For under material law one meets that it has constantly sown, but if constructive influences or forces of Creative Energies are applied, these become rather as null in the experience. For it indeed becomes as has been given by Him of old, it must needs be that offences come, but woe to him by whom they come!
Hence because an offence may have been committed against thee, only in attempting to demand an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, or blood for blood, does one become only under the law.
But doing good for evil, being gentle when harshness is manifested, makes for that attunement to the influences within the soul as well as in the experience of an entity in material activity, of harmony and peace and quiet.
One may not sow riots and reap harmony. One may not sow indiscretions of any nature and expect the mental, the physical or the spiritual to respond as an instrument attuned to only good.
–Edgar Cayce (1397-1)
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