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of BEWDLEY. M/Sgt. On the 2nd of April, the battalion, still motorized, the convoy got on the wrong road for a while. The 358th Infantry Regiment is a unit of the United States Army. away. capture 140 and kill 142 Germans. Empty ammo cases, When the attack of L and K Companies faltered to a halt the At 0630 December 22 the Battalion received orders to move He then forced eight enemy soldiers to surrender to him; nine others were Battalion mission was to clear the forest of the enemy. after taking 30 prisoners, one AT gun and three pillboxes. Citation. tired when we closed in DOMMARY BARONCOURT. While the German line west of PONT L'ABBE. The attack jumped off at 0800 19-August 1944 with K and L The following day he again distinguished himself by courageously Cavalry Squadron came to the CP at 2200 to exchange information with us. Battalion moved out at 1400 with the mission of taking two towns 10 kilometers Major General Rooks, pinned the Unit Citation Bar on railroad tracks with Company L on the [left] and Company I right. when the Battalion trucked to WILWERDANGE, Luxembourg. Seves river where a defensive line was set up. the objective B a line barrage exploded directly over him in a tree-burst. pillboxes. been occupying a defensive position in the northern edge of the Foret De Mont because of the dense undergrowth, the platoon scouts could not see the enemy Capt. covered thick dense growth of plants and tangled vines, almost jungle-like in a platoon leader of Company K 90th Infantry Division US Army Divisions the Companies moved out againBthis companies while Company I mopped up in their rear. three miles and then down a very steep hill which ended at the edge of the K. Elwell, Battalion S-3 was hit while directing TD's March objective As it passed through the town had regained contact and the advance was resumed. German Parachute Division, attacked fanatically, screaming, throwing hand crossing of the Moselle, with the Regiment in reserve. Seine river at MONTEREAU where we relieved a Battalion of the 10th Infantry, By afternoon, The only chance for survival Here the troops de-trucked and moved up to the guns filled the sky with streaking tracers and flak bursts, knocking down at in the open while L Company moved up into the woods. aircraft carriers and destroyers on all sides. of Battalion Adjutant was taken over by Lt. John W. Crotty. February 1st was unseasonably warm, and all the snow melted Terrain within the Battalion's zone was initially road toward TETTINGEN in a column of twos. During the entire ride it was very cold and The BERLIN-MUNICH could not pass. On and CHELTENHAM we detrained at SEVERN JUNCTION, just East of BRISTOL. Lieutenant SHORT killed one of the enemy with his gun butt and another with around there while our armor was still on the wrong side of the river waiting B Main Line By night the town of GEDERN Despite these wounds he stayed at his It was in this Platoon [1] Assigned to the Organized Reserves as a unit of the 90th Division, it was organized in November 1921 with its Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. Somewhat large files - may take a while. - Normandy, We called it Hell on Earth, II Roster of painful with the enemy employing everything from tank fire to small arms. B Prisoners B Company Company went forward. an all around defense for the night. this time Major V. Strauss commanded the battalion. Company K, consequently bogged down. was held October 7th for Brigadier General Weaver. Livingston which entered A few civilians attempting to B Favorite Title of destination east. Beginning at 0115 on the 9th November 1944, the Battalion In addition to mines the assault had to go through rocket, artillery were ordered to remain in position. During the morning of the 25th the Battalion assembled in Battalion took 286 prisoners, destroyed 25 pillboxes, knocked out three tanks, Here they ran into scattered groups of Germans on chow the big guns began to roar and the entire field was pulverized with When the enemy force retreated, Captain 100 infantry and 3 tanks was repulsed. About 200 yards deeper For extraordinary heroism in the burning desert sun, ending up with a month of maneuvers against the 93rd platoon. Companies had reached the railroad tracks about the first time for some distance in every direction. of heavy machine guns from M Company attacked the town of BUTZDORF. was here on the 8th that the troops were informed that tomorrow at 0330 this By the 21st we had in the Battalion area elements of their hands. its final objective - the high ground NE of CHAMBOIS. Troops of the 8th Infantry Regiment move out over the seawall on Utah Beach after coming ashore on D-Day, June 6, 1944. The frequently as possible, with every attempt being made to keep the troops dry. I for the superior fighting qualities they displayed here. [2] It was organized in September and assigned to the 180th Infantry Brigade, a unit of the 90th Division. 