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David Wilcock Discusses 2012 with Tom Murasso and Cheryl Dobbins

David Wilcock is one of the most fascinating and credible paranormal researchers of today.  For the last several years, David has been discussing the transformations, which his research indicates are going to happen leading up to and after the year 2012.

Currently, we are in the midst of a great transition, as is evidenced by the turmoil that we are seeing all around us every day.  David Wilcock believes that this transition will actually be a positive transition, contrary to what many alternative researchers believe.

If what David says is true, we are about to embark upon a great journey, which will change every aspect of our lives, including the way we go about our day to day lives, as well as speeding up the pace of change, which is basically increasing the speed of time.

You’ll never know, you’ll never know anything at all

And nothing is written in the book, reality is made by you
And every lie that you pursue, eventually turns true
And I was told that your eyes would shine, a light up into space
And infinity would then consume this ordinary place
You know nothing, you know nothing at all
How could you know, you’ll never know anything at all
You’ll never know, you’ll never know anything at all
You know nothing, you know nothing at all
I saw you standing in the fire, beneath a crimson moon
The ocean whispered on the sore, and echoed in the ruins
Inside your body is a clear blue light, and time was made from this
Your shadows swallow everything it feels. You punish us with bliss
You know nothing, you know nothing at all
How could you know, you’ll never know anything at all
You’ll never know, you’ll never know anything at all
You know nothing, you know nothing at all

— swans – White Light from the Mouth of ∞

Ra: A Being from the Higher Dimensions

Beyond the reality filter that binds us to the material existence and all of its trappings, there lie a magnificent tapestry of beautifully interlaced reality matrices. These differing densities of reality are traversed by all beings, they present us with the challenges and opportunities that the universe needs to create growth towards greater oneness.

In our little corner of existence, many believe that there is a being called Ra, who helps to guide us to the next level of our growth on this planet.

The Universe According to Ra

by Wynn Free

Those who channel the entity known as Ra report that he has been involved in the affairs of our planet for the past 75,000 years. At certain points in our history, Ra claims to have manifested a physical body.. Today, Ra says, he exists on a level of pure vibration. He communicates with the group consciousness through dreams, and with individuals through channeling.

The information in this article, in which Ra describes our evolution and coming planetary ascension, is paraphrased or quoted from channeled writings of a group who refer to themselves as L/L Research (please see Sources of Information on Ra).

The Origin of Ra

Long before the inception of life on this planet, Ray says, there were Third Density life forms on Venus similar to our human forms on Earth..

Through evolution, these life forms ”ascended” beyond the Third Density and ultimately fused together into a unified complex which is the entity we now refer to as Ra. Ra identifies himself as a ”social memory complex.”

According to Ra, there are eight densities that all life must pass through, and in his present form, Ra exists on the Sixth Density.

The Earth, Ra claims, is presently at the end of a 75,000-year cycle where many humans will graduate from the Third Density to the Fourth Density by the process known as ”ascension.” Read the rest of this entry »

How Inner Feelings Cause Changes in the World Around Us

This is a wonderful interview with Gregg Braden, in which he discusses the matrix of energy that surrounds and envelops us. It is the bridge between the inner and outer worlds, which connects the feeling we have inside of us to the experiences we share.

Science tends to ignore the importance of our inner experience, although many of its great thinkers such as Max Planck and Stephen Hawking spoke of this as a Matrix or the Mind of God. Read the rest of this entry »

Esoteric Agenda: How it all fits together.

Over the last couple of years, the increase in the number of videos available freely on the internet, has lead to the release of a tremendous amount of documentaries. Many of these documentaries cover obscure subjects, on topics which are relevant to the lives of nearly every person on the planet.

Esoteric Agenda draws on the available information, piecing together a puzzle that has taken many researchers, such as Jordan Maxwell, Gregg Braden and Michael Tsarion decades to unravel.

Every day we are touched by the far reaching tentacles of Maritime Admiralty Law, or the Law of International Banking. This is the form of law which supersedes the Law of the Land and even the borders of powerful nations. Read the rest of this entry »

Sound of Muzak

Hear the sound of music
Drifting in the aisles
Elevator prozac
Stretching on for miles
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Things Change, But Nothing Changes

To all of my long-time readers, I would like to apologize for my recent extended absence from the blog-o-sphere. I know there are a few of you out there, who enjoy reading my regular commentaries. I want you to know that I will continue to post my thoughts, regardless of what direction my life takes. This is far from the end of my blogging days; on the contrary, it is the beginning of a new period of my life, where I hope to raise the bar for my level of creativity and originality.

Sometimes I just need some time away from all of this to attend to the things that are happening in my life. I have many things that I would like to attend to, in order feel the proper balance and to take my creativity into areas which it has yet to delve. I also have some new forces in my life that are helping a great deal to realize these creative aspirations; I think it is of the utmost importance that I give everything its due and allow things to unfold without being too insistent.

Intuition tells me that things are changing rapidly and drastically; despite all of this, however, the underlying thrust, to liberate all forms of creativity and express my genuine self-hood, is likely never to change. I know this because, throughout my life, despite all of the forces trying to make me like everyone else, this is the one aspect of me that has not waned. In fact, the more I am compelled to conform, the stronger the desire becomes to be unique.

Here is God

This body is a living temple
Made of light and love
Encompassing all beings

Giving each of us the chance
To transmute our energies as we see fit
Creation and destruction ebb and flow

This is a continuous process
We are all a part of this creation
Not just some mystical being in heaven

We are the God they speak of
Here is the heaven they speak of
Here is the hell they speak of

What if I say, “Here is god.”
Would you be able to understand?
Or are you be too busy thinking, “There is god”
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We Will Fall Apart

I won’t remember what you were when you were young.
You were no one then and you’re nothing now.
Do you remember what you denied me then.
Do you remember what you deny my body now
I do, oh I do….

When I feel your heart we will come undone,
We will fall apart…

Will you deny me when I get down on my knees
You’re nothing now,
Your body’s burning down
Do you remember how cruel you used to be.
Do you remember what you deny my weakness now.
I do, oh I do….

When you remember who you are,
We will come undone.
We will fall apart…


Past-Life Origins of Mental Abnormalities

From Many Mansions: The Edgar Cayce Story on Reincarnation

by Gina Cerminara

The name of Freud and the term “unconscious mind” are well known today. Many persons, however, are unaware of the fact that Freud’s discovery of the unconscious mind was due to his investigation in hypnosis. It was because hypnotized subjects could recall incidents from their childhood that were completely forgotten in their conscious state that Freud was forced to postulate an unconscious mind to account for the preservation of the otherwise irretrievable material. Freud later abandoned hypnosis as a clinical technique because it proved unsatisfactory in many cases, and proceeded to develop other methods of exploring the unconscious depths. But hypnosis must nonetheless be regarded as the parent of psychoanalysis.
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