Natural Remedies for Pilonidal Cysts

A Pilonidal Cyst is a blanket term for any type of skin infection near the coccyx. These are normally quite painful, occur somewhat more often in men than in women, and normally happen in early adulthood. Although usually found near the coccyx, this painful condition can be found in several places, including the navel or the armpit.

Development of the condition in a place other than the coccyx is exceedingly rare, however. It usually happens in young people, up to their thirties in age. Conditions in which it commonly occurs include obesity, body hair around the area in question, and a sedentary lifestyle. While a traumatic event is not believed to cause a pilonidal cyst, such an event has been known to inflame existing cysts.

Treatment Recommended by Edgar Cayce

The following was taken from the Edgar Cayce Health Database.

Castor oil packs seem to make a positive difference in a variety of conditions of human illness. Sometimes it doesn’t make sense that these packs, applied in different places on the body, bring a healing influence to sore throats, pilonidal cysts, contusions and abrasions. But the following stories tell how patients and doctors have made effective use of this product of the Racinus communis plant:

“I had just begun coming out of a period of chronic sore throats which followed a bronchopneumonia-type syndrome that had been called, among other things, the Hong Kong flu. This was after two years of winter spells that left me bedfast every other weekend. I did not believe I would survive another year. After reading The Sleeping Prophet and just prior to the hay fever season, I began the back adjustments and used the inhalant recommended in the readings. The results were remarkable. I was still having regular bouts with sore throats, so one night I decided to try the heated castor oil pack on the abdomen. In 15 minutes the sore throat suddenly evaporated in what felt like a rush of running water. The next evening my wife came down with the same symptoms and applied the treatment with identical results.” (Gene Jacobson)

“The patient is a 26-year-old male with a five-year history of episodic flare ups of a painful pilonidal cyst. It was never larger than an olive until the last week of October, 1975, when it reached the size of an egg. Sitting and walking became more difficult. He finally went for medical help and was scheduled for surgery on the 29th of November.

“I was visited by his mother who is my patient. She asked if there were anything I could suggest to relieve the pain since the doctor had only given him antibiotics. I recommended applying a four-inch gauze pad saturated in castor oil with a heating pad on high heat for one hour before bedtime. His wife was to give him a five-minute digital massage two inches from the border of the cyst, working in a circular motion towards the cyst but not directly on it. This was done and repeated the following morning. At 4 p.m. Sunday the pain returned, and his wife applied another compress. Within minutes he felt relief. The cyst opened and began to drain.

“He reported to his doctor on Monday for the scheduled surgery, but indicated that since the cyst was draining he wanted to cancel the surgery and let nature take its course. The doctor insisted that the sac had to be removed, but the patient refused.

“Within one week the cyst was down to the size of a pea, the smallest it had been in five years. He reported that with the first application he was able to sleep for the first time in ten days; now the cyst is barely palpable. He was instructed to continue the hot castor oil compresses for one additional week after cessation of the drainage.” (Dr. Al Giaquinto)

“I have used the castor oil packs for a variety of conditions, from open abrasions to strained muscles, and all with great success. I have even converted my skeptical husband to the castor oil packs following an incident with our son. He had somehow managed to get his hand smashed between two rocks, not breaking any bones, but badly abrased and contused. Against my medical training and my husband’s, we applied a warm castor oil pack to the hand. The next morning the results were dramatic. The swelling had completely subsided and the healing had occurred at an incredible rate. By the third day healing was complete… The remarkable thing other than the healing was the absence of pain after an hour following the application of the pack.” (Georgia Van Wormer)

Treating Pilonidal Cysts with Diet and Detoxification

“As we find, many changes have taken place in the body since last we had same here. In the present we find tendencies towards an acute disturbance wherein there is an excess acidity through the body; causing lack of proper flow of those digestive forces through the liver and gall duct. These are causing the effects as indicated in the irritations on portions of the body, as well as sores or hurtings – and abrasions – in the mouth.” [Edgar Cayce reading – 670-12]

In order to reduce or possibly eliminate Pilonidal Cysts without surgery it is necessary to re balance the body’s PH using proper diet and detoxification procedures. These infections thrive when the body is plagued with acidity and poor eliminations so an alkaline diet rich in fresh vegetables and low in grains, sugars and processed foods will help eliminations and blood alkalinity.

Water fasting and colonic irrigations are an extremely effective combination for aiding the body’s elimination processes. Water fasting enables the body to clean itself out and improve its ability to remove toxins as they accumulate and the colonic irrigation helps to remove built up toxins and allow the elimination of toxins that were previously unable to escape.

