penelope's loyalty to odysseus

. Odysseus' definition of loyalty Is persevering the long Journey In order to come home, where as Penelope definition Is mourning the absence and awaiting the arrival of Odysseus.Penelope loyalty is characterized by her sorrow and inability to accept the fact that Odysseus might be dead. PENELOPE AND ODYSSEUS IN "ODYSSEY" XIX. This also shows her loyalty and faithfulness as she does not get rid of this desire though a suitor. odysseus deserves penelope’s loyalty. So deft is the poet's suggestion of the beautiful symbolism of this "marriage " dance-the celebration of the reunion of Odysseus and Penelope. Odysseus: This epic is the story of his journey home from the Trojan war. So, Penelope proves her spouse's right choice in this situation. Although Odysseus is a famous, intelligent and heroic figure, his loyalty to Penelope is nonexistent. Odysseus keeps his respect and loyalty toward everyone he befriends. Found inside – Page 184to the preservation of Odysseus' kingdom as his more spectacular feats (Felson-Rubin 1994; Clayton 2004; Heitman 2005). Women poets' responses to Penelope ... Penelope's final act of loyalty occurs in Book 18, when she reveals her intention to follow Odysseus' instructions to remarry, against her own wishes . Deborah Beck argues that conversation should be considered a traditional Homeric type scene, alongside other types such as arrival, sacrifice and battle. Found inside – Page 138The text has led us to expect that Penelope would choose to marry the suitor ... Because I view Penelope's final decision as an act of loyalty to Odysseus, ... Learn More. The love between him and his wife is as strong as ever. Eumaeus and Philoetius was just very loyal and true servants. Commentary: Moon Tiger, 1987, by Penelope Lively. So deft is the poet's suggestion of the beautiful symbolism of this "marriage " dance-the celebration of the reunion of Odysseus and Penelope. Penelope is the wife of Odysseus; she does not remarry while he is away. Though he must ease himself back into her life slowly, he does as soon as possible. After ten years fighting in Troy, followed by ten more years struggling to get home to Ithaca, Odysseus finally arrives at his homeland. Eumaeus and Philoetius was just very loyal and true servants. By its definition loyalty means a feeling of support or allegiance to someone or something. Thus, she was the cousin of Helen and Clytemnestra. Penelope's most notable heroic quality was her loyalty to Odysseus. Loyalty is one of the Odyssey 's most important virtues: the epic is full of examples of faithfulness (Penelope, Argos, Eumaios) and betrayal (Klytaimestra, Aphrodite, Melantho). Odysseus is a man of great stature. The book contains a pioneering analysis of the role of Penelope and the questions of female agency and human limitation raised by the critical debate about when exactly she recognizes that Odysseus has come home. The Queen might have chosen another man and build a happy life with him. An Analysis of Loyalty in Homer's Odyssey. the Eumaios sequence, when an extended conversation in Books 14–15 (Eumaios' loyalty is tested on several occasions) is put on ice, as it were, until Book 21 when, in a rather abbreviated version of the sequence, Odysseus finally reveals himself. PENELOPE AND ODYSSEUS IN "ODYSSEY" XIX. The trick she used to distract the suitors shows her loyalty to her husband. Homer portrayed Penelope to look like a loyal character by showing her commitment to her lost love. The second presentation of loyalty was Telemachus, Odysseus only son. He went on a journey to a land unknown to find his father’s destiny. Found inside – Page 65Here, the reasoning goes that émÊmvn Penelope turned out to have good fr°ne!, for she remained loyal to Odysseus. 'Loyal Penelope remained loyal' would make ... Penelope's . Found inside – Page 137... who out of loyalty to their husbands abstained from Dionysiac celebration ... Penelope could remain loyal to Odysseus, but since completing the web, ... The simile in question likens Penelope's recognition of Odysseus to the experience of shipwrecked men who reach land by swimming. She was the queen of Ithaca and was the daughter of Spartan king Icarius and naiad Periboea. At the court of the Phaeacians, Odysseus says that Homer idealizes her as the perfect wife and one who sets the standard for loyalty. That's why they are so happy. Penelope shows her loyalty in several ways. Free Essays on Homer's Odyssey: Penelope's Enduring Faithfulness. On the other hand, Odysseus is loyal to Penelope because getting back home to her and their son is always his top priority. A cautious Penelope, sought after by many clever suitors, uses the bed that she and Odysseus shared for so many years to trick Odysseus into proving his identity. Found insideThis story operates not only as a point of reference for Odysseus' homecoming but also as an alternative plot, and the danger that Penelope will betray Odysseus as Clytemnestra did Agamemnon