It’s all Bollocks

David Icke | Infinite Love is the Only Truth: Everything Else is Illusion

The play was a great success, but the audience was a disaster
-Oscar Wilde

The most effective way to disconnect from the manipulations of the Matrix is to laugh in its face. Once we take it seriously we become attached to the game through mind, emotion and fear. The Matrix only exists because we believe its illusions are real, but we don’t have to.

The mind-game has such a grip on reality that people get angry, obsessive or outraged about the most irrelevant bollocks and this myopia cements their arses to the web. In fact, it’s all bollocks. There is nothing, except Infinite Love, that isn’t bollocks. But oh, my – how we get caught. For example, I made the point in I am me, I am free, about the word fuck. Oh my God, did he really say that? ‘Ethel, he’s just said that rude word, it’s outrageous.’ I love it how newspapers, moral guardians that they are, always write the word as f***. What the fuck is that all about? When vou see f*** what goes through your mind? Fuck, exactlyfuck, but not to say it. What bollocks!

Nothing encapsulates how deeply the Matrix has control of the human psyche than our attitudes to the word fuck. It may not be the most beautiful of sounds, but if you hit your thumb with a hammer I challenge you to find a better one to sum up your feelings. Like all words it can be said with venom, matter-of-factly, or in humour and it is the energy and intent behind a word that has the effect, not the word itself. Fuck is just a sound that can produce a disruptive or harmonious resonance depending on the intent. So what’s the big deal about this word when the same is true of all the others? Once again it’s programming. We are told from childhood that the word is taboo and this imprint dictates the lifetime reaction in most people when they hear the dreaded four letters. To say sexual intercourse is fine, though not encouraged because even that’s embarrassing to many, but its one syllable stablemate is definitely persona non grata. Yet imagine if fuck meant something else, say sandwich.

Two pieces of bread with something in the middle is believed to be named after the fourth Earl of Sandwich because, it is said, in about 1762 he asked for meat to be served between slices of bread to avoid interrupting a gambling game. He had originally intended to take the title of Earl of Portsmouth and, if he had, we would now be eating portsmouths. It is also quite possible that if the earl had left his gambling game to have sex with a maid the word sandwich might now be slang for sexual intercourse. It would certainly give new meaning to ‘Im going for a sandwich’. How different it would be if the roles were reversed & by some quirk of events a sandwich was called a fuck. It would be fine to ask for a cheese & tomato fuck, heavy on the mayo but moral outrage would ensue if you asked for a sandwiching fuck. I can say buck & that’s OK. I can say duck & that’s OK. But when I say fuck, there are knickers twisting in every direction. It’s so pathetic & if we can get uptight about a single word, what chance have we got of extricating ourselves from the trillions of far more powerful ways the illusion attaches itself to our sense of reality? It’s the same with nudity. They say a perfect god created the human body and then condemn you for showing it. For goodness sake, they are just illusory willies and illusory breasts. If the taboo programming was not there in the first place no one would give a toss about nudity.

People talk about wanting to be free and yet they can’t get past first base by not being outraged by a bare bum or a single word. Deep breath … Fuuuuuuuuuck. There, see, did anyone die? No one’s been hit by a lighting strike or a cruise missile?
It’s just a fucking word and we are Infinite Consciousness – All Possibility. Jeeeez. I saw a notice outside the studios at a Los Angeles radio station listing all the words a government agency decreed could not be used on air. It said the fine for doing so was $500,000. One of these words was … shit. You can say excrement and pay nothing, but use the word shit for the same substance and you are threatened with a fine of half a million dollars. Give me a shove will you? I’m ready to wake up now. We are so focused on the twigs, like fuck and shit, that we can’t see the trees, let alone the forest. I am not saying everyone should go round swearing if that’s not their choice, but if someone else does, so what?

Sex is another of the moral stickies that keeps people attached to the illusion. I saw an American right-wing Christian say that he was worried about gay marriage and wanted Bush elected to stop it. He was worried about gay marriage? Well, I think I see a way out of this: don’t marry a gay, then. There, simple, what shall we do now? I am tempted to start an Internet advice column and call it What right has anyone to decide if a gay marries a gay? It’s their business and what the hell are we doing moralising about relationships never mind legislating for them? Whether you are gay or what they call ‘straight’ it is only a software program transmitted from and through the DNA/RNA. Infinite Consciousness is All Possibility, the balance of everything, and it doesn’t have our version of ‘sex’ in its non-Matrix form. The super-hologram is where ‘physical’ sex takes place and gay or straight it doesn’t matter. They are both expressions of duality, as is all that male-female stuff. It only happens in the realms of illusion and division. From the perspective we are discussing here, the sexual act, whether between ‘straights’ or ‘gays’, involves inserting a holographic illusion into a holographic illusion and our central processing unit telling us if we are enjoying it or not.

‘Willy to brain, are you receiving me?’
‘Loud and clear, Willy, just worried about premature ejacula … oh, there you go.’

I know I should be taking this more seriously because I heard a sex therapist on the TV talking at length about this ‘serious problem’. What baloney. Premature ejaculation is caused by fear of premature ejaculation and the fear of not giving a ‘good performance’. Someone asked me if I was good in bed and I said I didn’t know because I am asleep at the time. Maybe I should fix up a camera to find out. This ‘being good’ business means getting your partner’s body computer to agree that you are good. If you can do that you are macho and, in the tabloid jargon, a ‘great lover’. This is don’t-scare-the-children speak for being great at sex, by the way, and should not be confused with being a great expresser of love. Sex that involves consciousness can be an awakening experience and infuse non-Matrix energy into the DNA, but an obsession with sex of merely the body-to-body kind can lock you deeper in the Matrix because it is only a meeting of DNA and central processing units. It’s like linking a PC to a laptop so they can exchange information. I say, what a pair of portals on that one. There’s nothing wrong with connecting computers and it can be entertaining, just like body-sex can be. It is not a matter of right and wrong, but of understanding what is happening so we dictate events and not the software.