Yoga Postures to Help the Body Detoxify

Perhaps the most effective method, which worked for me personally to treat a cyst, is the practice of Yoga. The Boat Pose, in particular, (shown below) gives the most immediate relief. Although it can be extremely painful with a Pilonidal Cyst, Boat Pose is quite effective at creating a detoxifying response into the region.

I recall quite vividly, when I first attempted to do the pose, during the period when the cyst was at its largest size, I did everything I could to avoid putting pressure on the cyst. Eventually, I just gave in and allowed myself to endure some excruciating pain, which eventually turned into an exhilarating burn; it really felt as if some powerful healing energy was being called into action during this experience.

Boat Pose was held for about 30 seconds during each repetition. Already, after the very first time, a feeling of newly-enhanced circulation was felt in the region of the cyst. After attending Yoga classes regularly and doing this pose, the cyst eventually went away altogether and was even forgotten for several months.

A couple doing the boat pose on the beach

A couple doing the boat pose on the beach

See Also: The Health Benefits of Water Fasting

63 Responses to “Natural Remedies for Pilonidal Cysts”

  1. Michael said on July 26th, 2007 at 12:29 am:

    I have been suffering a painful pilonidal cyst for about 6 years. I had it initially removed when I was 18, and I am going to be 23 next week, and I feel as though it’s healing, but at an incredibly slow pace. I’ve had 3 surgeries for it, and am at wits end with it. The final surgery which the doctor has suggested is called a ‘z plasty’, however, because of the complications associated with it, I have ruled it out. If you have any advice whatsoever, it would be greatly appreciated. I thank you for your time in reading this.

  2. alina said on October 27th, 2008 at 2:32 pm:

    IS it going to be the same cure for Pilonydal sinus as it is mentioned for Pilonydal cyst?

  3. ahmed said on November 28th, 2008 at 4:55 pm:

    i am suffering from pilondal from last five year,once in a year its coming and automatically it will go, little pain not seviour ,what would be the cause i want know,is it need surgery for it,kindly i need you advice

  4. tonym said on June 5th, 2017 at 7:11 pm:

    ahmed I think we have a bit of a language barrier, but get yourself a newspaper, run a HOT bath (in time, you’ll get used to the heat) read, and feel the swelling go down. and the pain will also lessen. heat ,although it kills the infection in a temporary way, doesn’t get rid of the cyst,or abcess, if you will. sometimes you can have a false alarm,w/pain around the scar,but no swelling. I just realized I’m replying to a 2008 post. well, somebody will benefit from it, I guess.

  5. Dr Dedary said on May 26th, 2010 at 5:57 am:

    Your account of the treatment for pilonidal cysts is totally unscientific and lacks references to a single study. It is totally impossible that a fully developed pilonidal cyst will ever heal by a yoga posture. I advise readers of this page to seek more medically oriented advice when having distress in that area.
    B. Dedary, M.D.

  6. tonym said on June 5th, 2017 at 6:41 pm:

    they’ve already tried medical bullshit! that’s why the are here ,you dodo bird.

  7. tonym said on June 5th, 2017 at 6:50 pm:

    I’ve got one that has come back at age 61 after 28 yrs .since surgery. I’m very willing to hear alternatives w/ results. I don’t happen to think people would leave phony remedies here.I’m currently using heat therapy w/ one of those electric back blankets,for spasms. I learned about the sheer power of heat (especially HOT baths) the first time around. the more heat, the less swelling, and pain. I still had to have surgery. a fine surgeon.

  8. tonym said on June 5th, 2017 at 6:59 pm:

    I am convinced that this all started back up again because I got a PC finally, as a gift and I’ve been sitting at it for 3 yrs .plus driving a lot.

  9. Evangela said on June 14th, 2010 at 11:06 am:

    I am fascinated by the suggestion of using yoga to help lessen the painful symptoms of a pilonidal cyst. About 5 years ago, my mother purchased a power yoga video. She didn’t have any knowledge about yoga, she bought it because it was cheap physical activity video. Well, we were totally unprepared for the advanced holds/poses and were suprised at how difficult it was (even though it looked easy). Less than three days after our yoga session, I developed excruitiating pain bewteen my buttocks. We knew it was a pilonidal cyst as my sister had (had) several surgeries in previous years.

    I eventually had to seek medical attention to have it opened and drained. However, I am convinced that yoga helped me discover a weak area of my body. Interestingly, I had not had any pain in that region before I did yoga. I don’t know if I would have ever known there was a problem back there if I hadn’t tried yoga. I had never been so aware of my body. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  10. Ana C. said on July 7th, 2010 at 4:05 pm:

    Dr. Dedary, the key to finding what you seek is to look in the right place. If you seek scientific proof, look in scientific journal.

    I come here to seek a natural way to address my issues.

