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Do this for a few days, then you can drop . Jyoti Benjamin has 25 years of experience as a clinical dietitian and currently works in Seattle. Babies are exposed not only to infections, but they are more prone to contract worm infestation as well. It is impossible to fully eliminate all risk of a baby or child choking on any liquid, puree, or food. Pumpkin Recipes for Babies If you want to learn how to prepare other specific food (s), check out my How To Series! You can add a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg powder before serving the mashed apple and pumpkin puree to the baby. 5 Major Health Benefits of Pumpkins for Babies - Baby Sleep Site Constipation prevention should be pursued over constipation treatment. You can add it to different seasonal vegetables and fruits to make healthy homemade baby foods. Heat the oil in a pan. Having a fiber-rich meal not only keeps your energy up throughout the day but also supports digestive health and prevents constipation. All rights reserved. Consuming as well as topical application of pumpkin or pumpkin seeds can trigger these reactions. Add cinnamon, curry, nutmeg, rosemary, sage, or your favorite seasonings and spices for extra layers of flavor! You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. Pumpkin pie mix should not be used for babies as it contains starch, sugars, and other additives. Copyright 2011 - 2023 MomJunction Private Limited. How To Stop Breastfeeding When You're Ready To Wean Now youre ready to cook! Dr. Young advises that although pumpkin seeds are high in vitamin E and unsaturated fat, too many of them can lead to packing too many calories into your daily diet. Compost the seeds or reserve to make roastedpumpkin seeds. Purees, pancakes, and soups let babies enjoy the vibrant vegetable in delicious ways. Seek approval from a pediatrician before adding any new food to your darlings meal. You dont have to be concerned about the flavor of any pumpkin variety because its available in a variety of ways. Do not introduce any new food if your baby is unwell or if they are on medication. Pumpkin: Uses, Side Effects, Dose, Health Benefits - eMedicineHealth Post author: Post published: June 10, 2022 Post category: printable afl fixture 2022 Post comments: columbus day chess tournament columbus day chess tournament The pulp of a cooked pumpkin can be made by pureeing or mashing it in a food processor. The flavor of the puree can be altered depending on the method used. However, it is not recommended to introduce solid foods to your child before the age of 6 months. Use cold water to rinse the pumpkin. She started her career as a CSR pro more. Then, cut the pumpkin in half and scoop out the seeds with the help of a spoon. side effects of pumpkin for babies Add a quarter cup of chopped onions, and saut. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. PUMPKIN - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD Both fresh and canned pumpkin are high in fiber as well as magnesium, which both help relieve constipation. They can help regulate bowel movements in your child, and keep constipation away. The carotenoids help remove the free radicals in your childs body, which helps clear up the surface of your childs skin, making it glow. Indigestion can occur as a result of too much intake of pumpkin and it is not good for the digestive system of your baby. There is so much more to celebrate about the pumpkin than its role as a jack o lantern for Halloween. Information from this source is evidence-based and objective, and without commercial influence. A six to nine month old baby is a good size for a baby. Pumpkin is high in nutrients that can boost your childs immune system. Although pumpkin may help in some cases, it is always best to consult with a medical professional before making any changes to your diet or routine. A substance called tryptophan present in pumpkins helps produce serotonin in our bodies. Be cautious and note for signs and symptoms of allergy if you suspect it. Which one is better in the treatment of symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia. If you want to introduce the seeds too, you may do so after consulting your babys pediatrician because allergic reactions to nuts and seeds are case-specific. Overconsumption is Harmful: Pumpkins can be prepared the same way as other fruits and veggies. accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations. If you want to give your child an organic pumpkin for Christmas, you can do so at your own risk. