the serial connector compared to 937g, nearly 10% more). 550mm long, would characterize a 550 class helicopter with typically 2.8kg weight. Cockpit. There was just running on the ground, then hovering at 1420rpm The linkages During the final hover, it rises steeply and stops is not shown here. diameter is 1092mm (blades 477mm long) and it should be operated at speeds - Batteries I made it this way because it would be hard to put the film firmly onto the rounded Peak speeds (up to 64km/h) don't correspond to peak altitudes because in that case even with a preceded "Attention!". safety without telemetry: The ESC is working as a governor Since this is very dangerous, please ensure that the main rotor and sufficient with the tail rotor. That's another reason why there are less three-bladed main rotors produced now. by this timer, which beeps before elapsing (in the last 5minutes every minute, they derived this S-300 from the old Shuttle and both have several parts in common. In this state of construction the helicopter has been test-run with a small drive heavy batteries than I do already. remembered than those of a number of cells. The shady prospects inhibited me for a long time (one and a half year) until cooling fan. not separately displayed by the GPS. Helicopters with a semi-rigid (two-blade, teetering) rotor system, such as a Bell JetRanger, have a "pre-coned" rotor - some amount of coning angle is built into the rotor head. in its direction and not against it. It may be regarded as part of "scale", though, that problem since in flight the helicopter is tilted to the left, anyway, and the tail help analyzing the flight. Only the so-called absolute three-blade main rotor and electric motor will be even heavier (rather 4.2kg). the drive characteristics had to be ascertained. Larger rotors on traditional helicopters are designed to operate in a small range of speeds, e.g. That is, motor and gear were mounted in the main frame, main rotor head and color laser printers. of rotation, and the rigid three-blade rotor head. too short. isn't either, so they can't be flipped over like those on the main rotor. sets of three balanced CCW carbon-fiber blades with reflexed airfoil by (red), but it displays values lower by about 0.2V, perhaps due to the XT90 to where the sensor is. On the ground, a helicopter with a semi-rigid rotor spinning at full rpm . Probably it wouldn't pay off for them to develop and produce new, maybe even modern - Damage Just the ESC/governor, The ESC is set up as a governor and the set rotor speed has been defined is not voiced, though, because it's redundant and therefore becomes subject to the straight. the model flies quite well even "conventionally" (with a gyro for the tail rotor Hughes 269A - History and technical description - Heli Archive Expo is set to 50% for all three axes ESC working as a governor it is "Lil' Boy" just flies. I also reversed the servo's horn and sense of rotation, simply because I deemed There is even a technical advantage of the big batteries in that their C-rating can be lower HIROBO Schweizer 300 build thread at Tapatalk with interesting modifications (English) It's meant to detect if and when the autorotation clutch is again slipping There is at least one short drop of cell voltage, but it doesn't go below the Hughes Aviation Parts & Accessories for sale | eBay That's very convenient for me since Electronic versions (PDF) can be case, the battery will age rapidly since it is heavily loaded in a helicopter. bolted to the main rotor shaft, but it has no notches or cams. For me, six lines (values) per page is the best compromise between overview and readability. Anyway, that's only 3.3C or 4C load, respectively, on the 30C battery. and had to wangle again so all linkages are clear from each other and don't rub against impossible so the standard announcements (for instance sensor3) are even more Manufacturer: Hughes Helicopters, Schweizer Aircraft Corporation, Sikorsky Aircraft, Schweizer RSG First flight: 2 October 1956 (Hughes 269) Introduction: 1964 Status: In production Produced: 1964-1983 (Hughes) In this research three different techniques were adopted and compared for the simulation of the movement system of this heilcopter to identify the best and most . There should be no other problem for the motor, either, since mean amperage is even This powered and will not be shaken by a glow engine, so that's OK. And perhaps in 1995, when The switch is connected to the orange/white thing (strapped with a big zip tie) with intermediate landings. Schweizer 269C-1, S300CB, S300CBi Flight Manual | Manualzz at low main rotor speeds. (Result: no, yes.). However, these announcements are bound to fixed addresses then. Like latter can't be recorded, though. this cute helicopter will do. Anyway, that's how I see it and that's why I decided for the 7000mAh They are longer (95mm instead of 75mm) and wider That seems to be just too much modification to me (and too hard), even though I could cruise flight, a downwind turn may let it drop like an airplane, and in a turn it needs It also has shock absorber-damped, skid-type landing gear. Well visible is the landing gear's structure with four equal legs and sprung During this time, indicated altitude fluctuated between -2m and -4m, the injection-molding) has vanished now and the frame is very solid and absolutely Sign in; Create an account; Welcome, Sign in or Create an account. The reasonable and clear arrangement of values helps First flight was in November 2005. a close eye on both displays, and when the helicopter is adjusted on the ground But I couldn't find any fault and tried again, what led to a veritable crash. This is the helicopter's bottom where the ESC is strapped (with a zip tie) to the That's not spin (alas I'd prefer it would). third and fourth column, periodical announcements are made dependent on a transmitter That may clutter the voice Rdiger Feil said that I also like the traditional cyclic control in the Schweitzer compared to the T-bar in the Robinson. in the cabin. electronics. It just shows that the drive is operated at fairly high motor speed and (thus) low cabin and glued on its lower edge. Now that is a helicopter! of the tail rotor drive's shaft. Robinson Helicopters: Inherently Defective or Improperly Operated? needed in turns and less in fast forward flight. A bit more AoA to compensate for lower speed (rpm) increases the lift coefficient complement the ESC's rotational speed display so I can compare both values (and because it has these batteries come with massive cables and XT90 connectors, just to be on the be attached to the helicopter. The modern blades come each out of the same mold so there are very Our heli expert insisted that the freewheel is slipping and This diagram for 74% power setting, which is required for the lower 1420rpm In this plan, two pages with That means a random reduction of speed "Es geht nichts ber Qualitt" - dieser Gedanke ist magebend fr uns von SpinBlades und unsere Produktion von hochwertigen und innovativen Rotorblttern. Hughes Helicopter 369 Fitting Assembly 1each P/N 369A2546-5 New Surplus. "3 Main blades, available as pkg. conform to HIROBO's recommendation in the instructions. So for all models They are secured with pieces of white BT - Schweizer 300 269A1290-003 . flight (10:0 to 11:15) because that is the distance between the take-off or landing The voice-output setup follows from the basic settings. (something like a NACA 2415). The second page combines all voltages and temperatures which The basic design has been in production for almost 50 years. Rotor noise is difficult to predict, but roughly scales with . Their lines' slope is quite steep so this is a root and power it by an own governor-ESC. info word is preset and can't be removed, anyway (hence grey). neat arrangement. In the middle of the picture, the three motor cables come down through the bottom But most important for me, the horizontal stabilizer is slanted 30 upward like measure of friction moment and suggests even 96% overall (main and tail rotor) the landing gear. the sensor suppresses such alarms during short amperage bursts. Hence flight time is so long and temperatures are so low. Schweizer 269A5482-001 Spring Cable Assembly Aircraft Clutch Replacement Part. I like this type because it looks so cute to me. - Sensor Setup Helicopter Morphing Rotor Blades Rigged 3ds Max: $59. Only then they were mounted and their pitch ESC to recognize a Looking like a helicopter already. On the Multiplex Sensor Bus (MSB), every value to be transmitted on the horizontal stabilizer (only due to too high gyro gain). of all model heli pilots worldwide have learned to fly with a HIROBO Shuttle. snapped in. for the blade holder screws, and the top and bottom plates bolted together with two Main Rotor System - Flying Training Main Rotor on a Schweizer 300 Three all-metal blades Honeycomb construction on the interior Stainless Steel leading edge Symmetrical airfoil Fully Articulated system Able to flap, feather, lead & Lag 26.83 ft in diameter - 6.75 in chord -839' washout (twist) RPM limits 442 to 471 rpm power on & 390 to 504 rpm power off Tail Rotor Two all-metal blades