is kept alive throughout the first half of the ... Loyalty is the key to lasting relationships. Found insideTwo wives motivate the Illiad and the Odyssey: Helen, whose beauty started the Trojan War, and Penelope, whose loyalty brought Odysseus home to Ithaca. Penelope’s loyalty was established through true love. Her life without Odysseus is difficult and keeping the suitors at bay takes a toll on her hopes and drains Ithaca of its splendor. Odysseus convinces Penelope that he is her husband by knowing a particular and secret detail of the construction of their bed. In this epic is four major examples that convey loyalty, which is shown by Penelope, Telemachus, the servants, and Odysseus. Odysseus passed Penelope's test, he killed all the suitors, Athena made all wrongdoing and bloodshed be forgotten, and Odysseus was the king of Ithaka again. Odysseus is Penelope 's husband, Telemachus 's father, King of Ithaca, and the hero of the Greek myth of the Odyssey, upon which The Penelopiad is based. So it totally doesn't count. This shows us two ways Penelope is like her husband: first, she’s a skilled deceiver, and second, she’s proud of it. Loyalty in The Odyssey Loyalty is defined in the Webster's dictionary as faithfulness or devotion to a person, a cause or a duty. In The Odyssey by Homer, Penelope overcomes numerous obstacles to wait for Odysseus's return while he struggles to overcome the perils of his journey and return to Penelope. Found insideProvides background information on the history and mythology of Homer's "Odyssey" and presents discussions on each of the twenty-four books of the work. Found inside – Page 79108 Likewise, Penelope's art ever defers the completion of Odysseus's shroud, ... that Penelope's weaving generates is her loyalty to the house of Odysseus, ... Penelope also has a sense of humor. Her cunning plans helped to further show the loyalty she had for Odysseus. These qualities are clear demonstrated in The Odyssey through Penelope, Telemakhos, and Odysseus. Penelope is the wife of Odysseus; she does not remarry while he is away. Conclusion. She's loyal. Although Penelope is discovered, this plan shows how unswerving Penelope remains to Odysseus. She does very little but lie in bed and weep. Odysseus 's wife and Telemachus 's mother. Penelope shows many signs of loyalty towards Odysseus. Penelope’s intention demonstrates loyalty for she is not swayed by the poison of desire. Eumaeus and Philoetius was just very loyal and true servants. This realization shows us that by Penelope staying loyal to Odysseus, the whole time he was gone, they were able to end up together and live happily together in the end. Penelope shows her loyalty in several ways. On Odysseus's return, disguised as an old beggar, he finds that Penelope has remained faithful. When Odysseus was disguised as the beggar, Penelope took a special interest in him. Odysseus’ definition of loyalty Is persevering the long Journey In order to come home, where as Penelope definition Is mourning the absence and awaiting the arrival of Odysseus.Penelope loyalty is characterized by her sorrow and inability to accept the fact that Odysseus might be dead. Odysseus showed a strong sense of respect to the gods, and they helped him overcome difficult obstacles. Answers: 2 Show answers Another question on English. Found inside – Page 131167], this meaning for &poucov is unlikely, for there is no indication in the Odyssey that Odysseus at any time has reason to doubt Penelope's faithfulness. Their actions show their commitment to him throughout his journey, which they maintain no matter which hardships arise in their own lives. One way that Homer develops the message of loyalty is through showing the values of loyalty in family relationships. Loyalty in The Odyssey Loyalty is defined in the Webster's dictionary as faithfulness or devotion to a person, a cause or a duty. Found inside – Page 28For Penelope's plans and behavior can be seen to have their own motivation , quite apart from her loyalty to Odysseus and his oikos . Loyalty to friends is another point covered in The Odyssey. Found inside – Page 70Representing the Female in Homer's Odyssey Beth Cohen. risky; there is always the possibility that Penelope herself will experience that shift of loyalty to ... Another heroic trait that Penelope has is her generosity. She shows loyalty to Odysseus by waiting for his return for twenty long years. Penelope, Virtuous Wife of Odysseus. match the audience to the description of each speech. I think Penelope and Telemachus were honest and Odysseus was not because he slept with a lot of women such as Circe and calypso. In the Odyssey Penelope is more a secondary character as the story follows her husband Odysseus. At the core of the book is a detailed examination of several myths in the dialogue to understand what is being said and to what effect. Penelope's intelligence holds its own when wily Odysseus returns. This shows how she was loyal to Odysseus. Sure, Odysseus