The Latest from Ed and Elaine Brown

The Judge decided to file the appeal for Ed and Elaine Brown, the same appeal that he denied several months ago. I wonder what kind of a stunt he is trying to pull now.

from Ed and Elaine’s MySpace Blog
We had a call come in this morning. Sorry that I have taken so long to get this to you all…

If you have been reading the blog here then you already know that the judge filed the appeal on Ed and Elaine’s behalf.

The sources that came in today tell us that the judge realizes that he misjudged the lawfulness of the IRS and the federal income tax. Which is why he, himself (the judge mind you!), filed the appeal for the Browns’ case. read full article »

Judge files Browns’ appeal

Tax evaders intended challenge in January
By Margot Sanger-Katz | Concord Monitor

Notice of Ed and Elaine Brown’s desire to appeal their tax evasion convictions has been sent along to the federal appeals court in Boston, even though the couple have not indicated that they want to appeal.

The Browns, who have been holed up in their fortified Plainfield home for several months, have said on radio broadcasts and internet postings that they are returning any government mail unopened and have described the court as a “fiction” unworthy of their attention. They have not sent any new documents to the court since their sentencing hearing April 24. read full article »

Schulz’s Letter to the IRS

Mr. Robert L. Schulz
2458 Ridge Road
Queensbury, New York 12804

June 17, 2002

Mr. Charles O. Rossotti, Commissioner
Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20224

Department of the Treasury
Internal Revenue Service
Andover, Massachusetts 05501

Dear Sirs,

I respectfully request that this statement, together with its six attachments be included in and made a part of my individual file at the Internal Revenue Service.

On April 15, 2002 I filed a Form 4868, “Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return,” for the year 2001.

This statement is submitted to you in lieu of a tax return (Form 1040) for the years 2001, 2002 and for all future years.

Based on the information contained and referred to in Attachments 1-6, I believe the federal income tax to be fraudulent in its origin and illegal in its operation.

Based on the information contained and referred to in Attachments 1-6, I believe the IRS lacks the legal authority to force employers to withhold the income tax from the paychecks of its employees or to force most Americans, including me, to file a tax return and to pay the income tax.

I love my country, but based on the information contained and referred to in Attachments 1-6, I despise my government, which is promoting anarchy, rebellion, and lawlessness, which I oppose.
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BATF/IRS — Criminal Fraud

William Cooper | CAJI News Service

The powers of the Federal government of the united States of America are clearly enumerated in the Constitution. It is strictly forbidden to have a direct tax that is un-apportioned.

If the Federal government legitimately possessed the power to lay a direct un-apportioned tax, then there would be no need for a Constitution because the government could tax whomever they pleased, at whatever rate they demand and have powers that extend beyond its Constitutional limitations.

“The Congress shall have Power to Lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excise, to Pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States”

– The Constitution for the United States of America,
Article 1, Section 8, paragraph 1.

” No Capitation or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken.”

– The Constitution for the United States of America,
Article 1, Section 9, paragraph 4. read full article »

Unconstitutional ATF Gun Confiscation in Alabama

The “Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms” is now raiding individuals in North-East Alabama for the crime of exercising their inalienable 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
Bill of Rights

This is a blatant violation of their inalienable rights, by a rogue entity that is clearly operating outside of its jurisdiction. If there is any integrity left in the Judiciary, this situation should be remedied through the Federal court system.

It seems like an open and shut case to me, they have the right to form a militia, the militia’s stated aim is to protect the Constitution, they never hurt or threatened anyone. I fail to see any illegality here which could provoke the actions that were taken against them.

Notice how every time something of this sort happens, be it Waco, Ruby Ridge, etc, the ATF is in charge of the situation. They despise the Constitution and anyone who supports it and they go out of their way to make “examples” of anyone who challenges their phony jurisdiction over the American citizens. read full article »

Debugging 9/11: DrDebug’s Analysis

source: review of Who Killed John O’Neill

This is the 9/11 hypothesis which was based on Who Killed John O’Neill and the reason for giving it a 5 star rating. ~dr. debug

Journal | Main Post | Wiki View

In 1986 Paul Bremer was appointed Ambassador-at-Large for Counterterrorism and started to develop all kinds of plans with possible terrorists events. Even though the plans appear to have been created to prevent terrorism there is also the likelyhood that they were created for false flag terrorist events. Paul Bremer has extensive connections to the neo- conversatives, Henry Kissinger and in 1999 he becomes chairman of the National Commission on Terrorism and also joins the board of directors at Marsh Inc.

He describes his time at National Commission on Terrorism as follows in an interview at the Heritage foundation: “catastrophic terrorism … in the event of a catastrophic attack … tens of thousands of casualties, where the American people are going to be screaming for a response, that a President is going to want to consider using the military in some fashion … the example we use is Pearl Harbor …” Since Paul Bremer has made many similar remarks, there is reason to assume that he was one of the chief architects of 9/11.
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Why Liberals Hate Libertarians

Sumit Dahiya |

I get my daily dose of sarcasm and humor by watching late night shows like The Daily Show, The Colbert Report and Real Time with Bill Maher. The Republicans in D.C have provided the writers of these comedy shows with reams of material to provide America with its fair share of late-night laughter. Hidden among the usual targets of Liberal wrath are the vulnerable but principled Libertarians like Dr. Ron Paul, who are made to look like druggies who want to sell off America’s poor to the “evil corporations.” The treatment that Liberals afford on Libertarians makes me wonder why Liberals hate Libertarians.

Dr. Paul made an appearance on Bill Maher’s show on Friday March 30th, 2007. When I saw his name on Bill’s guest list, I was ecstatic because no mainstream media body has so far given any coverage (except for a short mention on the Fox News ticker) to this person who I consider America’s last hope. My fervor was subdued after I realized that Bill stereotyped Dr. Paul to be just another “Lincoln-hating pro-corporation thug.” read full article »

Fifty Percent of World’s Languages Have Been Lost in Last Six Years

If you’re as concerned as I am about the environment and how it impacts your health, chances are good you might’ve missed a huge cultural shift.

This absolutely fascinating video lecture by a very articulate Harvard anthropologist tells you how we are losing our heritage.

By Professor Davis’ estimate, about half of the world’s 6,000 languages are disappearing, as they are no longer being taught to children, meaning the origins of our world, ethnicity and spiritual life — what he calls the ethnosphere — are vanishing. read full article »

Presidential Candidate: U.S. In Danger of Dictatorship

Congressman Ron Paul warns elite believe they own us and are “always prepared” to take our liberties

Steve Watson & Alex Jones |
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Presidential candidate Ron Paul has warned that the US is now at a crisis point because the people have been so neglectful of protecting their liberties and big government has been so effective in eroding them. He warned that the elite are prepared to concoct events to scare the American people and asserted that the 2008 Presidential election is a contest between the people who care about their freedoms and those who are willing to succumb to the temptations of dictatorship. read full article »

Sugar: Major Factor For Cancer

Dr. Joseph Mercola |

A major European study has found that women with high blood sugar levels are at an increased risk of developing cancer.

High blood sugar levels can be caused by eating too much sugary food, and also by disease conditions such as diabetes.

The study, which looked at 64,500 people over the course of 13 years, linked high blood sugar with cancers of the pancreas, skin, womb, and urinary tract. High blood sugar was also linked to breast cancer for women under 49. read full article »