When the Matrix wants us to focus on something it must be important for control and this is true of the obsession with sex. Without sex many tabloids would be leaflets. I am waiting for Who’s Who to publish a new edition called Who’s Having Who because from what I can see they would sell out. There is an obsession with ‘celebrity’ sex that appears to be far more important than what the ‘celebs’ actually do.

‘I think that woman’s a great actress.’
‘Really? What movies has she made?’
‘I can’t remember, but I know she’s had it off with Ryan O’Neal.’

Sex sells newspapers along with the explosion of ‘celebrity’ magazines and, most importantly, it sells the Matrix. The sex drive comes from the reptilian brain, as does the interest in celebrity gossip. Robert F. Kennedy Jr, author of Crimes Against Nature (HarperCollins, New York, 2004), said of the media: ‘They’re airing stories that appeal to the prurient interests that all of us have in the reptilian core of our brain for sex and celebrity gossip, and now for terror’. Once again, this is no coincidence. There are calculated motives behind the selling and, perversely enough, the suppression of sex. Anything that holds focus in the five senses is of fundamental service to the Matrix and nothing does this more effectively than sex because it is an extremely powerful five-sense experience exchanging messages between the cells and brain. The desire for sex, which occupies people for far longer than the act itself, operates in the same way. Sexual fantasy makes you aroused simply by thinking of the experience. If you think of something that turns you on, your body will begin to react as if you were in a sexual situation. They talk about drugs and alcohol as addictions, but for many so is sex. In these cases they don’t have sex – sex has them. It can grip them every bit as much as other addictions and hold them in five-sense reality. None of this is a problem so long as you know that the ‘physical’ is illusion because then you can enjoy it without getting caught in the trap of believing it to be real.

The Worship Your Willy Program is not only there to entice people to have endless sex; the game is more subtle than that. Newspapers and magazines are obsessed with the sex lives of the rich and famous few but, at the same time, they moralise about sex and make people feel guilty about it. ‘We are exposing how this celebrity had group sex with three women. Isn’t it disgusting?’ Well, actually, as long as they were all in agreement, no it’s not. This stuff is invariably written by moralising hypocrites who would love to have made it a foursome. The media is like the moral crusader who condemns pornographic videos while watching one after the other to confirm how terrible they are. They put sex in your face to sell papers while condemning ‘immoral behaviour’ and making you feel bad for doing the same, or even thinking about it. Another theme is that the celebrities have money, fame and sex with the beautiful people and, well, er, you don’t. You are just an onlooker in life and we have launched this celebrity magazine so you can pay us to peek at what you will never have and never be, OK, HELLO? See how inadequate you are? Success is fame, fortune and being a sexual icon. Doncha’ just wish you didn’t work down the laundry?

This stimulation of envy and unfulfilled desire, especially the desire for sex, creates an ongoing frustration that can suppress the whole energy system of the body-mind-emotion network processed through the DNA/RNA. Frustration of any kind, not least sexual, can scupper the flow and manifest as disease, depression and sexual obsession. The Roman Catholic Church insists that its priests don’t have sex and the same church has a global problem of priests using children for sex. One creates the other because whatever you suppress becomes an obsession. Energy flows where attention goes. To waft something in front of you and then say you can’t have it, or should feel bad about it, is bound to stimulate an obsession with whatever’s being denied and this happens with sex all the time in the media. Writer Oscar Wilde said: ‘The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself. Precisely, so long as you are not imposing your will on someone else.

Celebrity is the new religion with every genuinely talented or cynically manufactured ‘star’ sold as a Jesus Christ, albeit a fleeting one, to the pack of manipulated followers. Your old hero may have faded, but here’s another from the Jesus factory; production never ends. Your software programmers have now decided that Rock is out and Rap is in and so that’s what you’ll get; and when we decide that Rap is now crap, we’ll give you your Rock back, or Hip Hop, or Disco, or whatever we decide while making you think the decision is yours. It’s a brilliant form of mind control called marketing, or ‘hype’ for short. People queue for hours in the rain for a brief glimpse of some film star or singer in their one-night designer frocks that cost more than the drenched congregation in the pews behind the security fence will earn in months. Performing someone else’s script in a credible way, or singing a good song well, can put you on the ‘A’ list of iconic celebrity. They are the new pantheon used, like the old one, to sell an illusion within an illusion, John Wayne was a military hero without ever fighting a battle and, as we saw in California, a bodybuilder with the vocabulary of a three-year-old can be elected to political office simply because he grunted his way through some movies. The fact that he grunts his way through his political speeches, as well, is irrelevant in the ashram of celebrity when ‘We love Arnie’ is the only mantra in town.

We are told what to look like, what to say, what to think, how to act, who to worship, what to strive for. Norms are our guiding shite. But we are Infinite Consciousness -All That Is. What are we doing playing Little Me-Big Arnie when there is only one Infinite I? The Matrix seeks to divide this infinite unity by every means possible. Observe the ‘world’ and you will see a billion fault lines designed to divide and rule. We have religions, races, nations, classes, income brackets, men and women, politics, ad infinitum. The list is endless because new ones are being added all the time. This is essential to the Matrix because it depends on duality to manifest its vibratory illusion and it must keep entrapped consciousness in a state of perceived division to stop it connecting in awareness with the One.