gets plenty sidetracked, but his end goal is always to get back home to Penelope. What was special about Odysseus and Penelope? Penelope gives all the suitors the test of using Odysseus' hunting bow to shoot an arrow "through iron ax-helve sockets, twelve inline" (937). Penelope's faithfulness, willpower, and loyalty exceeds the amount of any other character. How was Penelope loyal to Odysseus? She bore only one son, Telemachus, to Odysseus. Loyalty is the most reputed value for Odysseus and any person disloyal to Odysseus loses his life. Many of Penelope's classical heroic qualities correspond to those of modern 21st century female heroes. She bore only one son, Telemachus, to Odysseus. Overall, Penelope's loyalty, Odysseus' perseverance, and Telemachus' faithfulness play a crucial role in the family reunion. These qualities are clear demonstrated in The Odyssey through Penelope, Telemakhos, and Odysseus. By its definition loyalty means a feeling of support or allegiance to someone or something. Odysseus, the Trojan hero and the protagonist of the epic by Homer exhibits vast amount of piety, manly valor and intelligence, and, most . When Penelope tells her story to the "beggar" (Odysseus in disguise), she cannot help boasting a little about her ability to deceive the suitors. He floated on driftwood to Ogygia, the lush tropical island of Calypso . Homer provides a considerable number of examples when friends . These ideals include faithfulness, loyalty, willpower, long-suffering, pride in one's home and family, and hospitality to strangers. Penelope’s most notable heroic quality was her loyalty to Odysseus. Odysseus has a chance to converse with Penelope, but neither revealed their true intent or feelings, remaining critical and thoughtful instead. Penelope (/ p ə ˈ n ɛ l ə p iː / pə-NEL-ə-pee; Greek: Πηνελόπεια, Pēnelópeia, or Greek: Πηνελόπη, Pēnelópē) is a character in Homer's Odyssey. Odysseus possess the character strengths of loyalty and compassion because he cares deeply for his comrades. Penelope is the Queen of Ithaca from Homer's Odyssey.She is depicted as a very intelligent and cunning woman. How are Odysseus and his wife similar. Penelope has been loyal so far, but after 20 years without a single word from her husband she may be developing two minds on the subject; she is nobody's fool, exactly the kind of woman who . On Odysseus’s return, disguised as an old beggar, he finds that Penelope has remained faithful. Odysseus's virtue as a man of integrity draws loyalty and commitment from his wife. This character goes further to support the fact that Odysseus is the archetype of the Greek mythology conqueror (Homer 139). Explanation: In the given excerpt from a discussion of themes in The Odyssey, we can see the statement that Penelope proves his loyalty during her husband's long absence, when she has an encounter with the disguised Odysseus, so the best way to summarize the theme being discussed in the excerpt is with the statement corresponding to option A: The . One of these plans was that she would not marry until she completed the burial shroud she had been weaving for Odysseus.. In most ways, Odysseus and Penelope's concern for marriage looks a lot like ours. Homer's the Odyssey is a classic example of how separation can affect a man's loyalty and how proving oneself can restore reputation. At the court of the Phaeacians, Odysseus says that her society. Penelope is known for her fidelity to her husband Odysseus despite the attention of several suitors during his absence. How does Penelope show loyalty to Odysseus? Telemachus showed his loyalty by going on a search for his father he hardly knew to establish a relationship. As a result, Penelope gets a reward. One of these plans was that she would not marry until she completed the burial shroud she had been weaving for Odysseus. Odysseus deserves Penelope’s loyalty. The relationship between them is not based on loyalty, we, the audience, have the privilege to understand his genuine feelings towards her. English, 22.06.2019 00:00. Odysseus 's wife and Telemachus 's mother. Odysseus is a very loyal man and knows how to keep his promises even through his twenty year journey away from home. She did not choose a suitor until she knew for sure that Odysseus was dead. A) The character of Penelope is very loyal. Odysseus gebietet den Seinigen Reigentanz, um die Ithaker zu täuschen. One way that Homer develops the message of loyalty is through showing the values of loyalty in family relationships. Examples of this can be seen in her creative ways of putting off the many suitors who've taken over her house in Ithaca. Just from $13,9/Page. Though her love for Odysseus is unyielding, she responds to the suitors with some indecision . In his absence, reckless suitors have taken over his house in hopes of marrying his wife Penelope. One example of this is how Penelope stays faithful to Odysseus while he is away for twenty years. And from the outset, Penelope’s loyalty to the 12 maids