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Ra: A Being from the Higher Dimensions

Beyond the reality filter that binds us to the material existence and all of its trappings, there lie a magnificent tapestry of beautifully interlaced reality matrices. These differing densities of reality are traversed by all beings, they present us with the challenges and opportunities that the universe needs to create growth towards greater oneness.

In our little corner of existence, many believe that there is a being called Ra, who helps to guide us to the next level of our growth on this planet.

The Universe According to Ra

by Wynn Free

Those who channel the entity known as Ra report that he has been involved in the affairs of our planet for the past 75,000 years. At certain points in our history, Ra claims to have manifested a physical body.. Today, Ra says, he exists on a level of pure vibration. He communicates with the group consciousness through dreams, and with individuals through channeling.

The information in this article, in which Ra describes our evolution and coming planetary ascension, is paraphrased or quoted from channeled writings of a group who refer to themselves as L/L Research (please see Sources of Information on Ra).

The Origin of Ra

Long before the inception of life on this planet, Ray says, there were Third Density life forms on Venus similar to our human forms on Earth..

Through evolution, these life forms ”ascended” beyond the Third Density and ultimately fused together into a unified complex which is the entity we now refer to as Ra. Ra identifies himself as a ”social memory complex.”

According to Ra, there are eight densities that all life must pass through, and in his present form, Ra exists on the Sixth Density.

The Earth, Ra claims, is presently at the end of a 75,000-year cycle where many humans will graduate from the Third Density to the Fourth Density by the process known as ”ascension.” Read the rest of this entry »