Politics divides people all over the world, and billions take it seriously when political office is the almost exclusive bastion of the corrupt, stupid or myopic. It’s not a matter of who we should vote for, but why we should even bother when the system is so blatantly rigged. You wouldn’t let Boy Bush run a market stall without parental supervision and yet he’s a two-term president who sends young men and women to kill and be killed while others of his mental age are at home playing with their Lego (Figure 83, overleaf). But people get so caught in this irrelevant tripe, as if their vote will change anything. ‘Who do you think we should vote for? What do you think about Bush on the economy and Kerry on defence? What about their wives, which one would be a better first lady? Do you think Kerry would be better on Iraq? And what about his record in Vietnam, do you think he was telling the truth, and what about Bush avoiding the draft Will you shut-the-fuck-up?! It’s all bollocks.

I give you Political Elections for Dummies, which, as you will gather from the title, is particularly aimed at anyone who voted for George W. Bush. Both candidates in US ‘elections’ (and other significant ones around the world including Britain) are funded by the major Illuminati corporations and controlled by the same force. Global politics is just a game to fool the people (Figure 84). The money is handed over – well in excess of a billion dollars to Bush and Kerry in 2004 – and, in return, the piper asks the payer what music he likes. Those who funded the Bush campaign in 2000 have made incredible profits from
the decision to invade Iraq by providing the weapons to destroy the country and the ‘expertise’ to ‘rebuild’ what their bombs had devastated. This includes that infamous duo: the Carlyle Group, fundamentally connected to father Bush, and Halliburton, the oil services giant headed by Dick Cheney until he leUS vice-president and minder to the juvenile delinquent.

The ‘party’ system of politics was designed by the Illuminati to make it easier to control. Instead of having to manipulate hundreds of individuals making free decisions according to their own conscience, they only have to control the party hierarchies. In the UK, we have the ‘Whip’ system in which the party leadership tells it’s Members of Parliament how they will vote every day. If the MPs don’t follow these orders their political careers go no further, and yet they are supposed to be representing the people who voted them into office, not the party dictatorship In fact, most bills that pass through Capitol Hill and the parliaments of the world are not even read by the Congressmen, Senators and MPs before they vote them into law! American ‘Anti-terrorist’ legislation that has destroyed fundamental freedoms since 9/11 had not been read by the voting fodder when they supported its introduction, as US Congressman, Ron Paul, has pointed out. This party structure is perfect for the manipulators because all they have to do is control the leaders to dictate what policies the party will support. The Illuminati make sure they have their placemen in control of all the major political parties (and many others) and this allows them to daily manipulate the ‘democratic process’. What we staggeringly call ‘democracy’ is another word for dictatorship.

In 2004, Bush and Kerry were both initiates of the Skull and Bones Society, an elite secret grouping for chosen ones from the
Illuminati bloodline families. There are a few hundred initiates of the Skull and Bones Society alive at any one time and some 295 million Americans; but somehow this secret society managed to supply both candidates at a ‘free’ election. The Illuminati
couldn’t lose. Whatever the result they would have had their guy in the White House, and Bush and Kerry would have simply pursued the same course using different rhetoric to kid the people that they did have a choice. Both candidates were asked about their Skull and Bones membership in an interview on the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and both refused to talk about it. Bush said it was ‘too secret’. The interviewer let them get away with this evasion when he should have asked them why two potential Presidents of the United States would not tell the people about their secret society background because it was ‘too secret’. What the hell did they mean it was secret and what were the implications for open government of this secrecy? But you can spot most American journalists and television ‘news’ presenters quite easily; they are the ones on their knees with their tongues sticking out preparing to lick.

Terms like Republican and Democrat, Labour and Conservative, are masks on the same face. But, as in 2000, the man the Illuminati really wanted was George W. Bush because his so-called ‘neocon’ (fascist) controllers, who orchestrated the war on
terror, had their networks in place throughout the government and they were to be left there to complete the task of setting the world ablaze and destroying America. So, for the second time, the vote was rigged for Bush, not least through electronic
voting machines with no paper trail to prove the desired choice had been recorded. Just trust us, okay? The machines were provided by Bush-supporting corporations that also counted the votes! Among them was Diebold Inc. of North Canton, Ohio.
Its chief executive, Walden O’Dell, was a top fundraiser for the Bush campaign who wrote a year earlier that he was ‘committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president… ‘It must have been entirely a coincidence that somehow Ohio managed to record 90,000 more votes than it has registered voters! There were also other vote scams detailed since the ‘election’ on the headlines page of my website: To be a stooge in this corrupt farce, millions stood in line for up to seven hours for the ‘democratic right’ of making an irrelevant ‘choice’. We also had the insane situation in the so-called ‘beacon of democracy’ of having the crucial election in Ohio run by Ken Blackwell, the secretary of state, a co-chairman of Ohio’s committee to elect George Bush! The same was the case in Florida with secretary of state Katherine Harris when a vote scam there gave Bush the presidency in 2000. The governor of Florida was Jeb Bush, the idiot’s brother. America is not even a democratic country, let alone a free one, but still most of the electorate continue to take politics seriously.

The power of manipulating the reptilian brain is such that staggering numbers also legitimately voted for Bush in 2004 and they sure seemed to have figured it all out before heading for the polling booths. Bush had made decisions that slaughtered tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and more than 1,000 troops, but Christians voted for him because he was ‘pro-life’. He triggered chaos and violence around the world and removed basic American freedoms, but half the electorate voted for him as the best man to protect them and their freedom. He is a womanising, coke-snorting liar responsible for the death and suffering of millions and yet people voted for him to protect marriage and American morality. He is an idiot with the intellect of a pea, but people voted for him as a ‘wise leader’. He used his father’s contacts to avoid the draft to Vietnam and, like his blueprint, John Wayne, has never seen a bullet, let alone a missile, fired in anger. But tens of millions voted for him because he showed courage in sending others to die on their behalf. The greatest irony is that a vote for Bush was seen as a vote for American patriotism, when the Illuminati are using Bush to destroy America. World government and superpowers do not go together because the superpower has the financial and military might to tell the global dictators where to shove it. What we
are seeing is Bush being used to front a plan to exploit American troops and resources to advance the agenda for global conquest while, in doing so, destroying the United States as a financial and military superpower. They want to engineer an
eventual conflict with China in pursuit of this goal.

