by Jim Sinclair | Jim Sinclair’s Mine Set
Things are now “Out of Control.”
This international financial crisis is now out of control as the world asks if the USA has two presidents, one president or no president at all.
It would appear that Paulson is in financial control with Bernanke as his second.
I warned you by personal email long before the statement was proven totally correct that “This is it.” That was followed by “This is it, and it is now.” Many people laughed it off.
This is it, and it is now.
Now it is out of control.
Now we enter the Collapse of Confidence period.
Then we begin the Weimar Experience.
It has all hit the fan, and still the absolute majority have no clue. The OTC derivative dealers broke the system into millions of pieces of glass. This broken glass cannot be put back together.
It is heart rending to see a picture of GM autoworkers holding a prayer meeting for their retirement funds. The retirement money was never funded. It is a lost hope. This is another responsibility the government has undertaken that is going to go wild.
Those of you still in freeze frame are headed for lines around your bank. Your bank will likely be acquired by another bank that also is in deep trouble.
The US dollar, like a leaderless company, will lose its respect and therefore value.
In order of importance the following MUST be done unless you want to be one of the suffering masses that will be all too visible this winter:
1. You must have your assets held anywhere they are in true custodial-ship accounts. That type of account at a bank or broker states clearly that the assets held there are not on the balance sheet of the host financial entity. Those assets are clearly segregated in your name. This must be reviewed by counsel to be sure you have what you think you have. Don’t cheap out. All you have is depending on the validity of true custodial-ship accounts.
You cannot know all the banks are broke, however I feel ALL banks are broke because finance is an intertwined system that if visible would look like a spider’s web. Problems on the top will materialize all along the web. Therefore the singular most important step you must take is the establishment of a true custodial-ship account.
Do not assume you have this type of account unless a competent attorney reviews the account papers.
2. I am extremely concerned about those of you who persist in holding certificates for gold rather than holding the actual metal either delivered to you or held for you in a true custodial-ship type account. The scams out there in gold are plentiful. The only way to avoid these scams absolutely is to have your gold in your own possession.
Every other means of holding gold is steps away from perfection. Some will be ok, but many will not.
3. Why would anyone fail to either take paper certificates or order their financial agent to make direct registration book entry at the transfer agent? In most cases you only have until year-end to accomplish this strategy.
4. Withdraw from ETFs.
5. If you carelessly keep large assets with your broker you are as mad as a hatter. The FDIC DOES NOT have the money to guarantee all they are undertaking. Withdraw excess money constantly from any net broker. If you are so stubborn that you think you can trade to insure yourself when your funds are not making money while still getting your money that counts you are nuts. Admit to yourself you are nothing more than a gambling addict in a downward spiral.
6. Leave no gold or coins with any coin dealer.
7. If you can withdraw from your corporate retirement plan do it.
8. Withdraw from credit unions.
9. Withdraw from all money market instruments.
10. This is it.
11. It is now.
12. It is out of control NOW.
The next two months are going to be shocking, but nothing compared to what you will have to experience in 2009.
Respectfully yours,
Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities — the political, the religious, the educational authorities — who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, informing — forming in our minds — their view of reality. To think for yourself you must question authority and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable open-mindedness, chaotic, confused vulnerability to inform yourself.
— Dr. Leary
Our most important responsibility, as human beings, is to be a designer of our own realities; because, when we design truly unique realities, then we are adding something beautiful and unique to enrich the whole of existence, which in-turn encourages others to do the same in their own unique way.
In today’s world, however, this responsibility has largely been abdicated. Everywhere we turn, someone is trying to sell us a designer reality. Whether it be a media personality, a television show or a form of organized religion; these realities are not at all unique, and they aren’t even designed by the individuals who are trying to sell them.
The mind-set of today’s world best resembles that of a Parrot, which blindly repeats that which it hears most frequently. Of course the Parrot does not understand the true meaning of what it is saying or the implications, but it repeats it nonetheless. This being the case, the Parrot does not have any real control over its expression, so it therefor has little power to change anything.
