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Part of HuffPost Religion. All to help him and his family get over this. You never know what youd do if you were in his position.thats like a bum saying hed never do what a rich man would do. You are a funny guy 1st you quote to me Jamieson, Fausset & Brown, and then you tell me you JUST READ THE BIBLE which is it. David Jeremiah was right. I dont know anything about John Hagee (I dont watch TV), and as for Chuck Missler, I never listened to him. Weve had too much of that here lately and it hurts us all. Being estranged from God and condemned by our sinfulness, our salvation is wholly dependent upon the work of Gods free grace. Why? Coy wouldn't be charged over her allegations. Andy, did you get your 691 out of a Chick comic book? The consequences suffered by the fallen leader will be very instrumental to how the sheep, who are in this flock, respond when faced with their own similar temptations. That lent itself to a very youthful, crazy, wild lifestyle. Instead go to the surest source about Jesus, the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Apologies are step two. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Eph. and join the scoffers and Mockers, then you will know that Im not speaking Gods word to you! Sharon is still a strong and encouraging leader for her firefighting unit despite the sadness of losing her daughter in a car accident involving her son Bode. There is more going on at this church than just this infidelity. Actually God assigned me to the task since that is the ministry He called me to. Did you answer the questions? Much of that lashing out has been accusatory against the facts of the article, calling them lies and slander, with plenty of personal insults to the author. Together with John Buttera,[3] Boyd pioneered this "billet" machined look and applied it not only to wheels, but broadly throughout the car.[4]. True repentance bears fruit. I know God is not surprised by all this but we all need to get a grip! Bob Coy Fired by Boca Raton Nightclub Funky Biscuit After Sexual Abuse To critics such as Newnham, there's only one reason to fight for a ruling like that: to hide from churchgoers the amount of cash the church gave Coy to go away. It appears that the fate of mega church superstars happens eventually when they start believing their own press.If it had been me I would probably never have lasted as long. When he went back to CCFL by then many family members from another state arrived and had jobs waiting for them at CCFL. The inner circle or big givers got to have dinner with DC and BC. Money creates a disconnect. BD, the content of what Im stating cannot be denied, I have dialogued many Cavinists and when push comes to shove these are the things they believe, why are they embarrassed by these teachings, or try to deny them. to attract a crowd, something is wrong. You may respond to the Gospel and be saved, sure. As a doctrine, it leads people to follow the antichrist who comes to unite the worlds belief systems. I still have the cassette tape. He has been the father and leader of a house. Another explosive comment on the other blog about Coy. The reason for the resignation is a "moral failing," according to Calvary Chapel leaders, as reported by the Christian Post. Bob Coy is fortunate because his sin was found out. thoughts? Diane Schuler Case | Wrong Way Crash Kills 8 Jay is 4 Justice Podcast 87.9K subscribers Join Subscribe 243 Share 8.7K views 1 year ago #dianeschuler. Which is typical of todays modern quick moving world! Unfinished art is never pretty. The best article Ive read on the subject thus far! "When Chuck Smith died, there was nothing left to hold back all the competing factions," church critic Michael Newnham says. None are anointed in this age, none are special, none are transformed in a practical sense. Dustyno issues, sishugs right back to you. It provokes mockery and rage, but very rarely a constructive response. Any constructive criticism was seen as divisive. I figure that is why you are now circling your wagon around Coy. Which is precisely why Im questioning you. Im just trying to figure out why Michaels on the take. Look for your proverbial iron to sharpen your iron. God forgives immediately upon repentence, so are we going to condemn Bob? Vince couldnt stop pondering the hypothetical. In 2017, he was accused of sexually abusing a four-year-old girl. hat happened to Sharon? The abuse lasted until she was a teenager, she told the cop. I know of a young 20 something recent Bible college grad (female) who wrote sermons for him. God knew from the beginning who would choose him or not choose him and based on what mans choice would be God chose man so predestination is mentioned but its according to his foreknowledge that he chose us as it clearly states in 1Peter 1:2. Oh yeah lets take care of that child playing with a snake, the snake is actually a licorice stick, nope no millennium there! I actually felt bad for that new Pastor who was the Youth Pastor because He was not ready. No bitterness here. is the 1000 years? So good to hear from Diane Coy as she shared her testimony recently. I wonder if now these people are thinking of us. Boyd Coddington - Wikipedia A few things to keep in mind BC may have said look to Jesus but his actions did not. Before leaving each church, we shared our research with the pastors who made excuses, denied the facts and questioned our right to find fault with their church doctrine and leadership. We should have stoned that adulterer. Anything at all? If there werentBob would just own up. Sauder, a married father of three, has been a minister since 2004 and on staff at Calvary for 14 years, according to the churchs website. I always kinda felt sorry for his wife..now more than ever. Youre just twisting Acts 2 in the same way. In 2006, Coy's church in Fort Lauderdale landed in court over claims of lax oversight. They had plenty of time to tell their people and they already had prepared for their family meeting. , : - -, - -. I dont