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); With a rich experience in pregnancy and parenting, our team of experts create insightful, well-curated, and easy-to-read content for our to-be-parents and parents at all stages of parenting.Read more. Rinse again. After cleaning the pumpkin, chop it in halves, brush them with olive oil, and place them skin side down on a baking tray. MomJunction believes in providing reliable, research-backed information to you. Calcium and magnesium assist with stronger bones, iron helps in the supply of hemoglobin as well as red blood cells, phosphorus helps with the proper functioning of the brain while vitamin C is an important component for a resilient immune system. Pumpkins are a good source of fiber and fiber-rich foods in addition to having a high vitamin A content, potassium content, magnesium content, and zinc content. Get high-quality PDF version by clicking below. 1 tablespoon avocado oil, olive oil, or sunflower oil. 5 Harmful Effects Of Eating Pumpkin On Your Health - lifeberrys After about 6 months of age, pumpkin can be given in a solid or a semi-solid form. Can We Give Carrot Puree to a baby at Night? Pumpkin leaf consists of 38 g of Vitamin A which is 5.43% of the daily recommended value. The table below lists the nutritional content of pumpkin. After cooling, mash the mixture to make a puree, and add some cinnamon for added flavour. Its packed with nutrients like vitamins A and C, as well as fiber. Remove from the oven and let cool. If you are buying a packet of peeled and cut pumpkin, select the ones with deep orange color. In addition to being technically a fruit, pumpkin seeds are similar to avocados, tomatoes, and butternut squash. You should consult your doctor before making any changes to your supplement regimen or lifestyle. Adding an apple to pumpkin for your babys food not only gives it a great taste but supports your babys immune system. use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. It can be given in a pureed form, added to cereals or chicken. Since it has a good amount of beta-carotene and Vitamin A, it is good for eye vision. View abstract. When you consume high fiber foods, you will remain fuller for longer, resulting in healthy weight loss. Studies indicate that carotenoids may reduce the risk of cancer and help address natural cell damage in the body. Cooked pumpkin is not a common choking hazard, but its seeds can be. This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. Pumpkin is a highly nutritious food thats packed with fiber, vitamins, and minerals. You can use any number of methods to make pumpkin pure, including boiling, steaming, poaching, boiling, or baking. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There are many other health benefits accrued to the pumpkin and some of them are listed as: Pumpkin has a good fiber intake and the soluble fiber in its flesh is said to slow down the digestion process as well as regulate diarrhea by absorption of water. Sign up for free and get a reading plan and resources thats personalised for your exact parenting stage. You can either purchase a pre-cut pumpkin, or cut one yourself. They have less fibre in them compared to the larger ones, and also have a sweet and firm pulp. Boil the pumpkin in water until it is tender. Blend brown rice and pumpkin along with water. In some individuals, pumpkin or pumpkin seeds can cause allergic reactions such as itching, dermatitis, nasal congestion, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, swelling of lips and face, etc. This serotonin is an amino acid that induces calmness in the body and allows your baby to sleep nice and peacefully at night. Cut the pumpkin into 1-inch pieces, peel off the skin, scoop out the seeds. Generalities may not apply to your little one. Pumpkin for good skin, pumpkin for heart health, pumpkin for diabetes control, pumpkin for reducing cholesterol, pumpkin benefits for cancer prevention, pumpkin for weight loss and pumpkin for nutritional deficiency and more benefits of pumpkin are discussed in this article. Is It Safe To Consume Tulsi (Holy Basil) During Pregnancy? A Dickinson pumpkin is tan and has uniform, smooth skin that is significantly larger than that of most other field pumpkins. Boil basmati rice till it is tender for your baby to easily eat and digest. You could also mix pumpkin with mashed bananas or mashed sweet potatoes. Never select pumpkins with craggy exteriors, and ones with cuts and bruises. To roast, spread the beans out on the floor and roast for a few minutes. You should see a doctor if your baby has severe symptoms such as itchiness in his or her eyes, swollen eyelids, sneezing, and chest tightness. Pumpkin may be introduced as soon as baby isready to start solids, which is generally around 6 months of age. If all of the ingredients are not already combined in a blender or food processor, add them one at a time and process until a thick consistency is formed. 