The discovery of DNA variability, holographic blueprints and the symphony of life

source: by Mike Adams |

Announced with great fanfare in late November, 2006, scientists have discovered that human DNA is far more variable than previously thought. Contrary to previous beliefs, as much as 10 percent of human genes vary wildly from one person to the next. The mainstream press is hailing the discovery and some sort of breakthrough that will shed light on so-called “incurable” diseases and give researchers the ability to create more targeted medicines. (There’s always a pro-Pharma slant in the mainstream media isn’t there?) In reality, this new DNA discovery explains why most pharmaceuticals don’t work for most people.

More importantly, this discovery humbles us, and shows us that even our top scientists know less about human DNA than they once thought. Researching DNA is a lot like researching astronomy: the more we learn, the less we realize we know. It’s as if every newly discovered fact unveils the existence of ten new questions we never knew existed.

The mainstream media, in its usual limited view, is reporting this discovery as a breakthrough that will help scientists develop new drugs to treat disease. Every “Eureka!” moment having anything to do with the genetic code seems to lead the mainstream media to the same advertiser-pleasing conclusion, but they haven’t even begun to realize the big story here. The real news in this discovery, you see, has nothing to do with pharmaceuticals or even medical science. It is larger and more profound than any of us could have possibly imagined. read full article »

Love You to Death

Can’t really sleep tonight, so I figure I’ll jot down some late-night thoughts and share a song. A song which brings out thoughts that are often hidden away beneath the surface. Indeed, I have found certain songs from this artist to cause great periods of reflection and contemplation.

Video: Love You to Death by Type O Negative

In her place one hundred candles burning – as salty sweat drips
from her breast
her hips move and i can feel what they’re saying – swaying
they say the beast inside of me is gonna get ya – get ya get –

Black lipstick stains – her glass of red wine – i am your servant
may i light your cigarette
those lips smooth yeah i can feel what you’re saying – praying
they say the beast inside of me is gonna get ya – get ya get –
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Mena Connection: Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA, Drug smuggling

The drug smuggling activities tie to the highest levels of the government of the United States. Intelligence agencies such as the CIA utilize the money from drug and arms trafficking to fund clandestine operations that are not supervised by the congress.

See Also:

  • New World Odor

    Interview with 7-term Idaho congressman George V. Hansen which uncovers the CIA drug smuggling activities in South America as well as the giveaway of the Panama Canal to the Communist Chinese.

  • Bush-Cheney Drug Empire

    Mike Ruppert details the drug activity that he uncovered in his ground-breaking investigations.

Living Our Life Without Escape

Many of us spend a significant portion of our available time amusing ourselves with any number of entertainment escapes, most notably video games, internet surfing and television.

Entertainment activities, such as these, often cause the participant to avoid interactive activities, which are generally more physically engaging. Such activities also tend to lead the participant towards spending most of their available time amusing themselves, as opposed to accomplishing something that will benefit them over the long-run.

For many years I have observed the effects of entertainment obsession and contemplated the long-term effects of taking this path. Each time I considered the possibilities, I confirmed to myself that it is not possible to reach one’s potential if they are forever a spectator in their life and not an actual participant blazing a new path for themselves. read full article »

The New World Odor

This video is an in-depth discussion between the Honorable George V. Hansen, 7-term Congressman from Idaho and radio and TV talk show host Anthony J. Hilder.

In their discussion they detail how the Communist Chinese government gained great influence over the United States of America in recent years. It has much to do with the turning over of the Panama Canal to the Communist Chinese.

The Panamanian government, who had previously taken large loans from the international bankers, was being pressured to repay. When the Panama Canal was turned over to the Panamanian government, they essentially sold it to COSCO. read full article »

US Military Attempt Arrest of Vice President Cheney, 3 Reported Dead

Finally we have soldiers who are attempting to uphold their oath. Soldiers who truly believe that the Constitution of the United States of America should be defended against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Cheney should be arrested, brought before a special tribunal and executed for crimes against his own people (9/11) and crimes against humanity. He is assuredly one of the most despicable men ever to sit in a prestigious office. His prestige, however, will not save him from divine justice.

Sorcha Faal |

Russian FSB sources are reporting today that an attempt by Special Forces Troops of the United States Military to arrest the American Vice President Cheney shortly after boarding his official plane in Australia has resulted in at least 3 dead and an unknown number of wounded.
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Paradigm Shift: Exponential Rate of Change

I am starting to wonder if the western world, once the center of innovation, cultural and technological change, can remain at the high level of prosperity that it has enjoyed for the past few decades.

The people of the western world need to become resourceful if they are to survive and prosper in the coming age. I believe that it will take much more resourcefulness than this people currently possesses.

The talents of the intelligentsia of Eastern nations such as China and India vastly eclipse the talents of the intelligentsia of the United States and Europe. Only the brightest among the westerners will be able to keep up with the staggering amount of information that is being generated on a daily basis, as this information will continue to be generated at an ever-greater rate as time progresses. read full article »

Without Unity

The masters of old attained unity with the Tao. Heaven attained unity and became pure. The earth attained unity and found peace. The spirits attained unity so they could minister. The valleys attained unity that they might be full. Humanity attained unity that they might flourish. Their leaders attained unity that they might set the example. This is the power of unity.

Without unity, the sky becomes filthy. Without unity, the earth becomes unstable. Without unity, the spirits become unresponsive and disappear. Without unity, the valleys become dry as a desert. Without unity, human kind can’t reproduce and becomes extinct. Without unity, our leaders become corrupt and fall.

The great view the small as their source, and the high takes the low as their foundation. Their greatest asset becomes their humility. They speak of themselves as orphans and widows, thus they truly seek humility. Do not shine like the precious gem, but be as dull as a common stone.

~tao te ching

A Meditation on the Mind of a Host

By Chou Tung (Snow Reid)

Happiest of all are the guests
Sorriest are the servants
Half happy half sorry is the host.

Chunk upon chunk of meat,
Goblet after goblet of wine,
sent tumbling down their gullets,
Exhilarating to death the guests,
Worrying to death the host,
And tiring to death the servants.

Talking and joking,
Shaking hands, exhausting words;
Time flows by swiftly.
Does the host do all this just to please his guests,
or could it be that … read full article »

The “Wipe Israel Off The Map” Hoax

What Ahmadinejad really said and why this broken record is just another ad slogan for war

Paul Joseph Watson | Prison Planet
Friday, January 26, 2007

Barely a day goes by that one can avoid reading or hearing yet another Israeli, American or British warhawk regurgitate the broken record that Iran’s President Ahmadinejad threatened to “wipe Israel off the map,” framed in the ridiculous context that Israeli’s are being targeted for a second holocaust. This baseless rallying call for conflict holds about as much credibility as Dick Cheney’s assertion that Saddam Hussein was planning to light up American skies with mushroom clouds.

Today it’s the turn of would-be future British Prime Minister David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party, who repeated the “wipe Israel off he map” fraud in a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, using it to qualify his refusal to rule out a military strike on Iran under a Tory government.

Did Ahmadinejad really threaten to “wipe Israel off the map” or is this phrase just another jingoistic brand slogan for selling the next war in the Middle East? read full article »