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Russian DNA Discoveries Explain Human ‘Paranormal’ Events

2005 01 18

Ed Note: This explains shape shifting, beings moving in and out of dimensions (interdimensional) and it explains how prayers and manifestation meditation works, how shamans can alter health and weather, it explains how Royal Raymond Rife’s frequency healing can work, and much much more. Very exiting!

Summarized by Baerbel * Edited and translated

Esoteric and spiritual teachers have known for ages that our body is programmable by language, words and thought. This has now been scientifically proven and explained.

The human DNA is a biological Internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. The latest Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more.

In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes. Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. It is this subset of DNA that is of interest to western researchers and is being examined and categorized. The other 90% are considered “junk DNA.” Read the rest of this entry »

FDA doesn’t even check to see if food labels are accurate…

Its amazing how many people trust the government health programs. The food companies may, very well, have been lying to us about alot more than one would assume.

Apparently the FDA only checks to see if a label is on the box; it doesn’t even check the food itself to see if the label is accurate! So there’s no way of really knowing based upon some label.

Food Labels May be Inaccurate, Despite FDA Inspections

Excerpted from

An FDA report on efforts to get rid of misleading nutrition and health claims on food labels is misleading itself.

While the FDA report implies that more than 28,000 food labels were checked in a 14-month period, they only checked to see whether or not the Nutrition Facts panel was present, rather than whether or not it was accurate.

Bruce Silverglade, the legal director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), argued that “the accuracy of Nutrition Facts labels and misleading health-related claims … have been the casualty of not only budget cuts, but a lack of commitment on the part of the Agency to fulfill its mission.”

He went on to say that the FDA should crack down on inaccurate labeling such as deceptive “0 trans fat” claims and misleading “made with real fruit” statements, rather than simply glancing at labels.

CSPI urged Congress to increase funding to the FDA and direct the FDA to make systematic supermarket sweeps and accuracy tests of Nutrition Facts labels.

Beating the illegally run IRS in the legal system.

End Tax SlaveryWhile researching the Internal Revenue Service and their lack of authority to collect taxes on wages, I came accross an interesting discussion thread and message board in which non-taxpayers discuss their run-ins with the IRS.

Many of the people on this forum are quite well informed about matters of law; much can be learned from a review of these cases involving the IRS.

The forum can be accessed here:

Please send copies of this post, or at least share the url, with all of your friends and associates who are non-taxpayers.

In case some of you have not heard, earlier this month, an American Citizen employed by Mitsubishi Motors, who was charged with and indicted on Willful failure to file tax returns, and tax evasion, and was accused by a Grand Jury of violating 26 USC 7201 and 26 USC 7203, had all of the 6 charges against him dismissed WITH PREJUDICE, after the USG attorneys learned that as part of his defense, his attorney would be introducing the Paperwork Reduction Act and the IRS’s repeated failures to comply with that positive enacted law. Read the rest of this entry »

Timothy Leary: How to Operate Your Brain

Video: Timothy Leary: How to Operate Your Brain

The complete owner’s guide, How to Operate Your Brain, is a 29 minute, guided, electronic (spoken/musical) meditation. In it, Dr. Leary tries to impart to the listener essential aspects of his visionary psychadellic experiences.

I have also included an article by one of Timothy Leary’s friends. Its hard to believe that its already been 10 years since Mr. Leary’s death. Read the rest of this entry »

Transitioning to a Healthy Lifestyle

I often encounter individuals who are depressed about their health; they feel that, although they know some of the basics of a healthy lifestyle, there is little to nothing that they can do to change the situation. I was once of the same mindset, and I can honestly say that much can be done with a few fundamental changes in perception.

Many of us fail to realize that, in order to break out of the cycle of self-abuse, it is essential that daily habits come under scrutiny. Unfortunately, however, most of us cleave tightly to our habits as if they were some sort of sacred ritual not to be criticized or changed in any way. This is individualism at its best. I cannot even begin to keep track of the number of health-related exchanges I’ve had with others in which they dismiss rock-solid scientific evidence because it is inconvenient or it causes them to call into question the beneficiality of their daily routines.

One thing that we need to keep in mind, however, is that the human body is a marvelous machine. When it is cared for properly, it will thrive and provide years of happiness and harmony. When it is abused, it will gradually break down and cause physical and spiritual degredation.

Many will argue that they are perfectly happy eating highly processed foods. Sure, they may feel quite well after gulping down a giant soft drink or eating a bag of cheezy poofs; but do any of these people realize what chemical reactions are taking place in their body after imbibing these substances?

Changing to a Vegetable-Based Diet

The human body functions best when its diet consists of un-processed natural ingredients. It is therefore essential that one avoid the center portion of the supermarket, as most of the foods in this portion are highly processed, utilize partially hydrogenated oils and may contain harmful sugar substitutes such as Splenda.

Optimally, 80-90% of our food should be fresh produce, with the bulk of that being above-ground vegetables. Fresh produce contains valuable enzymes, is easy for the body to digest and aids in the elimination of wastes and accumulated toxins.

If you find it difficult to believe that the typical diet is so far off from what it needs to be, try adding a decent amount of produce to your daily intake and note how you feel a week later. If your experience is anything like mine, you will achieve the necessary motivation once you feel the tremendous difference a produce-based diet makes.

Keys to a Healthy Lifestyle

I’ve discovered, through my experiences, that most of the effort consumed while sucessfully transitioning is geared towards restraint. There are many foods available in the supermarket which have some level of toxicity; we have to do our homework and understand this before we place these foods into our bodies.