    You say “seek medical attention” as if it were driving through McDonalds. In fact, finding a good doctor, who will be your partner in healing, is harder than finding the Messiah. The counsel my oncology surgeon “eh, why don’t you wait til you have a job.” Nice. My supplement guy prayed over me and gave me a discount. The almighty MD you promote tells me “Eh…”

    Which one do you think I will return to?

  11. kahotep said on July 7th, 2010 at 6:40 pm:

    amen ana

    -jaeme case

  12. minesh makode said on November 2nd, 2010 at 1:26 pm:

    please guide me about the treatment of pionidle sinus, iam suffering from last 6 years and done leach therapy for it.

    thanking you,

    minesh makode

  13. blezz said on November 17th, 2010 at 11:49 am:

    hi me too suffering for last 2 year.went through a surgery last year.but it relapsed again and it became more severe than before. i am taking homeopathic medicines for last 6 months, but there is very little improvement. pls help me on this. is there any cure for this. and i had a bad experience with medical science. every Doctor i consult they are not giving me any assurance of getting cured. but are asking me to take a chance of of them even suggested me z plasty surgery(without any assurance of getting cured). if anybody can guide me on this. it will be very helpful.

  14. Harshil said on February 18th, 2011 at 3:58 am:

    please tell me that Castor oil is also beneficial for pilonydal sinus, i m in my starting stage of it.
    please help me……..

  15. K said on March 16th, 2011 at 1:47 pm:

    This is an absolute scam focused at the gullible and too afraid people out there who can’t just accept reality.

  16. Me said on July 25th, 2012 at 8:12 pm:

    The current medical system of america is a scam. Back when healers focused on healing and not making a profit, there was a lot more success. Maybe not in heart surgery, but then again, maybe heart surgery wasn’t necessary. Just because a technique seems more complicated, does not mean it is better. In certain times, if the doctor did not effect a cure, the doctor COULD NOT LEGALLY CHARGE ANYTHING. In some cases, they would be punished. Now, they follow a flawed system because it’s just a high-paying job. If this was a scam, they’d probably being selling castor oil, not trying to present a broad scope of information. There is much out there, if one searches for it. I’m not saying the above treatment is effective or ineffective, I’m just pointing out that there are alternatives to the mainstream medical thought.

  17. Ximena said on November 20th, 2012 at 2:42 pm:

    Hi, i had surgery for piaolidnl cyst while i was 18, it was a horrible experience. After 10 years again now i got piaolidnl cyst, i consultated DR she sais it was recurrence. I fed up with surgery i tried castor oil application, amazingly it worked within a day itself, please dont go for surgery maximum cure by natural remedy

  18. tonym said on June 5th, 2017 at 7:22 pm:

    here here

  19. Pat said on April 21st, 2011 at 5:34 pm:

    I had one that kept flaring up for a couple of years and it was extremely painful. Of course the Dr said I had to have surgery, but I consulted my acupuncturist and she said to change my diet. Changing my diet has changed my life. Seriously, if this can help anyone I recommend it. She said: No Dairy, No wheat and no alcohol for about 3 months. It will heal on its own and not come back…so far so good. I have been on the diet (cheating here and there) for 3 months and it has made me feel a million times better. Don’t know about the sinus pilodynal.

  20. Pilonydal cysts | Rainbowwhitening said on May 28th, 2011 at 7:42 pm:

    […] Natural Remedies for Pilonidal Cysts | My Strange MindSep 12, 2008 … IS it going to be the same cure for Pilonydal sinus as it is mentioned for Pilonydal cyst? ahmed 11.28.08 / 4pm … […]

  21. loren said on July 11th, 2011 at 10:06 pm:

    Has anyone tried the oxygen barrack chambers for the pilonidal cyst? We have tried everything but not this procedure. My daughter has been dealing with this for 5 years & the 5th surgery is scheduled. Hate to see her go through this AGAIN!

  22. n said on August 7th, 2011 at 11:47 pm:

    hi, my daughter is suffering from polinidal sinus , from last 5 months ,in last five months she has had 3 small cysts occurring 1-2 months after each other. Please tell me the remedy for it. dr. just drain it not surgery.

  23. Esther said on September 2nd, 2011 at 4:09 pm:

    Greetings! This email is written in 2011. I hope each of you reading this are in good health. For those who are ill with a pilonidal cysts or the like, I pray you will find healing soon. I am a female in my early thirties. I had a pilonidal cysts at about 21yrs old. At that time, I was in unspeakable pain. My doc prescribed antibiotics which I took and within a few days the pain decreased and over a week the cysts went away. In addition, my parents had to help me have warm baths in Epsom salt to relieve the pain.

