Ayurveda: The Art of Being

When you go into a allopathic hospital or doctor’s office, do you get the impression that it is missing something.  The most apparent aspect of this form of “medicine” is the fact that most of the “treatments” involve a great deal of money and highly profitable drugs.  Indeed, it looks as if the importance of money has outstripped healing in the medical paradigm of today.

For those of us who want to heal in a different way a more mature form of medicine exists; but it is more than just medicine, it is also an awareness of life.  Ayurveda has been with us for thousands of years and it carries with it the knowledge of healing and well-being that is long lost by the proponents of allopathy.

When a more in-depth solution is sought, to heal the root causes of our ailments, the Ayeurvedic principles often have the answers.  Ayurveda sees the body as a microcosm of the whole and the physician is the conveyor belt between the two, dampening any deficiencies of excesses, to bring things into balance.

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Accepting: Not Taking Ourselves Too Seriously

One of the things has become apparent to me, over the past year or so, is how we often take ourselves and our world views too seriously.  This tends to be especially true when the notion of “spirituality” is involved.   It is certainly important to do what we feel is best, but it needs to be done with the humility of knowing that there are other ways that are equally as valid and a willingness to understand why everyone approaches life in their own way.

As important as spirituality is, it is equally as important to realize that acceptance of diversity is also an important part of spiritual growth.  After all, if we were all the same, there wouldn’t be much of an opportunity to grow and learn.  When we try to shut out the things that we refuse to accept, we are in effect, limiting our expressive capacity.

So-often spiritual seekers get the idea that they know something that nobody else knows, which in turn makes almost everyone else an outsider.  This means that the “outsiders” will not be truly accepted until they acquiesce to the beliefs of the supposed seeker.  Therein lies the seeds of divisiveness that have plagued this planet for thousands of years.

Experiences in my life have lead me towards a more light-hearted approach than I had previously embraced.  I have begun to accept that people are the way they are because they need to learn what it is like to exist in that particular configuration.

So we simply express ourselves based upon where we are in our journey and life then gives us what we need, so we can learn the lessons that someone in that phase of existence needs to learn.  If this is really is the case, then there really is no reason to make everyone like our selves; because to do so would likely delay their progression.

Each of us fits perfectly into the tapestry of life.  We grow or decay as we see fit.  The universe has a set of wonderful mechanisms to balance and sort things out.  Nobody needs to be made to do anything, since everything is at its finest spontaneously.  That is the beauty of the whole thing; treat masterpieces are coming together without effort.

I was laying down today, letting the thoughts stream through my mind.  There were two internal forces vying for control of my intention.  One of the forces sought to judge and label what I saw, while the other force sought merely to experience it and accept it as part of the infinite whole.

When I made a conscious decision to embrace the accepting force, ecstatic waves of comfort and beauty flowed through my being, lulling me into deeper and deeper levels of lucid experience.  I would much rather have more of this sort of experience, as I have grown weary of experiencing the stagnant and limited energy that is otherwise present.

<i>”Nothing lasts, but nothing is lost… Nothing is wrong…. Everything is on track” ~Terrence McKenna</i>

The Betrayal of the U.S. Government’s “Bailout” Plan

Comrades, we are faced with a situation whereby the government, now more Socialist than ever, flat out refuses to listen to the will of the people; despite the fact that their constituents oppose their bankster “rescue” plan 9 to 1.

I watched, disgusted, as so-many representatives spoke on the floor of the house.  Most of them only concerned with the pork and incentives for idiots (like increasing FDIC insurance), who won’t understand that they are really being screwed and that the FDIC insurance is going to be worthless at any level if the fiat money system collapses.

Imagine that, trying to buy a few votes, versus the future of our nation.  The incredulity of these so-called “representatives” is beyond reproach and I am quite certain that their actions will be are sorely regretted legacy, just months from now when “bailout” Barney’s farce is realized for what it actually is.

Betrayed by the Bailout: The Death of Democracy

William John Cox | GlobalResearch.ca

On this date, October 3, 2008, the American people were betrayed by those whom they had elected to represent them. The members of Congress who voted for the Wall Street “bailout” violated their oath of office to “support and defend the Constitution” … “that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same” … “and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: …”

Without holding any meaningful hearings or public discussions and listening only to those most responsible for the economic disaster, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Congress abdicated its responsibility to the American people.

Locking out most members from all discussions, the congressional “leadership” emerged from their backrooms with legislation that grants Secretary Paulson the ability to spend at least $700 billion to “take such actions as [he] deems necessary” … ” to promote financial market stability.”

Entrusting tremendous political and financial power (and a ton of borrowed money that taxpayers will have to repay with interest) into Paulson’s sole discretion, members of Congress must have been aware that, prior to his cabinet appointment in 2006, Paulson worked for 32 years at Goldman Sachs, one of the Wall Street firms that stands to benefit greatly from his “actions.” read full article »

“Banking Rescue Bill” is a Trojan Horse

The “rescue package” is a Trojan Horse folks. It is the method by which the banks are trying to convince us to allocate resources in a wasteful manner, to supposedly save society, when, in point of fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

The reason credit is drying up for “main street” as they so often put it, is because the failing banks are absorbing ever-more liquidity, while everyone else is left to fight for the crumbs. Let the bad banks fail, every last one of them, down to JP Morgan Chase.

If they can’t manage their affairs, they certainly can’t help us manage ours. They need to go and we need to move on.

The Rescue Package Will Delay Recovery

Daily Article by Frank Shostak | Posted on 9/29/2008 | mises.org

In his testimony to the Congress on September 24, Fed Chairman Bernanke urged the legislators to quickly approve the bailout of the financial sector with a package of $700 billion. Bernanke echoed Treasury Secretary Paulson’s view that the bailout expense, while hefty, is needed to remove from banks’ balance sheets the mortgage-linked assets, which are paralyzing the flow of credit.

