My son-in-laws family has been in the Phoenix area since before Cortez arrived. The best way to reach campus is to take Interstate 5 to Corvallis, or book a flight to the nearest airport, Eugene. Sounds like this person hasnt lived anywhere but near the coast. Love Oregon, warts and all. I highly recommend to anyone I can especially if youre looking for a college of science! Not meant as a criticism of anything you said. The chart below shows what percentage of Oregon State crime and safety incidents in residence halls are in each category. Dont forget the choking smug from the Kalifornians who think everyone else is destroying the planet. Its funny how people get so protective of the state they live in. Joe Robbins/Getty Images OSU was evasive when she called in 2014, Tracy said, and declined to disclose information about her 1998 report. I fucking hate Oregon. Cant be nearly as bad as Nevada. Saldana: Why I hate the University of Oregon. If youre not a fan of patchouli oil, then youll probably be disgusted when you move here, because this nasty stench is everywhere you go. The University of Oregon, like any school, has both good and bad aspects that need to be considered during the college decision making process. I was awaiting an appointment with the advisor from my major, so I decided to research textbooks and how they are purchased. Oregon will now forever be the place known for putting Sweet Cakes out of business.. and driving decent folks underground. Im still amazed at how many women in the NW look like menon purpose. The weather is an incurable defect. IKR? Whats with the junk yard on 18 spilling into the highway right of way. Thats right, Oregon doesnt trust you enough to pump your own gas. The essays will give you the opportunity to show the admissions committee: Your ability to think creatively Your interests, and how you make them your own How you deal with adversity SPD limit is 50/55 depending on where at on SR14 youre at. Theres a reason Oregon is one of the most depressing states to live in, our skies are always grey and the rain never lets up here. You must not have worked with Oregonians we dont use umbrellas for a mere stroll into and out of work they are reserved for when you are stuck outside watching a sporting event for an hour or more. First you criticize Oregonians for being outdoorsy then you contradict yourself saying Oregonians were rugged 45 years ago. The discrimination is rampant, much of it unwitting and presumptuous. I will never ever ever go back to that God Forsaken HELL HOLE! Nothing like meeting young women who received engraved .12 ga shotguns for their 18th birthday from Mom and Dad. I cant make this stuff up. Murthy is currently dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of California Los Angeles, where shes the first woman to hold that position. Some of it is true. My husband is a truck driver, I drive when he is home, he does this all the time. see it really is true. Deans serve at the pleasure of the provost and are judged on their leadership performance and contributions to the university and their college.. May I present reason #15! NEEDS! move to Oregon. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Oregon State University's Ed Ray did something unusual for college presidents: He actually apologized for what the school did wrong. I left in 2004, wife and I grew up in Oregon, never thought wed leave, but we got pushed out by politics, and cost of living. I absolutely love this article about Oregon. He shared many of your views and values. But I really dont wanna move to Washington. Truly, whether you were in a traumatic combat situation, grew up a subject of prejudice or injustice, or can only pay for school with generational wealth, you will be sure to find your tuition dollars utterly wasted here at Oregon State. The struggle is definitely real. Don't be afraid to ask questions or go to office hours to get to know your professors. Oct. 15, 2022 White boys. I live in a city in WA that has around 1000 people, think less than that actually. Who the hell wants to sit around holding a fishing pole anyways? They can get pricy, but pretty sure oregon is not Paris, or NYC. very homey. This is a place to get a degree not an education. Admitted to the union as the 33rd state on February 14, 1859, Oregon comprises an area of startling physical diversity, from the moist rainforests, mountains, and fertile valleys of its western third to the naturally arid and climatically harsh eastern deserts. The capital is Salem, in the northwestern part of the state. I receive a large amount of financial aid grants, loans, and scholarships because I am very low-income. Then the East Coasters began to arrive. Feb 1. The thugs are here in droves and shootings in this neighborhood all the time, and this isnt even the worst part of Portland. And Tweekers are everywhere, all states. Oh please, I was born and raised in New Jersey. I actually caught one and showed it to the Housing & Dining Services and their response was basically, "oh well." Oregon has gotten more and more crunchy granola over the years. All those giant water scrubbers are there for a reason. I honestly have no idea, but the latest news articleswant to convince you that somehow this state is paradise on Earth and the whole country is moving here in droves. This school is a giant gold-encrusted turd, and has forced me now to spend the next 5-10 years of my life paying for OSU's failure of a football team/coach and repulsing greek life. So you should probably invest in a good tent before you come to Oregon. Bad mouth Oregon with lies and gazillions of people will stop moving here. The location in Corvallis Oregon (~60 miles south of the Portland International Airport) was great for me because it allowed me to focus on school, but be close enough to the big city for events and transportation. If you hate nature, why did you move to Oregon, thats a no-brainer. Assistant basketball coach Bernie Fine faced accusations that he molested three minors. Twice now, has OSU decided to change their curriculum, and force me to take a class, that when I first enrolled at this school, they did not think was necessary to take. okay you for got the DA in Marion county look wrong at a woman, have her call the cops you get to live in Eastern Oregon for the next 7 years and come out with the label sex offender for the rest of your life. Thats full blown retard. The average financial aid package for a full-time, first-year student is around $15,571 a year. Generally, the faculty were experienced teachers who were passionate about preparing new teachers for the profession. [CDATA[ (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); // ]]> Thats cute, you use moisturizer to keep your skin nice and healthy. I felt very welcomed here. had such bad BO (she rode her bike to her office)-that I thought I was going to puke. Yeah they do in most places I know of, or maybe 2:30. The number one reason to not move to Oregon or to get the hell out is that the state has been completely Kalifornikated. Worse yet, they slow to 10 mph a mile before they make that right turn. Papers and theory are the primary focus. My first day here I was stabbed and on other occasions friends were mugged. and some people do kill animals here, but i am not interested in eating at the top of the food chain or carrying a weapon since it is (thankfully) not necessary. Clearly youre challenged in the brain department. Everything closes at 2am, and then the whole stateshuts down. I did learn how to grill a portobello mushroom! Since Oregon State is on the trimester system it is fast paced, but it also makes the time fly by. There are so many opportunities to get involved in nature, and the location makes it easy to travel to the beach, go hiking, swimming, etc. Its one of the most beautiful states in the country and its that way because weve protected it from people like you who have no respect for Mother Nature and are basically just nasty and unhappy. Gheeeeese! I could set up an entire site on just photos of crappy Oregon plated cars and their idea of parking inside the lines of the space. But for one Oregon State fan living in Norfolk, Virginia, the . I think she may have been born in that state to the south, of which we do not speak. What you'll find in our crime and safety report on Oregon State: Our crime statistics come from the U.S. Department of Education's Campus Safety and Security data. Kaitlyn. They wouldnt survive in s.e. People moving north to Oregon are doing what any Oregonian with half a brain is doing: MOVING THE FUCK NORTH. In nevada I founded and have never been more happy since! WOU in particular is very well known for its education programs. And dont let the door hit you on the way out. HA! I have lived in Eugen-Springfield for 36 years almost and your number 1 is spot on. //
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bad things about oregon state university