‘Yeah, but why do you think the people wanted Bush more than Kerry? Was it
because Kerry’s a liberal and soft on terror, or …?’


Race is also a big player in the game of divide and rule. What we call ‘races’ are different software programs. They are compatible because most of the DNA is the same, but the minute differences lead to varying skin colours, facial shapes and body size. Racism is like saying ‘Google’ is better than ‘Yahoo’. I say there is no place in this world for Google supremacists, the Yahoo caste system or anti-Spamitism. The divisions of race are illusions, but powerful ones for the billions caught by the DNA.

The appalling murder of Ken Bigley, the British hostage beheaded in Iraq in 2004, provided a telling example of what a sense of race and nation can do to incarnate Oneness. There were religious services of respect and remembrance, government announcements of deep regret, Tony Blair reading from the Bible, and even a minute’s silence before a World Cup soccer match between England and Wales. I understand this because what Ken suffered was unimaginable. But where is the outpouring of grief, the government statements of deep regret, religious services and a minute’s silence for the now tens of thousands of Iraqis who have been killed and maimed as a result of the American and British invasion of that country? Are the children who have been blown apart or seen their parents, brothers and sisters scattered in pieces, not worthy of the same respect and response that followed the horrific killing of Ken Bigley? Why such a response for one Englishman, but not for all those dead Iraqi men, women and children, perhaps even 100,000 according to one study? A sense of race and nationhood, that’s why. Ken was ‘one of our own’. And that’s it, you see. When the understanding is lost that we are all One and division is illusion, we forget that everyone and everything that exists is ‘one of our own’.

Instead, we are trapped in the Proud to be British Program and Proud to be American Program (available in all languages like the Proud to be German and Proud to be Iraqi Programs). Even these have subdivisions such as the Proud to be Texan or Proud to be a Londoner Programs. This software insists that people have to be born on the same illusory piece of land as we were if they are going to be considered ‘one of us’. When you watch English professional football games you will see the home crowd hurling abuse at a player on the opposing side. But when that same player represents the national team the same people cheer him! These are different levels of the One of Us Program. Such software has been responsible for endless wars with the populations programmed with the ‘us and them’ mentality fuelled by fear and ignorance. It leads to all sides killing people they don’t know, have never met and would probably get along fine with if they did.

American and British troops have killed all those civilians in Iraq while Arab ‘freedom fighters’ have responded by beheading American and British civilians, along with others from countries not even involved in the invasion. The troops and the retaliators are the same software and so the same mentality, but they think they are different and on opposite ‘sides’. The software sells the ludicrous idea that you can judge people by the colour of their skin or the shape of their body when all is the same one consciousness entrapped by illusion. If people like where they live or were born that’s great so long as they know it’s not real. By the ‘Proud to be British/American Programs etc’., I mean to believe that people born or living in ‘your country’ are somehow better or more important than others, worthy of more respect and attention; and to put the interests of ‘your country’ before the interests of justice for all.

Many of the best-known conspiracy researchers and writers are wired to the Proud to be American Program as well as the God Program. I once went to a farm near Tucson where I’d been told a group was meeting to discuss the conspiracy. There
was a massive Christian cross next to the farmhouse and a guy was sitting alone nearby taking a break from a lecture. As we chatted, the extent of his bigotry became clear. From what I now know, I would say he was definitely something out of Windows 95, maybe even an early prototype. I asked him how he squared the idea of some long-lost American freedom with the treatment of the native peoples when the settlers arrived. He said that God had designated this land for white people and the ‘Indians’ were only keeping it for them till they arrived. He, and his like, hanker for some mythical time when the United States was really free. Reality check: it never has been. Was it freedom when the Europeans arrived to slaughter the native population in a genocidal mass murder? Was it freedom to force them into poverty and starvation on reservations that were often little more than concentration camps? Was it freedom to coldly kill the buffalo simply to destroy the way of life of the native peoples and make them dependent on you? Was it freedom to purposely give them smallpox to kill as many as you could? Was it freedom to impose the Christian religion on them, and European settlers, through inquisition, violence and psychological fascism?

There never has been a free United States and there never will be until the population frees itself from the illusion of God Bless America, Land of the Free. ‘How can you say that when it’s the greatest country in the woooorld?’ Bollocks. There are no countries. They are software programs that only exist as signals decoded in the brain. They are illusions written into the program to divide, rule and delude us. You are not American, British, South African, Mexican – any of them. You are Infinite Consciousness experiencing a holographic illusion designed to make you believe you are American, British, South African or Mexican.

By the way, some people think that when you expose the centralisation of global power you must be a nationalistic flag-flier. Well, some are, but the only good thing about flags for me is to tell you the wind direction. I watched an American cowboy
show in which a John Wayne sound-a-like said: ‘Look after your flag and your flag will look after you’. Given the dishevelled state of him I think his flag was in breach of contract. My challenge to global centralisation is about people having control over decisions that affect them, not pulling up the ladder and repelling all boarders. Nationalism and global centralisation are two expressions of the same bollocks.

