Forbidden Archeology: Understanding the Vedic Cosmolical Calendar

This is a lecture and a documentary inspired, in part, by the research of Michael L. Cremo. The videos explain the evidence that humans may be many millions of years older than the current evolutionary model suggests. Humans may have existed for much longer than most of today’s “scientists” tend to believe.

Cremo describes the archaeologists’ tenancy to cover-up as much as they dig up, utilizing deceptive academic techniques that classify artifacts which shatter their commonly-held theories as “anomalies” and, essentially, brushing them under the rug in order to preserve their careers.

Here are a couple of fascinating videos about the Archaeological and Historical cover-ups, as well as a detailed look into an understanding of Vedic Cosmology that may explain the many so-called “anomalies” which seem to suggest that humans have co-existed with the other life on earth for much longer than contemporary thinkers had previously thought.

Lecture: Micheal L. Cremo: The Vedic Understanding of Cosmology and Time

Documentary: Mysterious Origins of Man: Forbidden Archeology

Ron Paul On MSNBC’s Tucker July 17, 2007

Ron Paul appears on MSNBC’s Tucker Carlson show to discuss the Bush administration’s failure to catch Osama bin Laden and what he’d do differently as President.

Video Ron Paul On MSNBC’s Tucker July 17, 2007

I’m just…. having thoughts…

Just put up another video blog today after a long break. I’ll be putting out more of these in the coming weeks.

video: Thoughts about the turmoil in my life, living in Huntsville, Alabama and my desire to move to San Francisco in the near future.

Chinese to use weather control during 2008 Olympics

The Chinese government has finally revealed how they plan on playing God with the weather. They are planning on firing chemical filled rockets into the clouds to disperse any potential storms during the 2008 Summer Olympics.

China to zap rain clouds with rockets

yahoo news

BEIJING (Reuters) – China will fire rockets into the sky to scatter any rain clouds ahead of next year’s Beijing Olympics to ensure perfect weather, state media said on Tuesday.

China has already guaranteed perfect weather for the August 2008 Games, but until now had not said how it would make sure its forecast comes true.

Zheng Guoguang, head of the China Meteorological Association, announced the decision to use rockets in Beijing on Monday, the China Daily said.

“As summer is a rainy season, this practice will become the focus of the meteorological services for the Games which will be held in the same season next year,” he was quoted as saying.

China’s Olympic hosts fear the normally bone-dry capital’s stormy August weather could put a damper on the Games, and worry that an untimely deluge could affect the opening ceremony on August 8 at the uncovered National Stadium.

Beijing, which is chronically short of water, is well practiced at firing chemical-infused rockets into clouds to prompt a much-needed downpour, but organizers concede rain prevention remains a much tougher prospect.

Ron Paul Speaks at Google

Here is a public discussion between 2008 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul and Google executive Elliot Schrage as part of the company’s Candidates@Google series.

They spend about an hour discussing Dr. Paul’s positions and asking questions. Mr. Schrage remarks that they have gotten more questions for Dr. Paul than for any other candidate.

Candidates@Google: Ron Paul

Time For a New Heading

The circumstances into which I am thrust have gotten me thinking deeply about the future.  I have talked it over with friends, turned it over in my head, now my mind is made up.  I am getting my Oracle certifications, selling my home and moving to San Francisco, California!  I am ready to forget about everything that happened here and rebuild my life.

Its going to take a few months to get all of this accomplished, but I am more ready than ever to shed most of my possessions and live a minimalist life over there for a few years, build some net-worth, make some friends, take-in some culture and I am also interested in continuing my training in Tai Chi and Choy Li Fut at Doc-Fai-Wong’s School in the Sunset District.

I talked with an old friend who moved to San Francisco a year or two ago, we discussed the finer points of the tech industry, cost of living and general life in San Francisco.  It seems quite apparent that more money could be made over there, as there are more opportunities (including opportunities with startups that can be very economically rewarding) and the pay after cost of living increase is far greater than good-ole Alabama.

I appreciate all of the good times that I had with friends and family here in Alabama, and I will miss them, but I don’t want to live and die in this place.  I want to go somewhere where I can experience more of what life has to offer and get out of the rut that living in this town has gotten me into.  Life is too short to stay in Huntsville, Alabama.

Attorney acquitted on federal income tax charges

Tom Cryer Discusses the Federal Income Tax Fraud:

Cryer stopped filing income taxes more than 10 years ago

By Loresha Wilson |

A Shreveport attorney who has challenged the government for years on the legality of filing federal income taxes has been acquitted on charges he failed to file returns.

A federal jury unanimously found Tommy Cryer not guilty this week on two misdemeanor counts of failure to file.

And according to Cryer, the prosecution dismissed two felony charges of tax evasion prior to trial. read full article »

9/11 Video Fakery Backlash

If we really want to understand what happened on the 11th of September, we need to be willing to approach it from unconventional angles. From what I have seen, I firmly believe that there is a significant body of evidence suggesting that video fakery was used to distract investigators from the bombs that went off during the time of the supposed “plane” impact.

Regardless of what you may believe, I hope you will take a moment to review the following videos so you can draw your own conclusions. read full article »

You told me last night you were a sun now, with your very own devoted satellite

Back in 2000, a good friend, someone who I consider a brother, exposed me to the music of Tori Amos. I found it to be quite intriguing, and my journey into her world has been one of the most beautiful journeys of my life. As I go further into it, I am developing an even greater appreciation for her work.

From the moment I began listening to Tori’s music, I felt a deep connection to it, as if I was able to understand the thoughts and feelings I had been having, yet was never really able to understand or express. I feel like I have always been looking for something to relate to on a deep spiritual level, and her work is one of the few things that I’ve found fulfilling. read full article »

Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, without judgment.

Our body is light, we are immortal.
Our body is love, we are eternal.
Eternal..Omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, without judgment.


We have but one body, and it is comprised of light and love.  This sort of understanding is the cornerstone of spiritual growth.  It is essentially the notion that any boundary between our selves and everything else is purely imaginary.

If one ponders this carefully, it is likely that they will see that their existence is merely a mosaic of all of the other existences.  Indeed it is merely a reflection of the rest of creation in relation to the vantage point of the individual’s self. It is as if the universe is a larger being that is perceiving itself through each of us.

The energy of each being is continually interacting with the energy of other beings.  The control of the energy is divided amongst the universe’s constituents so that there might be being.  Were it to be under the complete control of any one entity, then there would be no reason to act, as the outcome would not affect anything else. read full article »