Ron Paul got 16.17% of the votes in the Texas Straw Poll despite the fact that Ron Paul delegates were locked out and unable to vote. Some of the delegates were told to leave because they were not “properly dressed,” but when they returned they were told that it’s “too late.”
The reason the “poll” had such a low turnout compared to previous years, might have had something to do with the unadvertised 10pm “cut-off time” which left many of Dr. Paul’s supporters locked out from the voting.
Gotta wonder why they were so interested in limiting the number of people who can register. Looks to me like the GOP made sure the supporters of their favored candidates got in early and then cut off the voting after they got the votes they wanted. They are getting quite desperate to keep up the appearance that anyone really wants to vote for phony conservatives such as Duncan Hunter.
16.17% Ron Paul (217 votes)
41.1% Duncan Hunter (534 votes)
20.5% Fred Thompson (266 votes)
6.4% Mike Huckabee (83 votes)
6% Rudy Giuliani (78 votes)
4.7% Mitt Romney (61 votes)
.46% Sam Brownback (6 votes)
.62% John McCain (8 votes)
.46% Tom Tancredo (6 votes)
2.2% Ray McKinney (28 votes)
.23% Hugh Cort (3 votes)
.77% John Cox (10 votes) Read the rest of this entry »
The enzymes in foods are very delicate, so delicate that they are actually destroyed by the proceses of pasteurization. Foods that lack the benefits of enzymes steal enzymes from the body and cause it to work much harder during the digestion processes.
In addition to destroying the nutritional benefits of food, Pasteurization creates harmful proteins that can harm the body, and irradiation modifies the foods, sometimes creating toxic byproducts. Read the rest of this entry »
The psychic reading, given in 1932, on the Sphinx and Great Pyramid at Gizeh, is one of the most fascinating readings about the origins of the ancient world. There are many perplexing mysteries concerning the construction and purpose of the monuments of ancient Egypt and South America.
Atlantean origin of these peoples seems to explain the sudden appearance of great monuments and high culture in both Egypt and South America. It seems highly unlikely that the people there, who had been living in mud brick huts, could advance to a higher level of mathematical, architectural and esoteric understanding than our own culture with no antecedent steps of development. Read the rest of this entry »