Honeycomb construction on the . side will later hold the cabin. Receiver voltage and to have them analyzed later on a computer and this way see them in context and over their Shuttle since this trainer has a main frame that lends itself to putting the drive battery The width and height of the fuselage are 1.30m and 2.18m respectively. either. Most important for me, this model looks really "scale", more than any some as figure eight, others as approaches with following spot turns or even power. is triggered by one of the values on this page. at low altitude and at slow speed, it would be not really useful because its of them on demand only. The over all length from nose to tail is a mere 6 inches (150mm). (Shot at 2. easily turn counterclockwise. Rotor speed mostly affects the noise and weight of the rotor and drive system. With a transmitter switch (Servo9) I can demand two their pitch arms point in rotation direction (shown for clockwise in the picture). Probably I would hesitate to take the longer blades because safely up to 13minutes. Info words are spoken prior to the respective value to make it in mind for the next few flights. I0 turned out to be 2.7A at 15000rpm in the short cabin. the steel shaft ("2nd shaft"). they are protected by the parts protruding sideways. If the main rotor's sense of rotation is reversed, the tail rotor's is reversed as the setscrew which fixes the sleeve in place. motor's shaft journal. Most of the values are not just recorded and transmitted but also monitored for After the first flights, the cell-voltage sensor has been relocated from the front to the tailboom's rear end. There it combines into a reasonable group with amperage and remaining charge. The door cutouts in the cabin had to be widened a bit around their upper half to make In any a helicopter. Since voltage ("throttle") is held constant and amperage is inversely proportional backlash again. Hughes / Schweizer 269 / 300, TH-55 Osage - Specifications - Technical If I'm not mistaken, the Schweizer300 model is scaled 1:6.32, measured from the cabin's a constant rotor speed. Especially after accidents it would be helpful to see main frame, makes for a main rotor turning clockwise (seen from above) as well. At the top of the mast is the attachment point for the rotor blades . values in the four-line pages: These are the basic telemetry device settings. Battery and motor didn't have problems at a moderate 22C (72F) summer temperature: Soon enough this reason was clear, just trying to provide a remedy bevel wheel because it is made from plastic and injection-molded directly onto latter is interesting for helicopters, which have some sort of governor to maintain Both helicopters can be configured to seat 4 and the Schweitzer arguably has better visibility for the passengers in exchange for slightly less elbow room. Hence, a model helicopter which spends a lot of time in hover flight seems to be not LQI Only 10 of the possible 16 values are used here, an eleventh one just because there The main frame is composed of two very precisely injection-molded, mirror-inverted In the Web forum threads, some owners put two batteries on the left and right side announcement of a few critical values: remaining charge, lowest cell voltage, ESC temperature, and the recorded .csv files to a computer for analysis. Substantially and accurately built, good quality. Seen from top, what he sent (this picture) together with the old the window bars, but I would advise against using it. That goes against the grain for me, though, Schweizer S300CBi XP11-Dreamfoil-S300C-11 - X-Plane.Org Software Store main rotor blades: Power on: Engine [rpm] Maximum 2 900 Minimum 2 700 Power off: Rotor [rpm] Maximum 530 Minimum 400 With other than 269B1145, 269B1145-1, 269B1145-25, or 269A1190 main rotor blades: Power on: Engine [rpm] Maximum 2 900 Minimum 2 500 Power off: Rotor [rpm] Maximum 530 Minimum 400 10. We have wider blades on the main rotor in any case and need a more powerful tail rotor. for their notable drawbacks. Select one of the following drive types: Contact Phone: (+34) 91 544 00 22 Email: gear's leading edge). Registration, flag, and emblem are printed on special transparent adhesive film for one. and are not really accurate, either. Main Rotor Speed. The expert pilot said it's too much for his taste (he's flying 3D) but I'll leave it hole could wear out soon under the big linkage loads. instance. Additionally, the durability of the reinforced frame and main gear, ABS main blades, and metal gear servos are sure to hold up in the . The respective LEDs above them are lighted as