I got the key to open all the gates I see
I want this power inside of me
This passage is full
of different gates I see
Just try to be yourself
Try to destroy all what you feel inside
Take and hold this hand
What you feel inside
Is another dream
Want you give me a part of your heart?
Let me say you’re truly raspy
But I’m living to discover your soul
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The following is a discussion, by a die hard supporter of liberty and freedom, on the absolute necessity of liberty and the difficult road that lie ahead, for anyone who seeks to preserve liberty and freedom.
This Is Mine
I Own It
I Own This Thing
I Hate Everything
That I Don’t Own
I Own This
I Own This Hole
It’s Mine
Get Out Of My Hole
It’s Mine
It’s Mine
When You Touch My Things
You Spoil Them
When Things Get Dirty
I Spit Them Out
I Own This
I Own This
It’s Mine
It’s Mine
~Michael Gira
Now I just want to thank you
For going insane
Every second that you suffer
Is a loss that I gain
Every breath is a drain down
Down into a hole Read the rest of this entry »
…reclaim your mind and get it out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron consuming all of this trash thats being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world…
changes come
keep your dignity
take the high road
take it like a man
this too shall pass
like a kidney stone
its just a broken heart, son
this pain will pass away~maynard james keenan
Sometimes life will drag you through the mud in every conceivable way, it seems. We lose attachments that were very important, discover that something is not what we had long thought it was, or worse yet find that the one we love does not feel the any love towards us; that we are just a means to a selfish end and nothing more on their horizon.
Loss has the power to shake you to the very core, leaving you with a feeling of worthless emptiness that is very difficult to release. Indeed the universe feels like a very dim, cold, hopeless place; with no sign that it contains any lasting form of happiness. You find yourself asking, where is my light, where is my hope, where is my peace; but since nobody seems to want to share theirs with you, you just have to generate it in yourself. Read the rest of this entry »
by Richard J. Marbury
Each year at this time school children all over America are taught the official Thanksgiving story, and newspapers, radio, TV, and magazines devote vast amounts of time and space to it. It is all very colorful and fascinating.
It is also very deceiving. This official story is nothing like what really happened. It is a fairy tale, a whitewashed and sanitized collection of half-truths, which divert attention away from Thanksgiving’s real meaning.
The official story has the pilgrims boarding the Mayflower, coming to America and establishing the Plymouth colony in the winter of 1620-21. This first winter is hard, and half the colonists die. But the survivors are hard-working and tenacious, and they learn new farming techniques from the Indians. The harvest of 1621 is bountiful.
The Pilgrims hold a celebration, and give thanks to God. They are grateful for the wonderful new abundant land He has given them.
The official story then has the Pilgrims living more or less happily ever after, each year repeating the first Thanksgiving. Other early colonies also have hard times at first, but they soon prosper and adopt the annual tradition of giving thanks for this prosperous new land called America.
The problem with this official story is that the harvest of 1621 was not bountiful, nor were the colonists hard-working or tenacious. 1621 was a famine year and many of the colonists were lazy thieves. Read the rest of this entry »
Got this song echoing in my head to no end. I couldn’t have come across it at a better time in my life. Thanks for the new album Maynard. Please do check out the new Puscifer album, released just a few weeks back.
wake up son of mine
momma got somethin’ to tell you
changes come
life will have its way
with your pride, son
take it like a man
hang on son of mine
the storm is blowing up your horizon
changes come
keep your dignity
take the high road
take it like a man
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