Yellow Journalism: “Wipe Israel off the Map” Hoax Continues to be Used by MSM

U.S. media talking heads continue to use the, already thoroughly debunked, “wipe Israel off the map” phrase, when they want to demonize Mohammed Ahmadinejad, or the Iranian people in general.

video: Ahmadinejad DID NOT threaten to “wipe Israel off the map.”

This phrase was frequently used during the Iranian hostage standoff and it was also used on one of the episodes of The View, when Rosie O’Donnell (god forbid) openly defended a non-Zionist stance on the middle eastern situation.

Each time the mainstream media utilizes this hoax, they further diminish what little credibility remained, bringing their credibility just below the supermarket tabloid level at this point. It is astonishing that so many Americans still believe this lie and use it to fuel their hatred of Iran, a nation that has done absolutely nothing to the United States of America.

These so-called journalistic “professionals” should be ashamed of themselves, for putting words into someones mouth, for attempting to falsely influence public opinion, for promoting senseless hatred and for taking the side of the blood-thirsty Zionists on nearly EVERY issue. Indeed, they are bought and paid for by the Israeli lobby, and few in the west seem to take issue with it enough to tune out.

Louis Pasteur And the Myth of Pasteurization

source: Wellness directory of Minnesota

If you surf the web, no doubt you will find dozens of web sites singing the praises of Louis Pasteur.

Here is something we found at:

If one were to choose among the greatest benefactors of humanity, Louis Pasteur would certainly rank at the top. He solved the mysteries of rabies, anthrax, chicken cholera, and silkworm diseases, and contributed to the development of the first vaccines. He debunked the widely accepted myth of spontaneous generation, thereby setting the stage for modern biology and biochemistry. He described the scientific basis for fermentation, wine-making, and the brewing of beer. Pasteur’s work gave birth to many branches of science, and he was singlehandedly responsible for some of the most important theoretical concepts and practical applications of modern science.

Pasteur’s achievements seem wildly diverse at first glance, but a more in-depth look at the evolution of his career indicates that there is a logical order to his discoveries. He is revered for possessing the most important qualities of a scientist: the ability to survey all the known data and link the data for all possible hypotheses, the patience and drive to conduct experiments under strictly controlled conditions, and the brilliance to uncover the road to the solution from the results. read full article »

Going to Babylon by Cadillac

Was San Diego US Attorney fired for knowing too much?

March 8 2007
by Daniel Hopsicker

The Randy Cunningham “Hookergate” Scandal is not the first prostitution scandal involving close relatives of indicted defense contractor Brent Wilkes, The MadCowMorningNews has learned.

Brent Wilkes brother, Gregory Wilkes, managed the finances of The Wilkes Foundation, which was suspended by the State of California after failing to file financial statements for three years in a row. read full article »

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To Prevent The Cancer Diagnosis, You Should….

Bill Henderson |

All my experience watching people “get” and overcome cancer can be boiled down into one sentence: What we put in our mouth causes and reverses all degenerative diseases. All of them can be avoided and overcome by correcting what we put in our mouth (just another way of saying the same thing).


So, first things first. Detoxify your body and avoid cancer (and all other degenerative diseases) by fixing your diet. Stop eating processed food (hydrolized this and hydrogenated that), dairy, red meat, sugar and other sweeteners (even honey and maple syrup), preservatives and chemicals. Stop drinking coffee and alcohol and using cigarettes and prescription drugs. Hmmmmm. Tall order. read full article »

Video: Justice for 9/11

A brief but carefully presented and supported criminal indictment of George Bush, Dick Cheney, Richard Myers, and Condoleeza Rice for murder in the events of 9-11, presenting all the best evidence in a concise but powerful manner. It includes Larry Silverstein’s admission that the explosives were used; and Norman Mineta’s identification of Dick Cheney as the person who gave the order not to scramble jets, or fire any weapons in defense of the Pentagon.

