The spell-bound American citizenry must realize what is really going on with their new president. They need to sit down and do their research; to realize what is truly happening here. The so-called populist president, Barrack H. Obama, has appointed to his administration the very architects of the financial disaster we are now engaged in.
Most of these supporters are well meaning; they just want something to believe in. They want to feel like we’re turning a new leaf as a country and as a civilization; but we will not be able to achieve any measure of “change” until the a critical mass of people realize how things really work in this paradigm and begin to think for themselves, instead of this cattle-like group-think that got us into this mess in the first-place.
First you had Bush, who used the 9/11 inside job to buffalo the population into a perpetual war, after which, Bush ran roughshod over the people of this nation, with policies that trashed every tradition that our fore-bearers worked so hard for.
Now we have Obama, who takes advantage of the people’s desire to have a feel-good sort of attitude; because they want you to allow what is now taking place to happen, without objection. You might ask what is happening?
The bankers are taking trillions out of the economy every week. And while Gitmo may now be closing, what you failed to realize is that they are moving these types of operations on shore, where you are likely to one day be threatened with incarceration without the due process of law.
I’ve got news for many of you out there. Nothing changes overnight, although the media will use every tool in their arsenal to convince you that it has. The corruption that plagues this planet is deep-seated, and it has been around for several thousand years.
If we really want to do something about this corruption, we have to rely on our own selves and our independant thoughts. We have to return to our constitutional roots and become sovereign individuals, instead of idolizing one individual or institution.
The United States, Presidency, Federal Reserve, AMA and many other institutions that pervade your lives are not here to help you. They are specifically designed to control your thoughts and actions, with the eventual goal of extracting your sweat equity and preventing your ability to self-actualize.
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