The human beings that most of us believe ourselves to be, actually encompass only a tiny fraction of the grand spectra of existence. Indeed, we are an integral part of the unfolding of reality.
We are sentient self-aware beings, distinct from most of the other beings that exist on this planet. The limited and docile Earthly persons that we, by default, tend to envision ourselves as, are actually far greater beings capable of, heretofore, unimagined feats.
“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, in the expert’s mind there are few” ~ Sunryu Suzuki
Transcendence of our differences and re-invigoration of the primordial drive to transfigure our inner-selves into something more novel is the key. We have to move beyond this repetitive, cyclical, propaganda-induced lifestyle.
To do this, we need to abolish ritual and instead follow our innate sense of compassion by living in each and every moment as if it is the very first moment ever experienced. This is a return to the mind of a beginner. Read the rest of this entry »
If you’re as concerned as I am about the environment and how it impacts your health, chances are good you might’ve missed a huge cultural shift.
This absolutely fascinating video lecture by a very articulate Harvard anthropologist tells you how we are losing our heritage.
By Professor Davis’ estimate, about half of the world’s 6,000 languages are disappearing, as they are no longer being taught to children, meaning the origins of our world, ethnicity and spiritual life — what he calls the ethnosphere — are vanishing. Read the rest of this entry »
Video: Timothy Leary: How to Operate Your Brain
The complete owner’s guide, How to Operate Your Brain, is a 29 minute, guided, electronic (spoken/musical) meditation. In it, Dr. Leary tries to impart to the listener essential aspects of his visionary psychadellic experiences.
I have also included an article by one of Timothy Leary’s friends. Its hard to believe that its already been 10 years since Mr. Leary’s death. Read the rest of this entry »
Human creation such as families, laws, institutions, money, textiles, rooms, carpets, cars, etc have little significance in the greater scheme of things. This is so because the connections that we share are shared by all; they have nothing to do with civilization or any of the other imaginings of mankind. In the realm of the Akasha, each of us possesses a light body and recognizes that others are always spiritually connected.
Our universal connections are seldom understood, even though they are accessible by everyone; this is because the human mind tends to indoctrinated with one of the many popular cultures of humankind. The indoctrination process often causes the mind to become engrossed in the generally accepted reality and filter all else out of their awareness.
It is possible, however, to deactivate this firewall, of sorts, that we have created in our minds; a firewall which possessed the soul purpose of filtering out the myriad of things that are continuously streaming into our minds. It is essential that we open the gates to more of what exists so that we can have access to the greatest library of them all, the Akashic library. Read the rest of this entry »
What is the Principle of Correspondence?
I often think of the principle of correspondence at length when thinking of our place in the universe. This principle states, “As above, so below; as below, so above.”
A simmilar phrase can be found in a most excellent Tool song called Parabola. In this song the principle was used in the phrase, “as below so above and beyond I imagine, drawn beyond the lines of reason.” This ancient saying has universal implications when one considers it in all of its fullness.
The law seems to be alluding to the fractal-like nature of the mental/physical universe. If the universe has the qualities of a fractal, then there are repeated structures on all scales ad infinitum. This brings about the question, “If the very structure of the Universe is a fractal, what does this tell us about ourselves?”
This principle of correspondence tells us that the mere observation of our own consciousness can give us insight into other forms of consciousness; having the simmilarity that each element of a fractal has, our consciousness is similar to all of the others.
If you move away from the image of a fractal, one finds that the elements, when observed on the small scale, appear large and seemingly separate, when observed on the larger scale, however, they are merely pieces of the larger scale elements and are, indeed, inseperable from one another.
The use of agriculture to grow and nurture new plant life and to enrich the soil for future lives can be referred to as that which is below; that which we can understand in our level of existence. Agriculture, properly done, enriches the whole biosphere and brings forth a nutritious bounty to be enjoyed by Man and all other forms of animal. This is the fundamental sustainer of our life and is the most important life-sustaining activity. It is almost as if, through the consumption of vegetables, the spirit and vitality of plant and man become one.
If the principle is correct in stating that what is below gives us insight into what is above, then we can step out of our level of existence and see that our mind/body/spirit complexes may be somewhat like plants to higher forms of being; entities which exist on a level barely describable in our three-dimensional, linear conception of reality.
These advanced entities, like ourselves in relation to the plants, receive nourishment from our very presence; they carefully watch over us and our planet in order to assure that we eventually reach maturity and are able to, by our own free will, become one with them. Is this really any different from a plant, who, without animals to eat it and spread its seed will not flourish as a species?
It is common for us to forget that the chemistry of our bodies is a direct reflection of our minds; every thought we think and every emotion we feel changes this chemistry drastically. This being the case, it is essential, for one’s overall well being and spiritual advancement, to cultivate a feeling of harmony.
I and many others, have been in a state of disonance for the past several months. I can feel this disonance when I look at someone or when I am in a crowd of people, there is a feeling of dispair and defeat; a feeling that something is about to change most drastically. Read the rest of this entry »