The Fair Tax Fraud

Laurence Vance | Ludwig von Mises Institute

Since my recent article on the evils of the withholding tax, I have been inundated with e-mails by supporters of the ” FairTax,” including a request that I endorse “The Fair Tax Act of 2005” currently pending in the Congress. But like the calls for “fair trade” instead of “free trade,” the FairTax is a fraud because it is based on the fallacy that government theft (taxation) should be done in a “fair” manner instead of eliminated altogether. read full article »

Joe Scarborough’s Clowns Harass and Threaten Rosie O’Donnell for Thoughtcrime

Joe Scarborough: Media ClownEver since Rosie O’Donnell went public on The View with her views on: 9/11 conspiracy, U.S. media manipulation and the captured British soldiers, she has been relentlessly smeared by Joe Scarborough and his associates.

Video: Joe Scarborough and his side-show circus express their ignorance

Scarborough has done everything possible to distract from the real issues. Instead of responding with facts and reason, he simply throws accusations at Rosie O’Donnell and executive producer Barbara Walters, him and his cronies repeatedly state that “Rosie should be fired,” “something has to be done” and “this cannot be allowed to continue.”

Danny Bonaduce, the washed out fossil from the Partridge Family, went ahead and showed his ass on the show when he called for Rosie O’Donnell to be hung by the neck and accused her of high treason, simply for stating what she believed. He also said that she “will not be tolerated” and that Rosie is “offering aid and comfort to the enemy.” read full article »

Court Rediscovers 2nd Amendment, Liberals Fear Other ‘Rights’ May Soon be Found

Mac Johnson |

Tragedy struck leftists all across America last week when a federal appeals court reviewing the District of Columbia’s handgun ban, ruled that the right of the people to keep and bear arms cannot be infringed upon by the District. The court’s inexplicable ruling was based on a “radical” interpretation of the recently rediscovered 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which reads:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

According to the Washington Post, which upon hearing of the decision had a small editorial seizure it called “A Dangerous Ruling,” the court’s plain reading of the Bill of Rights has given “a new and dangerous meaning to the 2nd Amendment.” Apparently, when the Post reads the amendment according to the ancient and safe interpretation (which goes all the way back to the 1970s) all it sees is:

The Population of the nanny State, being composed of irresponsible rednecks, rejects, and retards, must not be allowed to have Arms.

“[T]his radical ruling will inevitably mean more people killed and wounded as keeping guns out of the city becomes harder,” the Post continued, sagely foreseeing a day in the near future when the district might not be the safe gunfree enclave of sanity that it now is. One wonders if D.C. might someday even become the murder capital of the United States without its protective cloak of gun control disarming its law-abiding citizens. read full article »

Ron Paul: Presidential candidate who truly loves freedom and liberty.

Plainly put, the Honorable Ron Paul is America’s last hope for a nonviolent end to the oppressive and suicidal policies that have been set in motion in the last few generations by leaders who amount to little more than glorified demagogues. He is a congressman from Galveston, Texas who has proven his regard for the Constitution, The Bill of Rights and his love of the founding principles upon which these United States are built upon.

He has recently announced that he is running for President in the 2008 elections, he will be running in the Republican primaries so that he can, perhaps, get a chance at the Oval Office. If you are not familiar with him, I hope you will take a minute to review a few short talks by Congressman Paul. I think you will see, as many others have, that he is a fine statesman and a natural leader. read full article »

Drugs and Doctors May be the Leading Cause of Death in U.S.

By Joseph Mercola, D.O. |

At one time, the main title of my Web site read:
Doctors are the Third leading Cause of Death

Many of you reading this have read or seen this in many places other than my Web site. This article, available on my home page, was widely circulated on the Internet and was one of the reasons why my Web site was initially popular. What you may not realize is that I am the one who made this analysis and popularized it. The original study was published by Dr. Starfield, a full professor of public health at the most prestigious hospital in the United States, Johns Hopkins. Her study never had the headline in it, but instead listed the published research documenting the various causes of deaths that doctors contributed to. I simply added them all up and compared them to cardiovascular diseases and cancer and came up with the above headline, which was widely circulated on the Internet.

Interestingly, when I contacted Dr. Starfield by e-mail she disagreed with the headline I had come up with. She did not feel that doctors were the third leading cause of death, but thought they were the number one cause of death because of their failure to inform their patients about the truth of health. Now this might be a bit too harsh as even if people understand health truth they have freedom of choice and can choose to use sugar, soda and drugs (legal and illegal) to compromise their health and longevity.
read full article »