Here are some interesting resources:

see also:

Entering the library of the Akasha

Human creation such as families, laws, institutions, money, textiles, rooms, carpets, cars, etc have little significance in the greater scheme of things. This is so because the connections that we share are shared by all; they have nothing to do with civilization or any of the other imaginings of mankind. In the realm of the Akasha, each of us possesses a light body and recognizes that others are always spiritually connected.

Our universal connections are seldom understood, even though they are accessible by everyone; this is because the human mind tends to indoctrinated with one of the many popular cultures of humankind. The indoctrination process often causes the mind to become engrossed in the generally accepted reality and filter all else out of their awareness.

It is possible, however, to deactivate this firewall, of sorts, that we have created in our minds; a firewall which possessed the soul purpose of filtering out the myriad of things that are continuously streaming into our minds. It is essential that we open the gates to more of what exists so that we can have access to the greatest library of them all, the Akashic library.
Read the rest of this entry »

A Different Drum

With all that is going on in the world today, we often find ourselves overwhelmed and confused. It is often difficult to decide what the thrust of our existence is to be in each moment. Many of the things that we discover are meant to do just that; this is why it is important to step back for a moment and re-discover the divinity within ourselves.

Journeys of re-discovery tend to begin with a trigger of some sort. It can be be triggered by a work of art such as a musical album or painting, an encounter with another and even a trip into nature. Regardless of the triggering event, it is important that we break familiar patterns in search of a new angle on things. Read the rest of this entry »

The Health Benefits of Water Fasting

By Stephen Harrod Buhner
original source

Fasting is an exceptionally ancient, and powerful, approach to healing many common disease conditions. It allows the body to rest, detoxify, and to heal. During fasting the body moves into the same kind of detoxification cycle that it normally enters during sleep. It uses its energy during a fast, not for digesting food, but for cleansing the body of accumulated toxins and healing any parts of it that are ill. As a fast progresses the body consumes everything that it can that is not essential to bodily functioning. This includes bacteria, viruses, fibroid tumors, waste products in the blood, any build up around the joints, and stored fat. The historical record indicates that human beings are evolutionarily designed to fast. It is an incredibly safe approach to healing and the body knows how to do it very well. Read the rest of this entry »

The Principle of Correspondence

What is the Principle of Correspondence?

I often think of the principle of correspondence at length when thinking of our place in the universe. This principle states, “As above, so below; as below, so above.”

A simmilar phrase can be found in a most excellent Tool song called Parabola. In this song the principle was used in the phrase, “as below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn beyond the lines of reason.” This ancient saying has universal implications when one considers it in all of its fullness.

What can one learn from this?

The law seems to be alluding to the fractal-like nature of the mental/physical universe. If the universe has the qualities of a fractal, then there are repeated structures on all scales ad infinitum. This brings about the question, “If the very structure of the Universe is a fractal, what does this tell us about ourselves?”

This principle of correspondence tells us that the mere observation of our own consciousness can give us insight into other forms of consciousness; having the simmilarity that each element of a fractal has, our consciousness is similar to all of the others.

If you move away from the image of a fractal, one finds that the elements, when observed on the small scale, appear large and seemingly separate, when observed on the larger scale, however, they are merely pieces of the larger scale elements and are, indeed, inseperable from one another.

What about the daily life of a man relates to the divine?

The use of agriculture to grow and nurture new plant life and to enrich the soil for future lives can be referred to as that which is below; that which we can understand in our level of existence. Agriculture, properly done, enriches the whole biosphere and brings forth a nutritious bounty to be enjoyed by Man and all other forms of animal. This is the fundamental sustainer of our life and is the most important life-sustaining activity. It is almost as if, through the consumption of vegetables, the spirit and vitality of plant and man become one.

If the principle is correct in stating that what is below gives us insight into what is above, then we can step out of our level of existence and see that our mind/body/spirit complexes may be somewhat like plants to higher forms of being; entities which exist on a level barely describable in our three-dimensional, linear conception of reality.

These advanced entities, like ourselves in relation to the plants, receive nourishment from our very presence; they carefully watch over us and our planet in order to assure that we eventually reach maturity and are able to, by our own free will, become one with them. Is this really any different from a plant, who, without animals to eat it and spread its seed will not flourish as a species?

The Seven Great Egyptian Hermetic Principles

  1. The Principle of Mentalism – “The all is mind: the universe is mental.”
  2. The Principle of Correspondence – “As above, so below; as below, so above.”
  3. The Principle of Vibration – “Nothing rests: everything moves: everything vibrates.”
  4. The Principle of Polarity – “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”
  5. The Principle of Rhythm – “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”
  6. The Principle of Cause and Effect – “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause; everything happens according to the law; chance is but a name for law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the law.”
  7. The Principle of Gender – “Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles; gender manifests on all planes.

Promoting Planetwide Synergy Through Personal Discipline

Many of us, when we think of who and what we are, fail to realize that the Earth is an extension of our body and mind or, better yet, we are an extension of the Earth’s body and mind. When one of us wastes the fruit of the Earth, in one of the countless (unsustainable) ways that we, as a civilization, have devised to do so, they are wasting the very fruit of our collective body and mind; a condition which leads to the weakness of and the eventual death of the Gaian (Earth) mind/body/spirit complex. Read the rest of this entry »