If we can transform this Parrot mindset into that of the highly intelligent Human Beings, which we all possess the potential to be, then the world will change into a much more novel place very quickly; but first we are going to have to learn to communicate on a deeper level. We need to move beyond mere language and communicate in a more direct way, because so much is lost in translation otherwise.
That doesn’t mean that we have to stop using language, instead we need to change our relationship with language, so we truly understand what we are saying as well as what is being said. We need to learn to practice philosophy in small groups, so we have a rich understanding of our ideas. We also need to study etymology so we understand where the words we use come from, so that we, like the Parrot, are not using words we do not understand.
Its all about learning to operate your brain independently, so you are not co-opted by forces outside of your control, because the highest level of creativity and ingenuity comes from individuals who have chosen to blaze their own trail and reach their own conclusions.
This is an experiment in mind formation, in-formation, forming, controlling, operating your mind and your brain, using digital techniques to overload, scramble, confuse, unfocus your mind.
The natural state of the brain is chaos. We’re dealing with a complexity of in-formation. The first thing to do is to overwhelm your focused mind, your linear mind, by overloading signals, digital patterns, clusters of photons and electrons which produce a pleasant state of confused chaos. This is the state of the brain when it is ready to be informed, that is, to be reprogrammed.
The human brain contains one hundred billion neurons, each neuron is as powerful as a large computer, and each neuron has around ten thousand connections with other neurons. Within our foreheads there is a chaos, inside our brains there is a galaxy of information, which is incomprehensible to our linear minds.
This contrasts and compares perfectly with the chaos without. We’re living in a universe, which has one hundred billion galaxies, each galaxy with star systems, planets, a complexity, again, which to our minds right now is chaotic, incomprehensible.
Chaos is beautiful. Now many times we are afraid because we want order. We can’t deal with the confusion and disorder. We want form. We want rules. Yes, throughout human history there have been people?religious leaders, political leaders?who will give you order. They will give you rules and commandments.
But chaos is basically good. Relax. Surf the waves of chaos and learn how to redesign your own realities. Sit back. Flow. Open your eyes. Turn off your minds. Unfocus, and let the waves of chaos roll over your brain. Float. Drift, Zoom. Design. Create new order, your order, your style from chaos.
Yes. Yes. Chaos. Yes, yes, chaos . . .
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Many say it could never happen, they say a U.S. Treasury Bill is a guaranteed investment. The “guaranteed” money market accounts that many people have their cash stored in are often backed by Treasury securities.
If the U.S. were to choose to default on the treasury securities, large losses will be taken by many; but bankruptcy reorganization is probably the best thing, when you have such a large debt that cannot possibly be paid.
The time has come, a time which is long overdue, to recall the troops, close overseas bases and dramatically slash the size of government. We need a fresh start and bankruptcy reorganization is the way to accomplish this.
Well, what would you say if you had a potato lodged in your bottom?
Vicar went to hospital with potato stuck in bottom
A vicar attended hospital with a potato stuck up his bottom – and claimed it got there after he fell on to the vegetable while naked.
The clergyman, in his 50s, told nurses he had been hanging curtains when he fell backwards on to his kitchen table.
He happened to be nude at the time of the mishap, said the vicar, who insisted he had not been playing a sex game.
The vicar had to undergo a delicate operation to extract the vegetable, one of a range of odd items medics in
Sheffield have had to remove from people’s backsides or genitals.
Others include a can of deodorant, a cucumber, a Russian doll – and a carnation.
Speaking of the vicar, A & E nurse Trudi Watson, of Sheffield’s Northern General Hospital, said: “He explained to me, quite sincerely, he had been hanging curtains naked in the kitchen when he fell backwards on to the kitchen table and on to a potato.
“But it’s not for me to question his story. He had to undergo surgery to have it removed.”
She advised anyone tempted to use such objects in sex games to think again.
“It can be very dangerous and potentially life-threatening,” she said.
“Surgery can lead to infection, nasty scarring, and it could possibly end up with the person having to use a colostomy bag as a result.”
A hospital trust spokeswoman in Sheffield said: “Like all busy hospitals we do see some unusual accidents.
“But our staff deal with them in a discreet, professional and kind way.”