Archive for April, 2010

Stephen Hawking Talks of Aliens in his New Documentary

Perhaps a mainstream physicist talking, in such a public forum, about the existence of aliens will make it a more accepted topic of discussion. It is still considered unacceptable and even ridiculous to say that any aliens have been or are anywhere near earth at this time; though I have seen what I consider good evidence of this likelihood during my many years of being open to this possibility.

I think that Mr. Hawking is probably wrong about the motivations of alien beings. There are many resources scattered about the cosmos, many precious metals are for more accessible and more easily processed in asteroids; it seems unlikely to my little mind that they would need to land here for materials. This doesn’t eliminate the possibility, however, that they may land here for food and genetic material; as this planet is quite a buffet of plant/animal life.

In my heretical opinion, they have been here since the beginning and are helping to shape our evolution as a species. We are probably part of a larger confederation, which we may be made more aware of at some point in the future, when they decide we are ready.

What I find unbelievable is the idea that we are an isolated cosmic accident, formed by some highly unlikely accidental combination of amino acids which just so happened to survive and form the basis for life. There is more evidence for the existence of aliens than there is for our evolution occurring in this way.

Darwinian evolution is a very limited and material-centered way of viewing life forms. Just look out in nature at all of the scattering of seed, migration of species and the like. Why should the universe around us be any different than what we see on this Earth?

“As below, so above; and as above so below. With this knowledge alone you may work miracles.”


Don’t talk to aliens, warns Stephen Hawking

THE aliens are out there and Earth had better watch out, at least according to Stephen Hawking. He has suggested that extraterrestrials are almost certain to exist — but that instead of seeking them out, humanity should be doing all it that can to avoid any contact.

The suggestions come in a new documentary series in which Hawking, one of the world’s leading scientists, will set out his latest thinking on some of the universe’s greatest mysteries.

Alien life, he will suggest, is almost certain to exist in many other parts of the universe: not just in planets, but perhaps in the centre of stars or even floating in interplanetary space. Read the rest of this entry »

Paul LaViolette on Galactic Superwaves and Sub-Quantum Kinetics

Paul LaViolette has some really interesting and plausible theories regarding: regular “super-wave” pulsations emanating from the center of the galaxy, red-shift due to “tired light” instead of expansion, sub-quantum kinetics. He is a rare individual in the scientific community; many in the church of science would consider him a heretic, for his willingness to posit truly unique and independent theories.

While most scientists are genuinely afraid to think outside the box, due to the manner by which the “scientific” community tends to isolate you and cut you off from your sources of funding; Paul did not allow them to coerce his views. Consequently, he has a wonderfully unfettered mind and is not afraid to think critically about, what has become, the “religion of science.”

When I say “religion of science,” I mean the so-called “scientists” and I use that term lightly, tend to ignore facts which do not fit neatly into their theories. So really, many of these individuals are not actually “scientists”; because they tend not to utilize actual observations. Instead, they are more interested in maintaining certain theories (or beliefs) and marginalizing theories which do not fit their model.

Hopefully, some of the individuals in the congregation of the “church of science” will realize that they are severely limiting their possibilities; by adhering to theories merely because of consensus.

History shows countless examples of the consensus being dead wrong; while a small number of “heretics” are the few who make real breakthroughs. What makes you think it will be any different today?

Superwave: Project Camelot interviews Dr Paul LaViolette

Dr Paul LaViolette is the measured counterpart to Patrick Geryl, whose interview we have released simultaneously. A brilliant and maverick astrophysicist, Paul is best known for his research into a new theory of matter he calls Subquantum Kinetics – based on systems theory, which he studied for his PhD thesis – and for his carefully argued hypothesis, first formulated in 1983, that our galactic center periodically emits devastating waves he termed superwaves.
Read the rest of this entry »

Podcast #3: Sustainability For Generations to Come

The primary focus of today’s podcast is: lasting sustainability, how we can achieve it and how we can avoid the many traps along the way.

  • Taoism and the spontaneous nature of existence
  • Problem with environmental activism “the world we don’t want versus the world we do want”
  • Forcing behavior versus incentivizing behavior
  • Permaculture
    • Food forests
    • Beneficial interaction between plants/animals/people
    • How we can use permaculture to improve our land and reduce work
  • Solar cooking
  • Stepping back and realizing the simple solutions to problems

Video Podcast #1: Indoor Gardening

Here’s a 20 minute tour of what we are doing to be more self-sufficient and eat better as the spring approaches. In the video I explain why I feel it is important to start your own seeds, what we’ve done to get our seeds starting, what to do when the seedlings have sprouted their leaves; as well as how to grow some of your greens in sprouting jars.

