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Those who fall victims to the Darkness are left in the care of the Chapter's Reclusiarch, or senior Chaplain, offering the victims of the Darkness a spiritual treatment that either cures them or ultimately results in their deaths. Death worlds are planets so inimitable to life that unless they harboured some essential resource Mankind would have no reason to set foot on them at all. Airless worlds are simple barren lumps of rock and ice, and it is rare indeed for them to support life. Some even seek out such challenges, seeming to prefer life in the wild to that in their Chapter's fortress-monastery or aboard a vessel within a fleet-based Chapter. Mighty statues of the Primarch grace the Chapters halls and his words are taught and read by every Battle-Brother. It is to know the possibility -- for even a second -- of an Imperium without the Emperor. When it was done, there would be hundreds of Chapters to ring the Imperium in adamantium and ceramite instead of dozens. Fleet-based Chapters makes their homes on vast space-going vessels. Often a world will fall before aid can arrive, and the Imperium's armies must force a contested landing in order to reclaim it. A map of the 40k galaxy I created as a commission for a friend's personal Imperial Guard/Astra Militarum Regiment Codex, which the planet callout box in the bottom left relates too. The Codex leaves the display of back banners to the Sergeant's discretion. The world's occupants are packed into industrial centres called hive-cities so that as much of the surface remains as accessible as possible and the workforce can be controlled and focused to maximum effect. The Ultramarines themselves follow the codex to the letter, and this is true of other Ultramarines Successors who strive to follow their example. Many of the worlds from which Space Marine Chapters recruit are not home to a single, unified society, but rather a host of small tribes constantly at war with one another. It might be that mutant or psyker populations have been allowed to expand unchecked. It is up to the author to craft these stories and decide which path each game will follow. They are highly suspicious of outsiders and often appear unreasonably aloof and intransigent. The Iron Hands Chapter is one of the better-known practitioners of this doctrine, who replace entire limbs with bionic equivalents. There is a big difference between aiding stricken refugees when there is no fighting to be done, but to stop in the face of a green horde to pick up a little girl's teddy is a no-no. Feral worlds are those planets colonised eons ago, long before the Age of Imperium, which subsequently regressed to atavistic barbarism due to extended periods of isolation or other, less predictable factors. Technologically, most of the inhabitants are ignorant of advanced machinery, but may utilise basic firearms manufactured locally. a homebrew WH40k 9e Army Book for the Astra Militarum: Elysian Drop Troops. Having cabbits (anime creatures) as pets, and the cabbits knowing how to turn into battle barges. This is an attitude that developed as a consequence of the Salamanders' own unusually close connections to the Nocturnean people, as they are one of the only Chapters of Astartes who continue to interact with their families and the people of their homeworld after their transformation into Space Marines. Their taciturn nature and stubborn refusal to accept anything other than total victory over their foes has served the Unforgiven well. Chapters such as the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Space Wolves and White Scars utilise different organisational structures, idiosyncratic terminology, specialised ranks, as well as maintaining long-ingrained traditions of their own individual cultures. Our Discord community is three years old, and . If only one side places any value in the city, the other is likely to use whatever strategic means it has available to deny it to the other, ranging from long range bombardment to the unleashing of ordnance from battleships in orbit high above. The community agrees that all homebrew Chapters must abide by the following: A massive hive spire rises into the Hive World's atmosphere. Only those who rule on behalf of the Emperor, namely the High Lords of Terra, have the ability to commission a new Founding of Adeptus Astartes. Few worlds of the Imperium of Man are free from adversity and these rare exceptions are either the holdings of wealthy mercantile combines or pleasure retreats for retired, high-level Imperial servants or the local sector nobility, entirely inaccessible to the vast bulk of Mankind. The Warhammer 40k Eldar codex went to pre-order on February 26, 2022, and was up for sale the following week, on March 5. The first thing when writing about your Chapter is to determine why and when were they created? Each Chapter serves collectively with the others of its kind as part of the Imperium of Man's Adeptus Astartes. While