always agree with his point of view and we have had a few discussions to that end. Doctors performed surgery; despite the prognosis of a complete recovery, Coddington died on February 27, 2008. http://www.openbible.info/topics/election. Nothing special about me, only the strength the Lord provided. The regulars here are great people. Even some well known senior pastors have some unopened closets from the days of their youth. Nearly 18 years on and there is still so much for the Lord to heal. Who made you Coys torpedo? He never hid who he was," says Tina Rivera-John, who began attending Calvary in the mid-'90s when she was 12 years old. Let the buyer beware, try all things, prove all things and hold fast to that which is good. a new church down the street] Against the dysfunctions of the church [ Why cant we all just get along? And I agree with Michael, resigned/fired can be one and the same in the business world. Thats how these things tend to go, much harder to hide the stuff in this day and age. Christ the Rock suffered its own scandal a while back and I heard that Pastor set up camp at a near location. You said that the 1,000 yrs had to be taken literally. Why is that so hard? Now, tell me how you play around and allow yourself to be tempted. BUT, as Michael mentioned in the post above, the need for prayer for the wounded is so vitally important. I may know what she is feeling, how she is running it all over and over in her head trying to make sense of it, trying to protect her family. Back to our topic But your logic is skewed. From what I heard Coy had a dozen or so businesses which were probably all ministry related. He must be sighing in disappointment. Jimmy kind of got thrown under the bus, he did not get all of these gracious words for his infraction. But I should know better than to engage with people who hold to replacement theology. It shows just how broken the Calvary System is. In a congregation this size of course there are others who have been / are guilty of the same transgressions and there will be others in the future. I attended Calvary and sometimes was there 5 times a week for classes etc. Loss of a job, insurance, future employment, loss of career. She was about to go through an adventure that would make her feel more confident and offer her a fresh start in life. The vision of this church is multi-sites everywhere all under the umbrella of one man. Im appalled. Whatever happened to preaching The Bible, and not ones own brand of The Gospel? 3. If this is all true theres a lot of lessons to learn here and maybe its time people started apologizing to Rick Warren who has demonized through the years. In light of that, the apparent glee/self righteousness voiced by some above/previously sickens me. He had admitted to a grave "moral failing." Find a church that could use your contribution of time and talent and let the mega house worry about itself. We are sinners. I just came across this blog and it appears to be hosted by a CCFL attendee. @616 The covenant with the many is for seven years. It falsely teaches that a person must walk well enough to prove that they were saved. When she's not writing, she's probably cooking or exploring new places. well I should hope they would. Are we to perform a witch hunt now? both started their careers in his shop. Hate the sin; love the sinner. I like to know everyones sin here and blog about it. Pastor Robert Coy, the former Las Vegas casino entertainment director turned religious leader for one of Florida's biggest megachurches, has been accused of molesting a 4-year-old girl. So where do you attend church? Maybe because of the internet??? this certainly is an example of adultery. Sad, very sad because this affects many congregations, not just FTL. Thats why we have Jesus. they will mention Israel 100 times for every mention of Jesus Christ. As Chris Rock once said, A man is as faithful as his options. ALL THEY HAVE SAID WAS MORAL FAILURE NOTHING MORE NOTHING LESS. After what happened in the brand-new episode that aired on March 3, Is Diane Farr departing Fire Country? . I do have issue with his lies, spending money on mistresses, and exposing his wife to STDs. This was the zenith of Jakes career. Contrary to what is being said, we have not found many churches that are both Biblical and socially minded to help the hurting. None of us can understand how that kind of money can insulate us from anything we dont want to deal with. Its not pretty but I love them all because my eyes are not on man they are on The Man. Someone on the other blog I referenced wrote about the last few messages that BC preached. Whats the rationale for removing all of a guys teaching from the internet when he fails morally. The woman got away without a scratch. Lets not use this thread for our personal theological musings, please. When all you know about a position is the way it is caricatured you should avoid comment. Ill let the heavy hitters take the rest of the shift. but dont confuse the two ! Literally, from the time of my outcries it took 10 years, many spiritually manipulated and demonized women, and a pregnant young woman (not his wife) to cause the church and his wife to finally kick him out. Coral Ridge is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA). What else was I wrong about? Who cares about me now that Im not influential or important?. 