Postal Service and in award winning magazines. And I really am supportive of standardized curriculum to support teachers, but at the same time not constrain their ability to be flexible.. The need to provide additional educational and mental health support is a top priority for me. As much as anything, I want to leverage my experience with schools and with boards to build the best and highest functioning board we possibly can.. Staff. David Diehl is a retired U.S. Air Force command pilot and colonel who moved his family to Whitefish in July 2020. Why are you the best candidate for this position and what will you bring to the board if elected? Diverse perspectives are crucial in order to govern a community in a representative way. Although Diehl has never served on a school board before, he believes his leadership experience from his military career would be an asset to the Whitefish School Board. Find job postings in CA, NY, NYC, NJ, TX, FL, MI, OH, IL, PA, GA, MA, WA, UT, CO, AZ, SF Bay Area, LA County, USA, UAE, SA, North America, abroad. Staff - Whitefish High School Leanette Kearns has an understanding of schools and the challenges teachers, staff and students face daily. Pet exams oftentimes turn into conversations about our lives, families and various community topics. He added that other priorities for him as a trustee would include ensuring quality teaching materials and a supportive standardized curriculum for teachers, empowering kids to make their own decisions, supporting extracurricular programs and improving communication in parent-teacher relationships across the district. Although she doesnt have any children of her own yet, she loves spending time with kids and volunteering in programs serving youth. Whitefish High School Five candidates are running for the Whitefish School Board. Zac Andrews, Montana West Realty, Active. School board trustee candidates share perspectives | Whitefish Pilot From his service in the military he has a vast amount of senior leadership experience, most notably in the U.S. Embassy in two different countries Thailand and Bolivia. WHITEFISH SCHOOL DISTRICT - TalentEd Hire Thats something she believes every child should have. Lengacher added that he believes all involved in the school district right now are doing wonderful things, but given the support for schools in Whitefish the door is wide open for even more improvements. It was just humbling and incredible the amount of initiation random people who wed never met took to reach out she recalled. In addition to working in education in Seattle, Vermont, and Montana, Todd worked at a school in Spain and developed educational and community-based programming in South & Central America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. But also with Whitefish Superintendent Dave Means only being a year into his new role and then a new principal starting at Muldown in the fall, she believes there will be challenges associated with the changes in leadership. From his service in the military he has a vast amount of senior leadership experience, most notably in the U.S. Embassy in two different countries Thailand and Bolivia. Whitefish, MT 59937 Ive always been interested in the educational and artistic development of children. Trustees - School Board - School Board - Whitefish School District Trustees If you would like to email all of the school board trustees please send your email to trustees@whitefishschools. Her post high school education included an undergraduate degree in History from University of Puget Sound (2006) and a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from Washington State University (2012). - Whitefish Bay Schools | An Exceptional Place to Learn Trustees serve in staggered three-year terms. I feel this pay it forward, as far as Im incredibly grateful for my career and my education that I received as part of a Montana public school system that allows me to have the life I have today; I want that for every kid.. Students are expected to complete a rigorous academic program from kindergarten through grade 12. As far as how the district handled COVID-19 and reopening schools, she supports the decisions made regarding the hybrid teaching model. Theres people who have been on the board and dedicated educators who are in the trenches that I want to hear from to learn what they view as the priorities first.. Family: I am very lucky to have my parents and siblings close by and I have a niece and nephew in the Whitefish Schools. She also works full time as a pediatric physical therapist at Montana Childrens in Kalispell. I am not privy to the inside workings of the schools, and all my dealings with any staff have exceeded my expectations. Im glad they didnt go completely remote because the detriment of that I saw in a student I was helping.. Support should materialize into meaningful accommodation. Whitefish School District and the surrounding community is bordered by the Rocky Mountains, Whitefish Lake and the Flathead Valley communities of Columbia Falls and Kalispell. Staff - Whitefish Middle School All responses are in the words of the candidates and edited only for style. I think were a growing economy in Whitefish; the challenge would be to serve every member of the community and know what their needs are because theyre coming from all different directions of the country, Morrow said. She also works full time as a pediatric physical therapist at Montana Childrens in Kalispell. Todd Lengacher has a vast amount of experience in education coupled with a strong desire to be involved in the community and local schools. copyright 2023 I feel like I have the capacity and the will to give back., Secondly I really feel that childhood education sets the foundation for success in life.. There is no staff matching your search criteria Administration. I don't have a dog in the fight to control families, my dog is in the fight to raise kids the way parents see fit and protect the rights of others to do the same. Jerrie Boksich was