is curtailed by her own pragmatic survival instincts. One important characteristic that Penelope and Odysseus share is their loyalty to each other. Found inside – Page 185The Odyssey as taught in great books courses can be subject to similar ... Penelope's loyalty to Odysseus and resourceful protection of his property and ... Even if this is not the case, there is a cost to loyalty. Telemachus showed his loyalty by going on a search for his father he hardly knew to establish a relationship. loyalty is the key to lasting relationships. Found inside – Page 237Odysseus' concealment of his return from Penelope, however illogical, ... But, even though Penelope's loyalty is essential to Odysseus' success, ... dancing immediately ceases (XXIII, 297). To ensure the suitors respect her decision, Penelope attempts trickery for twenty years. I believe that Telemachus and Penelope were the true heroes of the odyssey. Even when the suitors show up at her palace, she doesn’t marry any of them. Before leaving Ithaca, he tells Penelope to look for a suitable husband in case he dies in the Trojan War. Penelope refused to remarry while Odysseus was on his long absence, and Juana never left Kino's side. While Odysseus conquered monsters and other extreme dangers, Penelope faced the challenge . He checks the bow, strings it, and shoots it . Firstly, we see Penelope's loyalty when she makes the excuse of the shroud to hold off the suitors. Odysseus failed to return home seven years after the Trojan war. Thus, she was the cousin of Helen and Clytemnestra. Penelope was the wife of Odysseus who waited over twenty years for. Found insideThe story of how Penelope and Odysseus came to be married was never told in ... her man would better explain Penelope's famous loyalty in Homer's Odyssey, ... Penelope shows her loyalty in several ways. The relationship between them is not based. Penelope also has a sense of humor. He never even for a moment forgets his love for her. The bed is a permanent piece of furniture, representing the stability of the marriage between Odysseus and Penelope. He went on a journey to a land unknown to find his father’s destiny. The Reunion of Penelope and Odysseus* - Volume 31 Issue 1. In many ways, Penelope. This is revealed by his affairs with other woman, his extended journey home, and by the fact that he failed to make Penelope his priority. Lecture 11/18/16 Odysseus and Penelope Odysseus tests Penelope's loyalty to him Asks Penelope why they can't move the bed. For many years Odysseus is away from home and during that time in Penelope's home there were suiters there waiting to get married. A wise man once said that "the crowning characteristic of love is always loyalty." That's why I loved Penelope and Odysseus. Telemachus, his son, goes on a journey to find his father. When he returns to Ithaca, he proves his love by identifying their bed as being the foundation of the palace. Odysseus' faith in Penelope's loyalty and ability to rule further validates her eternal fame as the ideal Greek woman. attributes. They both show remarkable loyalty to each other. Found inside – Page 124ODYSSEUS: And where're you from, young man? ... In this play, like in the original, it is only Penelope, Odysseus' loyal wife, the keeper of his home and ... Telemachus was perpetually in doubt about his father being dead. Penelope (/ p ə ˈ n ɛ l ə p iː / pə-NEL-ə-pee; Greek: Πηνελόπεια, Pēnelópeia, or Greek: Πηνελόπη, Pēnelópē) is a character in Homer's Odyssey. I'm trying to show how Penelope's loyalty helps bring Odysseus home. Odysseus’ loyalty is questionable throughout the book, because his actions are disloyal and rude to Penelope and others. Even though Odysseus’ reasoning behind his actions may indicate that he is loyal to his wife, his behaviors are inexcusable and disloyal to Penelope. She has devised tricks to delay the suitors, one of which is to pretend to be weaving a burial shroud for Odysseus’s elderly father Laertes and claiming that she will choose a suitor when she has finished. Nearly everyone tries to convin Found inside – Page 153Ulysses' final and eighteenth episode, titled "Penelope" after Odysseus's faithful wife, explores Molly's faithfulness and unfaithfulness. He has a deep voice that contributes to his profound powers of persuasion and his superior storytelling abilities. 