There is this popular idea, that earmark spending results in increased Federal Government spending; so it is thought that the government should be given the money to spend on whatever they please. As with most popular ideas, this one is wrong; it is likely propaganda from those who would be receiving the pork without accountability.
As Congressman Ron Paul describes, the amount of a particular budget is decided before any earmarks are put into place; so a particular earmark does not alter the amount of the overall budget. To remove earmarks would remove accountability and give them even more money in their slush funds; to do with as they please.
Earmarks Don’t Add Up
Earmarks seem to be the hot topic this week, and as a fiscal conservative I am dismayed so many people deliberately distort the earmarking process and grandstand to make political points. It is an easy thing to do with earmarks. It takes a little more time and patience to grasp the reality of what earmarks really are.
To be sure, if earmarks were the driving force behind explosive government spending as some have been led to believe, that would be a good reason for all the fuss. The misconception seems to be that members of Congress put together a bunch of requests for project funding, add them all together and come up with a budget. The truth is, it is not done that way. The total level of spending is determined by the Congressional leadership and the appropriators before any Member has a chance to offer any amendments. Members’ requests are simply recommendations to allocate parts of that spending for certain items in that members’ district or state. If funds are not designated, they revert to non-designated spending controlled by bureaucrats in the executive branch. In other words, when a designation request makes it into the budget, it subtracts funds out of what is available to the executive branch and bureaucrats in various departments, and targets it for projects that the people and their representatives request in their districts. If a congressman does not submit funding requests for his district the money is simply spent elsewhere. To eliminate all earmarks would be to further consolidate power in the already dominant executive branch and not save a penny.
Furthermore, designating how money is spent provides a level of transparency and accountability over taxpayer dollars that we don’t have with general funds. I argue that all spending should be decided by Congress so that we at least know where the money goes. This has been a major problem with TARP funding. The public and Congress are now trying to find out where all that money went.
The real issue is that the overall budget is too big, by far, which is why I always vote against it. But attacking the 1% that was earmarked solves nothing. The whole issue is a distraction from the real problems we face, which are that the Federal Government will absorb over 1/3 of our country’s GDP this year and taxpayers are forced to fork over more than half their income to fund government at all levels. On top of that, the national debt is $11 trillion, which is $36,000 per citizen. The recent increases in bailouts, government spending and money creation is going to hobble our economy for decades. We must curb the government’s appetite severely if this country is ever to thrive again. The noise over “earmarks” is a red herring and a distraction from the real issue of uncommitted spending.
It is time to attack the entirety of government spending. We especially need a full account of the activities of the Federal Reserve that spends and creates trillions of dollars with no meaningful oversight. This is a huge problem that needs immediate attention.
“I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.”
— Adolf Hitler
“He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
— Adolf Hitler
“Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it.”
— Adolf Hitler
Obama has better rhetoric, he’s a slicker speaker and is more deceptive than his predecessors. He knows how to say exactly what you want to hear, and he will tell you that he is here to solve all of your problems; even if he changes his rhetoric, or does the exact opposite later-on. Whatever he says or does, or has said or done in the past; nobody seems to care.
Yes, Barrack H. Obama has yet to demonstrate genuine integrity, during his political career; nor does he have a willingness to change the status quo. He and his friends in the congressional black caucus were integral in causing the debacle which lead to the epic failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Just have a look at this man’s history. Has he ever demonstrated genuine integrity? What has he ever accomplished? If you think the man is for “change” then find me examples of what he has accomplished.
The people love him and he will be given a few months, during which he will be able to ram through, whatever legislation he wants; but after this so-called “honeymoon” period, there may be violence and insurrection as the blacks, especially, realize that we’ve all been fucked, right up the ass, just like it has always been done since the assassination of JFK.
Obama is in the oval office, as we speak, lubing up his big black anal probe. You had better bend right over and spread out those cheeks, young ones; because you’ve been had. And I might add, it was like shooting fish in a barrel this time.