some Chapters are created using the "pure" gene-seed of the Progenitors, others are created using later generation Successors of the same Legion. Am I Whatever their state, the Successor Chapters of the Blood Angels are an honour to the pride and glory of their ancestors. The Space Marines are colloquially known as the "Angels of Death" in many quarters, in no small part due to the common practice of launching an orbital assault by way of drop pod. Unless conducted with swift, overwhelming efficiency, a purge may soon become a war of attrition. Being a canon chapter. The Imperial Fists engage in ceaseless duels against one another, sometimes to settle a point of honour but more often to test themselves and their swordsmanship. When the Dark Angels do undertake joint operations alongside other Chapters, it is quite common for them to do so with others amongst the so-called "Unforgiven" -- the Successors of the original Dark Angels Legion. While the Space Wolves recruit exclusively from Fenris, for example, where they also maintain their Fortress-Monastery called the Fang, the Crimson Fists reside on the civilised planet of Rynn's World but recruit from other planets in the region. The warriors conducting the purge are likely to be drawn from elite units such as the Space Marines, who are able to attack swiftly, with overwhelming force, before the enemy can react. However, over time they have lost the use of two of the special organs produced by the basic Astartes genetic template: the Betcher's Gland, which allows a Space Marine to produce poisonous/acidic spittle, and the Sus-an Membrane, which allows an Astartes to enter a state of suspended animation. That would make them nearly as large as some of the original First Founding Space Marine Legions after the terrible losses of the Horus Heresy, and means that the Black Templars are one of only three Chapters of Astartes (the others being the Space Wolves and the Grey Knights) thought to violate the 1,000 Space Marines to a Chapter limitation as proscribed by the Codex Astartes. Some planetary assaults are undertaken by small, elite formations such as Space Marines, striking at the very heart of the enemy. As a result, many Space Marine Chapters make their homes on such worlds, close to the source of its recruits. Some may construct their base at the very highest levels of the hive-city, in rearing spires, but most are likely to claim an isolated region far out in the polluted wastes. All images and instances on this website used without permission. Also be sure to browse around this wiki, as there are already a lot of Chapters that have been created. When two armies decide to fight one another for possession of a city, the conflict is sure to become a bitter and bloody meat grinder, for in the crater-strewn ruins, death awaits at every corner. Most Chapter names have two such elements, broadly speaking an adjective and a noun, but a huge scope for variation exists. The two event codices were released in association with the 2000 and 2003 Worldwide Campaigns. the Emperor in his darkest days. Every Chapter has its founding fathers the heroes that wrote the opening passages of its glorious history. The solution to the affliction of the Darkness is to create a spiritual darkness of his own within the stasis sarcophagus. There are twenty-seven Foundings that have occurred in total: All homebrew Chapters are to be created as part of a Founding. These so-called 'god machines' tower over the battlefield, their every stride capable of crushing to a pulp entire platoons of enemy infantry. Codex: Space Marines | Games Workshop Webstore How is it that the greatest fighting force of Mankind - the Space Marines - can have such a long history of distrust, enmity, and open warfare with their brethren? Aside from the ready source of recruits afforded by the hive-cities, the Chapter has access to a nigh-unending source of munitions, and it is likely that the master of each city is required by ancient law to provide the chapter with a tithe of its industrial output in return for the protection the Chapter's presence affords. In such societies, Trials are all but unnecessary and instead of staging formal tests and challenges the Space Marines simply watch these wars from afar, witness the deeds of the greatest heroes and select the victors as Aspirants. Entire cities are reduced to rubble, bitter enemies fight hand-to-hand in the ruins, refusing to surrender a single city block. There are approximately a thousand Chapters spread across the galaxy and only the priests of the Adeptus Terra have anything approaching a complete catalogue of these units and their heraldry. Many worlds with thick forest growth also qualify. Although only the upper echelons of the Chapter are aware of the awful truth of the Dark Angels' past, even those newly recruited are possessed of a secretive, even introverted nature. The Battle of Macragge was the Ultramarines versus the Tyranids; no-one else was present. Though no