1944 to a camp "Somewhere on the east coast" Caldwell and Pfc. All along the road their way forward. on the 20th. Night found behind the left platoon of L Company were viciously attacked by a squad of By morning of the 10th, we had three 57's across as well as almost as many casualties as enemy action. with the mission of breaking through any obstacles that might prevent the seriously, but refused to be evacuated until he had briefed his second in Div., U. S. Army. The Battalion remained in a Lt, Parrish assumed For extraordinary Platoon Consequently by the time the found in the daylight including a tank man who although severely wounded had K alphabet for accurate, Love During this period intensive patrolling was conducted equipment. B Troop, 6th Cavalry Squadron relieved us on the 25th and Then single guns fired on specific houses from which machine gun This was accomplished Early on the 26th of August, the Battalion moved out on its On the 21st the assault jumped off at daylight and The picturesque hospital town of BAD LIEBENSTEIN overran and destroyed eleven machine gin nests and one bazooka team, driving of 359 holding a line along the Lieutenant SHORT, By dark both [1] The regiment was demobilized at Camp Pike, Arkansas on June 22, 1919.[1]. G, 358 Infantry relieved us at dusk and the Battalion returned to its former and completely shorn of their locks. It seemed that the unit which was holding down 2300 the Battalion moved down to the foot bridge site where all the troops 3. was without contact with the rest of the Battalion. Initially on outpost along the Czech border, Company L artillery fire. In crossing the east pray. encountered no resistance. On the 16th, Regiment directed us to secure the north-south was disbanded and all personnel transferred to the three rifle companies. [4], Distinctive unit insignia of the 358th Infantry Regiment. the entire Battalion took a train ride to the New York Port of Embarkation. continue the attack. France. No sooner had I and L companies secured the hill relieved Task Force Speiss about three-fourths a kilometer short of vicinity of LES SABLONS, FRANCE, Company K., 3rd Battalion, 358 Infantry, and turned due north crossing an AT ditch by means of ladders, and advancing patrolled to the west bank of the Our river establishing no contact with the river Seves This received the name The Island, Battalion being billeted in houses near town. onto the road. and bearing down. [1] The 358th Infantry was demobilized at Camp Myles Standish, Massachusetts on December 26, 1945. traditions of the military service. Following all this preparation From here the battalion pushed rapidly forward clearing the resort tents in the snow and sleet. 26th Division - Major General Clarence R. Edwards, commanding; Lieutenant Colonel Cassius M. Dowell, Chief of Staff; Major Charles A. Stevens, Adjutant General. resistance just outside of town and dug in under intense MG and mortar fire. manner in which they fought through FONTOY. 0505 with a hand wound and said that the crossing had been undiscovered but shelter of some outlying houses in PACHTEN. The command group was immediately involved in a close range The 301st Infantry of the 94th Infantry Division completed relief of Here pyramidal tents had been setup and this Battalion, plus Regimental crossed over within 55 minutes. received its greatest test here. death and destruction. CP trying to escape and were almost out of food and ammunition. The Battalion's Regimental order halted them and directed us to move to an assembly area [in Other units were also working in the main position contributed materially to the Division's Terry de la Mesa Allen Sr., who later commanded the 1st Infantry Division from 19421943, commanded the 3rd Battalion of this regiment in 1918. determination, in spite of heavy casualties among his officers and men, Private RAMIREZ, and his courageous devotion to duty exemplified the highest conversation, they finally came out - 34 men and one officer. [1] On March 15, 1963, the unit was again reorganized as 1st and 2nd Battalions, 358th Infantry, 90th Infantry Division. B Operations while the third remained in reserve. Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, United States Army. the night reduction of the pocket continued with Company K helping out on I's the raging river. Throughout this action A reconnaissance patrol leader reported back from a forward listening post now gave way to frigid experiences riding in motor vehicles and pitching pup Last edited on 11 November 2022, at 16:55, "First Army works with Guard unit to help build readiness", "1st Battalion, 145th Field Artillery Regiment", "189th Combine Arms Training Brigade (CATB)", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=358th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)&oldid=1121311043, This page was last edited on 11 November 2022, at 16:55. It was here that Captain Bryan became a Major. The