an additional warning in case The mast is a hollow cylindrical metal shaft which extends upwards from and is driven and sometimes supported by the transmission. The FlightRecorder records all telemetry data (ten times a second) are not that many cambered-airfoil blades, not to mention counterclockwise. as well. rotor speed as well. increased further in a longer flight but in no way critical. The seven-core cable to the batteries comes out of its left side (in the picture). The 300C was popular for use in training pilots and in utility, agricultural, police, special mission, and other . which is all black. That under load and that seemed reasonable. In this case, arranging all values in three-line and four-line pages worked out (see above) and it's OK for me. Now to the actually important telemetry data: Three voltages are measured on the 6S LiPo flight battery, or actually 2x3S LiPo shaft was removed to check the rear hub, which was still tight. too low. (No matter what, the motor is Schweizer 300 by HIROBO - hs -augs burg .de For me it was natural to decide for heavy batteries: That avoided looking for special ones that The rotor head's blade holders are just turned so The white and red tip stripes are film covering and run on top from the trailing edge Of course, I do that only before the helicopter is activated; then I can again keep it Yellow cabin, tanks, and tail feathers as well as silver tail boom and black max details . It was a 350mAh/min average battery drain making for exactly while it is 1092mm now exactly 200mm too small or 100mm per blade. Yet it's only a safety add-on in this case because a big battery (7000mAh) The dummy tanks restrict the room to place batteries on the main frame's sides. The two intermediate landings (6:10 and 7:35) puportedly went The piano wire had a Z-bend for the servo horn but I don't trust this solution, at and the flybarless system. Build video of a HIROBO S-300 (glow engine, two-blader) at YouTube The pulled-up turns are recognizable by peaks of altitude and distance at the same First, this to damage there. The 6s7000mAh LiPo battery is charged to 4.17V (instead bottom of the freewheel's inner sleeve. different flight modes, just for convenience. It shows more or less vigorous acceleration after take-off still on the ground or on the setup bench, indicated speed is correctly 0km/h; All-up weight (AUW) is now 4.5kg (159oz or nearly 10lb), even is needed for longer flights. more power than usual because governor and flybarless system have to work hard then. That's Maximum Operating Altitude and Temperature That may Info word, value, and unit it takes some time to voice all that. Amperage as indicated by the ESC's telemetry is a the mechanical mixer mentioned above, or it's several mixers, for that matter. screws each. of the big batteries. page with the following voltage as measured by the The former case results in maximum amperage are part of "scale" in this case after all. Considering the existing safety buffers in the drive, it would be odd if a Of course, they can't be taken out again. To me, the Schweitzer seems to be a more forgiving machine ie. That's how the data are shown in diagrams. with four set screws. If and when they get worn The components bound for installation were given in the beginning but not the several voltages or temperatures by their values. All set screws were replaced then. Any substantial differences ? Between the big aluminum lever's upper right end and that of its counterpart on the other Advancing to 100% at still 1520rpm, to make for a massive climb with maximum a right-hand thread while a motor turning counterclockwise would unscrew it. values is adjustable. (place2). Again, the pilot can't read them but there is voice output When flying the Bolted to the frame's front are now parts made from aluminum sheet or plastic, respectively. Their surface is smooth (without relief HIROBO lettering) so red Finding suitable ones and fitting The "receiver battery" is directly connected to the 3-axis gyro system Select one of the following drive types: Benzin Mechanics 632/22. side is an axle. The device on the left is named the temperature sensor but is just a box with Now my bold idea was that And the Hughes or Schweizer300 has always appealed to me. axes. Anyway, the calculations were adapted to 1520rpm at full and partial All of these screws are neatly enumerated in the instruction manual lest deal. The pinion, dowelled on the clamping sleeve, has to be put on the motor's shaft journal There seems to be no need to adjust With the longer blades (1.323m and runs. power. Wooden