Armstrong sees the Gold bull market lasting until roughly 2016 (17.2 years starting in 1999). Is it at this point that you see the USDX bottoming at .5200?
Is it at that point when you see the Federal Reserve Gold Certificate put in place? According to cyclical analysis it would come at the low point business wise of the 17.2 cycle.
How long do you think this world monetary system will take to be implemented?
I guess once again the US will lead the process.
Do you think China (or India) will take a major role in it?
Will it be done under the IMF umbrella?
After the Federal Reserve Gold Certificate is in place, do you believe that the world´s economy can enjoy some period of stability (with the exception of geopolitical considerations)?
Best regards,
CIGA Christopher
I see the USDX bottoming between .4600 and .5200, yes. I have learned not to argue with Armstrong on cycle timing. Gold should have a temporary high point between January 14th and June 25th, 2011.
Implementation is not a process, it is a surprise.
The US will not necessarily lead the process. By then the IMF will be the Western World Central Bank, if not in name, certainly in function.
China and India will play a major role by demand via back financial channels.
It will likely be done under the IMF umbrella as part of a Super Sovereign Currency.
After the Federal Reserve Gold Certificate is in place the world’s economy should be able to enjoy a period of stability for a considerable amount of time, but with a total rearrangement of positions of national economic powers moving towards Asia and do not forget Jakaya Kikwete and the common market of sub Sahara African countries of merit and leadership. They are there.