Barrack Heussein Obama, there is ample evidence to illustrate your contempt for the American people. You have refused to produce a certified birth certificate. You have deceived the American public into thinking that you will stop the warfare and fix what is wrong with this nation.
In point of fact, you truly plan on exacerbating what is wrong with this nation; and you plan on bringing socialist ideals and bigger government into an already bankrupt nation.
The politician you most closely resemble bears the name Adolf Hitler. One day, they may very-well call you the “Black Hitler” of our time. May the youth who’s minds you have in the palm of your hands realize what you are before it is too late.
What’s that Bunkie? You thought the Obamanation was here to help? You thought he was here to change the world so we could all be one big happy family? Believe it or not, the Obamanation has some surprises in store for you.
First off, Bunkie, Obama is a freshmen congressman who came out of no-where to take the nomination by a landslide. That sort of reminds me of how George W. Bush took office. Barely anyone knew about the man then, out of nowhere, he is the front-runner for president.
When you look into Obama’s history, review his backers, and read between the lines of the vague statements that he makes; you will see that he is a commu-fascist at heart. He wants to turn the united States of America into a Communist Obamanation.
Yes Bunkie, he wants to make it so dead-beats are just as important as innovative entrepreneurs. If you think I’m making this up, just read the article below.
Barack Obama’s Stealth Socialism
Election ’08: Before friendly audiences, Barack Obama speaks passionately about something called “economic justice.” He uses the term obliquely, though, speaking in code — socialist code.
During his NAACP speech earlier this month, Sen. Obama repeated the term at least four times. “I’ve been working my entire adult life to help build an America where economic justice is being served,” he said at the group’s 99th annual convention in Cincinnati.
And as president, “we’ll ensure that economic justice is served,” he asserted. “That’s what this election is about.” Obama never spelled out the meaning of the term, but he didn’t have to. His audience knew what he meant, judging from its thumping approval.
It’s the rest of the public that remains in the dark, which is why we’re launching this special educational series.
“Economic justice” simply means punishing the successful and redistributing their wealth by government fiat. It’s a euphemism for socialism.
In the past, such rhetoric was just that — rhetoric. But Obama’s positioning himself with alarming stealth to put that rhetoric into action on a scale not seen since the birth of the welfare state.
In his latest memoir he shares that he’d like to “recast” the welfare net that FDR and LBJ cast while rolling back what he derisively calls the “winner-take-all” market economy that Ronald Reagan reignited (with record gains in living standards for all).
Obama also talks about “restoring fairness to the economy,” code for soaking the “rich” — a segment of society he fails to understand that includes mom-and-pop businesses filing individual tax returns.
It’s clear from a close reading of his two books that he’s a firm believer in class envy. He assumes the economy is a fixed pie, whereby the successful only get rich at the expense of the poor.
Following this discredited Marxist model, he believes government must step in and redistribute pieces of the pie. That requires massive transfers of wealth through government taxing and spending, a return to the entitlement days of old. Read the rest of this entry »
There is a man named John McCain in Washington DC (District of Criminals), who has done a great deal of lying, to push the United States into war with Iraq and Afghanistan. If that weren’t enough bloodshed, he would also like to drag us into another war with Iran.
Perhaps, one of these days, we will see convened a special tribunal, for men like McCain. During the tribunal, it would be nice to show all of the contradictory public statements and fabrications, with a video much like the one below.
This video illustrates McCain’s many lies and contradictions better than any I have seen thus far:
John McNugget is a puppet, doing the bidding of oligarchs in the United Kingdom who want to see the end of America as we know it. If elected, the butcher of Baghdad will drag the nation into more wars, until it is utterly bankrupt (both morally and literally) and chaos descends upon the streets of the united States of America.
Let us pray that this psychopath’s delusions of grandeur and empire are cut short, and he is not allowed to become the next President.
