Archive for the ‘Politics’ Category

The Tao of Ron Paul

By Jeffrey L. Bryan |

Long before Mises and Rothbard, Lao-Tzu introduced libertarian ideas to China with the Tao Te Ching. Selections from that ancient book of philosophy illustrate the wisdom that would shape American policy under the administration of President Ron Paul.

From Chapter 17 of the Tao Te Ching: “In the highest antiquity, the people did not know that there were rulers. In the next age they loved them and praised them. In the next they feared them; in the next they despised them.”

Since 9/11, George W. Bush has run the gamut. Just after 9/11, he was loved and praised (by a country desperate for leadership); later he was feared (by Americans concerned about tyranny, not to mention the people of Iraq); and today he is despised by most of the world and the majority of his country. Lao-Tzu describes this process of degeneration over vast ages of history – for Dubya, it took about three or four years. Read the rest of this entry »

Neil Cavuto tries to associate Ron Paul with violence

During Ron Paul’s appearance on Neil Cavuto, they tried their damnedest to make Ron Paul look bad, by associating him with violence and anti-police sentiments, however they failed miserably.

Cavuto also made the bogus claim that the government could not operate without the “Income Tax” despite the fact that the government operated just fine until 1913, when the Federal Reserve Bank was created.

Dr. Paul’s responses illustrated how civil disobedience, especially against the tax code, is the American tradition, a tradition which has helped to repeal bad laws many times before.

Video: Ron Paul on Neil Cavuto Show 6-26-07

Ron Paul’s 1988 Appearance on the The Morton Downey Jr Show

“More money is spent on illegal drugs than on food.” ~Ron Paul

Video: Ron Paul on Morton Downey Jr Show (part II, part III)

The purely emotional exchanges on this talk show illustrate the high levels of idiocy afflicting the American people during the late 1980’s. It is really bizarre to see the audience applauding prohibitions and booing the constitution and the due process of law.

When the Downey Show Baboons aren’t busy spewing ignorance at the top of their lungs, Dr. Paul explains quite succinctly why the “War on Drugs” empowers drug dealers to make tremendous profits and the CIA to promote illegal wars.

Paul also notes that there wasn’t a single drug law until 1914 and America was just fine up until then. It is also interesting to note that more money is spent on illegal drugs than food! The American people were apparently duped into supporting the same criminal enterprises that they thought they were fighting because prohibitions only benefit the criminal element in society.

Bill To Abolish the Federal Reserve Enters House of Representatives

Read the Full Text of H.R. 2755 – The Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act

“To abolish the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks, to repeal the Federal Reserve Act, and for other purposes.” This legislation would help to restore the U.S. Constitution, which mandates that only Congress can coin money (Article I, Section 8, Clause 5), and that US debts be settled in silver and gold Article I, Section 10, Clause 1).

Andrew Jackson was the last president to stand up to the central bank and, against all odds, narrowly defeat it. He knew where to go to route out the corruption that eats at the very core of the nation.

Ron Paul is the Andrew Jackson of the 21st century. Americans are waking up to the reality of a privately owned central bank controlling a monopoly over the issuance of credit. The founders of America warned that private banks, possessing the powers of money issuance, would plunge the republic into tyranny. Read the rest of this entry »

Ron Paul Appears on Colbert Report 6/13/2007

Ron Paul appearing on The Colbert Report an 6/13/2007

Ron Paul’s appearance on the Colbert Report provided some good exposure for Dr. Paul to a sympathetic audience of young voters.

Here is Colbert’s introduction for Dr. Paul:

I’m not sure how to feel about you, but I am passionately ambivalent. Lets stake out some of the things you’ve been doing: you voted against the Patriot Act, you voted against the Iraq war, you also hate taxes and you hate gun control. You are an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, nestled in a sesame seed bun of mystery..

Video: Ron Paul’s Appearance on the Colbert Report

CNN’s GOP “Debate” Rigged

Wolf Blitzer said that the CNN-controlled debate was going to give all candidates equal time to respond to each question. In-fact, nothing could be further from the truth.

Obvious media bias was geared towards the “top tier” demagogues like “Ghouliani”, “double the size of Guantanamo Romney” and “torture is bad unless if I vote for it McCain.”

Despite all of this, and in contravention to the “wisdom” of CNN’s and other MSM “analysts,” Ron Paul won almost every online poll, indicating that the public believes that he won the debate.
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Immigration ‘Compromise’ Sells Out Our Sovereignty

by Congressman Ron Paul
May 28, 2007

The much-vaunted Senate “compromise” on immigration is a compromise alright: a compromise of our laws, a compromise of our sovereignty, and a compromise of the Second Amendment. That anyone in Washington believes this is a credible approach to solving our immigration crisis suggests just how out of touch our political elites really are.

The reality is that this bill will grant amnesty to virtually all of the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in the country today. Supporters use very creative language to try and convince us that amnesty is not really amnesty, but when individuals who have entered the United States illegally are granted citizenship – regardless of the fees they are charged – what you have is amnesty. Read the rest of this entry »

Ron Paul on the Dennis Miller Show

Here is an audio recording of Ron Paul on the Dennis Miller Show on May 30, 2007. During the interview, they discuss abortion, eminent domain, and the Iraq war.

Dennis says that he agrees with Dr. Paul on most of the issues except for the war. On that subject Dennis holds the arcane and debunked neo-con view that “we have to kill them or they will kill us.” Which is similar to the line of blarney used by war-mongers during the Vietnam war.

Video: Audio of the Ron Paul interview on Dennis Miller

Giuliani Gets a Visit from Concerned Citizens

Although 1 in 3 Americans believe in a 9/11 cover-up, they continue to refer to concerned citizens as “radicals” while war mongering demagogues like Giuliani are alright.

Video: Giuliani Confronted by Citizens who are concerned with his lies about the eleventh of September.

Giuliani Confronted By 9/11 Truthers, Lies About WTC Collapse

Though Giuliani is attempting to make a distinction of the fact that he expected the towers to fall after a period of time, this still doesn’t explain who gave him the warning and why he seems to flip-flop on this issue every time he is asked about it, while wearing a strange broad grin across his also underscores the notion that the sudden implosion of the twin towers was an unnatural event and even Giuliani acknowledges this fact.The 9/11 truth activists led by Rudowski also confronted David Rockefeller at his home as well as the CFR at their main headquarters. Reports and video footage on those events will be forthcoming.

Read the rest of this entry »

Ron Paul gets people talking on “The View”

Video: The View Discusses Ron Paul

Joy Behar, Rosie O’Donnell and guest Chandra Wilson debate Elisabeth Hasselbeck over Ron Paul and why we need to re-think foreign policy. Proof that Ron Paul gets people talking and is our only hope for real leadership.

Wrote Casey Khan:

“Ron Paul is everywhere. Today my wife and I were looking for a new minivan for our growing family. There was a tv on at the dealership. While I was chasing the 3 year old around, my wife yelled, ‘check this out.’ Lo and behold, on the horrid daytime tv show The View, I see a gigantic picture of Ron Paul behind the hosts, a blond, a red head, and a brunette. The blond was huffing and puffing the warparty line about Paul’s heroic statements critiquing American foreign policy. The red head came back and explained how Ron was merely explaining and critiquing the policy, not blaming the American people nor justifying murder by the terrorists. That’s all I saw since I had to make sure my son wasn’t destroying Toyota property. My wife told me the segment went on for about 5 minutes, with the infamous Rosie O’Donnell coming to his defense [that can’t be helping Ron with conservatives]. In any case, it was great to see Dr. Paul’s foreign policy of freedom discussed, of all places, on daytime tv.”