born and raised in Portland, Oregon, and attended public schools. As an accomplished soccer player, I have helped local soccer teams by assisting in coaching. F: (406) 862-2586, (406) 730-3080 |, The Whitefish School District cultivates and supports a community, Center for Sustainability and Entrepreneurship, 2023 School Board Trustee Election Information, Whitefish High School Expansion Information Poster, The 988 Suicide and Mental Health Crisis Lifeline offers 24/7 free and confidential mental health support, Community Survey for Whitefish High School Expansion Extended, Whitefish School District Seeks Additional Input for Whitefish High School Expansion, WEA/WSD Interest Based Bargaining Meeting. As the election approaches, Kearns hopes voters will keep in mind that although shes new to living in Whitefish, she understands the community and just has a desire to serve for the betterment of local education. Location: WMS - PAC. (Courtesy photos) Editor's note: This story originally ran in the April 14, 2021 edition of the Whitefish Pilot. P: 406.862.8650 F: 406.862.8664. The Running Start program provides eligible high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to get a start on their college career by earning dual credit simultaneously with WHS and FVCC. As a mom of two Whitefish Schools students, Clarke's goal as a school board member is to advocate for every student to have the most positive and high-quality educational experience possible. BA History and Political Science U of M. Minor Library Media U of M. 2010 saw our first national 1st place winner in the category of Hospitality and Tourism. As the pandemic narrative on masking and jabs unravels, it's clear our children were subject to political agendas and not health measures. Ms. Rachel Anderson . Emails to trustees received after the business meeting is postedwill be included in the next business meeting packet. I am running for reelection as there is a direct correlation between high student achievement outcomes and low board member turnover. Students also have the option of attending Flathead Valley Community College by taking classes of their choice in the Running Start program. 406-862-3505. The School Board needs to engage with other community groups to find solutions for our housing issues. There is no staff matching your search criteria Administration. For further information, please visit their website at, Center for Sustainability and Entrepreneurship, Various art shows have displayed student works across the county, state and at the national level. Whitefish students are encouraged to take part in after school activities that promote the social, emotional, intellectual and physical skills that have lifelong lessons. Bennetts expressed great respect for the current board members, administrators, district staff and everyone already involved in the district. - The Whitefish School District cultivates and supports a community that engages each student to succeed in continuous learning, Two incumbents, Darcy Schellinger and Elizabeth Pitman, are seeking reelection while three new candidates are also running. To this board Todd brings school and nonprofit board experience. Copyright2005-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) -PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliate(s), WHITEFISH SCHOOL DISTRICT600 East Second StreetWhitefish, MT 5993740686286404068621507. Business expansions have helped solidify the district's tax base. Our on-line Virtual High School (VHS) is open to students beginning in the 8th grade through high school. There is no staff matching your search criteria Administration. Positions open: 3\nTerm: 3 years\nDeadline for candidate filing: Thursday March 23, 2023 at 4:30pm at the District Office\n\nPlease pick up the candid. Job specializations: Administrative/Clerical. There are some changes that just inevitably bring challenges because that is how new leadership works, she expressed. F: (406) 862-2586, 1143 E. 4th St., If elected to the school board, keeping that genuine community feel and engagement is one aspect she would prioritize. Whitefish, MT 59937 For more information on ballots, contact the Whitefish School District office at 862-8640. But now I think its time to continue along the same path in whatever the community and school district decide is the next marker. Would you like to continue working on this application? Whitefish School District Children are the future of our country, and I believe it is essential for their success to provide them with a solid educational foundation that is instruction-based and not agenda-driven. TalentEd Hire Background: Current Vice Chair for Whitefish School District School Board. Mission - The Whitefish School District cultivates and supports a community Free administrative/clerical job search site: School Secretary job in Whitefish Montana, USA. 2022-2023 WSD School Calendar - Bulletin Board - Whitefish School District Darcy Schellinger grew up in Billings, MT and graduated with a degree in Business Finance from Montana State University. Candidate preferences are the decision of the Employer or Recruiting Agent, and are controlled by them alone. Currently Kearns is a stay at home parent to two daughters ages 2 and 5. 