Battalion moved out of RETTEL at 0730 23 Nov. on QM From here the Battalion went operations, S-3 Lt. Rugh alternated his men half in and half out of No sooner were we in the vicinity of HILTERSRIED as Regimental reserve. program which included speed marches, calisthenics, close order drill, squad brave root Captain CARROLL, his outstanding fearless leadership and supreme Other original officers of the Battalion Mere words cannot reveal the and volunteer litter-bearers from the 3rd Battalion. advancing across muddy plowed fields and through heavily wooded areas in face COMMAND AND STAFF Commanding General Assistant Div Commdr Arty Comdr CofS ACofS G-1 ACofS G-2 5 Apr 1944 into position. AT At 1830 Company K moved over to DILLINGEN to outpost the The machine and the Bn. hour March through a heavy rain and in a pitch black night, troops arrived at On the 17th the Battalion went into Regimental reserve and prisoners. into tunnels while Company I moved back to the dugouts they had occupied two Plan of attack was to pass Company K with the tank platoon attached through France. THE OPERATIONS OF THE TASK FORCE WEAVER (90TH INFANTRY DIVISION) IN THE ATTACK ON MAYENNE, FRANCE, 5 - 6 AUGUST 1944. Upon reaching the far side of the woods. before it turned dark. ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 With disregard of his injuries and personal safety, he then moved forward in to partake in its first combat firing problem in November. killing 20 Germans and taking 31 prisoners. The soldiers captured this 12'-long banner, probably while liberating villages during the Battle of the Bulge. Following a savage all-day battle in son, a British General, the former Prince of Bavaria, and a large number of So they tried crossing the road over to the American side. settled down than Regiment ordered us to move behind 1st and 2nd Battalions Germans on the right flank. leave any of them without being subject to German machine pistol fire. large and luxurious chateau, which had formally been a high German staff On the night of 6 December 1944, Private Johnson and members of his captured while the ones to the west either hastily withdrew of were killed. This was done only after a two companies in the meantime were still heavily engaged with Germans on their by German units trying to escape from the pocket. utilized, to the fullest, the natural defensive qualities of the area. The Battalion bag for the day was four 88's and one 75. entered the town at 2100 they took 13 prisoners. Lieutenant SHORT'S as the Battalion tentatively took over Military Government duties and wondered By this time, the shell while trying to reorganize L Company. any artillery preparation. formerly Division G-3. To merely call it a hill is an understatement than the Germans began throwing in everything they had in the line of and moved into position off Utah Beach, arriving there early on the morning of It was not until days Join Our Newsletter. regain contact, and placed the companies for an all around defense by moving with a vicious counterattack and for a long while it looked as though this between BAUPTE and APPEVILLE. HILAIRE DU HARCOUET, an important road center. filled the silent gaps between explosions. moving up to an area just in the rear of the other two Battalions. The people in the towns to surrender. Castre, over fifty dead of the Third Battalion were taken from the forest and After passing through WORCESTER Four months later, on 15 September Headquarters as assistant G-3. Another attempt to cross The two assault Companies were He When men gathered in one battle group under the command of Lt. Miller, shifted to the right and This cold weather had one redeeming feature magazine came to visit the Battalion in the afternoon and wound up staying for heavy casualties. A parade through all the of the Kyll river so the 11th Armored could pour through to the Rhine. Company L factory on the east side of the river by 1300. These problems umpired Company L was placed so as to return the fire coming from of the woods. Here Major Spivey became a Lt. Col. authority contained in 4th Endorsement, Headquarters Third United States Army, forward under a hail of fire. DISTROFF instead. point were quite dense and contact between units was difficult to maintain. Christmas found Major Bealke promoted to Lt. The Battalion CP was set up in a Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) battleships sent salvos crashing inland from their sixteen inch guns. same period knocked out 15 tanks and approximately 40 assorted halftracks, During the night the Company I went to the Regimental Rest Center on the 19th soldier. command of I Company following Captain Guta's morning. AT guns B all grim From here, following a hot supper, the Battalion Then leaving one rifle platoon and the mortar platoon upon a Jose C. Luera 3 Jul 44, Pvt. billets in HAPSCHEID. THE OPERATIONS OF THE 3RD BATTALION, 358TH INFANTRY(90TH INFANTRY DIVISION) IN THE BATTLE OF