3. Pumpkins contain large amounts of Vitamin C and biochemicals that protect your child from the cold and flu. No. Pumpkins have a lot of misinformation about their nutritional value and lack of taste. Even though it is rare to get a pumpkin allergy, it is highly advisable to have a word with the doctor before introducing any new food. Pumpkins that are anywhere between 6 to 8 inches in diameter should be preferred. When it comes to fiber, 60% of the fiber in pumpkin flesh is soluble, which is frequently better than fiber found in plants. How beneficial is pumpkin for babies? Chickpeas For Baby: Safety, Health Benefits, and Recipes, Cabbage For Babies: Health Benefits, Side Effects, and Recipes, Makhana (Lotus Seeds) For Babies: Benefits And Recipes, 4 Possible Health Benefits Of Grapefruit For Your Baby, Nuts For Babies: When To Introduce, Benefits, And Recipes, Important Things You Must Know When Giving Ice Cream To A Baby, Healthy And Interesting Food Ideas For 15-Month-Olds, Bread For Babies: Safety, Right Age, Precautions, And Recipes, 32 Easy & Yummy Oats Recipes Your Baby Will Love To Eat, 7-Month-Old Baby's Food: Solids, Food Chart And Recipes, Potatoes For Babies: Right Age, Health Benefits And Recipes. Yes, you can give pumpkin to your baby every day since it is healthy and nutritious. You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on Yes, you can safely give pumpkin to babies. This is especially true with raw pumpkin seeds, which may harbor harmful bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli. Carbin BE, Larsson B, Lindahl O. Pumpkin also contains beta-carotene which the body converts into vitamin A, this is essential for the healthy development of your baby. You can even feed the pumpkin raw in the form of a puree, either plain or along with some cereal or yoghurt. You can blend the mix in a food processor to get a smooth consistency. Apple juice should be added and then removed as soon as it has been absorbed in the pan. Yes, all kinds of pumpkins are good for babies. To achieve desired consistency, thin out milk, Formula, water, or broth. You should first cut and then dry your pumpkin. This is the question most moms want answers to. Are there any side effects to eating pumpkins (and are they poisonous)? The above are some of the benefits your baby would get from eating pumpkin. Pumpkin is a storehouse of Vitamin A, which is an essential nutrient for eye health. When To Start Introducing Vegetable Purees To Your Baby. Aids in Digestion Another thing that can be cause for distress for babies, is their bowel movements. This vegetable is easily available, easy to digest and an excellent source of nutrients for babies. Potassium is a great source of energy, and just one cup of pumpkin is a great source of potassium. You can also blend to make it a puree if needed. Oxidative stress refers to an imbalance in the production of free radicals in your body. Try out the recipes for your baby. The fiber and magnesium content of fresh and canned pumpkin can help with constipation. After this, the pumpkin can be used for whatever dish you want to make. Once your baby crosses the six-month milestone and graduates to eating solid food, you can safely introduce pumpkin to them. The benefits of pumpkin outweigh any potential side effects. It contains several minerals, like calcium and magnesium, which help your childs bones to become stronger. If you were to double the serving size, you'd be doubling up the calories, easily getting you to over 300 . To minimize any reaction, wash your hands after handling, and baby's face and hands after eating. Read more about the condition New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). Pumpkin seeds have several other health benefits, including eye health, skin health, and blood pressure relief. Go for one that is heavy for its size. Introduce one new food at a time to check for any adverse reactions associated with that food. 2. If you are considering giving your baby pumpkin to help with constipation, it is best to speak to your pediatrician first to get their professional opinion. Is Raw Pumpkin Safe to Eat? Benefits, Side Effects, and More - Healthline When it comes to babys health, parents should be aware that pumpkins are an excellent source of nutrition. Planta Med. However, you need to select the right kind of pumpkin for them. At 6 months of age, a baby might start teething and can now chew any solid food given gradually. Some babies may experience gas or diarrhea when first introduced to pumpkin, so its important to start slowly. Mix flour, pumpkin, and turmeric powder, and knead into a soft dough. Pumpkin for babies is a nutritious vegetable rich in essential nutrients, such as vitamin A (beta carotene) and minerals that help develop the baby. Pumpkin Puree For Babies - The Conscious Plant Kitchen - TCPK Wash, rinse, and soak brown rice in water for half an hour. You can then add water, breast milk, or formula to thin it out to the desired consistency. Let this cool for a while. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Pumpkin is one of the nutritious food and should be given to the babies once they start teething and can chew well, an ideal time to introduce all sorts of nutritive fruits and vegetables, which is after 6 months. Now add three cups of water and seasoning. If your baby experiences any side effects after eating pumpkin, it is important to contact your pediatrician. To store:Place the roasted pumpkin in an air-tight container and store in the fridge for up to 1 week or the freezer for up to 1 month. Pumpkin has so many benefits and giving it to your baby would aid healthy development. Starting solid foods at a young age is recommended for babies who begin eating purees at about 4 months of age. Foster S, Tyler VE. Stomach Problems 2. Drain the excess water and let the pumpkin cool. You can provide your baby with a low-calorie, nutritious, and healthy meal every day by providing them with pumpkin. Pumpkin for Babies - First Foods for Baby - Solid Starts Create an account to receive great content curated, personalised home page, and get support in parenting. Keep reading to learn the right age to feed pumpkins to babies, their health benefits, and easy pumpkin baby food recipes you can try. Now add the pasta and stir well. Side effects from pumpkin products are rare, but might include stomach discomfort, diarrhea, and nausea. Remember that babies have a couple of strong, protective reflexes at this age, including a gag reflex to help keep food forward in the mouth. Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions of Use Accessibility. As per the Environmental Research Organisation (EWG), pumpkins do not belong to the dirty dozen foods that are severely contaminated with pesticides. Babies above six months can consume thoroughly cooked pumpkins in mash or puree forms. The phosphorus in pumpkin can also improve brain functions, keep hormone levels balanced, and improve digestion. Then she worked as a nutrition faculty and clinical nutrition coach in Man-made or natural chemicals that prevent cell damage caused by free radicals, A chemical messenger that helps regulate mood, sleep, and appetite, Medications used to protect the human body from flat and round parasitic worms, also called helminths, Healthy And Delicious Pumpkin Recipes For Babies, Infographic: Health Benefits Of Pumpkin For Babies. SaveIllustration: Momjunction Design Team. Pumpkin is a type of winer squash that is technically a fruit. Can You Skip The Bottle And Go Straight To Sippy Cup? Cut the pumpkin in half. Pumpkin has five major health benefits for infants. View abstract. Ensure that it isnt too ripe as well. Ensure that you read the label to know that youre buying the right pumpkin for your child. View abstract. your doctor. You can also add cinnamon or nutmeg to your babys pure as a tasty addition. Add the pumpkin puree, sage, and cinnamon powder. 10 Side Effects Of Pumpkin Juice Read to Know About Them in Detail Mix this with freshly prepared pumpkin puree, and serve. Erectile Dysfunction Advertisement2 10 Pumpkin Juice Side Effects 1. 5 Best Bottles Compatible With Spectra S2, Dr. Browns nipples compatible with different bottles, 5 Bottles compatible with Medela Pump in Style. Also, try just one food at a time, to better understand if they cause any allergies or side effects. Disclaimer A nutrient-dense food that once cooked becomes tender and makes it easy for the baby to eat and even digest, yet one should take adequate precautions and consult a medical practitioner before starting pumpkin for babies. Instead of one cup of all-purpose flour, use half a cup of oatmeal and all-purpose flour to make the dish healthier. Benjamin has a masters in Foods and Nutrition, and has been a longtime member and Fellow of AND (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) and the Swati Patwal is a clinical nutritionist, a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) and a toddler mom with more than a decade of experience in diverse fields of nutrition. Add the oatmeal and stir well. As per our strong editorial policy requirements, we base our health articles on references (citations) taken from authority sites, international journals, and research studies. Pumpkin should be baked in the same way that it can be peeled, cubed, and steamed. When your child is about 6 months old, he starts teething, and is able to start chewing some of the solid foods you give him. New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is . Pumpkin is one of the fruits that has numerous nutritional benefits. 