Sarah Caldwell 3rd Generation. discoveries. At the time of his death, Samuel Colt was one of the wealthiest men in America. Root has been credited as "the first to build special purpose machinery and apply it to the manufacture of a commercial product". Later, after hearing soldiers talk about the success of the double barreled rifle and the impossibility of a gun that could shoot five or six times, Colt "decided he would be an inventor and create the 'impossible' gun". Colt had three sisters, one of whom died during her childhood. Ellsworth was now the superintendent of the U.S. Patent Office and advised Colt to file for foreign patents first, as a prior U.S. patent would keep Colt from filing a patent in the United Kingdom. Sarah Colt died from tuberculosis before Samuel was seven years old. Samuel Pomeroy Colt : Family tree by Tim DOWLING (tdowling) - Geneanet Samuel Pomeroy Colt Col. Born 10 January 1852 - Paterson, Passaic Co., NJ Deceased 13 August 1921 - Bristol, RI,aged 69 years old Buried - Juniper Hill Cem., Bristol, Bristol Co., RI 1 file available Parents Christopher Colt 1812-1855 Theodora Goujaud DeWolf 1820-1901 We encourage you to research and examine these . In 1842 he used the device to destroy a moving vessel to the satisfaction of the navy and President John Tyler. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [citation needed], During 1835, Samuel Colt traveled to the United Kingdom, much as had Elisha Collier, a Bostonian who had patented a revolving flintlock there that achieved great popularity. [27] Colt tried to use this revenue to resurrect the Patent Arms Manufacturing Company, but could not secure funds from other investors or even his own family. On this voyage, Colt made a wooden model of a revolver. [5], Samuel Colt was born in 1814 in Hartford, Connecticut. John Caldwell III 7. [5], During the American Civil War, Colt's pistols were the weapons of choice from 1861-1865. [1] [6], The Colt Single Action Army Model Revolver is most recognized as "The Handgun That Won The West". [33] Colt used this general design for the Colt 1851 Navy Revolver which was larger than the Baby Dragoon, but not quite as large as the full-sized version. [42] One of Colt's biggest acts of self-promotion was the payment to the publishers of United States Magazine $1,120 ($61,439 by 1999 standards) to publish a 29-page fully illustrated story showing the inner workings of his factory. Miriam Harris (1699-1765) 12. [40], Colt knew he had to make his revolvers affordable, as the doom of many great inventions was a high retail price. Soon after the failure of the Patent Arms Manufacturing Company, he teamed with Samuel Morse to lobby the US government for funds. Although his father died when he was only four years old, the younger Whitney grew up in an atmosphere pervaded with entrepreneurial energy. Colt eventually secured a trademark for his signature. "If I can't be first, i wont be second in anything" - Samuel Colt, 1844 [6], Samual Colt Memorial, Colt Park, Hartford, CT, USA. He was awarded numerous government contracts after making gifts of his highly embellished and engraved revolvers with exotic grips such as ivory or pearl to government officials. Samuel Colt (1814-1862) 2nd Generation. 4. His oldest sister, Margaret, died of tuberculosis at 19 and the other, Sarah Ann, committed suicide later in life. 1304, dated August 29, 1836, protected the basic principles of his revolving-breech loading, folding trigger firearm named the Paterson Pistol. Colt never claimed to have invented the revolver, as his design was merely a more practical adaption of Collier's revolving flintlock, which was patented in England and achieved great popularity there. Research genealogy for Samuel Colt of Pennsylvania, as well as other members of the Colt family, on Ancestry. [31] The first revolving-breech pistols made at the factory were named "Whitneyville-Hartford-Dragoons" and became so popular that the word "Colt" was often used as a generic term for the revolvers. [31] He established a ten-hour work day for employees, installed washing stations in the factory, mandated a one-hour lunch period, and built the Charter Oak Hall, where employees could enjoy games, newspapers, and discussion rooms. At the outbreak of the U.S. Civil War, Coltwho had called himself "Colonel"was actually commissioned a Colonel by the state of Connecticut on May 16, 1861, in the 1st Regiment Colts Revolving Rifles of Connecticut armed with the Colt revolving rifle. in Hartford, Connecticut, USA , United States, Died on January 10, 1862 Benjamin Colt, Sr. brother Sarah Ayer (Colt) sister Esther Sterling sister view all Samuel Colt's Timeline [37], A major cause of Colt's success was vigorous protection of his patent rights. The reception was moderate and the army purchased a few thousand rounds for further testing. We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile. Later, his firearms were prominent during the settling of the western frontier. This instrument and patent No. Fountain and Sculpture was dedicated in 1905. Colt managed his plant with a military-like discipline: he would dismiss workers for tardiness, sub-par work or even suggesting improvements to his designs. Soon after the failure of his former company, while he was marketing the underwater electrical detonators that he had invented, Colt met Samuel Morse. [36] During 1854 Colt struggled for his patent extension with the U.S. Congress, which initiated a special committee to investigate charges that Colt had bribed government officials in securing this extension. [12][13], With a loan from his cousin Dudley Selden and letters of recommendation from Ellsworth, Colt formed a corporation of venture capitalists in 1836 to bring his idea to market. In 1845, the Texas Rangers hired Colt to produce 1,000 pistols, of "The Walker" model. Lucretia