    Last year, my cysts came back again. Initially, I didn’t think much of it, and I continued my daily tasks of working and so forth. The pain was unbearable so I literally took motrin every few hrs so I could get through that week. I believe that pushing my body to keep working and doing things (I would forget I had the cysts when the pain subsided) caused it to flare up more. So, it’s important that we don’t do things like a lot of walking, bending, or moving around that could cause the cysts to get bigger and lead to more pain. Ironically, the pain meds helped me at that moment for the 1st week but as the cysts grew the pain got worse where it no longer helped the pain. I was even prescribed very strong pain meds which did nothing for the pain but made me feel zombie-like! Little did I know that the 2nd week into having it, the cysts would grow to a big size (maybe about 3 olives) and it would cause me the worst pain I have ever had in my life!! I saw two doctors who gave me antibiotics and pain meds but nothing helped. And I had a high fever (about 102) and a bad reaction to the antibiotics. I went to the ER the 2nd week for which I was admitted right away and had surgery to clean the infection. The doc never informed me that the cysts might come back and that there’s a 2nd procedure that could prevent it from coming back (this procedure is more invasive and risky).

    So, less than a yr later, my cysts has occurred with pain and swelling in the exact area where the surgery was done. I saw the doc who did the surgery less than a year ago and he told me that I needed to do two surgeries (with no guarantee) to prevent the cysts from coming back. I felt upset with my surgeon b/c he never informed about what could happen after I had the surgery. He told me that the 1st surgery would be the same one I had less than a year ago, which it would clean out the infection. The 2nd surgery which is the scariest to me, requires him to go deeper inside my skin and cut a piece out where he believes the root of the cysts is. Honestly, I didn’t believe he was telling me the truth about the recovery time and complications that could follow from having that surgery. In the end, there are good doctors who really care about their patients and there are many who only care about the money they make from doing surgeries! So, it’s so important that we do our research, get a 2nd or 3rd opinion before making any decisions, esp. with surgeries. We must remember that all surgeries have some kind of risks.

    I truly believe that there are things in nature that are more healing to the body than surgery. Yes, there are good things about science as well. Like many of you, I don’t want to deal with surgery b/c the process is scary and painful. So, I started doing research for natural cures for cysts and I found a lot of evidence that supports what this article has shared about detoxifying the body & eating natural things. I have not found anything about yoga but I do believe that when a person is better it’s good to incorporate exercise so we can stay healthy. It’s important that we remember that: Many research has shown that many of the chemicals and pesticides put in our foods are making us sick. Many of them cause cancers, cysts, and the like. Thus, it’s so important that we do our research for natural cures and not depend solely on a surgeon.

    In the last 3 dys I have started eating raw garlic and onions b/c those are natural antibiotics for the body. The day after doing this, I found that my cysts had gone down in size and the pain wasn’t has severe. The pain was worse when I tried driving (by using a pillow to sit sideways) and walking too much. Now, it’s the 3rd day since my regimen and 7dys since signs of the cysts occurred. I am feeling the best I have felt all week!! I am planning to do the castor oil compress and detoxifying my body. If I am feeling better already from just 2 days of eating garlic and onions, when we do more of those combinations, along with other natural things I am sure that results will be even greater than we could imagine!

    We have to remember that we are our best advocates; we shouldn’t depend on anyone else to take care of our health. Thus, I wish each of you optimal health, joy, and peace of mind in knowing that you can be healthy and whole by using natural remedies! Take care and be well!

  24. steve said on September 14th, 2011 at 5:27 am:

    ASPRIN…works everytime!!!! When it gets excruciating, take 1strong asprin (2 if 1 is not working). Asprin thins your blood and also the puss. It will start oozing in no time. Take a very long bath or shower when most of the pain dissapears, the cyst will open naturally and there will be immediate relief! Take a bath as often as you can after that and massage that area daily. IT WORKS WONDERS FOR ME!

  25. Esther said on September 14th, 2011 at 11:12 pm:

    I recently wrote a post about my experience with pilonidal cysts. Instead of opting for a 2nd surgery that my surgeon recommended in less than a year (which was very traumatizing for me b/c anesthesia did nothing. I felt every jabs and cutting), I decided to look into natural alternatives. Thank goodness, I did because I am feeling much better that any surgery would have made me feel! I want to encourage every person looking for an answer about any kind of cysts or other conditions to consider speaking with a naturopathic doctor or nutritionist. The insights you will gain from people who understand the relationship that natural things can heal and the cause are so worth knowing!