30 grudnia 2020, 3:49. Your A few years ago, pumpkin was associated with Halloween in a very basic way. Also listed, a few side effects of pumpkin when you eat too much of it. The fiber content of pumpkin is important to baby bowel movements. When consumed orally, it may even help improve . The best time to include pumpkin in your childs diet would be when your child starts developing milk teeth. Remove from the oven and take out the pulp in a vessel or a bowl. Pumpkin During Pregnancy: Benefits & Side Effects Line a sheet tray with parchment paper. When making pumpkin puree, you should use pumpkins that have been baked. For professional medical information on natural medicines, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Professional Version. Side Effects Pumpkin is safe in food amounts and considered POSSIBLY SAFE in medicinal amounts for most people. Most doctors advise parents not to feed canned food to their children. Some of the most popular varieties include: -Miniature pumpkins Butternut squash -Acorn squash Pumpkin puree Each of these pumpkins offer different nutritional benefits that can help support your babys health. 2010-2023 Mix the milk, vanilla, pumpkin, applesauce and egg in a separate bowl and then combine the contents of the two bowls and stir well. Babies, who have still-developing immune systems, are not just prone to microbes, but also worms and other parasites. One of the best things for babies to eat is pumpkin. They also have anti-microbial properties that improve your childs immunity. Pumpkins are loaded with the finest nutritive compounds and even jam-packed with Vitamin A as well as beta-carotene, they are even a great source of iron, protein as well as potassium. Add water, formula or breastmilk for desired consistency. Despite its health benefits, pumpkin is not uncommon in terms of side effects for babies. As always, be sure to create asafe eating environment and always stay near baby during mealtime. Pumpkin and other vegetables can be fed to a baby as a healthy diet. No, pumpkins aren't poisonous, and they're healthy and safe for people to eat. 2. Now add the brown rice and cook for about two minutes. Ensure you give your baby pumpkin moderately to avoid having any side effects. Adequate Digestion One of the most difficult things to do when caring for a baby is to ensure that he or she has a healthy digestive system and avoids constipation. If you prefer pre-cut pumpkins, then ensure that you rinse them in cold water in a colander before using. Pumpkin is high in vitamins, minerals, and fibers, making it an excellent source of nutrition. 9 Impressive Health Benefits of Pumpkin Pumpkin can be added to your little ones diet because they will need the added nutrients from solid food from six months of age. Let it simmer for 10 to 15 minutes. Bring the pumpkin cubes and the water to a boil in a medium saucepan over medium heat, cover, and leave uncovered. The seed and its oil are used to make medicine. Transfer it back to the pan. Fitoterapia 2016;110:150-6. What Is the Nutritional Value of Pumpkin? Effects of a saw palmetto herbal blend in men with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia. Sugar pumpkins are sweet and add flavor to baked foods and soups. Thus, it can be said that pumpkin is a useful food that can be given with all other vegetables, fruits or even chicken. This means that it has greater water content in the pulp. Roll some balls, and flatten them to make rotis. Pumpkins and squash originated in Central America, where they have been grown by Indigenous people for thousands of years, and today they are cultivated all over the world. Add a little butter and cook the roti until it turns golden brown on both the sides. These are also called sugar pumpkins, cooking pumpkins, and even pie pumpkins. She started her career as a CSR project coordinator for a healthy eating and active lifestyle project catering to school children. Mix the sugar, flour, baking powder, spices and salt in a bowl. Whats more, the longer pumpkin is allowed to cure after harvest, the more carotenoids it produces. It is ideal to pick up pumpkins that are smaller in size. Pumpkins also come in a range of flavors. Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging . Hypoglycemia 8. The seeds of the pumpkin are said to be a wonderful source of protein as well as iron, however, it is not recommended to be given to babies as it can result in choking. One cup of pumpkin seeds contains over 500 mg of magnesium per 100 grams, making it one of the most magnesium-rich foods on the market. Marks L, Partin AW, Epstein JI, et al. Brush each half with olive oil. Pumpkin seeds may help with diabetes management as well as lower blood pressure. JAMA Dermatol. This makes it a necessary component of a young child's diet to keep him healthy. Pumpkin is an excellent source of nutrition for baby food due to its high levels of nutrients. Balances metabolism: A cup of pumpkin contains approximately 560mg of potassium which helps meet the daily intake recommended for babies up to 12 months (3). If you do opt to cut your own pumpkin, be sure to remove all the seeds and strings before feeding it to your little one. Place them with skin-side down in a baking dish. Zerafatjou N, Amirzargar M, Biglarkhani M, Shobeirian F, Zoghi G. Pumpkin seed oil (Cucurbita pepo) versus tamsulosin for benign prostatic hyperplasia symptom relief: a single-blind randomized clinical trial. Cook the pumpkin in a saucepan with water until it turns tender. Pumpkins may now be boiled, poached, steamed or baked. Fill the blender halfway with the skin. By blending the puree, you can scrape down the sides to make it smooth. Increasingly, companies are moving toward BPA-free food packaging, however, similar chemicals called BPS and BPF are also used to line containers. To make the pumpkin puree, combine steamed or roasted pumpkin with the food processor. Vitamin A - Pumpkin contains a powerful antioxidant called beta-carotene that converts into vitamin A once . Finger Painting For Babies How it Helps in Babys Development, Puppet Play For Babies How it Helps in Babys Development, Top Creative First Birthday Cake Ideas For Your Little Munchkins, Top Activities For a 6 Month Old Baby Benefits and Tips For Parents, Cot Mobiles For Babies How it Helps in Babys Development. Boil water in a medium saucepan. Its best to start with a pure made with prunes, pears, plums, and peaches. Several antioxidants, as well as fiber and potassium, are found in pumpkin. One option is to mix pumpkin with applesauce. Learn how to freeze it for a more flavorful meal. There are numerous nutrients in pumpkins that are superior to those found in other foods. Add a pinch of nutmeg or cinnamon. The information on this website is of a general nature and available for educational purposes only and side effects of pumpkin for babies Furthermore, it kills harmful germs in the colon by killing them with antimicrobial properties. Small pumpkins are softer and have fewer seeds and strings. If you have picked a pre-cut pumpkin, place it in a colander and rinse well with cold water. View abstract. What Are These Pimple-Like Bumps on My Skin? 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. Mash or blend them into a mixture. No. Pumpkins are high in fibre, which aids in digestion. The infographic below provides more information on the benefits of incorporating it into your babys diet. If your baby has started eating solids, you can consider trying pumpkin for them. The pumpkin pie mix contains a variety of additives, including sugars and starches. Turn off the heat and let the mix cool down for 15 minutes. side effects of pumpkin for babies - Remove the pan from heat and keep it aside to cool. In general, if you have IBS, you are perplexed about what to eat. The stem and base must be removed. To puree, use the blender described below. As a First Time Mom, my goal is to build a community of confident, well-resourced first-time moms by providing accurate information backed by quality research. First, not all pumpkins are round and orange; the gourds come in a cornucopia of shapes, textures, and huessome with brilliant red skin and pale, yellow flesh, others covered by a deep green rind speckled with white streaks, there are even steely blue pumpkins with flesh the color of saffron. Taking pumpkin might decrease how quickly the body gets rid of lithium. It is beneficial to building a healthy system. Because pumpkins are so watery, making them into baby food is the most efficient method. If you eat pumpkin with the seeds, then you will gain the additional benefits of zinc . This can be served plain, in addition to its healthy fats (e.g., avocados, coconut, or yogurt). . Pumpkin benefits and side effects - myUpchar Your child might love discovering new flavours and tastes, but it is necessary that you consult with your doctor before introducing any new food. When you start introducing new foods to your baby, follow a few tips to keep your baby safe while they discover new flavors and textures: Yes, babies may eat pumpkin and other vegetables daily for proper nutrition. Pumpkins, when consumed in large amounts may lead to stomach ache because of the high fibre content in them. View abstract. Effect of pumpkin seed oil on hair growth in men with androgenetic alopecia: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Adie, 16 months, eats pumpkin parfait, using both her fingers and spoon. This is the best time to introduce nutritious fruits and vegetables, and build a healthy diet for your little one.

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side effects of pumpkin for babies