Successors have ever been officially confirmed, there is no practical reason why one could not create their own Salamanders Successor Chapter of their own. Having some idea of how the Chapter interacts with other Imperial institutions can provide some interesting plot points and scenarios for your Chapter. Just because there is a GW chapter that has something, doesn't mean it's a good thing to do for your chapter 'just because'. New leaders are careful to try to avoid duplicating the name, icon and livery of an existing Chapter. If your Chapter is an Ultramarines Successor it should follow the Codex Combat Doctrine, unless you have a strong reason for them not to and a good background idea to support it. This is where you start to link the various elements and build an overall picture of your custom Chapter. Very few defenders can withstand such an attack, and it is not uncommon for the entire chain of command to collapse when the upper echelons are attacked in this way. Their spiritual health is also maintained, to ensure that no trace of the influence of the Ruinous Powers becomes manifest. Rather than fall into despair, the Iron Hands took refuge in their hate, and they have used that hatred to eliminate any perceived weakness so that they may remain strong. As far as can be ascertained, he has successfully overcome most of the genetic flaws found without the various gene-seed, without sacrificing the unique gifts and traits of each genetic bloodline. To feel what Dorn felt. In other cultures, the Aspirants fight for the honour to be judged worthy, knowing that a great reward awaits the victors. Such Chapters may still deviate from the Codex in matters that do not relate directly to tactics and unit organisation. Instead, the Imperial Fists rely on their 10,000-year-old mobile space fortress, Phalanx, to serve as their Fortress-Monastery. A Battle-Brother that underwent a Blood Duel Trial before being accepted into the ranks of their Chapters Neophytes have reason to be supremely confident in their ability to accept any challenge and face any foe. Such punitive wars are normally intended to be sharp and short, and to bring about a specific set of strategic circumstances. - We are happy to announce that Gav Thorpe has joined us on our homebrew server and we will be having a live chat Q&A with him on Saturday June 12th at 15:00 GMT. As to the long term viability of this and other lost Legiones Astartes detachments, it is difficult to say. Effects partial memory transfer from consumed flesh/genetic material. They have a habit of escalating as that which the Imperium seeks to excise proves to be far more widespread than previously thought. The temptation to have a character appearance of an Inquisitor should be resisted at all costs. The Blood Angels are an example of a Chapter that regards the drop pod assault as the most refined application of the power that is the Adeptus Astartes. A feral battle-brother of the Space Wolves Chapter. home world? Many other Chapters use similar methods as well, including the Dark Angels and their Unforgiven Successor Chapters. Those Chapters that do not possess a Chapter home world, but do have one or more recruiting worlds. This Founding occurred in M39, when Age of Waning began. Born of the gene-seed of Sanguinius, these Chapters all bear the curse of their forefathers to varying degrees. One method is a vision, imposed by way of psychic intrusion by one of the Chapter's Librarians. Generally, the people hold the Space Marines in awe, even if they rarely see them, and every family aspires to one of its sons being selected to serve in their ranks. Therefore, the community has agreed, that there shall only be Primaris Space Wolves Successor Chapters. They are barely human at all, but superhuman; having been made superior in all respects to a normal man by a harsh regime of genetic modification, psycho-conditioning and rigorous training. The Dark Angels and their Successors (also known as The Unforgiven) have a shadowy past hidden by the weight of history and shrouded in the smoke and blood of the Horus Heresy itself. When the Chapter's genetic curse manifests itself in an affected battle-brother, it comes on in three stages: The martial traditions of the Storm Warden have been passed down for centuries and form as much a part of their existence as their flesh, blood, or bone. In most cases, a Chapter calling such a planet its home world maintains a distance from its subjects, remaining aloof, while in some, the Chapter's staff are fully integrated into a wider system of tradition, obligation and service. For 10,000 years, the sons of Ferrus Manus have stoked the unquenchable fires of hatred, drawing strength from their bitterness and awaiting the day of their Primarch's return. The Imperium simply lands as much of its forces as possible in one concentrated mass, and moves immediately to enact a breakout so that enemy reserves cannot be brought to bear on the vulnerable landing point. 