Hyperinflation in USA by 2010

Judging by the way they are spending money in Washington DC, you’d think these politicians and central bankers are living in a fantasy world. When you give a government the ability to borrow endless sums of money, you tend to get this kind of disconnect from reality.

What the people don’t seem to realize is the fact that money creation is a hidden tax. When they do this reckless kind of spending; it isn’t magically creating new wealth to add to the system. Instead, it is actually stealing from the people who save their money and lowering the standard of living for the middle/lower class.

The Federal Government is overrun by thieving, self-serving scoundrels who pass ridiculously expensive, unrealistic and unconstitutional legislation. They stand up in front of the population, with a straight face, and tell them the new programs are actually going to save them money; however, history shows that these kinds of claims are rarely true. In fact, government programs usually cost many multiples of the amounts estimated by government bean counters.

The populace of this country is now dominated by left-wing socialists, who fail to understand the economic trouble we are in. All you need to do, in order to spend us further into the ground, is throw the plethos a few crumbs. In the case of “health care reform,” they gave pre-existing condition reform and a few other reforms which were sought by a fair chunk of the population. There is no doubt that reform was needed; but this reform further destabilizes both the health care system and even more pivotally, the economy.

There is a very strong chance that we will have hyperinflation in the United States of America sooner rather than later.

Healthcare Bill to Cause U.S. Hyperinflation By 2015

Source: PRNewswire

FORT LEE, N.J., March 20 /PRNewswire/ — The National Inflation Association – – today issued a warning to all Americans of a potential outbreak of hyperinflation in the U.S. by year 2015 caused primarily by the healthcare bill and rising interest payments on our national debt.

Medicare was created in 1966 at a cost of $3 billion per year and the House Ways and Means Committee estimated in 1966 that in 1990 the cost of Medicare would reach $12 billion per year. Instead, the actual cost of Medicare in 1990 was $107 billion (792% more than what was projected) and today Medicare costs $408 billion annually. In 2003, the White House Office of Management and Budget estimated that the Iraq War would have a total cost of $50 to $60 billion. So far, we have already spent $713 billion on the Iraq War (over 1,000% more than what was projected).

The Congressional Budget Office is estimating that the healthcare bill will cost $940 billion over the next 10 years, but if history is any indication, the actual cost will likely be several trillion dollars. NIA believes the healthcare bill will be the final nail in the coffin of the U.S. economy and will just about guarantee that we will see hyperinflation by the year 2015.

The U.S. government last week reported a record monthly budget deficit for February 2010 of $220.9 billion. Total tax receipts for the month were only $107.5 billion compared to outlays of $328.4 billion. The total U.S. deficit for the first five months of fiscal year 2010 was $651.6 billion, with tax receipts of $800.5 billion and outlays of $1.45 trillion. The deficit was up 10.5% for the first five months of fiscal year 2010 over the same period in fiscal year 2009.

We are now at a point where if the U.S. government taxed Americans 100% of their income, the tax receipts generated would not be enough to balance the budget. Likewise, if the U.S. government cut 100% of its spending including defense, but kept paying Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, we would still have a budget deficit. NIA believes it will be impossible for the U.S. to have a balanced budget ever again.

The U.S. national debt is now $12.67 trillion of which $8.061 trillion is public debt. Due to the Federal Reserve’s artificially low interest rates of 0% to 0.25%, interest payments on our national debt last month were only $16.9 billion, an interest rate of only 2.548% on our public debt. The reason for the spread between our 2.548% interest rate on the public debt and the federal funds rate of 0 to 0.25% is that a portion of our national debt is made up of long-term bonds at higher interest rates.

Our debt ceiling was recently raised to $14.3 trillion, which we are on track to reach in less than a year, sending our public debt up to about $10 trillion. If the Federal Reserve raises the federal funds rate up to just 2% during the next year, NIA believes the interest rate on our public debt could rise to 5% and our annual interest payments will likely rise to $500 million or 23% of projected 2010 tax receipts of $2.165 trillion.

The White House is not projecting for interest payments on the national debt to break the $500 million mark until fiscal year 2014. By then, even if we go by White House projections that the deficit will be cut to $828 billion in 2012, $727 billion in 2013 and $706 billion in 2014, in 2014 we will still be looking at a national debt of over $18.5 trillion with a public portion of around $13.14 trillion. We find it shocking that the White House is projecting an interest rate on our public debt in 2014 of only around 4%.

All of this means that the While House expects the Federal Reserve to leave interest rates at artificially low levels almost indefinitely. However, we know it will be impossible for them to do so without creating a huge outbreak of inflation in the prices of food, energy, clothing, and just about everything else Americans need to live and survive. In order to prevent hyperinflation, we need interest rates to be higher than the rate of inflation.