    After doing my natural research on the internet: I learned that certain foods can trigger cysts to grow in the body. Things such as shellfish and sushi should be limited b/c it has iodine which increases cysts in the body. Also, cutting back on dairy, processed food, sugars, and the like b/c those things create unhealthy bacteria in the body which cysts thrive on. For clearing up my cysts: I used a castor oil pack with a heating pad for about an hour each night. By the 5th day my cyst (which was big and very painful when I move) started draining. Be Prepared: when your cyst drains it will be a messy sight b/c it is puss filled with bacteria and white blood cells, thus it will be a lot of liquid (at least mine was). Hence, it is important to shower right away and cover the cysts with a gauze. I continued putting the castor oil on my cysts every night and covered the area with a gauze (I did not use the heat but it is okay to do so) and within a couple days of it draining it began getting smaller and healing!! Literally, I instantly felt no pain after the cyst had drained so relief will come once that bacteria is out of the body! Post-draining, I put Neosporin on the cysts to help heal it along with the castor oil. It is now, a week after it has drained, thus, this combination works well b/c my cysts are almost not noticeable and the way it is healing is so much better than when I had surgery! My surgery left noticeable scars and now, my cysts are healing with little scars.

    I have also continued with natural remedies for my body b/c I want to make sure that I don’t have this problem again. Thus, I started taking Turmeric pills which is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic which will kill unhealthy bacteria in the body, boost your immune system and so on. In addition, I take Acai Organic Berry to boost my immune system and improve cell function, and so much more. I recently started using Colloidal Silver which my nutritionist said is very good to heal a cyst b/c it kills unhealthy bacteria and so forth. I just put a few drops on t he cysts, but I don’t think this is all that necessary b/c the other things I have mentioned will do similar things for your body as well. Additional Recommendations: If you want you can look into doing a detox to cleanse your liver and intestine. I purchased a Berry Detox tea that does both. According to my nutritionist, it should be taken as 3 cups a day for a week. I haven’t started this regimen as yet but will do so soon. It improves the skin and improves a healthy body.

    For the person who is suffering from painful cysts, I truly hope that you will find a natural approach that will help you to heal from the inside-out!! Nature is truly God’s gift to us and there are so many advantages to looking into natural alternatives. I am soooooo happy that I listened to my intuition and did not do a 2nd surgery or 3rd b/c I know now that surgery was just a band-aid, it was not getting to the source of my cysts. Hence, it is so essential that you and I listen to our bodies and our intuition! I wish you all good health and happiness!

  26. Mal said on October 18th, 2012 at 2:19 pm:

    thank you so much for sharing this – i empathize so much as i suffer from these things as well … i look forward to try your safer remedy and even a surgeon – that is well known as an expert in my city – told me to hold off on surgery in the early stages of this cyst issue !!!

  27. Pilonidal Cyst said on November 15th, 2011 at 6:13 pm:

    Careful about some of the advice you get when treating a pilonidal cyst. Many people say you should put hydrogen peroxide on it. but DONT. It will only slow down the healing process. keep the area clean and dry at all times.

  28. sam said on November 24th, 2011 at 10:00 am:

    i was diagnosed with pilonodil sinus 3 months ago. I had 4 weeks antibiotic course and it went away { there was a little lump left there though}. after about 4 months it started flaring up again. i went to doctors they gave me antibiotic again for one week and said if it doesnt go than we will refer u to the speacialist for surgery. i was sooo scared of surgery after reading so many people’s post operative pain. i started searching for herbal remedies. i used castor oil and it was like a miracle. no pain at all and the swelling is lot less. its only third day i m using it so far no drainiage looks like wont be any coz i m having herbal tea to detoxify body.probably thats y . not sure.
    i wanna shout out loud to tell the world how beneficial castor oil is.

  29. Mal said on October 18th, 2012 at 2:21 pm:

    thank you soooo much for posting – i have a friend who’se eye doctor has recommended using castor oil for eye cysts, and I suffer from the butt issue – i look forward to trying this – but to anyone with the eyes – talk to a Doc first, Castor oil – who woulda thought, we even had it in the house already !!!

  30. CM said on December 6th, 2011 at 9:14 pm:

    There is no way that Yoga can cure cyst. I’ve had a pilondial cyst for over 10 years, since I was 16. I took yoga in college for a year and it’s help with energy but not my cyst. Some of the move you cannot even do because the cyst is very painful.

  31. D said on December 31st, 2011 at 11:10 pm:


    I have been dealing with a Pilonidal cyst/sinus for 4 years (started when I was 17, and I am now 21). When it first started, I would have one flare up on the right side of me natal cleft, get it excised, only to have it flare up again 4 to 6 weeks later. I have tried a myriad of solutions, ranging from practical (surgery, closed excision with a drain left in for a week, which in turn, did keep me cyst free for about 6 months, only to have a sinus pop up along the suture), to holistic (all different kinds of supplements designed to combat cysts in the body, castor oil) I’m writing this to say that I am currently on a holistic approach that seems to be working (at the moment, fingers crossed 🙂 I am taking activated charcoal to eliminate excess toxins in the body, combined with black ointment or drawing salve topically, and once it comes in from my local health food store, Sulpher pills to help cleanse the blood and body. I am also going to change my diet accordingly, because in my eyes, a pilonidal cyst is every bit as internal as external. My cyst has actually felt okay for the first time in years, and the drawing salve is definitely bringing stuff up. I will write again in a few weeks in hopes that even more progress is made. One thing is for sure, there doesn’t seem to be one cure-all for this pain in the ***. So hopefully, I can pass along a remedy to someone else who, like me, has tried lots of different approaches to no avail.