If there really were any justice in this world, the tribunal would be convened sometime in 2009. It looks like he, and others like him, face an even worse fate. Their souls will bear the weight of their mis-deeds for all of eternity, as they burn in their own self-imposed hell-on-Earth. This is the hell that McCain dreams of creating each night, while he is asleep.
I firmly believe that this man works for interests, who are opposed to the evolution of human-kind. I would love to see the a grass-roots change in the minds of people everywhere that could stop this.
But alas, despite all of this man’s lies and inaccuracies, I still see McCain bumper stickers everywhere I go. There is an old saying, “In the Land of the Blind, the one-eye is king.”
Will this and other satanically inspired men rule the global war on humanity? The answer is yes, if we continue to do what we are doing.
My friends, we are past the point of no-return, from which we could salvage the current monetary system. The present system is experiencing systemic world-wide hyper-inflation, which will only be stopped when a new monetary system is introduced.
Lyndon LaRouche believes that there is no more future for this monetary system. He says that we are at a cross-roads, where we can choose between two paths.
On the one hand, we could choose to use warfare and welfare to prolong the life-span of the current system. Such an approach would drag our world into another dark-age.
On the other hand, we could choose a new system, in which we have a stable monetary system, which rewards productivity and stability; a system which increases food production instead of fighting over the few scraps that are available.
Like Weimar Germany, the productive capacity of our real economy has been destroyed. However, we have done this to ourselves, through our adherence to the belief in globalization.
If McCain runs in 2008 on the Republican ticket, then United States is guaranteed to have Hitlery Clinton as its next President. John McCain is a lying leftist war-mongering pig, who endorses torture while falsely claiming to have been tortured himself. He is the scum that eats at the very heart of this country, and the good people of this nation need to do everything in their power to stop him.
Sign the GOP Tea Party: McCain No! Pledge
McCain’s Presidential Ambitions Set To Be Swiftboated
Remnants of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group that contributed to torpedoing John Kerry’s presidential ambitions in 2004 are set to derail John McCain’s hopes of becoming the Republican nominee by forcing the GOP to jettison the Senator and instigating a revolution within the party to return it to its conservative roots.
It was McCain himself that leapt to Kerry’s defense during the Swift Boat controversy four years ago and now the individuals that started the offensive against Kerry are set to turn on McCain.
The campaign is being led by Sergeant Ted Sampley who has devoted much of his post-military career to campaigning for the safe return of lost POW’s stranded behind enemy lines. He is Vice President of Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Rally Washington, D.C., which has no less than half a million active members.
Sampley also runs Vietnam Veterans Against John McCain organization, which has been instrumental in exposing the fact that McCain’s status as a war hero and the claim that he was tortured in Vietnam is a complete fabrication, as well as highlighting the fact that McCain poses as a veteran’s advocate yet abandons them on every turnkey issue.
“We are planning right now a counter-offensive called GOP Tea Party, and in the spirit of 1773 when the colonists rebelled against the King of England and tossed all that tea over, we’re going to rebel against the Republican Party and toss McCain over,” Sampley told the Alex Jones Show.
“We hope to start a revolution within the Republican Party to cleanse it of all the left-leaning Republicans and McCain is a leftist if you look at his major activity,” he added, pointing out that McCain has direct links to the Clintons and would be no different than having Hillary in the White House.
Sampley said that the move would consist of convincing around 10 per cent of Republicans to sign a pledge promising that they would not vote for McCain, and re-establish the real conservative roots of the Republican Party.
“We were the first to open up on John Kerry and we took a lot of crap,” said Sampley, “the same stuff’s going to be thrown at us about McCain that was thrown at us about John Kerry,” said Sampley.
“McCain is a deceiver, he is the great deceiver, you can’t trust him,” he added.
Sampley dismissed the importance of McCain’s delegate support, saying that as long as 10 per cent could be made to sign the pledge, the Republicans would be forced to jettison McCain, leading to a brokered convention and the selection of a different nominee.