There is a smaller version of these polarities known as parents and family. The parents invariably provide the centralisation of power and families, in general, operate on nationalistic lines – ‘We’re family, we look after our own’. Again, I can understand this, but it’s still illusion. The only difference between a parent and child is the point where they entered the DVD/movie. The ones that entered at point A become the parents of those who enter a few scenes down the disk. They are parents only because they combined their DNA software to provide the holograms for others to experience the Time Loop. This ‘blood is thicker than water stuff is still more illusion. You can feel an empathy and connection to someone you have known for ten minutes that you will often never experience in a lifetime of trying with parents and siblings. This connection can happen within families, but it doesn’t have to, as we see in so many cases. Even then, it is not the illusory holographic ‘family’ that is behind the connection, but the consciousness directing the software we call the family. It can also be that the DNA (body-mind-emotions) is programmed to be attracted to another program for a mutual experience in the Reincarnation-Karma illusion, but this is a different level of connection, often more a marriage of convenience than Infinite Oneness. I love being with my family and seeing them develop and I’m not for a moment saying that people shouldn’t operate as a family unit if that is what they choose. We simply need to understand what a family really is and then we can enjoy the experience (or walk away) without the illusion controlling us. If we don’t have this understanding, families can be a nightmare that haunts us for a lifetime.

Many parents seem to believe that they have the right to tell their children how to think, what to believe and how they should live their illusory lives. The arrogance of it never ceases to stagger me. I saw in that Jewish Law television series how children are brought up from birth to follow the strict and extreme beliefs of their parents. A boy’s hair is not cut until he is three because Jews are commanded not to touch the fruit of the tree until the third year. At that point comes the ceremonial cutting of the hair, leaving the ‘sacred side locks’, and from this time he has to wear the Jewish cap. He is three and has no say in what religion, if any, he wants to follow. It is the same with Jewish babies circumcised only because religious law demands it, and Christian babies baptised into the church without any choice in the matter. The day after the hair-cutting ceremony (the Sikhs must be aghast) the Jewish toddler is taken to school to be taught the Hebrew alphabet. The shorn lad in the documentary looked totally bewildered at what was going on, but he had seen nothing yet. A lifetime of following the letter of the Torah awaited him.

Even the way children get out of bed is governed by the dictates of Jewish law. They have to dress from the top down with the right side clothed before the left. The kids are programmed with robotic behaviour from the earliest of ages. They have to put on the skullcap the moment they wake, and a bowl of water is brought for them to wash their hands. Rabbi Dovid Jaffe explained that the hands have to be washed immediately because ‘they might have touched areas in the night which are spiritually unclean’. This is what is known to others as ‘scratching the bollocks’. If God made bollocks, how can they be spiritually unclean? Girls and boys officially become adults in orthodox Jewish law at 12 and 13 respectively, when they become responsible for all their deeds, not their parents. From this moment they are not allowed to touch a member of the opposite sex until they get married, not even their brothers or sisters. One mother told us how difficult it could be to avoid contact when receiving change in a shop. The trick was, she said, to hold your hand lower so the change could be dropped in. Why are they doing dumping this nonsense on kids of 12 and 13? Happy Bar Mitzvah, my boy, welcome to a lifetime of fear and suppression.

Other faiths also impose their will on children through parental and religious dictatorship. Who are these people to tell their children what they will believe without giving them any choice or access to other possibilities? Can you imagine advocates of the Jewish faith encouraging their children to look at Christianity, Buddhism or this book before deciding if they want to follow the endless laws of Judaism that will dictate every aspect of their lives? Not a chance. Neither would Christian parents in relation to Judaism and other beliefs. No, your parents are Christian or Jewish and so you children will go to church or the synagogue and wear this cross or that hat. There has to be parental guidance for children to protect them from harm, but that is not the same as telling them what to believe and forcing your program on their reality. None of my children have followed a religion, but if that was their choice good luck to them. It’s their life, not mine.

If young people want to be free they need to be strong enough to decide for themselves what to believe; they need to reject the download and not allow their parents or peer pressure to batter them into submission. Parents can be expert in playing the guilt card and making you feel bad because you don’t do what they say or desire. If you want to be free, don’t fall for that old mind game. If parents can’t respect their children’s right to freedom of belief then sod ’em, I say. They concede their right to be taken seriously. There are many fantastic parents who allow their children to develop without pressure and imposition, and many others who go the other way and couldn’t care less about what happens to their kids, never mind offer guidance and support. Whichever type we have it is up to us to follow our hearts and not any parental blueprint downloaded into our reality. I can understand why people go through their entire lives feeling guilty about not living up to their parents’ expectations, or are resentful at the way their parents treated them. But, hey, I bring you glad tidings of great joy here. It’s all bollocks. In fact, there are no parents, only holographic illusions we call ‘family’. It is consciousness, not family, that connects us.

Let us not forget, either, that the pendulum swings both ways. Children can also impose their will on their parents and use their own pack of guilt trips. ‘Oh mother, you shouldn’t be doing that at your age, it’s embarrassing.’ Well, piss off then and spare your embarrassment, the door is over there. Parents agonise over not being around for their children because circumstances prevent it. But we are Infinite Oneness; we are the ‘parents’ and the ‘children’, and the division and ‘space’ in between us are more illusion. I know how hard it can be to live that awareness, but only when we express love without irrelevant attachment can the freedom-bell ring.