6th Edition was released June 2012. Once the most numerous and powerful of the Space Marine Legions, their numbers would be depleted and primacy ended by decades of savage warfare, particularly in the wars of the Rangdan Xenocides, one of the most apocalyptic campaigns of the Great Crusade. The unique gene-seed of the Space Wolves, altered as it was by the inclusion of what is known as the Canis Helix, had both its advantages and disadvantages, making them at once more animalistic than their fellow Astartes -- a factor which made them uncommonly talented hunters and ferocious killers -- but also more readily prey to the power of their own instincts and drives. A Thunderhawk assault is in effect a variation on the drop pod method of insertion, sacrificing a measure of surprise for the overwhelming firepower the gunships themselves are able to bring to bear. Veteran Squads display Maltese Cross, Tactical Squads use an arrow vertically pointing upwards, or an older variant of a horizontal double-pointing arrow, Assault Squads use four perpendicular arrows pointing outwards in the shape of a letter 'X', while Devastator Squads use an inverted letter 'V'. Many worlds are not dominated by any single type of terrain, and feature a mix of environments, much like ancient Terra long before the wars that scoured its surface to barren wastes. A Space Marine Chapter based on a Feral world is likely to maintain a distance from the populace, with its Fortress-Monastery located on a distant and inaccessible island or high atop a mountain range. Gene-seed cultured in haste is wont to degrade or mutate, and a myriad of other factors might lead to the entire process going awry. If a writer wants to include such an alliance in their Chapter lore, it is advisable to only apply it to a single battle or campaign. Macragge is a world of stunning natural beauty, with majestic mountain ranges and endless expanses of pristine forests. Those Chapters that call a Death World their home are likely to be experts in fighting in the particular type of terrain it features. This is by far the most egregious of clichs utilised by writers to cover up gaping holes in their Chapter's background. Warhammer 40K Meta Hotness: Invictor Warsuit. In an Exposure Trial, the Aspirant must go out into such an environment and simply survive for a set period of time. Many ocean worlds are also codified as Death Worlds, their seas teeming with predatory life forms. If you are truly stuck for an original idea, you can always try your luck here, here or here, by utilising this handy Space Marine Chapter Name Creator, created by the Bolter and Chainsword forum. The Imperial Army had been used primarily as a reserve force of garrison troops during the Great Crusade, but its successor would now bear the primary burden of the Imperium's defence. The Iron Hands are a Loyalist Space Marines Chapter and one of the original First Founding Space Marine Legions, born as the Xth Legion, created from the gene-seed of their martyred Primarch, Ferrus Manus. The rulers of the Imperium care nothing for the quality of their workers lives, only that quotas are met and output remains constant. The Ultramarines became so large, growing to a size that included over 100,000 Astartes, that a new, larger unit of division, the Chapter, was created to better organise the XIII Legion's forces. Rules as written: These are the latest 40K 9th edition codexes Orikan the Diviner A Chronomancer of most prodigious skill, Orikan is a prophet who has not forgiven Szarekh for submitting to the will of the C'tan. This is both insulting and highly unlikely. Gangs of savage psychopaths battle one another ceaselessly for power and influence and the greatest of these gang leaders sometimes attract the attentions of the servants of the Chapter. In the face of an enemy attack, the warrior bounds forward like a Fenrisian wolf on the hunt, a joyous song of war on his lips. Some Chapters field a proportion of specialised units that differs from that favoured in the Codex, such as favouring Assault Squads over Tactical Squads, and some even field more than the prescribed ten companies. Although the Imperial Fists have a preference for long-range engagement and specialise in siege warfare, they are also well-known for their passion for dueling, a tradition thought to date back to the earliest days of the old Legion, before it even left Terra on the Great Crusade. In their dealings with Battle-Brothers from other Chapters, Ultramarines often fulfil the role of facilitator and peacemaker. Such places are steeped in dread and enshrouded by cosmic horror, such that only Space Marines, or those capable of becoming one, can survive there without succumbing to gibbering insanity. Few Battle-Brothers can hold this Red Thirst in check unceasingly -- it is far from unknown for Blood Angels to temporarily succumb to its lure at the height of battle. You can have your Chapter not know its gene-seed origin and hint at the idea of Traitor origins, but at