Ely 6. His father would not finance any more development, so Samuel needed to find a way to pay for the development of his ideas. [42], On June 5, 1856, Colt married Elizabeth Jarvis, the daughter of the Rev. Middletown is located in Middlesex County at the time Samuel Colt m. Elizabeth Hart Jarvis in 1856. [67], Colt historian William Edwards wrote that Samuel Colt had married Caroline Henshaw (who later married his brother, John) in Scotland during 1838, and that the son she bore later was Samuel Colt's and not his brother John's. [64] At the time of his death, Colt's estate, which he willed to his wife and three-year-old son Caldwell Hart Colt, was estimated to be valued at about $15,000,000 (equivalent to US$407,000,000 in 2021). By telling each nation that the others were buying Colt's pistols, Colt was able to get large orders from many countries who feared falling behind in the arms race. [54] Colt's London factory remained in operation for only four years. Colt concentrated on manufacturing his waterproof telegraph cable, believing the business would prosper along with Morse's invention. Samuel Colt died in Hartford in 1862 and was buried in Cedar Hill Cemetery. With the help of the political acquaintances of these venture capitalists, the Patent Arms Manufacturing Company of Paterson, New Jersey, was chartered by the New Jersey legislature on March 5, 1836. [34] Ever the opportunist, when the War with Mexico was ended, Colt sent agents south of the border to procure sales from the Mexican government. The return of the revolver In 1847, Captain Samuel Walker and the Texas Rangers, who had acquired some of the first Colt revolvers produced during the Seminole War, ordered an additional 1,000 revolvers to use in the Mexican-American War. With this rank, he toured Europe again to promote his revolvers. Walker and Colt became fast friends. [33], After his revolvers had gained acceptance, Colt had his staff search for unsolicited news stories containing mention of his guns that he could excerpt and reprint. During 1848, Colt introduced smaller versions of his pistols known as Baby Dragoons that were made for civilian use. Connect to the World Family Tree to find out, July 19 1814 - Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, USA, Jan 12 1862 - Hartford, Hartford Co., Connecticut, Christopher Colt, Sarah Colt (born Caldwell). On June 5, 1856, Colt married Elizabeth Jarvis, the daughter of the Reverend William Jarvis, who lived just downriver from Hartford. All charts include source citations for ancestors in the charts. Research genealogy for Samuel Colt of Lyme, Connecticut, USA, as well as other members of the Colt family, on Ancestry. After the Peacemaker was produced in 1873, Samuel Colt designed a different model of the revolver for use in World War I and World War II. Biological father was Samuel Colt, stepfather was Samuel's brother, John Colt. The factory's machines mass-produced parts that were completely interchangeable and could be put together on assembly lines using standardized patterns and gauges by unskilled labor, as opposed to England's principal gun makers who made each part by hand. In August 1835, Colt left for England and France to secure his foreign patent. Samuel Colt was an American inventor and industrialist who is best known for the development of the Colt revolver, a firearm that played a significant role in the expansion of the American West. During tests of the foil cartridges, 25 rounds were shot from a musket without cleaning. Added by Janet Milburn ______________________________________. Harriet Nickerson , William Lord, Mahaut Mathilde de CLERMONT , Albric II de DAMMARTIN. His use of interchangeable parts helped him become one of the first to use the assembly line efficiently. He discovered that "regardless of which way the wheel was spun, each spoke always came in direct line with a clutch that could be set to hold it the revolver was conceived!" Ironically, at the time of Samuel Colt's death from gout, Colt had never once fired one of his guns at another human being. and is less than pleased to learn that Arthur knew that Castiel was in Syria seeking out the Tree of Life. His mother Sarah Caldwell Colt passed away from tuberculosis when Samuel was only six years old. Using the ideas and technical knowledge he had acquired earlier from the encyclopedia, Samuel built a homemade galvanic cell and used it to explode a gunpowder charge in the waters of Ware Lake. The Dowling Family Tree with over half a million relatives,contains thousands of pictures and over four thousand GeneaStars.We are all related! Root's machinery changed that for Colt, since the machines completed as much as 80% of the work and less than 20% of the parts required hand fitting and filing. During 1869, gun makers James Warner and Massachusetts Arms infringed on the patent. [33] Many of the revolvers Colt gave away as "gifts" had inscriptions such as "Compliments of Col. Colt" or "From the Inventor" engraved on the back straps. They then licensed that component of White's patent and kept Colt from being able to build cartridge firearms for almost 20 years. The Family. Login to find your connection. Colt elected as his primary residence, Linden Place, the home built by his grandfather, the flamboyant General George deWolf of the renouned seafaring family of Bristol. [58] He placed numerous advertisements in the same newspapers; The Knickerbocker published as many as eight in the same edition. 2. [67][68], It is estimated that during its first 25 years of manufacturing, Colt's company produced more than 400,000 revolvers. Enter a grandparent's name. However, Samuel Colt's legacy extends beyond his contributions to the firearms industry. Many proponents said that "Colt won the West".
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samuel colt family tree