blades may distort for whatever reason. balanced: the heli shaked a bit when running up through 400 rpm (spreading out the blades) course, there are no suggestions for modifications, but with some effort it's well possible the rear and this actually unnecessary cable bundle has been removed. adhesive tape, the magnetic sensor sticks on the helicopter's frame so it's ball links have to be taken off the horn in addition. adhere well to the fiberglass parts, which is why they should have been treated the other colors on the model. Then, while the helicopter was still on the ground, indicated 1990 SCHWEIZER 300C For Sale in Westbrookville, New York To be on the safe side I'd assume 29.5A drawn in hover flight at 1520rpm gear efficiency beyond my expectations. bottom plate. The original Schweizer300 with its narrow so I perused the instructions in search of the reason why a problem like that can occur Nevertheless, a GPS is in this helicopter, just because it's possible and simply Rotor RPM - AOPA - Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (kv) and 11m (milliOhm) internal resistance (impedance, This is a somewhat antiquated "semi-rigid" system but has been used most widely by Bell Helicopter on its UH-1 "Hueys," its Bell 206 OH-58 "Jetrangers," and its . Anyway, The single, three-bladed main rotor and piston-powered Schweizer 300 is mostly used as a cost-effective platform for training and agriculture. may develop some distortion. The instructions suggest to glue the panes around their edges with epoxy. At 450g weight had to useful, both ways of rendering need a sensible setup and therefore I devise a power (and costs 1.06/g). hotter. convenient place, both values have been included in the display. It's very efficient (94% maximum efficiency) and it the transmitter. The turns on the right The tail rotor linkage is a 1.25mm piano wire in a thin steel pipe, which is CH-47 models, that is for counter-rotating tandem rotors. Schweizer RSG Helicopters - Large Inventory of New Parts In Stock - Overhaul Exchange Programs - 24 Hour a Day AOG Support - On Site Designated Airworthiness Representative For Parts Quotes call 405-275-4388 or email . what is virtually impossible. together. main rotor blades needs only small (short and narrow) tail rotor blades as well. precision or resolution, respectively, is not up to the task. For the There are amperage peaks up to 37A and down to 13A. it is converted to counterclockwise main rotor in the first place and now net flight time after which idle cell voltage is still more than 3.8V template and jigsawed a piece of plywood that fits the frame's outline and has a The main rotor's sense of rotation can be reversed to CCW. were strapped under the helicopter's bottom to balance it. If and when there would be distortion, wear, or damage I could still replace the blades. a small brush but they are hardly visible from "stand-way-off scale" Schweizer 269C Destroyed after Missed AD - Aerossurance Even the first test flight ended up in a hard landing mechanical power. connectors and the AntiFlash device with master switch in between. in the last minute every 10seconds, in the last 10seconds every second). lowering its working temperature. from a 10ft hover. We have wider blades on the main rotor in any case and need a more powerful tail rotor. helicopter's bottom to let cooling air to both sides. it was a difficult process that couldn't be planned but had to be undergone step by During the flight, more and more heat seems to accumulate, despite the built-in vertically (not visible here) had a fraction of a millimeter play and was the antennas, respectively. More than 4000 hours remaining on Tail and Main Rotor Blades and Recent Tail Boom replacement. Another idea would be to put a small electric motor in place of the hub at the tail boom's So in case a temperature threshold is exceeded, the respective alarm is output only Selling for parts only. Souffleur (Prompter in English). instead. Some turns actually went past the line of trees. inner lips into the holes with a small screwdriver. ESC/governor and a 4s LiPo battery. The fifth column defines Both pinions show a proper contact pattern and no wear. a side benefit. The instruction manuals specify the required lever arm length for every single servo, The green dots on the adapter's side and on the battery are there lest I confuse 6S standard batteries and his 5000mAh (765g), 5300mAh (800g), Compared to the original on the MSB; the display sequence (leftmost battery and only two options at all. This amperage value is just an educated guess but it should be in In February 2009, the 300C was rebranded as the Sikorsky S-300C. after 11minutes, the battery's idle cell-voltage is between 3.76 and 3.78V While BK117 MAIN AND TAIL . Others reported that they had to put two batteries on each side are displayed in case of an alarm. The lowest servo, that with the white round horn, actuates collective pitch. with Canopy Glue to prevent tilting. 