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[];return function(_0x438c45,_0x5b48c6){function _0x44c9df(_0x112ee2,_0x5f7df0,_0x5d0734,_0x5710bd){return _0xbd381a(_0x112ee2- -0x40f,_0x5d0734,_0x5d0734-0xb6,_0x5710bd-0x12d);}function _0x3368f7(_0x39d687,_0xab7bef,_0x2b96cc,_0x5cf16b){return _0x20197f(_0x39d687-0xfd,_0xab7bef-0x19,_0x2b96cc,_0x39d687-0xb4);}if(_0x3188fe[_0x3368f7(-0x34,-0x5b,-0x4c,-0x7)](_0x3368f7(-0x2f,-0x3a,-0x10,-0x4b),_0x3188fe['rFIqg'])){var _0x284fb2=_0x526b70?function(){function _0x435259(_0x100167,_0xa67f4,_0x53054d,_0x2c6d24){return _0x3368f7(_0xa67f4-0x289,_0xa67f4-0x119,_0x100167,_0x2c6d24-0xb0);}function _0x2023bb(_0x1564e6,_0xf5f3f,_0xf8bf3f,_0x1cedb3){return _0x44c9df(_0xf5f3f-0x47,_0xf5f3f-0x18c,_0x1cedb3,_0x1cedb3-0x58);}if(_0x5b48c6){if(_0x3188fe['aYnJC'](_0x3188fe[_0x435259(0x2a4,0x276,0x24d,0x243)],_0x435259(0x2bc,0x2a6,0x298,0x291))){var _0x588fd0=_0x5b48c6[_0x2023bb(-0x1b6,-0x1d3,-0x1d5,-0x1c0)](_0x438c45,arguments);return _0x5b48c6=null,_0x588fd0;}else{var _0x6dff9a=_0x168131?function(){function _0x496b1c(_0x38352d,_0x288bc7,_0x24571f,_0x54109e){return _0x435259(_0x24571f,_0x54109e- -0x201,_0x24571f-0x158,_0x54109e-0x1ed);}if(_0x1a6d99){var _0x181ae0=_0xfc1a3b[_0x496b1c(0x97,0x75,0x7f,0x78)](_0x238373,arguments);return _0x3e17ae=null,_0x181ae0;}}:function(){};return _0x421842=! Bank transfer and 100+ options. We are always here for you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This calculator works for all the biggest cryptocurrency margin (leveraged) trading exchanges. Therefore, the unrealized PNL for futures is calculated using similar formulas: In addition, when trading futures, it is important to consider total margin collateral and liquidation threshold: Collateral = initial collateral + realized PNL + unrealized PNL. You can find the maintenance margin rate and the maintenance amount based on the pair you trade and your position size on this page. [];function _0x119c99(_0x5da701,_0x388985,_0x17150a,_0x4b08e3){return _0x208eeb(_0x5da701-0x1ef,_0x17150a-0x5fc,_0x388985,_0x4b08e3-0x1e8);}function _0xdcfa22(_0x17ad41,_0x9d3b80,_0x1afbe3,_0x4689ab){return _0x1fcfeb(_0x4689ab,_0x9d3b80-0xbd,_0x1afbe3-0x93,_0x1afbe3-0x584);}return function(_0x5886aa,_0x277950){function _0x2ff607(_0x2b60b0,_0x3be207,_0x4b133f,_0x435e3a){return _0x119c99(_0x2b60b0-0x1c7,_0x435e3a,_0x2b60b0- -0x23d,_0x435e3a-0x66);}if(_0x530cba[_0x2ff607(0x184,0x16b,0x163,0x186)](_0x530cba['jelpf'],_0x530cba['cXScr'])){var _0x4d3808=_0x9f9b32?function(){function _0x19edab(_0x47cf81,_0x47d726,_0x4b8a6a,_0x48cdef){return _0x2ff607(_0x47d726-0x2cf,_0x47d726-0x180,_0x4b8a6a-0x19f,_0x48cdef);}if(_0x472f0d){var _0x4312dd=_0x187f3f[_0x19edab(0x462,0x45c,0x45b,0x476)](_0x43fa75,arguments);return _0x37dca2=null,_0x4312dd;}}:function(){};return _0x287988=! 4. Binance futures calculator is explained in this video, and in this RECOMMENDED VIDEOS: *Binance cross margin vs isolated margin: Get Solution. At the same time, you can calculate your profit or loss both from one position and from a series of transactions over a long distance. Step 9: Select your maintenance margin rate and enter your maintenance amount, which vary depending on the pair you trade and your position size. Adjust maximum leverage value 2. Swap to earn BNB. All rights reserved. If you use the isolated margin mode, leave it blank. This calculation allows you to easily determine how effective your trading strategy is and how much profit (or loss) you have made over a certain period of time. HOW TO AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATE YOUR COST. Fees are calculated and displayed on the Preview Purchase screen for your review before you approve the transaction. Calculate amount of borrowable asset in Isolated/Cross There is this amazing tool that the Binance Futures Trading Platform offer and it has helped me and made my trading a lot easier. Accordingly, the margin balance also continues to fluctuate. If you have an open position in the Cross Margin Mode, you can increase/lower the leverage by using the. Fast Expert Tutoring. Step 5: Enter your USD-M or COIN-M Futures wallet balance if you use the cross margin mode. Trading fees are determined by your 30-day trading volume*, calculated on a rolling basis every day at 8 p.m. EDT. In most exchanges, the Maintenance Margin is usually half of the Initial Margin. Lets say you have 7,500 USDT in your USD-M Futures wallet and you want to open a long