I think it’s extraordinarily important to understand that as we have seen many previous examples in different countries and in different times that choking up of credit is like taking the lifeblood away from the economy.

Most experts came out in strong support for the package. Without the rescue package, many large institutions that are “too big to fail” could go belly up. Many believe that the consequences of all this could be very severe to the real economy.

It is true that the financial system must be rescued; it must be rescued from the institutions holding bad debt that are currently draining capital while waiting for a bailout and adding little in return. It is they that are preventing wealth-generating activities in the financial sector and the other parts of the economy from expanding real wealth.

The Essence of Economic Adjustment

Conventional thinking presents economic adjustment — also labeled as “economic recession” — as something terrible, even the end of the world. In fact, economic adjustment is not menacing or terrible; from an economic point of view, it is nothing more than a time when scarce resources are reallocated in accordance with consumers’ priorities.

Allowing the market to do the allocation always leads to better results. Even the founder of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Lenin, understood this when he introduced the market mechanism for a brief period in March 1921 to restore the supply of goods and prevent economic catastrophe. Yet for some strange reason, most experts these days cling to the view that the market cannot be trusted in difficult times like these.

If central bankers and government bureaucrats can fix things in difficult times, why not in good times too? Why not have a fully controlled economy and all the problems will be fixed forever? The collapse of the Soviet Union’s centralized system is the best testimony one can have that controls don’t work. A better way to fix economic problems is to allow entrepreneurs the freedom to allocate resources in accordance with society’s priorities.
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Write to Your Representative: Vote NO On Bailout Legislation

I urge those of you who understand what you are in for if a bailout is done to write your congressmen and tell them that you will not stand for this kind of financial absurdity.  We need to stop the bailout, allow the insolvent institutions to fail and return to sound money.

Here’s what I recently wrote to my congressmen via votenobailout.org.

It really infuriates me to see the Congress giving the White House and its Secretary of the Treasury the power to transfer the people’s money to wealthy bankers on Wall Street.

These are the same people who got us into this mess and bailing them out most certainly isn’t going to get us out.

As a citizen of the united States of America I demand that you vote No to the Bailout legislation. read full article »

Fiat Empire: Why Bailouts Will Not Save America

There’s clearly an awful lot wrong with the financial system of today.  The talking heads and bureaucrats will tell you that they need more money powers to sort the situation out.  They say that they must create trillions of dollars and have the ability to take over large companies; all of this is to bail out the financial institutions.

When you are thinking about this situation, you have to realize that the original purpose of the Federal Reserve banking system was to give the large Wall Street bankers the peace of mind of knowing that they would always be bailed out, so they would never lose any of their own money.  With a system of this sort in place, financial institutions take risks that they would not have otherwise taken.

Lately, the investment banks such as Lehman and Merrill Lynch have gotten into the habit of “investing” 30 dollars for every dollar in capitol that they have.  It doesn’t take a genius to realize that this is incredibly irresponsible. read full article »

Edible Landscape: Turning Barren Suburban Lawns Into Food and Aesthetic Beauty

When driving through suburban streets, do you ever get the feeling that something isn’t quite right?  Maybe there is something that we can do with our land to make it more than just a place for useless, allergen producing, grasses to grow; but instead a place where we can experience beauty and create a wide variety of fresh foods in the process.  Then it is time we realized that we can have beauty and productivity on our land, it is up to each of us to create it and it isn’t as difficult as you might think. read full article »

Financial Crisis: Maybe These Fools Just Plain Deserve It

Lately I’ve heard an awful lot of local ignoramuses complaining about the state of the economy, the decline in their investments and just plain how “bad” they have it. They feel so betrayed and have a long list of people to blame and hate.

It seems they will blame anybody, but won’t take responsibility for their own role in their predicament. Its sort of comical to see them all running around scared, acting like this is all a big surprise, but one thing is for certain: if they hadn’t had their heads so far up their asses, they’d have seen this coming years ago.

I would like to tell you the story of one individual, who I have been over-hearing today, who seems particularly deserving of a wake-up call. read full article »

Its Admitted: Georgian President is a Tyrant

It is finally being acknowledged in the Western media that the President of Georgia Saakashvili is a puppet for United States and Israel, attempting to spread their form of tyranny to the border of Russia, so that they may further control of hydrocarbon resources and set-up pipelines in the Caspian Sea region.

The media is finally admitting what I’ve been saying all along, that the Russians did not initiate the attack on South Ossetia as the media had originally parroted all over the television. Instead, the President of Georgia, in a pre-meditated plot, purposely bombed civilian targets and then, in the classic false-flag Zionist/American style, blamed the bombing on Russia.

I know of no greater coward than a man who would use the cloak of government to murder innocent civilians and then, when he failed at achieving his ends, blame the forces that came in to protect those people. The cowards on this side of the pond that seek to justify the slaughter by Shaakashvili fail to realize what sorts of places were bombed and refuse to do their own research. read full article »

Natural Remedies for Pilonidal Cysts

A Pilonidal Cyst is a blanket term for any type of skin infection near the coccyx. These are normally quite painful, occur somewhat more often in men than in women, and normally happen in early adulthood. Although usually found near the coccyx, this painful condition can be found in several places, including the navel or the armpit.

Development of the condition in a place other than the coccyx is exceedingly rare, however. It usually happens in young people, up to their thirties in age. Conditions in which it commonly occurs include obesity, body hair around the area in question, and a sedentary lifestyle. While a traumatic event is not believed to cause a pilonidal cyst, such an event has been known to inflame existing cysts. read full article »