NIA believes the real rate of U.S. inflation to already be approximately 5%. If the Federal Reserve doesn’t raise the federal funds rate to above 5% in the short-term, in our opinion, an outbreak of double-digit inflation is inevitable. By 2014, it is possible the Federal Reserve will be forced to raise the federal funds rate up to above 10% and the public portion of our national debt could exceed $15 trillion. Therefore, in 2014 we could see the interest payments on our national debt reach $1.5 trillion, about triple what is currently being projected and 43% of the government’s projected tax receipts that year of $3.455 trillion.

Besides the cost of the healthcare bill and rising interest payments on our national debt, another major catalyst for hyperinflation will be social security payments, which adjust to the CPI-index. As the government’s CPI-index rises, so will the social security payments that it owes. This could cause a death-spiral in the U.S. dollar. Inflation is still the last thing on the minds of most Americans, but soon it will be their primary concern.

To receive NIA’s latest updates about inflation and the economy, sign-up for the free NIA newsletter at:

About us:

The National Inflation Association is an organization that is dedicated to preparing Americans for hyperinflation. The NIA offers free membership at and provides its members with articles about the economy and inflation, news stories, important charts not shown by the mainstream media; YouTube videos featuring Jim Rogers, Marc Faber, Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, and others; and profiles of gold, silver, and agriculture companies that we believe could prosper in an inflationary environment.
Contact: Gerard Adams, 1-888-99-NIA US (1888-996-4287),
SOURCE National Inflation Association

We Cannot Have Rights Without the Corresponding Responsibilities

Do you consider yourself a sovereign human being with all of the rights and responsibilities that go along with this? Many of us are quite well versed in our rights, often from an early age; neglected are the responsibilities we must attend to, in order to preserve our rights.

If we fail to attend to our responsibilities, then our liberties are continually at risk and we are in jeopardy of becoming permanently dependent on the shaky infrastructure of state-funded safety nets.

This dependancy can be true whether we are rich, or poor; it is not just for those of us who are on welfare. There are plenty of systems in place in the developed world to allow rich people to be, pretty much, non productive consumers, if they so choose; the same can be said for many of the poorer people.

The many complex and interleaved layers of society, have left room for a good many non-productive activities; it has, in effect, made non-productivity sustainable. The sustainability of this non-productivity, only lasts as long as the layers of society remain in tact and in relative harmony. When this harmony becomes materially interrupted, chaos is likely to result, with a subsequent loss of liberty for the non-prepared among us.

Deep dependency comes at a great cost, for a variety of reasons. When the supply of goods and services, provided by the welfare/warfare state, becomes interrupted; individuals who have become deeply dependent on the layers of society will likely lose their rights very quickly.

Whereas those who are responsible, productive and well prepared, will better maintain those rights; because they will not need to rely so much on outside help from the state. The more layers of state-funded assistance we build; the more people will tend to become complacent and non-productive; further exacerbating the problems our society faces.

Anyone who has ever visited a Native American reservation can attest that the years of U.S. government payments to these individuals, has by and large, not made their lives any better. It has instead made an entire society of, mostly impoverished individuals, dependent on checks from the government; many of whom have barely adequate living conditions. While it was likely a well meaning act to provide these individuals with assistance, it has merely put off the inevitable day, when they will have to figure out their own way of providing a living for themselves.

I want to share with you a podcast by Jack Spirko of, in which he goes into this topic in great detail. He further explains what I have outlined above, as well as what we can do to ensure our rights are protected, whether or not the government is protecting them for us.

Episode-411- Rights – Responsibilities and Dependence

Listen to Survival Podcast Episode #411

Today we discuss the myth of the “safety net” that is touted by the media. In doing so we will come to understand how deep dependence is among both the extremely affluent and extremely poor segments of society. We will go deeper though and come to understand how the disconnect between rights and responsiblities are the root of the program.

Join me today as we discuss…

  • Free medical care is not enough – wait till you hear this!
  • Want a free cell phone get on Medicaid, Section 8, etc. yes it is true
  • What the Medicaid program shows us about what will come from Government Health Care
  • Why in the future the sheeple who resisted the “Public Option” will beg for it
  • People in NYC who use ovens and refrigerators for closets – yes really!
  • The full court media press against “states rights”
  • The lies about states rights and when the Federal Government is required to intervene
  • Why each “right” must come with responsibilities
  • What responsibilities come with the “right to life”
  • What responsibilities come with the “right to liberty”
  • What responsibilities come with the “right to the pursuit of happiness”
  • Why understanding responsibilities and rights leads automatically to preparedness