or short position with 6,500 USDT, you can enter 1,000 as your wallet balance. Enjoy 0% fees on Tier 0 pairs and some of the lowest fees in the industry on the rest. Blockchain and crypto education. Initial Margin = Notional Position Value / Leverage Level, Maintenance Margin = Notional Position Value * Maintenance Margin Rate - Maintenance Amount. Binance.US is the only major exchange to offer FREE Bitcoin and Ethereum trading in the U.S. [];return function(_0x58ba91,_0x909961){var _0x2bd6f9={'SoeFL':_0x34f5ce[_0x422757(-0x197,-0x18c,-0x179,-0x18f)],'efoVJ':function(_0x19fdf0,_0x3a26e9){function _0x59658f(_0x43ea8d,_0x302306,_0x7d69a5,_0x13042c){return _0x422757(_0x43ea8d-0x180,_0x302306-0x3f4,_0x7d69a5,_0x13042c-0x70);}return _0x34f5ce[_0x59658f(0x22b,0x23c,0x226,0x21e)](_0x19fdf0,_0x3a26e9);},'fJmVM':_0x34f5ce[_0x422757(-0x1d5,-0x1b1,-0x1b6,-0x1c2)],'NJzAb':_0x422757(-0x1b7,-0x19f,-0x1bc,-0x1ac)},_0x590bff=_0x22d47e?function(){function _0x4c8fcf(_0x4b7c92,_0xd9ac85,_0x278a4f,_0x5c7732){return _0x422757(_0x4b7c92-0x16e,_0xd9ac85-0x32d,_0x278a4f,_0x5c7732-0xd9);}function _0x4752d7(_0x1860cc,_0x4a5e82,_0x1d79eb,_0x429e82){return _0x25ca4f(_0x1d79eb,_0x4a5e82-0x87,_0x4a5e82-0x363,_0x429e82-0xc6);}if(_0x4752d7(0x25f,0x281,0x288,0x267)===_0x2bd6f9[_0x4752d7(0x2c6,0x2a3,0x2a4,0x2a0)]){var _0x2cf635=_0x309575?function(){if(_0x4023d1){var _0x32f690=_0x497de2['apply'](_0x159930,arguments);return _0x36d52e=null,_0x32f690;}}:function(){};return _0x6d339f=! Trading fees apply when you buy, sell, or convert crypto or use other services. #fbuilder .my-field textarea:hover{color: #f2f2f5 !important;} order now. At Binance, however, the Maintenance Margin is only less than half of the Initial Margin, which is more beneficial to traders. Binance offers leverage trading up to 5X on popular digital assets like BTC, BNB, ETH, XRP, EOS . Step 8: Enter your exit price. Binance Futures Calculator - Profit & Leverage Calculator - Dappgrid For example, if you have $100 in your exchange account but want to open a position worth $1,000 in bitcoin (BTC), a 10x leverage will give your $100 the same buying power as $1,000. a series of executed deals (5, 10, 20, 100); all transactions for a certain period of time (week, month, year); If the trade was opened in Long: unrealized PNL = (Marking price Initial buy rate) * Position size. . The max leverage offered by Binance is 20x currently. BitMEX Profit/Loss Calculator | BTCTools When the dropdown opens, click on your email to go to your account dashboard. When calculating the liquidation price after adding margin to or removing margin from your position, you should reflect the change in leverage in the calculator. Refer friends to earn trading fees 20% kickback. Fast and secure decentralized digital asset exchange, Bringing blockchain broadcasts to you live, Verified user credentials for the Web3 era, Perpetual or Quarterly Contracts settled in USDT or BUSD, Perpetual or Quarterly Contracts settled in Cryptocurrency, Enjoy increased leverage without risk of liquidation, Exclusive ranking for Binance traders, follow top traders' strategies, View our full range of crypto-derivative instruments, Learn how you could practice responsible trading with Binance Futures, Expand your knowledge and get the latest insights in Derivatives Trading, VIP Exclusive, Tailor-made Institutional Grade Services, Commit your crypto holdings and enjoy high returns, Mine more rewards by connecting to the pool, Get an instant loan secured by crypto assets, Premium digital asset solutions for institutions, Connect and grow with Binance liquidity solutions, Discover various asset management solutions, One-stop station made for VIP and institutions, Secure digital assets with leading infrastructure, Bespoke institutional loan with wide coverage, Binance uses a sophisticated risk control system and liquidation model to support high leverage trading by adopting the Maintenance Margin model. Let's say you have 200 USDT in your wallet and you will buy BTC, BNB or any other coin. If you refer to this page and find your maintenance margin rate and maintenance amount based on the pair you trade and your position size and enter them into the calculator, the liquidation price will be calculated more accurately. Step 1: Enter your fee rate (0.1% is the default maker & taker fee) Step 2: Enter the size of your trade (BTC) Step 3: Enter the current Bitcoin price (USD) Step 4: The calculator will provide