  32. shelina said on January 2nd, 2012 at 3:25 am:

    i would like to know, wether the castor oil helps in pilonidal sinus

  33. sheela said on January 2nd, 2012 at 3:26 am:

    wether the castor oil helps in pilonidal sinus

  34. Deb said on March 3rd, 2012 at 12:42 pm:

    What kind of doctor should one see for this. I seen 2 gastroentorolgists. One didn’t know what it was. The other said it was a cyst but didn’t say anything else. It broke and is draining for a couple months now. It looks like only a little blood though….Any advice Please

  35. Yvonne said on April 12th, 2012 at 10:54 pm:

    I had a lump on my sacrum for years that was never painful. I am 65, eat a very clean vegetarian diet and do yoga, including the boat pose, daily. For a few years I had a very sedentary job, and the lump became big enough that lying on my back was uncomfortable. I went to a doctor who diagnosed pinodinal cyst and set a date for surgery. Prefering to find a natural cure, I tried various packs and went to an acupuncturist who stimulated the area with needles to improve circulation. it took 8 months but the cyst reduced to a much smaller size. It was a barely noticeable lump for 5 years. For the past year I have again spent too much time sitting in front of the computer. Now the cyst is coming back and I am trying acupuncture and castor oil packs again, and intend to be much more active. On another web site someone reported good results from drinking pineapple juice daily – that’s easy to do! Thanks for all the other suggestions.

  36. Nancy said on April 18th, 2012 at 3:06 pm:

    My best advice is to always clean the area every single day or night. Do not let a day go without washing the area! My other advice is to avoid sitting down for long periods of time. I noticed that I got my first cyst after sitting in a long two hour class. ( college student) I scheduled my fall classes for an hour to half hour, but anything two hour straight- I will definitely avoid! I practice yoga, but I have not tried the boat pose yet. I will today! 🙂 I have a Pilonidal sinus, and I will cancel my surgery which is for may.

  37. Nancy said on April 18th, 2012 at 3:11 pm:

    Sorry, I accidently posted when I was not finished!!! lol Anyways, I am canceling because my intuition feels like it is a waste- what if the cyst comes back? Not gonna happen! I am going to try the castor oil, and hopefully that will work. I wish everyone a speedy recovery from this annoying miserable pilonidal cyst.

  38. Ryan said on May 3rd, 2012 at 9:48 pm:

    Ive had a pilonidol cyst for about three years and its never really painful. The worst part about it is the nasty, stinky, constant drainage. I just roll up toilet paper and put it in my crack to soak it up. My eating habits are terrible, i have several severe drug habbits and no medical insurance…any suggestions??thx

  39. home cures said on May 24th, 2012 at 4:47 pm:

    home cures…

    […]Natural Remedies for Pilonidal Cysts | My Strange Mind[…]…

  40. Po said on May 30th, 2012 at 2:06 am:

    I’m so so glad that I didn’t go ahead with the recommended surgery. My PS has given me very little trouble, I have a relatively mild flare up every 3 years or so (diagnosed when I was about 18, two really bad inflammations in my early 20s) always related to lifestyle issues – mainly diet and state of mind.

    I try to eat unprocessed whole foods, emphasis on alkaline, raw, superfoods. I’m very active and do a lot of yoga and have a stong spiritual connection.

    Intersting no one has mentioned the location – base of spine, Muladhara chakra. Anything opening and cleaning and strengthening this chakra should hlep.

    Best of luck for full wellbeing!

  41. Mal said on October 18th, 2012 at 11:48 pm:

    I these comments so interesting – for sure there could be something to this, one theory is that these cysts may form as a means of removing toxins or containing poisons from remaining in the body. What a concept. re: alkaline, how many doctors have scolded patients for eating too much vegetables and said increase processed food intake ? 🙂

  42. amber said on May 30th, 2012 at 7:07 pm:

    i am 18 and just got over a pilonidal cyst outbreak, i had five of them, it was terrible i couldnt sit down i ad to lay down and was difficult to walk and try to act like nothing was wrong in school. they just got all healed with help from excessive draining, soaking in hot water, and allowing them to “air out”. i literally pulled the infection out like a plug to a bath tub, after they were all done and started to heal i put A & D ointment on them, it is much better than neosporin because it allows the wounds to breath. now that i am back to normal a big one just sprouted and it is KILLING ME!!!! i have no insurance so i cant see a doctor without paying an arm and a leg, so i was wondering if honey and a bandaid would be a good idea? i used to apply honey to my acne and put bandaids over them over night and the infection would rise to the skin. im trying to speed this up hopefully have it gone in four days. any help?

