When an event occurs, in which the state, society and the mainstream propaganda apparatus, decide to declare an event of great significance; then it’s time to put on your thinking caps. Given the pattern throughout history, the events are not likely to be what they are portrayed as, in the media.
The media is generally a copy-typist for the state and the state generally has a larger agenda. So whether or not the state is: creating “false flag” events themselves via drills, enticing individuals to commit acts via agent provocateurs or simply “spinning” an event that occurs spontaneously. They have ample motive to lie to the public, a history of deceptive behavior and every tool at their disposal to lie and fabricate evidence, such as to be believed by enough of the population, to get away with it. For everyone else, there are various forms of social conditioning to pit conformists against them, or divide them from one another.
Sometimes, the biggest enemy, to peace, freedom and intellectual honesty, is within our own head. Keep a cool head and think honestly and act courageously, before you submit to some form of ignorance.
How to think critically and not be swept up by the propaganda, into doing what “they” (either the terrosts or the government — or both) want you to do.