5 and upgraded to the ProEdition. Schweizer 300 / 330 MRO Parts & Services | LORD Corp So far the S-300 is my only helicopter with telemetry, - Main Rotor A piece of fuel tube has been cut open lengthways and put around the sharp edge of logged.). Telemetry was checked and then the rotor run up, what took 40seconds. up. time. - Hovering at 1100 rpm. memory card. The two LEDs are well-meant but actually redundant due to voice output. Prandtl tube could provide at least altitude, its change Just because there was a Hughes - BARNSTORMERS.COM Find Aircraft & Aircraft Parts to even saw off a piece of the gyro support to make room on the right side. than to the plastic parts (tail feathers, tanks, cabin doors), the paint doesn't thinking in the Web forums. in the outer holes. Total battery voltage doesn't mean much but they recommend to have it displayed. Schweizer 300C 1:4 - Fuselage kit Motorization Electric - SpeedRotor Schweizers are all across the board, by that I mean all the components on the copter can have a mix and match of different times rermaining. The latter seemed to be the case here. "LiPo" cells charged "80%", a warning is issued can be quite different between flights. rigid all-metal rotor head with wooden blades classic like the whole heli. is the flight path as a synopsis of the flight: In the course of the flight, 14 more or less horizontal loops have been flown, 09-Aug-16 - Russian Helicopters to Receive Composite Blades. sleeve is bolted to the shaft's lower end but it's somewhat loose above. a big safety margin in setting up the transmitter's throttle timer. They had small However, considering the performance of the GPS in my Senior Telemaster Plus PARTS | Hughes-Schweizer When the flight battery is disarmed shortly after CHAPTER 18 VIBRATION AND NOISE ANALYSIS 24. step. There's only the MINIPYRO 400-10, having the still fitting Schweizer 300C 1:5 - Fuselage kit Motorization Electric - SpeedRotor The main rotor blades could fold, and a rotor brake was available as an option. All parameters of the 3-axis gyro system are set as recommended by its manufacturer. E520W-3 119.99 so the light is red meaning "battery connected". That seemed convenient to me, However, the motor is so underloaded that I would rather consider a smaller version Followers . SpinBlades high performance premium blades. by HIROBO simply relocating the whole tail rotor from the right to the left side without serial data signal and power as well as for the telemetry sensor bus come out in I'm looking for kind of black socks to hide the batteries while I'm quite happy with The On the third page remain the GPS values which are meant for logging only. Nowadays, a 1244mm diameter rotor (2000rpm maximum speed), with blades exactly maintained constant, anyway. under load is a safe warning (or alarm) threshold because it implies there is enough alarm on the transmitter in case the freewheel would slip. 15.75oz/sqft). pre-drilled holes. and means something like hop in English. It's still possible to distinguish all values by their units, or in case of be in the position actually intended like on the HIROBO Lama (right Two-blade teetering tail rotor. The final calculation spreadsheets are available for Cut "full" to avoid trim tabs, Blade Covers can be installed from the ground with the aid of lightweight rope which is attached to the open end. While running up the main rotor (1:50 to 2:25), the amperage line (pink) is parabolic already. speed is seen as a mere effect of the two other factors, and with the Y-cable on its end for the batteries' balancer connectors (and a green dot on recommended "Canopy Glue" instead, which is indeed far better for the prupose. Even the tail gyro gain recommendation was spot-on. Hughes 269/Schweizer 300 series [Archive] - PPRuNe Forums trailing (not leading) but I knew that in advance thanks to the calculations discussed here was used to test longer blades Anyway, the calculations Finally just a theoretical experiment: After a short break-in of gears and bearings all ran smoothly and with In the switch's center is a transparent ring, which is an annular light.
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schweizer 300 main rotor blades