  43. Alise said on November 26th, 2012 at 1:00 pm:

    Keep reading about natural cures. Castor oil, tumeric, honey, onions, garlic, magnesium, etc. are all remedies I have read about today. I am planning on doing all of the above but especially doing a cleanse for your body is the answer since all the pus is fed by our miserable standard american diet. We need to omit dairy, meat, white flour and white sugar products for a start! I have a cyst in between my bottom and I am NOT going to have it for long!!

  44. Rohit said on June 30th, 2012 at 2:10 pm:

    I got pilonidal sinus when I was 17 and I have turned 25 this may and it is still there. Initially I thought it to be a normal boil which would heal in some time after discharging pus. When the puss came out I felt relieved and it continued till I was 21. I had an operation done for pilonidal sinus but it was of no use as it reoccurred after 4 months of my surgery. Again the old periodical problem started that is the boil used to swell up and puss used to discharge. After the puss is discharged some relief was felt. The frequency of puss discharge foe me was around 2-3 months but when the boil was in its prime I wasnt able to do my normal work. Now that I have discovered 100% effective treatment in Ayurveda which I am pursuing there is a lot of relief. The therapy is called Kshar Sutra and is a very old treatment therapy for treatment of pilonidal sinus. As I am from India so its easily accessible to me but for all you people you will need to visit India to be fully cured and get this treatment done.

  45. Rohit said on June 30th, 2012 at 2:13 pm:

    here is a link for some more info about it

  46. SAM said on July 18th, 2012 at 11:51 pm:

    hey everyone,
    I would like to tell my story abt pilonidal cyst. Actually, 6 months ago i saw a red pimple on my tale. First month i have not done anything, i thought its just a pimple, it will go away. No need of treatment but when i saw blood was oozing from pimple. Then, i realized that now i should consult a doctor. I went to a doctor he just cleaned my pilonidal cyst and said if it will come out again then we have to operate. And then i collected a lot of information from internet. And i found ayurveda (this is indian herbal medicine). I talked with a ayurvedic doctor, he said we have to detoxify ur body. He gave me some medicines and told me, its not for ur pilonidal cyst, it will cure all problems from root. He also told to do fasting for few days. As i already read this that water fasting and fasting of any type helps a lot in this condition. Thus, i started water fasting for 3 days and then with medicine i changed my all diet. I always took breakfast yogurt, honey and nuts, lunch was all fruits and then dinner was just salad with boiled beans, some vinegar and flax seed oil. This diet made a drastic change in my pilonidal cyst. And i always tried to eat raw garlic also. After two months i reduced a lot of weight approximately 12kgs and cure my all my problems. Now i don’t have anything on my tale. I just want to share my experience with others so that they could also cure this disease. best of luck for ur treatment………

  47. D RMA said on September 15th, 2012 at 3:14 pm:

    Pilonidal Cysts also known as the “jeep disease” are literally a pain in the butt. They are infected hair follicles that penetrate deep into the skin. They commonly come back even after surgery. Don’t be discouraged as it can take a few surgeries to keep it at bay. The problem is that they tend to “track” and even after removing the cyst a new “track” can develop. Hence the reason for a few surgeries to take care of it. Warm wet compresses can help develop it to a head to drain it for some relief. I feel for anyone who has to go through it, because they can be very painful. Keep with it, even through all of the surgeries because eventually after a few surgeries all the tracks will be gone and so will the cyst.

  48. ORMUS elements certainly are a connecting channel between "spirit and mind/matter" then they might work kind of like the air flow which attaches us with the resonance of seem. The ORMUS components can improve the connection to heart. said on September 19th, 2012 at 10:59 am:

    ORMUS elements certainly are a connecting channel between “spirit and mind/matter” then they might work kind of like the air flow which attaches us with the resonance of seem. The ORMUS components can improve the connection to heart….

    […]Natural Remedies for Pilonidal Cysts | My Strange Mind[…]…

  49. Mal said on October 18th, 2012 at 11:42 pm:

    caster oil, and possibly oil of Oregano:

    My first intro to a Pilonidal Cyst, was about 2 years ago, thinking i had a bone chip from a hit to the tail bone. I had a day surgeon (doctor) lance it and drain it, and pack it with gauze then just tell me to take but baths for about a week after.