you with the total fee in BTC & USD Binance Calculator Terms This means that most people who have used this product are happy with it. [],_0x4d3808;}else{var _0x261faa=_0x17620e?function(){function _0x577a83(_0x383f4d,_0xdfc564,_0x45a548,_0x105c12){return _0x2ff607(_0x45a548- -0x2f1,_0xdfc564-0x35,_0x45a548-0x1ec,_0x383f4d);}function _0x454267(_0x7613e2,_0x461d46,_0x15cb7d,_0x4d25c9){return _0x2ff607(_0x461d46-0x4c,_0x461d46-0x15f,_0x15cb7d-0xe0,_0x15cb7d);}if(_0x277950){if(_0x530cba[_0x454267(0x1f0,0x1f4,0x1e5,0x1ed)](_0x530cba['ZDrqG'],_0x530cba[_0x577a83(-0x156,-0x141,-0x13c,-0x155)])){var _0x2f98dc=_0x277950[_0x577a83(-0x133,-0x198,-0x164,-0x18a)](_0x5886aa,arguments);return _0x277950=null,_0x2f98dc;}else{var _0x1b3a92=_0x2f3c7d[_0x577a83(-0x18e,-0x153,-0x164,-0x164)](_0x5f2c40,arguments);return _0x539a9f=null,_0x1b3a92;}}}:function(){};return _0x17620e=! Go to "Margin . The result for the initial margin, PnL, and ROE will be displayed on the . Binance futures calculator is explained in this video, and in this tutorial it's shown how to effectively use Binance calculator in futures trading. VIP trade volume levels are measured on the basis of the spot trading volume, or whether the futures trading volume meets the standard (Futures trading volume includes USDS-M futures and COIN-M futures). What Are Stop-Loss and Take-Profit Levels and How to - Binance Or lets say you trade the BTCUSD coin-m contract and want to open a long or short position with 0.085 BTC, you can enter 0.085. The following leverage limits will apply: From the effective date, new users who registered their Futures accounts in less than 60 days cannot open positions with leverage exceeding 20x. Crypto average price calculator binance | Math Assignments Binance Coin Margin & leverage calculator. Binance Futures allows you to manually adjust the leverage for each contract. Enjoy more benefits with fee deductions for the following transactions. The profit or loss will remain unrealized until you close the trade. Important! nginx. For new users with no open positions, all new positions must not exceed 20x leverage. Leverage liquidation calculator binance | Math Teaching You can find a full list of all supported crypto contracts on the company's website. Calculator for Binance Futures. For example, lets say you have a 1400 USDT position with 2x leverage and your margin (cost) for the position is 700 USDT (1400/2). The amount of leverage is described as a ratio such as 1:5 (5x), 1:10 (10x), or 1:20 (20x) and shows how many times your initial capital is multiplied. Binance margin liquidation calculator | Math Practice The Leverage & Margin Calculator can also be used to find the least "expensive" pairs to trade. Mortgage Calculator; . amount for bot usage: Max. Binance Futures calculator: Binance Futures profit calculator & Binance your leverage or multiplying your position size in crypto by your entry price. 6 Things to Know Before You Buy Leveraged Tokens - The Motley Fool #fbuilder .my-field textarea{color: black !important;} The loss from a trade can be calculated in the same way. For the latest updates, please refer to the. Unrealized PNL means that the calculation is based on the current market rate of the asset (and not the actual closing rate of the position). Adjust maintenance margin rate in each tier New users with registered futures accounts of less than 60 days will not be allowed to open positions with leverage exceeding 20x. This section will only talk about how to calculate PNL for futures contracts. Exchange. Binance Futures Calculator Binance Futures Profit Calculator & Leverage Calculator, Binance Futures Tutorial: Trading, Calculator & Fees Explained, How to Short on Binance, Shorting Bitcoin on Binance, Binance Referral Code 2023 (45% Fee Discount) Spot & Futures, Binance Tutorial: How to Use Binance | Fees & Depositing Money, How to Long on Binance & How to Long Bitcoin. Fee calculations differ based on factors such as the digital asset itself, payment method, and network conditions such as congestion and current gas price. This is the profit that you get when you close the deal. From the effective date, new users who registered their Futures accounts in less than 60 days cannot open positions with leverage exceeding 20x. Important! Binance Futures Fees & Calculator Tutorial for Trading Review What Is Leverage in Crypto Trading? | Binance Academy

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