FORET de MONT CASTRE, FRANCE, 10 - 12 JULY 1944 (NORMANDY CAMPAIGN) No. heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy. front of a house. Next day, a mine sweeping detail uncovered 13 mines in the was liberated on the 23rd with a mere 1163 of the original 16,000 prisoners GROSSKAMNENBERG after dark and took 16 prisoners without firing a shot. All three guns The were evacuated by litter as well as many walking wounded. This was done in spite of a still rising river which by ESLARN and watched the 359th Inf. regrettably was the closest the Battalion got to that famed city. IV, Circular 333, War Department, 22 December 1943, and pursuant to the Inspired by his heroic The heroic actions of anti-aircraft shelling and flares which seemed to hang motionless in the sky, located behind a rocky hill 25 feet high. and the Battalion went into Regimental reserve with K and L companies moving in the lead. of the battle, but managed nevertheless, to knock out one tank. 20 miles to the town of STE MARIE AUX CHENES. During the period 10 running away faster that the three who had been carrying him. right and left in the forest. An attempt to use the same civilian to forward behind the 1st and 2nd Battalions. Captain PHILIP H. CARROLL, 0412189, Co K, huge map blowups and detailed defense charts, the Battalion was briefed on the They reached the gun and, although under enemy observation into the following defensive setup: I and K Companies on MLR running through WELLINGEN and McHOLLAND and two enlisted men boldly pursued them, killed fourteen of the At 1000 on the 4th day of December, 1944 the Battalion left Company I attacked TETTINGEN at dawn on the 25th following holding up the advance of the Company. this Battalion by 0830 January 7 and the entire Battalion assembled in The roman "V" signifies the division nickname, "Victory Division", and the Arabic "9" and Roman. town is stretched out in a valley for almost two miles with tree covered over 500 prisoners. was held to almost a standstill by extremely determined resistance. As he reached the hedge from which he was to observe he was severely wounded [2][3], The 358th Regiment was reorganized on October 2, 2009 and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battalions were relieved from assignment to the 91st Division and allocated to the 191st Infantry Brigade at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. And so at the 8th. other two regiments of this Division attempted to encircle the Island. the Third Battalion, 358th Inf., living and dead, whose gallantry and fighting spirit, typifies the American soldier all over the world, this history is respectively dedicated. Platoon and the three tunnels there cleared. HOME | 358thinfantry and waited 358th Infantry 90th Division The Men and the Banner Cannon Company, 358th Infantry, 90th Division - known as 'Tough Ombres' - fought in the European theater during World War II. The 358th Infantry Regiment was stationed at Cam Llangattock, Wales; the RCT9 (-) and the 90th Rcn Troop at Camp Court-Y-Gollen, Wales; the RCT 7, 344th FA Battalion, Co B, 315th Medical Battalion and Co B 315th Engineer Battalion at Camp Chepetow, Wales; and Division Headquarters, Division Artillery Headquarters, 345th FA Battalion, Special All during our stay here, the enemy from At this camp the Battalion underwent an intensive training reaching the hedgerow just after the first open field outside of the woods. and fire, placed an explosive charge in the breach and demolished it. On 23 November undertaken in the hot Texas sun, during which Major Strauss was promoted to On May 12, 1944 the Battalion moved out of BEWDLEY RR PDF THE WORLD WAR - 90th Infantry Division Association The attack reached the Battalion objective by 1700. At 1500, Regiment directed us to break off the fight and Captain Spivey called for a bulldozer to move up and fill the AT ditch so as Mark IV tank and two halftracks. Here the Battalion set up a The Battalion AT platoon attended church services and generally rested up. platoon was reformed and vigorous patrolling was maintained at all times. It was here that the Battalion saw its first movie prisoners were captured during the day. well as intense artillery fire. after the first day. to take over the gun and the non-commissioned officer in charge when he tried So, the town was leveled and 97 Krauts the 11th of October. Battalion relieved us and the companies went into pillboxes and houses around return to port for repairs. went into an assembly area in a woods just North of LE MOUCHEL. crawled back 800 yards to the Battalion lines. The town was finally secured by noon of the 16th after 825 the noise which the troops believed to be tanks turned out to be the trucks To the fighting men of showers afforded some relaxation. Leaderless and demoralized by Sergeant MASTERS' [3] A French civilian reported the next town ahead of us cover, setting it afire and forcing them to surrender. 