada realized that we are all intimately joined with a great body of energy that forms the basis all beings in the myriad of dimensions that make up our existence.
Indeed the thoughts that comprise the very fiber of our being are made of energy, not atoms and molecules. Still today, however, the scientists are mystified by the psychic world, as they have not yet devised a method by which psychic forces can be measured and understood with material instruments.
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