Parental pressure is often connected to a major piece of software called the You Must Make Something of Your Life Program. This means ‘succeeding’ in ways that the system – and people programmed by the system – say constitutes success. This relates overwhelmingly to one of two things, usually both: status and money. We see the status software in what we call celebrity, but it extends to all the jobs and titles that make us a ‘success’ in the system’s terms. This includes the status of being a president or prime minister, lawyer, judge, chief of police, military leader, doctor, top businessman, stockbroker or television newsreader. These are illusions perpetuating the bigger illusion and that’s why the system stamps ‘success’ on their CVs. Why wouldn’t the system – the Matrix – want people to aspire to the roles that most serve it? It is no accident whatsoever that the occupations deemed most ‘successful’ are those that most serve the system. But this success business is worth a closer look:

Presidents and prime ministers are puppets of forces dictating their decisions and, in the case of George W. Bush, and many others, it’s clear that a moron can be ‘successful’ by reaching the ‘highest office’. He may be called President of the United States, but he is still a moron. His status makes no difference to that, except in our manipulated perception, and to climb the greasy poll of politics you need to have corruption in your blood and the ability to lie by reflex action. Is that really success?

A lawyer serves the system by administering laws drafted to imprison the population in a mountain of codes, regulations and red tape. Mainstream lawyers charge so much for their system-serving that it denies the great majority of people access to the process or the chance to challenge the impositions of government, courts and police who are able to use taxpayers’ money to defend the system from the same taxpayers they are supposed to be serving. They use the people’s ‘money’ to imprison the people. Most of the ‘laws’ that lawyers administer are a fraud anyway. Is that really success?

Lawyers that arse-lick the system most enthusiastically and unquestioningly can progress to become an even bigger success called a Judge. These ensure that the system’s will invariably prevails and those that can be most trusted to reach the ‘correct’ decision will always get the high-profile cases that the system most wants to win. They are system-fodder, like politicians, and many are deeply corrupt within a fundamentally corrupt ‘legal’ cesspit. Is that really success?

Police officers play the same role, enforcing laws to impose the system’s will and defending it from challenge. Even the many genuine ones are forced to conform or they’re out. Police officers don’t primarily serve the people, they serve the system, with honourable exceptions. It is the system that pays them and, through their uniform or warrant card, gives them the power over others that so many crave. Is that really success?

The military fight wars and invade countries in line with the system’s agenda while selling this insane human slaughter to themselves and the people as ‘defending freedom’. Many have seen by their experience in Iraq what pawns they are and how little the politicians who send them into battle care about the consequences for them and their families. Is that really success?

A doctor is a mobster’s moll in the organised crime syndicate known as the pharmaceutical cartel. This dictates the treatment that doctors prescribe (like cancer = chemotherapy) along with the national medical associations that the cartel controls. Doctors are programmed with the official view of the body and health throughout their ‘training’ and if they accept this Stone Age version of medicine the system rewards them with their qualification papers. As a result, one of the biggest causes of death is doctors. Is that really success?

Leaders of transnational corporations are deemed to be extremely successful people earning gigantic salaries. But what about the mayhem they cause across the world? They seize food-growing land and cause the local people to go hungry; pay them a pittance to work horrendous hours after all alternatives for employment have been destroyed; and bribe corrupt governments and security agencies to target anyone who challenges their corporate dictatorship. What about the murder and genocide that many of these corporations perpetuate and the wars that are fought to defend or advance their interests? Is that really success?

Stockbrokers can make so much ‘money’ that some of the most expensive areas to live in London are often referred to as the ‘stockbroker belt’. But what are these people, really? They are professional gamblers like those playing the tables in Las Vegas. The only difference is that the stockbroker is playing with the lives of billions across the world who take the consequences of how these guys ‘invest’ (gamble) their clients’ ‘money’. A good deal for them can mean poverty and hunger for people they don’t even know exist. We have whole television channels dedicated to reporting the roulette tables of Wall Street and the City of London under the guise of the ‘financial markets’. They might as well report from a poker game at the MGM Grand. Stockbrokers may be feted for being so rich, but they make their ‘money’ from the manipulation and misery of others. Is that really success?

Television newsreaders and their fellow journalists present the world in the form that constantly reinforces the illusion, and report events in ways that suit the system and Problem-Reaction-Solution. Most – though not all – are doing this because they have no idea what is really going on and merely repeat official sources. Other ‘stars’ of the small screen present the mind-numbing banality that dominates the output and hypnotises the viewers into lifelong slumber. Is that really success?

No, it’s all bollocks. There are some within all of these professions who do try to buck the system, but look at what happens to a doctor who wants to treat his patients with methods that challenge the pharmaceutical dictatorship, or the university professor who tries to give his students a wider vision of possibility. Like the genuine police officers, journalists and others, they either conform or they’re out of a job. So the most successful people in these symbols of success are those who serve the system most slavishly. This is by design, not default.

Whenever ‘success’ is being calculated, money will be in the mix somewhere, often right out in front. Newspapers and magazines blitz us with reports of how rich people are, as if this was a measure of anything. It’s not even a measure of how much money they have because there is no money – only recycled debt. If there is no money how can anyone have money or owe money? A guy may be an arsehole, but he’s a billionaire arsehole so that gives him status. Why? Often it’s the very fact that he’s an arsehole that made him a billionaire because of the ruthlessness necessary to acquire all that debt, sorry ‘money’. The pursuit of status, power and control through money has made people slaves to its illusions. It has distorted our reality and tethered us to the system through both the desire for success and the desperation to survive. You can work with enormous dedication to help people, or make a profound contribution to human understanding, and earn very little. But vou can make a fortune simply by buying and selling a house while doing nothing except living there or leaving it empty until the market goes up.

‘I say, Bill and Ethel have made £200,000.’
‘Wow, that’s successful; what did they do?’
‘They lived in their house.’
‘That’s it.’