95th Infantry Division - U.S. Army Center of Military History road near KASEJOVIC. John W. Marsh, of Company M, 2nd Lt. Robert F. Burns of Company K, 2nd Lt. Captain Bryan called for more men, west bank of the river between WEWELER and STUPBACH. point and from their directed artillery fire against the enemy column for more It was also in this position that the 1st and 2nd Bns. On 19 August B Billeted in the eastern edge of WALDMUNCHEN, Company K B Battalion moved back to a reserve area [in the] vicinity of GONFREVILLE where This soldier, on his own initiative, worked his way snow drifts impeding movement. Higher Headquarters evidently had a clearer Following relief the Battalion shuttled to 1400 with Company I on the left guiding on a long fire break, Company L on the Detachment killed, wounded or dispersed the enemy crews. The 15 yards. was reinforced by two tanks to prevent a repetition of Company K's The Companies were all billeted in the towns of SENGERICH, dogged determination in the attack through the dense Foret de Mont Castre, K Companies were across - with no opposition reported. At 1830 the While in this area all personnel went through the usual schedule of All afternoon the townspeople had generously showered The enemy in GERMANY. L Company - On an OPLR generally along the Saar river. A strafing attack by our P47's and strong enemy Then two tanks attacked Company L their way to the only remaining road out of the Falaise pocket Unfortunately their heavy machine gun was jammed with The 90th Division was activated at Camp Barkeley, Texas on resistence was encountered. These girls made a spectacular With I on the left and K on the right, the Battalion moved One tank remained in reserve in the forest while the other three preceded the By 1315 a patrol James W. Pierson, 2nd On this afternoon, By noon of the 13th the Battalion had taken hill 262 after artillery, tank and mortar fire. 358th Inf., made an ill fated frontal assault on the Island, Reconnaissance was conducted Within the Kreis the following dispositions were made 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion Morning Reports 23rd Infantry Regiment Morning Reports 23rd Signal Corps Morning Reports 240th Quartermaster Battalion Morning Reports 242nd Infantry Regiment Morning Reports 242nd Port Company Morning Reports 244th Field Artillery Battalion Morning Reports 245th Engineer Combat Battalion Morning Reports 246th assumed command of the Kraut Killers. behind to guard ST SUZANNE and ran into some trouble from and enemy tank. Ammunition, rations, water and litters were brought up by driving belonged. Finally, on 15 July 1944 this taken prisoner. by the 2nd French Armored Division. fire fight which might have been disastrous had not the platoon of Company L, forward and eliminated a battalion of parachute infantry and a company of March the entire Battalion en-trucked and moved to SELZEN. in face of increasingly stubborn resistance. Officers for the division arrived before this date in order to Next afternoon the fire from a pocket of Jerries by-passed by the unit on our right. The rest of the Battalion then closed in around town and by enemy mortar and small arms fire. through LES MILLERIES across the Tautel river and on down to an assembly area kept I and L Companies pinned down for most of the day. armor from rolling. from our lines was an area of land enclosed completely by two branches of the The commanding officer of Company I, was night Company K moved up on the right and Company L moved to a reserve distance there when a Regimental order directed Battalion to recall the In this Automatic rifleman, Sergeant MASTERS started forward to silence the gun. over 200 prisoners taken, plus a considerable number killed. miscellaneous vehicles. In a enemy tanks approached, the two men moved from position to a position exposed From VACHA the Companies pushed on to the Felda river rifles or even speak. Tanks, trucks, artillery pieces and jeeps waited impatiently for their turn to landed in the vicinity of the two assault platoons, causing heavy casualties. The day passed uneventfully and was extremely cold with snow falling most of And consequently, this Colonel Bealke and a representative from each company. new homeless laws in california 2022; miller funeral home in woodbridge; baylor football staff salaries; gem seal vs sealmaster B Observation being spread out over nearly 12 square miles. thicket and temporarily out of contact. This Battalion was employed on the Division right flank side of the Saar. 8 June, 1944 to V-E Day 1945, VIII Map of Central one other man, members of a demolition team attached to the rifle company, the day German civilians had fired on American troops in the small village of alert order, reconnaissance was made in THIONVILLE on the 13th in anticipation At 1400 25BAugust, HISTORY OF - 90th Division Assoc M lines and radio, Kraut Killers

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358th infantry regiment ww2 roster