Pundits & Candidates Seek to Exile Statesman from Republican Party– In Spite of Leading Poll Numbers– Over His Anti-Torture, Anti-War and Anti-Tax Standpoint
Aaron Dykes & Alex Jones / Jones Report | May 15, 2007
Congressman Ron Paul shook the establishment in last night’s second round of 2008 Republican debates for the Presidency. Not only did his anti-war, anti-torture and pro-liberty platform stand glaring in the face of those political whores dubbed as “top-tier” but he managed to catch the ire of 9/11 criminal Rudy Giuliani for daring to suggest aggressive foreign policy would stir up blowback.
What’s worse, Ron Paul interrupted the worship of establishment-selected candidates by winning the debate’s own poll and forcing FOX to cover the mere “second-tier” candidate– a distinction mainstream media have been using to marginalize those outside of direct control.
Video: Ron Paul at the Second GOP 2008 Presidential Debate
Ron Paul’s performance in his second debate victory– as moderators repeatedly suggest he doesn’t belong in the Republican party
Ron Paul garnered approximately 20 minutes of air-time on Fox alone last night– including about 10 minutes of debate questions and another 10 minutes composed of attacks and dismissals by pundits, other candidates and an interview with Hannity & Colmes. Read the rest of this entry »