1 And there shall come forth a shoot out of the stock of Jesse, and a twig shall grow forth out of his roots. It took him completely by surprise and his first concern was for the church. The problem with fame and fortune is that the temptations multiply a hundred fold, so dont be surprised if you hear of more men of renown to be found out eventually as to their secret sins. I already annihilated your baptism is required to receive the Spirit thing yesterday, with the house of Cornelius getting the Spirit before baptism. "We take every allegation of abuse seriously and our prayers are with all those involved as they pursue redemption and healing. The next year, he raised an insane $103 million in donations the most by a single megachurch to date. You wait your turn. Daniel 9:27And he will make a firm covenant with the many FOR ONE WEEK!, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate. , Filbertz Your argument is not with me but with Jesus who said they sit in Moses seat, Therefore pay attention to what they tell you and do it. Shouldnt they as you say, be restorative? Its in the public record that for working part time for Grace To You in 2011 he earned $402,000. Bible preaching and teaching is being dumbed down, so that you have to read everything literally, imposing 21 century ideas of history and science on the text, or your not a faithful Christian. Was he so selfish that his ego got so big he was ABOVE THE LAW??? Michael, I look forward to the upcoming week then as it pertains to reading what those folks working on those conversations have to say. He soon became known for building unique hot rods and in 1977 he opened his own shop, Hot Rods by Boyd, in Stanton, California. Would I rather blindly go church shopping through the yellow pages OR maybe narrow the search to 4-5 churchs that were RECOMMENDED? When you live in the mindset of the privileged then you begin to objectify everything in terms of how it takes care of you. Interesting point and something Brodersen/CCCM and Smiths/TWFT are battling overthe IP of Chuck Smith and if his work was his or the property of CCCM. MLD this is interesting and the first ive heard of this. Is the IRS coming to take them to jail? I showed you that nothing in the passage is literal which would include the 1,000 yrs and you defaulted to the chains are real. Lets talk about how 1,000 is used in scriture Jesus owns the cattle on a 1,000 hills literal or figurative (figurative is the answer or, who owns the cattle on hill #1,001?) Or thought of someone else while youre with youre being intimate with your wife? I did not interpret Acts 2 I just posted it. Nobody is perfect. Which is the essence of the lordship salvation false gospel. Hugh said @10:31pm Thats what I love about Calvinist preterists, and that is that they are consistent, in denying the literal aspects of scripture and have to do exegetical gymnastics and use pretzel logic to try to prove their conclusions that the Bible does not mean what it says, . People were asked to make pledges. [6] This doesnt directly have to do with the issue on hand but just some insight .. why do the most ardent Coy defenders have to use capital letters and too much punctuation? I trip on all you. We were very involved. I actually feel sorry for Bob. Bob Coy is very intimidating and you cannot cross him. Michael is a Calvinist. His church fought in 2002 to remove LGBT people from protection under Broward's Human Rights Ordinance, and Coy loudly defended George W. Bush's disastrous Iraq War: "I believe in war because it's biblical, scriptural, and religious," he told his followers in one sermon. Abraham the father of the Jewish nation and subsequently the Christian as well was promised a son and became frustrated over time and slept with his wifes servant, regardless of tradition, which lead to the birth of Ishmael an illegitimate child and penalty was that Ishmael would become the father of the Muslim nation. They are serious brothers and members of the body of Christ and you should give honor if you want to be treated with honor. The case was closed in 2016. Or throw out some $5 words do you can sound oh so superior, well the Hebrew was for you, so that perhaps the original language might enlighten you! Im not married. Deal with it and may your curse not come back on you. It hasnt and will never happen. Michael has his little posse of the usual suspects, always looking for a lynching, like circling vultures at the scent of a wounded sojourner, depart from me for I never knew you, you workers of iniquity! Are the words those of your ilk will ever hear unless you repent, you shall know them by their fruits, and your fruit stinks! Flynn, He will confirm a covenant with many for one seven. , You obviously do not understand how numbers are used in Daniel. Antonio, No I have not been tempted but I have always made sure that i never put myself in the position to be tempted. And I did ask Andy and others if they could make a connection between Isaiah and the millennium? , ; , -. However, Bob has disqualified himself, perhaps for the rest of his life, from the office of Pastor. It will do him wonders. God has not finished the work that He started in this man, and He will work His miracles to restore what we as people see doomed. My prayers are with Pastor Bob, Diane, and the kids. Hi Lorenzo, There is another reason some of us choose monogamy, and that is love. Hooked on porn for years. The ones with the largest pledge or most generous givers, got a more intimate dinner with DC and BC. Do you realize that you rightly distinguished Bob Coy as a mere man from Jesus Christ the head of His Church and in the next sentence wrongly ascribed to Bob the works and fruit of Jesus Christ? E, that mindset makes your continuing sin worse as you then are aware of what you are doing is wrong but do it anyway. Though having an affair is the most likely of the possibilities, there is NO factual confirmation of this and anybody reporting it as fact at this point is wrong. If you are in contact with Coy, tell him to go to Pure Life Ministries. If not then the whole board and staff needs to repent ( in ways appropriate to their position and level of participation and approval) . The majority of this thread is a disgrace to anyone who calls themself a Christian. Gary, if you have an issue you can email me . Anonymity has been part of my schtick too for most of the time here. According to an August 2015 report provided to The Christian Post by the Coral Springs Police Department, a mother living in Southern California reported that her then 17-year-old daughtercame forward, saying she had been sexually abused by Coy for years.

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what happened to diane coy