Even this is often more illusion because if you want to buy another house, they are all more expensive, too. All this does is make fortunes for speculators and increase the cost of a basic human right – a home – for everyone else. This is great for the Matrix because it means you have to work for longer to earn the ‘money’ for a home and serve the system even more unquestioningly. While I was writing this chapter the news in Britain was full of stories about a ‘pension crisis’ and how millions are going to live in poverty when they retire because they haven’t paid enough into a pension all their working lives. People as young as 40 are now worrying about what is going to happen to them 25 years hence. Fear of the future is the biggest fear of all and includes the fear of ‘death’. That is what this pension ‘crisis’ is really all about – generating fear. It is being proposed that people be forced to pay up to 15 per cent and more of their income into a pension scheme and fear is being used to sell the idea. The real motive is to provide an enormous inflow of fictitious funds to the Illuminati insurance companies who invest it in line with the Illuminati agenda. Those who control the banks are the same people who control
the insurance companies and the same people who control government taxation. The whole economic system is a magic-show with the same magician in control.

‘Money’ is only figures moving around computer screens and we can create as much or as little as we choose. It’s another illusion within the illusion, another subplot in the movie. We have poverty through lack of money when there is no money, and we have people living in mansions through ownership of something that doesn’t exist. Yet we spend our lives trying to acquire more and more of the stuff and those with lots of it are given special status. You have got to bloody laugh. The Illuminati have hijacked the means of exchange by introducing the money fraud. As a result, they have hijacked the dreams of the people – which are largely related to the need for money to achieve what they want, or have money as the end in itself. One of the main reasons the Illuminati have targeted the formerly self-sufficient ‘Third World’ countries is to destroy their self-sufficiency and make them dependent on money. Once achieved, he who controls the money controls the country and its people through dependency on their means of worthless exchange.

What’s more, we are urged to pursue the god they call ‘economic growth’. We are supposed to cheer when they announce a rise in economic growth because that means the country is ‘doing well’. But economic growth is merely the amount of money changing hands for goods and services. That’s all it is. When someone is admitted to hospital or when an oil tanker pollutes a coastline they are adding to economic growth because they involve money being spent. A war adds massively to economic growth for the same reason, as we can see with the hundreds of billions spent by the US military alone. On the one hand we say illness, pollution and war are highly undesirable, but on the other the system’s balance-sheet records them as economic success! ‘Money’, the stockmarket casinos, and economic growth are all expressions of the same bollocks.

Much of the clamber for system-style success is motivated by insecurity and a need to be recognised for achievement. Such is the way the system undermines self-confidence that people find it extremely difficult to find security from within. They must have confirmation they are adequate or successful by others telling them so. For this to happen, given the perception of success, they have to achieve according to the system’s rules.

Children are prime targets for this programming, particularly the so-called ‘tweenies’, or ‘tweens’, aged between eight and twelve. ‘Get them young and keep them for life’ is the system’s motto. A BBC Panorama documentary in November 2004 highlighted the ‘tweenie’ obsession with brand-label clothing produced by the Illuminati transnationals. These companies make fantastic profits often by producing their clothes in sweatshops in the poorest countries and shipping them to the West to sell at top-notch prices. This is called ‘free trade’, by the way. The marketing and brainwashing is such that children now apparently have a term for kids who don’t wear brand clothing. They are called a ‘Niki-no-name’. One nine-year-old said in the documentary that if she was not allowed brand names she would ‘refuse to wear my clothes and … just stay in my pyjamas’. She added that she hated being called a Tittle girl’ because ‘it reminds me of my childhood’ and she revealed the tragic extent to which so many young children have submitted to the hive mentality: ‘If I see someone wearing something, like for example, a poncho, if I like it I’ll count it as one … When I get to five or six [people in a poncho], that’s when I think I’ve got to have it’. A 12-year-old asked how his attitude to brand clothing could be called an obsession when every other kid of his age was like that. This same boy stressed that he did not buy the latest trends because he would be a sheep and look like everyone else. But then he revealed how he only shopped at a certain brand-label clothes store! Mary Macleod of the UK National Family and Parenting Institute made an astute observation:

‘Children may think that they are making choices when actually they have been captured by a choice. They have been captured by an identity rather than being able to discover their own identity. So there are a range of identities offered to them and they have to slot into one.’

Exactly. And it’s the same with adults. There is no greater way to manipulate someone than to make them believe they are making the choice when, in fact, you are. It gives them a sense of being in control when they’re not and, as I have said many times, people don’t rebel about not being free when they think they are. The nine-year-old in the Panorama programme told how the Niki-no-name children were bullied and picked on for not wearing brand clothes. Asked what she would do if a friend did not wear brand names, she said: ‘I would still be their friend, but I wouldn’t hang around with them so much because you are going to get bullied with them’. One parent had the answer to this lunacy – give in to the system: ‘If they are getting hassle for something that can be solved so easy by buying the right pair of trainers – buy the right pair of trainers. Why ever have it as an issue?’ It took a 12-year-old schooled at home to introduce some sanity to this madness. Imogen Donaldson did not want to wear famous brand labels and she pointed out that we are not what we wear or how much money we have. She said she had only been in schools on rare occasions and she found them ‘lifeless, a bit like a prison’. This is what they are and they provide an environment for peer pressure to dominate and indoctrinate. Imogen, free from this environment, was able to see clearly what brand names really represent:

‘It’s as if someone owns you. The original word came from a long pole with a logo on the end that was burned into a cow’s side and showed the farmer owned them. So just having the company’s name across the top shows that they own you or something.’

