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I am me, I am free: The Robots Guide to Freedom

David Icke | I Am Me, I Am Free: The Robots Guide to Freedom

Ask anyone and they will tell you that they want to be free. What does it mean to be truly free? Is it something that is bestowed upon us by some outside force such as the government?

Actually, true freedom issues from within our very being; we create the freedom or the lack thereof in every moment that we exist. With each passing breath we have a choice; we can be “an infinite consciousness capable of being and creating whatever it chooses” or we can be “an illusion imprisoned by its own perceived and programmed limitations.”

When you look out into the world, is it not obvious that there is a very real problem with people unnecessarily limiting themselves with their own perceived and programmed limitations? Might each of us, no matter how much we’ve worked on ourselves, benefit from some reflection on these concepts?

Chapter 1: The Bewildered Herd

by David Icke

So who the hell are you, then? What lies behind those eyes? When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the real you, or what you have been conditioned to believe is you? The two are so, so, different. One is an infinite consciousness capable of being and creating whatever it chooses, the other is an illusion imprisoned by its own perceived and programmed limitations.

Which of these “yous” is controlling your life? Infinity or limitation? Self love or self disdain? Freedom of thought or a prison of the mind?

Sadly for the overwhelming majority of people on this planet all but the privileged few – it is the conditioned mind which prevails. They live their lives within their programmed limitations of thought, view, and action. It is a world of I can’ts and I daren’ts and I mustn’ts; of I shoulds and I musts and I ought tos; a world of conforming to what someone else says they must be or should be. While the real them sees only solutions and opportunities to learn and evolve, the programmed them sees only problems and reasons not to do. They live life behind bars in a cell of their own making. The world itself reflects the sum total of these billions of individual prisons. The Earth has become a global Alcatraz, a spinning ball of control and imposition dictated by the few at the expense of the many. Freedom? Free-what? How do you spell that again? The human race has not been free for a very, very long time, well before recorded history. But the trick is to persuade us that we are free – then we won’t do anything about the walls that surround us and the warders at the door. Walls? What walls? You’re free! Warders? What warders? You’re free! Read the rest of this entry »