Archive for July, 2013

Larken Rose on “National Security”

Larken Rose realizes, unlike most people, that the state is not here to protect them. They are actually there to protect the interests of the ruling elite and to maintain their own power.

#34 Breaking Addictions

Addictions plague us in many ways that we do not suspect. For instance, we are often aware of drug addictions; but unaware of food addictions and how these addictions can be as bad if not worse than drug addictions.

There are also a variety of ways of neutralizing addictions, many of which are very simple and effective, which are seldom attempted. These addictions can be broken, in a shorter time than many tend to think, if only the willpower is mustered to break them and the right techniques are used.

#33 New Wiki Project Coming Online

I’m really happy to announce that a new free-thought wiki project I’ve been dreaming up for quite some time has finally gotten off the ground! I intend to use this resource as a way of documenting concepts in depth, linking to other resources and connecting the dots in novel ways.

A BLOG or VLOG is great for a stream of personal insights; but a wiki really gives one the ability to refine and connect those insights. I like how a wiki is ordered around concepts and ideas, rather than a stream that puts newer items ahead of older ones.

Lets say I write an article and then I want to go back and add more to it. In a blog, this is cumbersome, because you then have to bump it up to the top again and its not exactly intuitive, how to browse based on concepts. A wiki solves this problem.

I intend to continue to use this blog for the sharing of thoughts and insights, while using the wiki as a way of documenting, organizing and connecting information.

Check the New Wiki Out at

20130721 Late July Garden Update

Biointensive gardening is really paying off for us.  The weather has been great and the plants are really starting to produce!