China looks to the wisdom of its ancient philosophy to spread the message of harmony
When the founder of China’s Taoist philosophy Lao Zi first began to write Daodejing (Classic of the Way and Virtue), he believed the concept in his mind was too profound to be described in words.
Lao Zi subsequently denied the meaning of writing this classic in its first sentence. “The Tao [way] that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name,” reads Daodejing. The short text of about 5,000 characters, while teeming with similar seeming self-contradictions, is the oldest and most important of Taoist works as well as one of the most read books of all time. A total of almost 500 translated versions in 32 languages have been printed, arguably trailing only the Bible in the circulation stakes. Read the rest of this entry »
The masters of old attained unity with the Tao. Heaven attained unity and became pure. The earth attained unity and found peace. The spirits attained unity so they could minister. The valleys attained unity that they might be full. Humanity attained unity that they might flourish. Their leaders attained unity that they might set the example. This is the power of unity.
Without unity, the sky becomes filthy. Without unity, the earth becomes unstable. Without unity, the spirits become unresponsive and disappear. Without unity, the valleys become dry as a desert. Without unity, human kind can’t reproduce and becomes extinct. Without unity, our leaders become corrupt and fall.
The great view the small as their source, and the high takes the low as their foundation. Their greatest asset becomes their humility. They speak of themselves as orphans and widows, thus they truly seek humility. Do not shine like the precious gem, but be as dull as a common stone.
The past, as we understand it, is a collection of lies. These lies have been passed down from generation to generation. With each successive generation, what little truth the people are aware of becomes diluted, time and ignorance envelop and dis-integrate the remaining vestiges of compassion and understanding. So we’ve reached a point, in this great cycle of being, where the truth is so diluted that we haven’t the foggiest idea who we are or where we are going. Read the rest of this entry »
It is common for us to forget that the chemistry of our bodies is a direct reflection of our minds; every thought we think and every emotion we feel changes this chemistry drastically. This being the case, it is essential, for one’s overall well being and spiritual advancement, to cultivate a feeling of harmony.
I and many others, have been in a state of disonance for the past several months. I can feel this disonance when I look at someone or when I am in a crowd of people, there is a feeling of dispair and defeat; a feeling that something is about to change most drastically. Read the rest of this entry »