The Illuminati network sees the population in exactly those terms – as cattle. It markets pop singers, like Britney Spears, that it believes will best influence the tweenies, and the kids download the image to which they are manipulated to aspire. This includes kitting out the pop icons in the designer brand names, just as they do with sports stars, because they know the programmed tweenies will demand to wear the same. It is an indication of how far the programming has gone when you think that people once used to be paid to go round the streets wearing sandwich boards that advertised a shop or business. Now people pay the highest prices for the privilege of being a sandwich board for Nike, Boss or Ralph Lauren and kids are given a hard time if they don’t, or can’t, do the same. Yet again it is seeking success on the system’s terms for the system’s benefit. ‘My tee-shirt says “Armani” on the front, so I’ve made it! Yours says nothing – you’re a failure.’

Mention of pop singers brings us back to the pursuit of status and money as a symbol of success. When you see these Pop Idol shows on television, and their burgeoning offshoots, there are thousands of people willing to undergo the most horrendous ridicule for the faintest chance that they will become a ‘star’. What agony they go through waiting for some ‘celebrity’ judge like Simon Cowell to decree their fate and what relief and gratitude follows their progress to the next stage of their exploitation. ‘Oh, thank you Simon; I’m so grateful Simon.’ I’m not having a go at Cowell as a person, he may or may not be a very nice chap behind his cultivated image, but the way he is seen by wannabe ‘stars’ encapsulates how the system controls us through a desire to succeed on its terms. Fame is such a drug because the sense of security comes from without, not within, and has to be constantly fed. This is not always the case and there are exceptions to everything I am saying, but it is a common theme. People look to others to tell them how wonderful they are and many of the most famous and lauded actors and singers are the most insecure of personalities. System-dictated success is their emotional crutch.

Once we fall for this one we are handing control of our lives to those we seek to impress. Whatever we think will impress or attract the ‘right people’, that is what we do. Soon we don’t know who ‘we’ are anymore because the painted personality has taken over. Why do we have to impress anyone? Bollocks to Simon Cowell and the millions of other self-appointed judges throughout society that we concede our power to. You are already a star because you are the Infinite One, All That Is and Ever Can Be. Are we really saying that the Infinite has to impress a hologram called Simon Cowell or anyone else? Are you kidding? The Infinite – YOU – doesn’t have to succeed by being a president, lawyer, judge, pop star or anything else. You are everything, including Simon Cowell and all the other illusions that people think they have to impress – the boss, kids at school, parents, teachers, sports coaches, the public in general. It’s all bollocks.

We don’t have to impress people because we’ve already made it and there was never a moment when we hadn’t. We are always the One and we have just been manipulated to forget. This amnesia has made us creatures of the DNA Matrix which perceives in terms of division, hierarchy, success and failure, us and them, little me. Simon Cowell is considered a success because of the Status Through Fame and Money Program. Why is he thought more successful than a road cleaner or refuse collector? Which one would you miss most if they didn’t report for work for a month: the guy taking your trash away on a truck or the guy bringing it to you on a TV screen? The reason the refuse collector is not considered a success is the reverse of what makes Cowell a ‘star’. He lacks status because he lacks fame and money. But status is so illusory and irrelevant because it depends on a job title and/or what the system designates as status. One day you can have power and status and the next you retire and it’s all gone. It wasn’t you who had the power and status, but the job title owned by the system. So it is with people in uniform. They don’t have the power – the uniform does. We have allowed the illusions of the Matrix to distort our values, perceptions and even our dreams. If you have a need to be sesuccessful, the Matrix has you. If you have a need to be liked or respected, the Matrix has you. If you think someone is more successful than another because of their fame, status and money, the Matrix has you. But it doesn’t have to be like that.

Imagine yourself lying on a bed with ten minutes to live. Okay, not the most pleasant of thoughts (unless you follow the same football team as me), but it’s an important point I am making and a good way to unplug from the illusions of the Matrix. You know you have a few minutes left in this ‘world’, so, in that mode, what matters to you now? Does it matter that you didn’t get that job you strove for all your life? Does it even matter if you did? Was all that effort, worry and sacrifice worth it for the temporary, illusory, status it brought you in the eyes of those controlled by the system’s perverted ‘values’ of success? Does it matter that you were a president or prime minister, or neither? Does it matter that you were a lawyer or a judge, or neither? Does it matter that you were chief of police, a top businessman, doctor, television presenter or the guy who swept the roads?Does it matter that you were a billionaire or struggled to pay the rent? Does it matter that you had power over people and could tell them what to do? Does it matter that you were seen as a success or failure, a genius or crazy? Success and failure, genius and madness, are only points of observation anyway.

Most people in their last moments can see the futility of it all, the pursuit of money and system-implanted versions of success. The trick is to suss this before such beliefs have dictated your life, but even then it doesn’t matter because that’s an illusion, too. Vital to this realisation is not to get caught in the subplots, the diversions. All the aspects of society I have described in this chapter are subplots in the movie: politics, religion, celebrity, fame, money, sex, race, nation, success, family, fuck, shit – all of them. Yes, and even the Illuminati conspiracy. It is important to know how we are being manipulated on the five-sense level, but if we leave it there we won’t see the true nature of the trap we are caught in. If we get too focused on the subplots we won’t see the movie.

The Matrix is a web of flytraps to keep us in the illusion and the way out is to stop identifying with it. That means to change our perception of self from the hologram, with its name and sense of limitation, and know that we are Infinite Consciousness. When we identify with being human we are identifying with the DNA program and that is not who we are. It is this program that frets about people saying ‘fuck’, having gay relationships or winning Pop Idol. It is this that dictates most people’s thoughts and emotional responses and in our ignorance we have allowed the computer to control the keyboard. But it cannot do this if we always remember one simple fact:

Infinite Love is the only truth – everything else is bollocks.

2 Responses to “It’s all Bollocks”

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