“When the Republican establishment is confronted with the cold fact that if the party nominates McCain, all efforts to win the presidency will be in vain. It will be forced to “broker” the leftist McCain into oblivion where he rightfully belongs,” reads the GOP Tea Party website.
Whether Sampley’s efforts will be successful largely hinges on whether establishment Republican-leaning and Neo-Con news outlets and talk radio give the campaign any attention. Can the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and Glenn Beck really be relied upon to sink McCain’s aspirations or will they mothball the story to ensure a completely staged McCain vs. Hillary contest ensues?
As I review the vote results on the NY Times, I am simply disgusted. I have no doubt in my mind that wide-scale vote fraud is taking place, as it always does these days. I can also see that there are a great many who support candidates such Hitlery and Oblahma, who have no meaningful solutions.
If something doesn’t change soon, we will find ourselves in a major currency crisis, which will include a major increase in inflation. This will devalue, even further, the money we work so hard for each day.
Why people cannot see that Ron Paul is the only candidate who has a solution, is beyond me. If it keeps going in the direction it has been, we’ll have Hitlery versus McNugget and I’ll vote 3rd party for sure.
Don’t forget to cast your vote TODAY, if you’re in a “super tuesday” state.
Today’s Boston Tea Party 2007 has been a wild success. It looks like Ron Paul’s supporters will raise well over 5 million dollars today.
Today’s Americans realize that we need Ron Paul as our leader. Edgar J. Steele has done an excellent piece on the need for Ron Paul as President of the united States of America. He explains, quite eloquently, what America is all about and why we must act immediately in order to restore our republic, before a violent revolution happens. We must incite a revelation, so that we may avoid a revolution!
My name is Edgar J. Steele. This is a Nickel Rant.
On this date in 1773, a great many Americans were fed up with the tyranny of the ruling British government.
On this date in 1773, throngs massed in the colonies to protest the unfairness of taxes emplaced upon Americans to favor vested ruling interests.
On this date in 1773, a group of strong-minded Boston individuals, “the Sons of Liberty,” followed through and, in a coordinated act of disobedience, destroyed 45 tons of British-East-India-Company-owned tea in protest of unfair taxation and usurpation of American interests by arrogant British overlords.
The Boston Tea Party marked a turning point in the evolution of America, resting upon the rallying cry “No taxation without representation!”
A Fresh Call for Liberty
Today, we face a greater enemy than that confronting the Sons of Liberty over 200 years ago.
Today, we pay far greater taxes than our forebears, yet suffer far greater indignities at the hands of arrogant and unresponsive overlords, overlords chosen by others and placed in office through the charade of false elections.
Today, the call has come forth for a new Boston Tea Party, to protest our current outrageous taxation without representation. We must, if we are to survive as a nation, answer that call.
Some say that patriotism is old fashioned.
Some think that love of country is out of date.
Some consider the slightest show of sentiment toward one’s homeland to be naive.
But, God help us – and God help our country – if the cynics, the one worlders, the Neoconservative intellectual dilettantes ever persuade us that these things have passed us by.
Because, ladies and gentlemen, patriotism, loyalty, sentiment…THESE THINGS ARE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Our America
In my lifetime, I have seen America grow and change. I have seen her stand tall and I have seen her brought low.
I have seen the best that America can be and, in recent years, I have seen the worst that America can be.
But always, she has been my America …our America…and she will be our America, come what may…for better or for worse.
We have a habit here in America of forgetting what a grand and noble experiment she represented when our founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence and, then, the Constitution.
We forget the sacrifices they made…in property … in family … and, finally, in their own blood.
We forget that they merely lent us the destiny they created, to hold in trust for our children … their grandchildren, many generations removed.
We have been squandering that legacy with which we have been entrusted. It is high time that we rose up and recovered it.
The New Sons and Daughters of Liberty
Today, December 16, 2007, we all of us – every single one of us – must come together as the new Sons and Daughters of Liberty, to right the manifest wrongs done to America and to others in our name.