    Depending on the doctor, its semi painful, and embarassing. This time so far is different, its my 4th flare up, and i am intervening early. no needles or knives Though it was risky, i diluted oil of oregano 1/2 with clean water, a bit of salt and a mix called concentrace – 4 drops (some may not buy into Reiki, or energy work but i had a practioner enhance the natural mixture), aside from energy work, I believe the mix itself is quite a poltice. even without an open wound it got warm and stung a bit, but within hours, not even a day the thing opened itself painlesly – i couldnt believe it.

    This is the FIRST time i drained one so early – NOT waiting till it was inflamed !!!

    It’s been cleaned and I now started on the Caster oil compresses, gently warming the oil in a double boiler. PS – don’t put oil of oregano on something that is already open, you could be in for a pain train. and dilute it a bit if needed.

    Oil of oregano is pricy as its concentrated- castor oil much cheaper – i am trying to observe the alkaline diet as well – good luck to all – the surgeon I spoke to dis-advised the knife for mine. Always get a 2nd or third opinion.

  50. Matt said on November 16th, 2012 at 5:08 pm:

    While I’m not a doctor, I would strongly advise against this boat pose advice. I don’t know if yoga helps in general, but that pose seems to put all of your weight right on the cyst. It’s a sack of possibly infected puss in your body, so putting your weight on it is NOT a good idea, as it could easily rupture and cause blood poisoning, which could in turn kill you.

  51. Alise said on November 26th, 2012 at 1:04 pm:

    Keep looking into natural cures. Type in natural cures for cysts or boils, the answer is the same. People need to eat a pure diet without caffeine, processed sugar and flour products, dairy, meat, anything dead. Eat only live foods. My favorite author of all time is Dr. Richard Anderson M.D., N.D. If we follow his advice we can be healthy, happy, and wise:)

  52. Ashley said on April 8th, 2013 at 12:25 am:

    I have a cyst that I’ve had packed and drained once. It does still flair up occasionally when I push myself too hard but I’ve had great success with sitting on a birthing or exercise ball whole at work and taking oil of oregano pills the minute it starts to flair up. If necessary I also use a bit of the oil mixed with Neosporin applied topically to the area. Even with it diluted it burns but the cyst is less angry in two or so days. I’m not saying this will work fr everyone but it has worked well for me.

  53. Sandra Hall said on August 30th, 2013 at 8:34 pm:

    All the information found here on this blog regarding multiple symptom relief for boils has been very helpful not only to me but also to many people out there who are suffering from boils. I believe through sharing helpful tips and ideas for any kind of diseases or illnesses is such wonderful thing to do.

  54. Abraham said on November 1st, 2013 at 4:23 pm:

    I also have been suffering from this for some time. Even with good insurance I cannot afford to pay the 20% of the estimated $16,000 my doctor told me it would cost to have my pilonidal sinus removed.

    I have had the cyst for many years and it has not bothered me (asymptomatic), it was just a lump on my tailbone of what I believed to be scar tissue from a sports injury to my tailbone I suffered in my teens.

    A couple months ago the sinus formed and it became inflamed for the first time. Its just a little red bump the size of a pea to the left of my cleft. It is not very painful and goes in cycles of being inflamed to shrinking down and not posing any significant discomfort. My doctor told me the sinus that is now there will never close without the surgery, but my symptoms are very mild. It will sometimes drain a small amount of blood or clear fluid when it gets inflamed, but generally does not drain or pose much discomfort. My doctor tracked the sinus and said he doesn’t believe there to be infection or debris buildup inside it.

    I really want to try the castor oil packs and have also read that vinegar and baking soda can be applied as a paste. Does the work on the sinus also since its open, or is it just for the closed cyst prior to a sinus developing? I obviously don’t want to put anything in an open wound that should only be topical.

    Anybody used castor oil on an open sinus? I really would like to know if the procedure is the same?

    I am aware that this is something that I may have to deal with forever, and that’s a scary thought. But if I can get the sinus to close and reduce the inflammation, perhaps it’s something I can live with. Like I said, even with insurance, the surgery is simply too expensive and the recovery time would probably mean I would lose my job.

    I have a very healthy diet and get lots of exercise, but am planning to eliminate sugar from my diet as well as drink more water and eat garlic cloves every day to promote further good health.

    So to recap: Can I use the castor oil on the open sinus to promote closure or healing?

  55. Jane said on November 22nd, 2013 at 4:58 pm:

    I suffered with a pilonidal cyst for months on end – coukdn’t walk, couldn’t sit, could barely sleep! Just before I was due in surgery the cyst emptied itself out into my bath – my god, the relief! I wouldn’t wish a pilonidal cyst on my worst enemy.

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