no point do you want to outright say it. Feral World natives fighting for their very survival. Many of the Imperium's wars have escalated over the centuries, perhaps starting out as mere backwater rebellions before developing into full-scale wars engulfing entire sectors and involving every possible arm of the Imperium's military. The Aspirant may be plunged into a trance-like state during which he is subjected to all manner of horrific visions or irresistible temptations. Fleet-based Chapters recruit from a wide range of planets. Vast populations grow or are imported to service the industry that such resources spawns. This also goes for having a Chapter aligned with any other xenos species or empire. "They shall be pure of heart and strong of body, untainted by doubt and unsullied by vainglory. With a culture that emphasises endurance and self-sacrifice, the Salamanders are renowned for their stubborn nature. Enhance taste and smell to detect trace toxins, nutrients ect. The construction of a Chapter's fortress-monastery may be one of the greatest undertakings of all, drawing on the genius of the Imperium's most accomplished military architects. Taking the target alive is perhaps the hardest of Trials, for the Aspirant must keep the foe restrained on a return journey that might prove every bit as arduous as the hunt itself. Space Marines are untouched by plague or any natural disease and can suffer wounds that would kill a lesser being several times over, and live to fight again. Warhammer 40,000 Codex (plural "codices", but "codexes" is also occasionally used) is the name of a source book for Warhammer 40,000 armies and factions containing background information, pictures, and rules. The Trial might range from the lifting of impossibly heavy loads to the imbibing of toxic substances. Such worlds are rarely highly populated, unless hives have been built to house a workforce, and even then, vast tracts of the surface is left untouched and unexplored by all but hardy desert nomads, mutant clans or those who wish to avoid unwanted attention. This is especially likely to be the case with Chapters of a later Founding, who maintain less in the way of contact with the Progenitor than older, more closely-tied Successors. Hive worlds often fall into this category, especially the lawless underhives and the polluted ash wastes between the hive cities. Mar 12, 2021 - Explore Christopher McBride's board "Homebrew Chapters" on Pinterest. If the population is even aware of the Space Marines, they are distant, semi-mythological figures, whose appearance is a portent of great things. If the Death Eagles are indeed descended from the Emperor's Children, it would explain why their true origins have been purposely obfuscated. However, claiming your Chapter was the pivotal force in a well documented campaign is not a good idea. After all, it wouldn't be the first time that a Chapter's gene-seed would have been tampered with (the 13th and 21st Foundings), but remember, do not implicitly imply that it was derived from Space Wolves genetic stock. Launching his Indomitus Crusade, Guilliman gifted thousands of Primaris Space Marines to help alleviate the losses suffered by several existing Chapters. The paralysing fear that even a man as great as Dorn experienced, for himself and for Mankind, over the Emperor's broken body after the end of His battle with Horus. Such experiences shape them, in both positive and negative ways, lending a further level of detail to your Chapter's background. Some Trials are watched over closely by the servants of the Chapter, who judge the Aspirant every step of the way. Despite their impeccably pure gene-seed, the Dark Angels have been passed over for many of the Foundings that have created fresh Chapters to fight the Imperium's wars. Silenced weapons, null-shielded insertions and dampered armour are all utilised so that the enemy has no idea of the Chapter's presence, until the killing blow is delivered. In all of their duties, from battle to study, the Ultramarines are thorough, analytical, and attentive to every detail. Adeptus Custodes, Adeptus Mechanicus, Astra Militarum, 8th Edition Codex: Chaos Space Marines (2nd Edition), 8th Edition Codex: Space Marines (2nd Edition), Heretic Astartes, Chaos Daemons & Questor Traitoris, Craftworlds, Drukhari, Ynnari, Harlequins & Necrons, Orks, Tau Empire, Tyranids & Genestealer Cults, 6th Edition Codex: Adepta Sororitas (iBook), 5th Edition Codex: Sisters of Battle (White Dwarf), Dark Angels (2nd Edition) (Space Marines), Tau, Astra Militarum and Assassins Updates, Eternal War, Maelstrom of War, Altar of War & Echoes of War, 7th Edition Sanctus Reach Campaign/Planetstrike, Black Templars, Salamanders, Speed Freeks, Armageddon Imperial Guard, 4th Edition Codex: Space Marines; Black Templars; Orks and 5th Edition Codex: Imperial Guard, Lost and the Damned, Ulthw Strike Force, Cadian Shock Troops, 13th Company, 4th Edition Codex: Eldar; Chaos Space Marines and 5th Edition Codex: Imperial Guard; Space Wolves, Update and compilation of fliers and anti-aircraft units for, Rules for models for all races, stopgap measure until the, Rules for Forge World models not covered by the other volumes, All Astra Militarum (both Imperial and Chaos) and Imperium. Warlord known only as The Beast - which laid waste to much of the known galaxy and threatened to destroy Terra itself. They also possess a well-deserved reputation for merciless slaughter. They employ psychological methods, such as transmitting the sermons of their Chaplains and other dire portents of imminent doom. Codex Supplements have their parent faction noted in brackets. For example, instead of called a Chapter the 'Teutonic Knights', you could tweek the name to be the 'Sons of Teutonia'. Wars of secession, fought between rival factions each believing themselves the rightful heirs to the rulership of an Imperial world, reduce entire planets to wastelands even without the actions of hostile invaders or rebellious elements. Inside this book, you'll find: - The history of the Space Marines, with a look at how these genetically engineered warriors annihilate the enemies of the Emperor with terrible . Viable planets are an invaluable asset to the Imperium, and ones with large amounts of natural and desirable resources are ruthlessly exploited. Some sport a single colour, applied to the entire surface of the armour while others use several colours, halved or quartered to produce a striking and recognisable pattern. Desert worlds are dry, arid, and generally devoid of life. Many die under the sheer stress and trauma placed on their hearts during the process and those that survive will be utterly changed--physically as well as mentally. The Chapter's Primarch was a deeply devoted warrior who fought tirelessly at the right hand of the Emperor, but even this towering exemplar had his flaws, as he himself is known to have acknowledged. Having originally been given their own Codex to act as "the default" for Space Marines in second edition Warhammer 40k, for the past five editions the Ultramarines have been part of the standard Space Marines Codex. This rarely manifests itself as outright insubordination, but it can occasionally cause tension. After enough gene-seed had been collected in the vaults on Terra, the High Lords of Terra authorised the 4, This Founding occurred somewhere between ca. The White Scars are a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter and one of the First Founding Legions of the Adeptus Astartes. Mighty battle tanks can smash through the wreckage of once proud buildings, but they are vulnerable to lone enemies armed with tank-busting melta weapons. The Black Templars use similar methods but eschew the use of drugs or technology, instead requiring an Aspirant to fast or pray for days on end until a similar effect is achieved. In fact, some of the warrior elite of the Realm of Ultramar are known to cast newborn infants into the wilderness in order to test their resilience. They are unmoved by the challenge of crossing mountains, wading through sucking swamps, plunging into snow storms and many other such environmental hazards. Warhammer 40k. In addition, the Chapter's gene-seed is generally held to be the purest of all the Adeptus Astartes, and it is so stable that even 10,000 years after its inception, mutation is well within tolerable limits. Secondly, writers should really be creating their own Chapter not to gain a suite of abstract advantages over other Chapters but to indulge their creative urges and foster more opportunities for rewarding imaginative writing. Every Chapter has its own traditions, histories and battle-honours, but the Ultramarines are the standard by which many others, especially those of their genetic lineage, judge themselves and their peers, whether they acknowledge it or not. The only exception to this rule, is when a Chapter is forced to make such an alliance, it shall only be with Craftworld Eldar or the Tau Empire. The Dark Angels, for their part are impatient and unforgiving with strangers who pry into their affairs. a homebrew WH40k Codex optimized for 3rd edition but portable to all editions My friend, let me tell of you of a time when giants walked the earth; not the fallen angels we see now, but true titans who cared for little save might and conquest. Some Trials are far cruder; the Aspirant is simply administered some powerful psychoactive concoction, often distilled from the venom of local predators or the sap of rare plants. The categorisation "Civilised World" describes a wide range of societies and technology levels, but in general such worlds will be a functioning part of a larger sector, with trade links to nearby worlds. The following rules are in effect, when writing about your Space Marine Chapter's Founding: There are only two known Chapters that were Founded at this time -- the Mentors and the Storm Giants.

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warhammer 40k homebrew codex