We have a standard bearer who has been set apart from all other Presidential candidates both by the overlords and by his own intractable demeanor.
Ron Paul is All of Us
We have a true champion, one who has answered our call for honesty, trustworthiness and intellectual rigor.
We have Ron Paul … and we need his honesty, his zeal, his vision for America, else we are lost, my countrymen.
Today we have a new, symbolic Boston Tea Party taking place, one in which we all can participate.
Unless we succeed in our new endeavor to rescue America from the forces of darkness and tyranny that are smothering us, I fear that we will have nothing left to us but violent revolution.
Yes, things are just that critical: Ron Paul or Revolution!
Yes, Ron Paul is just one man. But Ron Paul symbolizes all that we have left to hope for as a nation.
Ron Paul is you. Ron Paul is your neighbor. Ron Paul is your brother. Ron Paul is all of us.
Support Ron Paul and you support us all.
Times Make the Man
Men do not make the times. Times make the man. Today the times cry out for the common man – us – as represented in Ron Paul.
I asked you once before, on November 5th, to make a difference by contributing to Ron Paul’s campaign and you responded in a big way, one that forced the establishment to take note of Dr. Paul’s candidacy. I ask you once again, today, to make another contribution, even larger, if you possibly can afford it. We have an even more important message to deliver today.
A New Boston Tea Party
Today is yet another massive fundraising effort on behalf of us, in the name of Dr. Paul. Today truly is a new Boston Tea Party Day, fellow Americans. Help make a difference right now. Click over to right now and make your donation in support of our future. Keep trying, as web contention for the site is furious today.
Then click over to and watch for your name to join that of the other new Sons and Daughters of Liberty who have joined the Ron Paul Revolution.
If you already have pledged today, good for you. Now do it again!
We Have a Message to Deliver: Ron Paul or Revolution!
There are rumors swirling about the land today – rumors of plans afoot by the dark overlords of America to assassinate Dr. Paul, should he become the Republican Presidential nominee or, even, should he become likely to become the nominee.
We must send a message that it would be the gravest error to attempt to derail this train, which gathers momentum with each day that passes. Should tragedy strike and Dr. Paul be prevented from fulfilling our destiny, a hundred like him will rise up, then a thousand, then a hundred thousand, then a million and, on that day, the New American Revolution truly will begin!
Ron Paul or Revolution!
America Can Work Again
America worked once as a constitutional republic. It can work again.
Don’t despair at how difficult the road ahead might seem to be. The most important things in the world have been accomplished by people who kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. The only real failure in life is in giving up, you know.
Today, we have hope. Today we vest that hope in ourselves, in the form of Ron Paul.
I am glad you are with us. I am glad you risk so much to make a difference. I am glad so many are willing to give so much. I am proud to call you friend.
Be the Person You Know You Are
Now, listen closely to what I’m about to tell you…Don’t try to be better than anybody else. Just try to be better than yourself. Today, be the person you know you are and join us.
Do that, and they will never break our spirit.
They will never silence us.
They will never take our freedom.
Today, we can touch lives.
Today, we can make a difference.
Today, we can awaken America.
Today, we can take back America.
New America. An idea whose time has come.
My name is Edgar J. Steele. Thanks for listening. Please visit my web site,, for other messages just like this one.
It looks like Congressman and Presidential candidate Ron Paul is beginning to receive the respect and admiration of mainstream America. Dr. Paul is even appearing in GQ magazine as one of the “Men of the Year.” Below is a wonderful interview by Neal Cavuto of Ron Paul. In the interview they discuss his campaign’s recent success, the governments Constitutional role in protecting the nation, and the need for confidence and trust in government.
“At first he was just an internet curiosity, then he became an internet phenomena. 14 Bands have written songs about him. Rich and not-so rich fans raised more than four million dollars for him in one day. They love his IQ, his EQ and now apparently his GQ, because he is among that hit publication’s men of the year…” ~Neal Cavuto