34. Because he is assumed dead, 108 wealthy noblemen and princes invade his palace and refuse to leave until Penelope has married one of them. She could have easily spared her suffering by agreeing to wed one of the suitors. These qualities are clear demonstrated in The Odyssey through Penelope, Telemakhos, and Odysseus. An essay or paper on Penelope's Loyalty and Love. However, she resists this temptation. Paper type: Essay , Subject: Character Traits. . February 18, 2021 Leave a comment . Odysseus' loyalty is questionable throughout the book, because his actions are disloyal and rude to Penelope and others. Loyalty to family, community, and the gods is an important quality in the lives of ancient Greek citizens. Waiting for Odysseus for 20 years, she remains faithful to him. He has a deep voice that contributes to his profound powers of persuasion and his superior storytelling abilities. I believe Penelope was loyal, even though there were suitors that were trying to convince her to marry them. Found inside – Page 142... Odysseus (18.327–36, 19.65–69)—in contrast to Penelope's kindness—and she ... With the maids' death, the issue of loyalty raised by their behavior has ... A literary portrait of the epic songwriter and poet traces the historical origins of the Odyssey and the Iliad, describing the culture that shaped their first-generation audiences while exploring theories about how both poems were written ... … This proves that Odysseus truly does love Penelope, and that their love for each other was far more important than any […] The main element of Penelope's relationship to Odysseus is loyalty, even to the point of refusing to believe he has died and enduring much to preserve her self and Ithaca for his return. Even though Odysseus' reasoning behind his actions may indicate that he is loyal to his wife, his behaviors are inexcusable and disloyal to Penelope. Odysseus. This essay thus explores if the driving factor that led to Odysseus’ homecoming and reunion with Penelope is truly the labour of the gods or, instead, something else is at play. Eumaeus and Philoetius was just very loyal and true servants. Loyalty is recurs time and time again throughout the epic poem and is portrayed through the loyal relationship between god and men, the loyalty of Odysseus' subjects until his death and most importantly Penelope unyielding faith in Odysseus' return. Found inside – Page 96The story of the 'weaving of Penelope has then a double function in the Odyssey ... the Bow Contest The greatest proof of Penelope's loyalty to Odysseus is, ... Found inside – Page 75[23.215–24]26 Penelope justifies her caution, her delay in recognizing Odysseus ... of Odysseus' father, represents not only Penelope's loyalty to Odysseus' ... Odysseus Loyalty To Penelope Paper. Many of Penelope’s classical heroic qualities correspond to those of modern 21 st century female heroes. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. We may note a few examples of other types of subtle presenta-tion. We'll deliver a 100% original paper this fast. The main element of Penelope's relationship to Odysseus is loyalty, even to the point of refusing to believe he has died and enduring much to preserve her self and Ithaca for his return. Found insideTwo wives motivate the Illiad and the Odyssey: Helen, whose beauty started the Trojan War, and Penelope, whose loyalty brought Odysseus home to Ithaca. dancing immediately ceases (XXIII, 297). relationships are often made of loyalty. Telemachus, his son, goes on a journey to find his father. One sees this cost even more clearly in the touching scene with Odysseus's dog Argos. She shows loyalty to Odysseus by waiting for his return for twenty long years. She wishes for "a gentle death; no mourning and craving . She has devised tricks to delay her suitors, one of which is to pretend to be weaving a burial shroud for Odysseus's elderly father Laertes and claiming that she will choose a suitor when she has finished. Homer was able to show that loyalty by presenting it with many different characters. Found insideIn The Unknown Odysseus, Thomas Van Nortwick offers the most complete exploration to date of the implications of Odysseus' divided nature, showing how it allows Homer to explore the riddles of human identity in a profound way that is not ... While Homer uses epic simile for a variety of purposes, epic similes can often be read with a view to larger narrative considerations, and the simile in Odyssey 23.233-240 seems especially suited to such analysis. They all fail and none of them "can even bend [the hunting bow] enough to string it" (937). Penelope is an essential character in The Odyssey by Homer. She is Homer's example of the perfect Greek wife and mother in her patient loyalty of 20 years: Telemachus: Son of Odysseus and Penelope. Loyalty to friends. Found inside – Page 224Her relationship to Penelope is already tenuous: Penelope is angry at Melantho's transferal of loyalty to the suitors, since she had looked after the maid ... Odysseus is described as short-legged, barrel-chested, and extremely clever. The ways loyalty helped different characters in the poem. Found insideShow your loyalty to Ithaca and give her a new king.' 'Penelope's loyalty is also to her husband,' said the large man next to Mentor. Words: 485, Paragraphs: 4, Pages: 2. She was the daughter of Icarius of Sparta, brother of Tyndareus. More importantly, Eumaeus sleeping with the pigs shows his loyalty to Odysseus, as Eumaeus is the archetype for loyalty. 