A golden comet now lights up the sky; an omen of what is in store for our future. Gold is up just over 50% during the last 1-year period. Given the buying strength we are seeing lately, especially from central banks, we will likely see gold in the $1600 range quite soon.
Of course, there will be road-bumps along the way; but the general course will take us to $1650 and then into the $3000-5000 range. Where Gold goes beyond there depends on the monitary policies of the United States and what kind of thinking takes hold as all of this inflation begins to hit hard where it hurts.
The beautiful thing about gold, is the fact that it gives us all a clear omen, which allows the wise and observant among us, a chance to prepare for difficult times ahead. This golden comet will become ever more brilliant with the passage of time. Perhaps most of us will soon realize what is occurring and what they must do to deal with the situation. This situation isn’t going to go away on it’s own and nobody is going to solve the problems it creates for us in our stead.
Gold Swiss Stair Formation Following Wedge Breakout
Principle is originally there; just call it to mind and it is there of itself. Desire is originally not there; if you can just see through it, it disappears of itself. Stopping desire and keeping to principle are basically not two things; to the extent that you have stopped desire, to that extent you keep to principle. Nothing benefits people more than principle, yet those who keep to principle are few. Nothing harms people more than desire, yet those who indulge desires are many.
When people have desires, it is like trees having insects; consumed within unknown, before long they collapse. Those who think desire is fun do not realize desire is like fire; if you do not put it out, you will burn yourself. Your spirit will suffer from irritation, alcohol and sex will wear out your vital energy, producing illness and ulcers, so you cry out in pain day and night. Buddhists who say you suffer from your sins after death do not realize you already suffer while still alive.
–Thomas Cleary