6th Grade and Intervention Teacher. Search: There is no staff matching your search criteria Teachers. DECA is the youngest activity at WHS with students taking several honors across the state and a national championship that included international competitors. She and her husband enjoy everything outdoors from whitewater rafting to hiking to just being outside with their kids. F: (406) 862-8664, 1143 E. 4th St. Major emphasis at the elementary level focuses on strong reading, language and math skills. Morrow moved to Whitefish one year ago in search of a friendly place to settle down and potentially start a family. One of the really important things to me has been understanding how much relationships matter and how we treat each other matters, she said. In my opinion, the most significant challenge is coming out of the pandemic both academically and emotionally. Written public correspondence can be submitted by emailing the Trustees at or by a written letter sent to the Whitefish School District Trustees at 600 East Second Street, Whitefish, MT 59937. There should never be a policy void of faith and trust in the parents who love these children. Having lived in different places, and living in Seattle, we were looking for a place where we could have more of a direct impact on the community he said. Quincy Bennetts is a Montana native who feels indebted to her community of Whitefish and also has an eagerness to put her own skills and personal qualities to use for the betterment of local public schools. She acknowledges the challenges the pandemic caused in the educational setting, but also respects the decisions the district made by implementing the hybrid in person and online model. Lengacher has long family ties to the valley as his inlaws have owned property on Flathead Lake for many years. Whitefish Middle School Back to top Bulldog Tip Line (406) 730-3080 | News & Announcements 7th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament @ West Valley 8th Grade Girls Basketball Tournament @ Kalispell Middle School Whitefish High School Expansion Information Poster The Bulldog Buzz (Provided photos). F: (406) 862-8664, 1143 E. 4th St. But in addition to those interests, Lengacher has an even stronger passion to serve in the local community. Dr. Katie Clarke is a communication researcher. Five candidates are running for the Whitefish School Board. Staff: Intramurals: 1: Student Store: 1: Whitefish Middle School Student Council: 1: Yearbook Club: 1: Web Accessibility Complaint Form Web . Mission - The Whitefish School District cultivates and supports a community Spring programs consist of track & field, tennis and softballBulldog state track titles - boys (8), girls (3)Tennis state titles - boys (7), girls (1). To view and listen to the School Board Meeting, a video link will be available the day of meeting. Ive been in senior leadership positions quite often and understand the difficulties presented, he explained. 600 East 2nd St. Whitefish, MT 59937 . Hes worked in schools both domestically and internationally, helping to develop educational programs in 13 countries. First and foremost I just want to volunteer my time and energy to better the community, he said. She also lived in Essex for a summer season working at the Snow Slip Inn in 2009. Home - Overview - Whitefish School District If elected to the school board, keeping that genuine community feel and engagement is one aspect she would prioritize. I can get established in the community and serve it at the same time.. I will continue to promote open and honest communication, enrichment for students and mental health programs. I can get established in the community and serve it at the same time.. She had a great public schooling experience all the way from kindergarten through her postsecondary education at University of Montana, and knows her education has allowed her many opportunities in life. She also lived in Essex for a summer season working at the Snow Slip Inn in 2009. Staff - Whitefish Middle School Serving my community and being involved in building and shaping my community in positive ways is important to me. She taught Education Through Music classes for teachers throughout the state. Ive been in senior leadership positions quite often and understand the difficulties presented, he explained. And just very subtly, but very intentionally took care of us.. As much as anything, I want to leverage my experience with schools and with boards to build the best and highest functioning board we possibly can.. Staff and students have received training in the Montana Behavior Institute, ASIST program, Student Assistance Training program, Second Step, Respect of Us and Stop, Talk, Walk. Quincy Bennetts was born and raised as a 4th generation Montanan in Great Falls, Montana graduating in 1997 from Great Falls High. 312 E. Second Street (Courtesy photos). In the 2022 Whitefish School District election, there are five trustee candidates running for two open positions. Lastly she added that with skills shes obtained through her career combined with her hardworking attitude she knows she could make a positive impact if elected to the board. Location: Whitefish School District Board Room 600 East Second Street Whitefish, MT 59937. What really drew me here was the people that live here they have these wonderful qualities of really fierce independence and strength, coupled with a very strong sense of community, Kearns said. In addition to her work with schools, she also has experience in mediation. Several students have displayed their skills and talents by playing in the Glacier Symphony and Chorale which performs across the Flathead County. Unfortunately, this position is no longer available. I am a Whitefish native and graduate of Whitefish Schools; I greatly value the educational opportunities offered by our schools. I think the school district did a great job taking it really seriously, doing its homework and trusting in data and science, which I really appreciate, Lengacher said. Education Factions Emerge in Whitefish School Board Race With five candidates seeking two seats on the Whitefish School District Board of Trustees, one candidate's profanity-laced email. Whitefish Middle School During the pandemic, a group of average, common people on the school board unanimously took unprecedented action to usurp control from parents over their children's bodies. org. In the 2022 Whitefish School District election, there are five trustee candidates running for two open positions. The election will be held on May 3 at the Whitefish School District Board Room, 600 East Second Street. And given his background in education, he feels like the Whitefish School Board would be a good fit.
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