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#013 Why Public Schools Should be Abolished

If we got rid of public schools, the flood gates of innovation would be opened up and an entire ecosystem of options could emerge. I think it would be better for everyone, for parents, teachers and students. It would be especially good for people who are tired of paying property taxes into a black hole and those being forced to pay to educate other people’s kids, as well as those who’s kids have already grown.

Recorded on 12/13/2012

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Alan Watts on “The Real You” and Death

That question, of what happens after we die, has always mystified me. The question that is almost impossible to answer with any level of certainty.

The idea of going away into oblivion, into the “dark room” that you can never emerge from, as Watts said, is indeed horrifying. It makes my stomach turn, just at the thought of it. On the other side of the spectrum, the idea that we somehow persist afterwards seems convenient; but a bit too easy. It seems like its just my “ego” wanting to exist forever, when it may not really be practical.

The idea, however, the “you” are “everything”, or that you are the “universe experiencing itself”; means that, in a manner of speaking, you are like a thought in the mind of the universe, one of a countless array of thoughts that it thinks in infinite permutations. I feel much better thinking of it that way. It seems far more balanced and correct.

Still, there is a sadness inside me, that thinks, this individual me should go on existing forever. Who knows? Maybe the Buddhists who speak of reincarnation of the soul were correct. Perhaps our individual soul is reborn, to a point, so as to evolve over many lifetimes, with the eventual option to “return to source.”

#12 Striking the Root: Underlying Causes of Unease in the Individual

If there is one thing of importance that I have learned over the years, it is the lasting significance of addressing underlying causes and the futility of symptomatic relief. Today’s discussion is from the Japanese Tea Garden in Monte Sano.

In this discussion, I describe how I have worked on these issues for myself using Tai Chi, Yoga, Meditation, etc. I also discuss how others can find solutions for themselves.

Statism: Just Another Giant Stone Cow

Statism is little more than a vestige from our past, an anachronism. Like those ancient stone gods you see pictures of, such as those in the Amazon. If you weren’t part of that culture and indoctrinated with the bullshit from an early age, it has little effect on you.

Statism is just like those statues. We see it so easily when looking at states in other parts of the world or statues in other parts of the world. We think, “how can people go along with this and believe it.” Almost always, the reason people go along with it, is because enough people fear the consequences of not having a state, because they have been taught, from a very early age, that human life could not exist without rulers.

Human life can and has existed without rulers and it has the potential to thrive under such conditions.

#11 How to make Real Change in Society

Political action is not the road to effective change. The way to really change society is to start with yourself, your own groups, your own businesses and work your way out. The further away from your self you get, the less of a chance you have of changing anything.

Recorded on 2012-10-17

#10 Principles, Persistence & Consistency

Techniques to achieve your dreams, in achievable increments, one day at a time. The mental technology you need, to truly make a difference in your life.

Recorded on 2012-10-15

Oliver Shanti – Journey to Shambala

Here is a beautiful video to this metaphysically stimulating song. I sometimes hear this song in my dreams. Those dreams, are some of the better dreams.

The Doors – The End

This is the end, beautiful friend
This is the end, my only friend, the end
Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I’ll never look into your eyes, again Read the rest of this entry »

#9 On Tai Chi & Skepticism

Some thoughts on the skeptical perspectives on Chi and the martial use of Tai Chi. My thoughts on the shallowness of external martial arts.

Recorded on 10/8/2012

The “Feast or Famine” Personality Type

I have always found it peculiar, the way certain personality types manage their money. Have you ever noticed that there is this reactionary “feast or famine” personality type, who has very poor understanding of economics and poor planning abilities; when they have extra money, be it a little or alot, they blow it on bullshit and don’t save.

The flip side is, when they fall on hard times, they have nothing to fall back on, because they’ve spent it all. What’s worse, is they get a bunch of unnecessary recurring expenses which compound the problem.

To further compound the problem, the “reactionary” side of their personality causes them to overreact to problems when they occur, so they then waste time and resources that need not be wasted to “over-solve” a problem. In the process of all this, they’ve been so distracted by their volatile reactionary nature, that new problems have cropped up unbeknownst to them.

Rich or poor, doesn’t matter in this case. The rich guy just takes vacations overseas, buys himself fancy cars and has more epic overreactions. The poor guy just does it on a smaller scale. Its not necessarily about the amount of resources you have, its about how you use them.

Still, I wouldn’t expect someone who is wealthy, who does this, to keep much of that wealth. They feasted when times were good; but had nothing left over for bad times. Tough shit for them, eh?