1547 Words 7 Pages. Found inside – Page 135From the picture we find of Penelope, we can see that in a woman excellence ... Through all the years of Odysseus' absence, Penelope's faithfulness endures. Answers: 1 Show answers Another question on English. Every day they are gone, people's hearts open up for them even more. If Atwood’s Odysseus comes off as a bit of a dope, Penelope’s cousin, the ravishing homewrecker Helen, emerges as the more villainous of the two, described as “poison on legs” and “that septic bitch.”. Penelope: The Loyal Hero. She spent every day finding ways to hold off a marriage to one of the suitors. Her cunning plans helped to further show the loyalty she had for Odysseus. One of these plans was that she would not marry until she completed the burial shroud she had been weaving for Odysseus. Penelope shows many signs of loyalty towards Odysseus. Her cunning plans helped to further show the loyalty she had for Odysseus. Fiction Squared: Great Books Starring Great Books. These qualities are clear demonstrated in The Odyssey through Penelope, Telemakhos, and Odysseus. This mirrors Odysseus's loyalty when he personally goes after his crew to save them from becoming addicted to the islands locus. This shows how she was loyal to Odysseus. For this reason, Odysseus, Telemachus, and Athena often prefer to leave her in the dark about matters rather than upset her. Agamemnon's praise of Penelope falls short of what she actually deserves (Homer Odyssey 11.445 and 24.196-8). When a significant other is gone, people often realize how much they really do love them. Her name is Πηυελόπεια — Penelope . Found inside – Page 113Penelope , however , recognizes Odysseus through her memory of their shared ... the bed bears no direct connection to Penelope's loyalty she could have had ... Penelope’s loyalty was established through true love. It shows Eumaeus's commitment to taking care of Odysseus's pigs, and this loyalty will allows Eumaeus to be spared later when Odysseus kills all the suitors and disloyal servants. She embodies the characteristic of the "ideal" woman. Penelope, Virtuous Wife of Odysseus. For many years Odysseus is away from home and during that time in Penelope’s home there were suiters there waiting to get married. 3 hours! To delay the decision of choosing a suitor, Penelope said she would marry a suitor after she had finished weaving her shroud. Penelope shows her loyalty to Odysseus by creating a distraction to the suitors to avoid getting married. He is an incredibly large and strong individual. I think Penelope and Telemachus were honest and Odysseus was not because he slept with a lot of women such as Circe and calypso. A) The character of Penelope is very loyal. This shows us two ways Penelope is like her husband: first, she's a skilled deceiver, and second, she's proud of it. In the beginning of the story, Penelope's most prominent qualities are passivity, loyalty, and patience (along with beauty and skill at the loom) - the age-old feminine virtues. Found inside – Page 126Odysseus is now on notice that he will have to convince Penelope that he is genuine. However, we begin to suspect that loyal Eumaeus, the swineherd, ... Loyalty in The Odyssey Loyalty is defined in the Webster's dictionary as faithfulness or devotion to a person, a cause or a duty. Throughout Odysseus long journey over the course of twenty years, Penelope continues to wait for her one true love, Odysseus. In the beginning of the story, Penelope's most prominent qualities are passivity, loyalty, and patience (along with beauty and skill at the loom) - the age-old feminine virtues. Considering this, what is the relationship between Odysseus and Penelope? Penelope is a 'good wife' but her character is developed further. When Penelope tells her story to the “beggar” (Odysseus in disguise), she cannot help boasting a little about her ability to deceive the suitors. Odysseus is disloyal to Penelope when he sleeps with other women. Penelope is known for her fidelity to her husband Odysseus despite the attention of several suitors during his absence. 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A 100 % original paper this fast bed and weep the years of separation does eventually return disguised. Completed the burial shroud she had finished weaving her shroud trait that Penelope: the loyal Hero shoots. Excuse of the Odyssey through Penelope, Telemakhos, and hospitality to strangers other types of subtle presenta-tion submit! A relationship have chosen another man and build a happy life with him loyalty toward everyone he.... Love that endured despite time passing or how much water under the bridge Odyssey.She is depicted a... Analysis of loyalty portrayed by the poison of desire forced to remarry while he is away life without is... Hopes and drains Ithaca of its splendor as the story follows her husband through his time of distress Pages 2... Hardships arise in their own lives it is the story follows her husband Odysseus despite attention! Her ability to keep the estate and raise her son while Odysseus was unfaithful to by! 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